Tropics Quotes (2 quotes)
[Wind power is] for the birds, [tidal power] is for the fish, [and solar power makes sense chiefly in tropical places where the sun shines regularly and where there is plenty of human labor to dust off the mirrors that focus the sun’s rays in solar furnaces].
In address at City College, reported in Victor K. McElheny, 'Hans Bethe Urges U.S. Drive for Atom Power and Coal', The New York Times (14 Dec 1974), 58. Notice that almost all the statement above is in the the reporter’s own words, summarizing what Bethe said. The article context shows Bethe strongly supporting nuclear fission power plants. Bethe also stated—quoting in the reporter’s own words in the article—that: “solar power is three times as expensive as nuclear, while wind power could deliver only a tenth as much as solar, and tidal power can be harnessed in only a few places.” [The quote is from 1974, and of course, the situation for alternative power has very much improved decades later. —Webmaster]
We know that there are many animals on this continent not found in the Old World. These must have been carried from here to the ark, and then brought back afterwards. Were the peccary, armadillo, ant-eater, sloth, agouti, vampire-bat, marmoset, howling and prehensile-tailed monkey, the raccoon and muskrat carried by the angels from America to Asia? How did they get there? Did the polar bear leave his field of ice and journey toward the tropics? How did he know where the ark was? Did the kangaroo swim or jump from Australia to Asia? Did the giraffe, hippopotamus, antelope and orang-outang journey from Africa in search of the ark? Can absurdities go farther than this?
In Some Mistakes of Moses (1879), 149.