Charles Nordmann
(18 May 1881 - 28 Aug 1940)
French astronomer whose work included trying to detect radio waves from the sun, and studying variable stars. He contributed articles of popular science in many publications
Science Quotes by Charles Nordmann (3 quotes)
Science … is perpetually advancing. It is like a torch in the sombre forest of mystery. Man enlarges every day the circle of light which spreads round him, but at the same time, and in virtue of his very advance, he finds himself confronting, at an increasing number of points, the darkness of the Unknown.
— Charles Nordmann
In Einstein and the Universe; A Popular Exposition of the Famous Theory (1922), xvi.
The Einsteinian and the Newtonian vision of the world are two faithful reflectors of it: just as the two images, polarized in opposite directions, which Iceland spar shows us in its strange crystal both share the light of the same object.
— Charles Nordmann
In Einstein and the Universe; A Popular Exposition of the Famous Theory (1922), 239.
Tragically isolated, imprisoned in his own “self,” man has made a desperate effort to “leap beyond his shadow,” to embrace the external world. From this effort was born science….
— Charles Nordmann
In Einstein and the Universe; A Popular Exposition of the Famous Theory (1922), 239.