SPECIFICATION forming part of
Letters Patent No. 308,421, dated November 25, 1884.
Application filed February 16, 1884. (No
all whom it may
it known that I, JOHN MEŸENBERG,
of the city of St. Louis, in the State
of Missouri, have invented a certain new and useful Improvement in
Apparatus for Preserving Milk, of which the following is a full, clear,
and exact description, reference being had to the accompanying
drawings, forming part of this specification, and in which—
1 is a side view of the condenser. Fig. 2 is a longitudinal section of
same. Fig. 3 is an end view. Fig. 4 is a transverse section taken on
line4 4, Fig. 2. Fig. 5 is a similar view taken on line 5 5, Fig. 2,
and Fig. 6 is a similar view taken on line 6 6, Fig. 2.
The milk is put into cans of desired
sizes, which are hermetically
sealed and placed in a frame, H, (see Figs. 2 and 5,) which consists of
bars connected by heads H'. This frame is inclosed by a cylinder, I,
held in supports I'. One end of the frame is supported within the
cylinder on friction-rollers J, journaled in one head of the cylinder.
(See Fig. 2.) The other end of the frame is supported on one end of a
driving-shaft, L, passing through the other head of the cylinder. The
outer end of the shaft is supported in a journal-box, M, on a standard,
M'. On this shaft are two loose driving-pulleys, O O', one of them
being large and the other small, and both of them being provided with
notches or teeth O', to engage a sliding clutch, P, arranged to turn
with the shaft. Both pulleys are provided with driving-belts, and by
connecting one or the other of them to the shaft by the sliding clutch
the frame H may be turned fast or slow, as desired. The frame H can be
removed from the cylinder, to be filled with cans, through an opening
which can be closed by a door, Q, held in place. by a swinging frame,
T, and a screw, T'. The interior of the cylinder may be heated by steam
passing through pipe or pipes U, and may be cooled by air entering
through pipes V. Before the cans are placed in the frame H they are
immersed in water and the milk cooled to a temperature of about
35°. The milk may be put into open cans and cooled off and then
be put into tight cans, as stated. The tight cans should not be quite
filled with the milk, so that the milk can move when the frame H is
turned. It is better that the cans should have very little, if any,
contact one with another in the frame H. When the cans are put in the
frame and the cylinder closed, the frame being supported within the
cylinder, as shown in Fig. 2, steam is admitted to the pipe or pipes U,
heating the interior of the cylinder. The frame is simultaneously
turned slowly, about two or three revolutions per minute. This is
continued about thirty minutes, (the temperature should not exceed
218° to 228°,) and then the steam is turned off and the
pipe or pipes U cooled by water being passed through them or it. At the
same time air is admitted to the interior of the cylinder through the
pipes V. The frame is then turned quickly for fifteen minutes, more or
less, during which time the milk is cooled to a temperature of
25° or 30°. The cans are then taken out and examined to
see if there is any leakage, which will show whether or not they were
hermetically sealed. The cans can then be stored away and the milk will
keep good for years.
I claim as my invention—
The combination of the revolving frame adapted to receive cans, the outer inclosing-cylinder, and the air and
steam pipes, arranged and operating substantially as and for the
purpose set forth.
2. The combination of the revolving
frame H, cylinder I, surrounding
the frame, steam-pipes U within the cylinder beneath the frame,
air-pipes entering one end of the cylinder, and a door at the other end
of the cylinder, through which the frame passes, as set forth.
In presence of—
See also:
- Process of Evaporating Milk, Patent No. 308,422, issued to John Meyenberg, 25 Nov 1884.
- Today in Science History event description for first U.S. patent issued for the process of evaporating milk on 25 Nov 1884.