Founding of the British Orthop�dic Society




IT having been felt for some years by Surgeons interested in Orthop�dic practice that the opportunities afforded for meeting together and exchanging opinions on subjects associated with this important branch of Surgical practice were inadequate, an informal meeting was held during the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association at University College, Bristol, on August 3rd, 1894, at which were present Messrs. Ewens, Robert Jones, Murray, Noble Smith, D'Arcy Power, Freer and Keetley.

    Mr. NOBLE SMITH was voted to the Chair.

    The subject was discussed at some length, and it was moved by the CHAIRMAN, seconded by Mr. R. JONES, and carried—
"That a Society be formed to be called the BRITISH ORTHOP�DIC SOCIETY."

    Proposed by Mr. MURRAY, seconded by Mr. R. JONES, and carried—
"That the gentlemen present constitute a provisional Committee."

    Proposed by the CHAIRMAN, seconded by Mr. D'ARCY
POWER, and carried—
"That Mr, Luke Freer undertake the duties of Honorary Secretary (pro tem.)."

    It was further resolved that the first Meeting of the Society
be called not earlier than the middle of October.

    Letters were read from Messrs. Muirhead Little, Tubby, Reeves, Warden, Baker, and Brodhurst, expressing their adherence to the proposed Society.

    The Meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.


November 3rd, 1894.

    This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing and passing resolutions for the constitution of the Society, electing a Council, and other formal business. Present—Mr. Noble
Smith (in the Chair), Messrs. Keetley, Reeves, Walsham, Brodhurst, D'Arcy Power, Sunderland, Percy Dunn, Holland, Robert Jones, Muirhead Little, A. H. Tubby, and Luke Freer (Provisional Honorary Secretary).

    Mr. LUKE FREER read the notice convening the meeting, also letters from Messrs. Bidwell, Warden, Murray, Vincent Jackson, Jordan Lloyd, and Grattan. The names of the following gentlemen were also given as expressing themselves favourable to the Society—Messrs. William Thomas, Ewens, Harwell, H. F. Baker, Thelwall Thomas, Newbolt, and Davey.

    Proposed by The CHAIRMAN, seconded by Mr. KEETLEY, and carried— "That the following members be elected en bloc." Messrs. Keetley, D'Arcy Power, Noble Smith, Luke Freer, Sunderland, Brodhurst, Reeves, Walsham, Tubby, Holland, Robert Jones, Vincent Jackson, Grattan, William Thomas, Warden, Murray, Thelwall Thomas, Ewens, Muirhead Little, and Bidwell.

    The Rules for the government of the Society were discussed at some length, and eventually a basis was formed on which they should be framed, after which it was resolved to leave the details to a Council to be then elected, the draft rules to be submitted at the next Ordinary Meeting of the Society.

    Proposed by Mr. ROBT. JONES, seconded by Mr. WALSHAM, and carried— "That Mr. Keetley be elected Honorary Treasurer."

    Proposed by The CHAIRMAN, seconded by Mr. ROBERT JONES, and carried—"That Mr. Luke Freer be elected Provincial Honorary Secretary."

    Proposed by The CHAIRMAN, seconded by Mr. WALSHAM, and carried — "That Mr. A. H. Tubby be elected Town Honorary Secretary."

    The following members were elected members of the Council: Messrs. Noble Smith, Muirhead Little, D'Arcy Power, Walsham, Robert Jones, Grattan, Holland, Reeves, Sunderland, and Ewens.

From: Transactions, , Vol I, Sessions 1894-95,
The British Orthop�dic Society (1896).
(Source: Digitized by Google.)

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