Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 121,992, dated December 19, 1871.

To all whom it may concern:

   Be it known that I, SAMUEL L. CLEMMONS, of Hartford, in the county of Hartford and in the State of Connecticut, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Adjustable and Detachable Elastic Straps for Garments; and do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description thereof, reference being had to the accompanying drawing; and to the letters of reference marked thereon making a part of this specification.

   The nature of my invention consists in an adjustable and detachable elastic strap for vests, pantaloons, or other garments requiring straps, as will he hereinafter more fully set forth.

   In order to enable others skilled in the art to which my invention appertains to make and use the same, I will now proceed to describe its construction and operation, referring to the annexed drawing, in which—

Garment Straps - Patent 121,992

   Figure 1 represents an elastic strap made in two parts, C C', each part being provided at one end with one or more button-holes, c, and the other ends of said parts connected by a buckle, c'. Fig. 2 represents an elastic strap made in two parts, D D', each part being provided at one end with one or more button-holes, d. The part D has at the other end several rows of holes, d1 d1, into which hooks d2 at the other end of the part D' are to be inserted. This end of the part D' may be lengthened or shortened by means of a slide, d3, as shown.

   It is obvious that my adjustable straps may be made non-elastic as well as elastic without departing from my invention; but I prefer to make them elastic.

   The vest, pantaloons, or other garment upon which my strap is to be used should be provided with buttons or other fastenings on which the strap is to be detachable and adjusted. When changing garments the strap may readily be detached from one and put on another.

   The advantages of such an adjustable and detachable elastic strap are so obvious that they need no explanation.

   Having thus fully described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is—

   As an article of manufacture, the adjustable and detachable back-strap for garments, it being provided with devices for adjusting its length; and with button-holed ends for direct attachment to the clothing, substantially as set forth.

   In testimony that I claim the foregoing I have hereunto set my hand this 9th day of September, 1871.


        C. L. EVERT,
        A. N. MARR.
