Baking Company
Bakery, Bronx, New York
Baseball magazine, July, 1915
...It takes a thousand
pounds of yeast to supply this plant for a single day, and no less than
twenty-five barrels a week of condensed milk, weighing six hundred and
twenty-five pounds a barrel. Then there is vegetable oil used in
greasing the bread pans, and sugar which is purchased by the car load.
Flour is too bulky for this valuable floor space. It is unloaded from
the original freight can at a special siding in the sub-basement.
Stored in two-bushel sacks, it rises tier on tier to the very ceiling,
literally thousands of tons of it. As it is needed it is hoisted to the
top floor, where it is run through a gigantic apparatus, which winnows
it free from dust and lint and all impurity. A steady river of the
powdery dust flows through pipes to the floor beneath, and it is
amazing the amount of refuse which this whirring mechanism extracts
from even the purest of flour. Once the ingredients are gathered on the
top floor the attraction of gravitation is geared to the colossal
business and the very weight of the flour and the dough assists in its
preparation as it descends through stage after stage of its development
from floor to floor. Following the white river of flour in its unseen
channel to the floor beneath, we see it emerge into huge tanks holding
near a ton. These tanks are filled automatically and when they have
received their proper amount they are automatically closed. To these
tanks is added a proper amount of distilled water, the yeast and sugar,
and the whole mixture allowed to stand for a time in gigantic troughs.
When this mixture is "ripe," in the bread language, it is shot through
openings in the floor to mixers beneath, where it is kneaded by
machinery. These machines, not unlike the cement mixers of the streets
in size and method of operation, turn round and round in never-ceasing
revolution, exerting the resistless strength of hundreds of horsepower
on the plastic dough. When of the proper consistency the whole contents
of a mixer is precipitated into an enormous trough like a gigantic
bread pan, where the single huge loaf of near a ton in weight is
allowed to rise. This huge trough is suspended from the ceiling on
rollers, and, when ready, is rolled to a certain position, where an
opening in the floor communicates with the room beneath. A single
attendant propels the gigantic loaf on its aerial railway, and,
touching a spring, releases the bottom, the whole mass falling through
the opening to the floor beneath. Here eager machinery seizes the huge
lump of dough. It fairly tears the groaning mass to pieces, slicing it
up with the precision of clock work into individual loaves of the
proper weight. These loaves pause never an instant, but are hurried
away through restless machinery, which molds and forms them and covers
them with the necessary coating of flour. With never a rest, the
machinery bears them at length to where a moving platform carries them
one after another in an endless row, then precipitates them to another
moving platform immediately beneath. Here another endless row of bread
tins are coming to bear them to the enormous oven which looms up just
beyond. One after another, automatically, the loaves fall from their
moving platform, each into its respective pan on the moving platform
beneath, and travel at the same slow pace to the fiery mouth of the
oven. Here long iron arms reach down like the claws of a gigantic
beetle and lift the loaves sixteen at a time into the mouth of the vast
oven. The floor of that oven is unique. It is itself a moving platform.
Upon this platform the loaves move in monotonous regularity to the
farther end. In the sides of the oven are ranged windows where the
attendant bakers may glance ever and anon to see that the loaves are
baking properly and the heat is suitably regulated. It takes about
twenty minutes to complete the journey. When they
have reached the farther end they are done, crisp, well browned,
glistening loaves of bread.
From the end of the oven the loaves emerge in serried ranks. There is a
sudden movement. They are precipitated from their steaming tins, and at
a solemn, steady gait, as if instinct with life, they crawl, one after
the other, in endless procession down a winding trough to the floor
beneath. Here they emerge on another travelling platform, which conveys
them to a waiting machine. This intricate mass of wheels and rods and
glittering steel fixtures seizes the loaves as they approach, whirls
them rapidly through a maze of evolutions, from which they emerge
properly clothed, sober, sedate, each wrapped in a covering of waxed
paper, stamped and sealed. Thence, safe from contact, literally baked
from start to finish untouched by the human hand, they are borne away
in gigantic crates to a neighboring platform, where a long row of
waiting trucks are to bear them to the customers. One hundred and
thirty-five of these automobile trucks leave this one establishment
twice daily. It is a marvelous system, an education in itself, to see
this great plant turning out its representative quota of the Ward
product! One hundred and seventy-two loaves per minute is the record of
the great oven.
from "Famous Magnates of the Federal League: R. B. Ward, the Master
Baker," Baseball
Magazine, July,
1915. (source)
See also:
- Today in
Science History event description
for opening of Ward Baking Company's automated plant in Chicago on 1 Jul 1910.