Scientist Quotations Index for Initial N
This dictionary includes science quotes from archaeologists, biologists, chemists, geologists, inventors and inventions, mathematicians, physicists plus pioneers in medicine, science events and technology.
A scientist quotation page heading may include a link to a short biography of the scientist or description of the event corresponding to a day in Science History.
Ramez Naam
Vladimir Nabokov
Ralph Nader
Ibn al- Nafis
Ernest Nagel
Thomas Nagel
Paul J. Nahin
John Naisbitt
Yoshiro NakaMats
Koji Nakanishi
Kumail Nanjiani
David Ledbetter Nanney
Fridtjof Nansen
John Napier
Nari Narasimhan
National Academy of Sciences
Ogden Nash
Sandy Nathan
Native American
Nature Journal
Claude-Louis Navier
Doug Naylor
National Education Association
E. Kim Nebeuts
Alexander Neckam
John Needham
Joseph Needham
Yuval Ne'eman
Jawaharlal Nehru
Jawaharlal (Pandit) Nehru
John G. Neihardt
Joseph Neilson
David Neiswanger
Gaylord Nelson
Walther Hermann Nernst
G�rard de Nerval
Randolph M. Nesse
Franz Neumann
Otto Neurath
Harvey Neville
Hugh Newall
Simon Newcomb
Thomas Newcomen
John Alexander Newlands
James Roy Newman
John Henry Newman
Sir Charles Thomas Newton
Sir Isaac Newton
Thomas R. Nicely
David Nicholas
Nicholl Whitlock
Nichelle Nichols
John Pringle Nichol
Alex Nickon
Andriyan Nicolayev
Charles-Jules-Henri Nicolle
Maurice Nicoll
Felix von Niemeyer
Friedrich Nietzsche
Earl Nightingale
Florence Nightingale
Henry E. Niles
Leonard Nimoy
Richard M. Nixon
Louis Nizer
Alfred Bernhard Nobel
Charles C. Noble
David F. Noble
Albert J. Nock
Philip Noel-Baker
Emmy Noether
Max Noether
Charles Nordmann
George William Norris
Gunilla Norris
James F. Norris
Kenneth S. Norris
Cyrus Northrup
John D. North
Simeon North
Gale Norton
F.W. Norwood
Carl Wilhelm Hermann Nothnagel
Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg)
Vojtech Novotny,
Alfred Noyes
Christiane N�sslein-Volhard
Bill Nye
Edgar Wilson Nye
Ronald Sydney Nyholm
Vladimir Nabokov
Ralph Nader
Ibn al- Nafis
Ernest Nagel
Thomas Nagel
Paul J. Nahin
John Naisbitt
Yoshiro NakaMats
Koji Nakanishi
Kumail Nanjiani
David Ledbetter Nanney
Fridtjof Nansen
John Napier
Nari Narasimhan
National Academy of Sciences
Ogden Nash
Sandy Nathan
Native American
Nature Journal
Claude-Louis Navier
Doug Naylor
National Education Association
E. Kim Nebeuts
Alexander Neckam
John Needham
Joseph Needham
Yuval Ne'eman
Jawaharlal Nehru
Jawaharlal (Pandit) Nehru
John G. Neihardt
Joseph Neilson
David Neiswanger
Gaylord Nelson
Walther Hermann Nernst
G�rard de Nerval
Randolph M. Nesse
Franz Neumann
Otto Neurath
Harvey Neville
Hugh Newall
Simon Newcomb
Thomas Newcomen
John Alexander Newlands
James Roy Newman
John Henry Newman
Sir Charles Thomas Newton
Sir Isaac Newton
Thomas R. Nicely
David Nicholas
Nicholl Whitlock
Nichelle Nichols
John Pringle Nichol
Alex Nickon
Andriyan Nicolayev
Charles-Jules-Henri Nicolle
Maurice Nicoll
Felix von Niemeyer
Friedrich Nietzsche
Earl Nightingale
Florence Nightingale
Henry E. Niles
Leonard Nimoy
Richard M. Nixon
Louis Nizer
Alfred Bernhard Nobel
Charles C. Noble
David F. Noble
Albert J. Nock
Philip Noel-Baker
Emmy Noether
Max Noether
Charles Nordmann
George William Norris
Gunilla Norris
James F. Norris
Kenneth S. Norris
Cyrus Northrup
John D. North
Simeon North
Gale Norton
F.W. Norwood
Carl Wilhelm Hermann Nothnagel
Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg)
Vojtech Novotny,
Alfred Noyes
Christiane N�sslein-Volhard
Bill Nye
Edgar Wilson Nye
Ronald Sydney Nyholm