January 2000   -   Today in Science History
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Martin Klaproth
Klaproth d.1817
Rudolf Clausius
Clausius b.1822
William Morgan
Morgan b.1906
Louis Braille
Braille b.1809
George Washington Carver
Carver d.1943
Jacques Etienne Montgolfier
Montgolfier b.1745
Nikola Tesla
Tesla d.1943
Stephen Hawking
Hawking b.1942
Caroline Herschel
Herschel d.1848
Robert Woodrow Wilson
Wilson b.1936
Carl Anderson
Anderson d.1991
Lazzaro Spallanzani
Spallanzani b.1729
Oskar Minkowski
Minkowski b.1858
Edmund Halley
Halley d.1742
Edward Teller
Teller b.1908
Dian Fossey
Fossey b.1932
Benjamin Franklin stove
Franklin b.1706
Edward Frankland
Frankland b.1825
James Watt
Watt b.1736
Chancourtois b.1820
John Fitch
Fitch b.1743
Andre Ampere
Ampere b.1775
Gertrude Elion
Elion b.1918
Morris Travers
Travers b.1872
Robert Boyle
Boyle b.1627
Polykarp Kusch
Kusch b.1911
Samuel Ting
Ting b.1936
Kathleen Lonsdale
Lonsdale b.1903
Allen Du Mont
Du Mont b.1901
John Bardeen
Bardeen d.1991
Rudolf Mossbauer
Mossbauer b.1929

  Each person above made a historic contribution to science or invention.
For any you do not recognize, find more information on these and many more births, deaths and events in the history of science, invention and technology by visiting
(Please refer to corresponding entry on site web page matching each date for picture credits)