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Who said: “Dangerous... to take shelter under a tree, during a thunder-gust. It has been fatal to many, both men and beasts.”
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Light Quotes (635 quotes)

… (T)he same cause, such as electricity, can simultaneously affect all sensory organs, since they are all sensitive to it; and yet, every sensory nerve reacts to it differently; one nerve perceives it as light, another hears its sound, another one smells it; another tastes the electricity, and another one feels it as pain and shock. One nerve perceives a luminous picture through mechanical irritation, another one hears it as buzzing, another one senses it as pain… He who feels compelled to consider the consequences of these facts cannot but realize that the specific sensibility of nerves for certain impressions is not enough, since all nerves are sensitive to the same cause but react to the same cause in different ways… (S)ensation is not the conduction of a quality or state of external bodies to consciousness, but the conduction of a quality or state of our nerves to consciousness, excited by an external cause.
Law of Specific Nerve Energies.
Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen für Vorlesungen, 2nd Ed. translation by Edwin Clarke and Charles Donald O'Malley
Science quotes on:  |  Cause (561)  |  Certain (557)  |  Conduction (8)  |  Consciousness (132)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Consider (428)  |  Different (595)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Enough (341)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Feel (371)  |  Hear (144)  |  Impression (118)  |  Law (913)  |  Luminous (19)  |  Mechanical (145)  |  Nerve (82)  |  Organ (118)  |  Pain (144)  |  Picture (148)  |  Quality (139)  |  Realize (157)  |  Sense (785)  |  Sensory (16)  |  Shock (38)  |  Smell (29)  |  Sound (187)  |  Specific (98)  |  State (505)  |  Taste (93)  |  Through (846)  |  Way (1214)

... finding that in [the Moon] there is a provision of light and heat; also in appearance, a soil proper for habitation fully as good as ours, if not perhaps better who can say that it is not extremely probable, nay beyond doubt, that there must be inhabitants on the Moon of some kind or other?
Letter to Astronomer Royal, Nevil Maskelyne (1780). Quoted in Patrick Moore, Patrick Moore on the Moon (2006), 144.
Science quotes on:  |  Alien (35)  |  Appearance (145)  |  Better (493)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Doubt (314)  |  Good (906)  |  Habitation (7)  |  Heat (180)  |  Inhabitant (50)  |  Kind (564)  |  Moon (252)  |  Must (1525)  |  Other (2233)  |  Proper (150)  |  Say (989)  |  Soil (98)

...those experiments be not only esteemed which have an immediate and present use, but those principally which are of most universal consequence for invention of other experiments, and those which give more light to the invention of causes; for the invention of the mariner's needle, which giveth the direction, is of no less benefit for navigation than the invention of the sails, which give the motion.
The Second Book of Francis Bacon of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning (1605). In Francis Bacon and Basil Montagu, The Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England (1852), 200
Science quotes on:  |  Benefit (123)  |  Cause (561)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Direction (185)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Immediate (98)  |  Invention (400)  |  Mariner (12)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Motion (320)  |  Navigation (26)  |  Other (2233)  |  Present (630)  |  Sail (37)  |  Universal (198)  |  Use (771)

…tis a dangerous thing to ingage the authority of Scripture in disputes about the Natural World, in opposition to Reason; lest Time, which brings all things to light, should discover that to be evidently false which we had made Scripture to assert.
The Sacred Theory of the Earth (1681)
Science quotes on:  |  Assert (69)  |  Authority (99)  |  Bring (95)  |  Dangerous (108)  |  Discover (571)  |  Dispute (36)  |  Engage (41)  |  Evidently (26)  |  False (105)  |  Lest (3)  |  Natural (810)  |  Natural World (33)  |  Opposition (49)  |  Reason (766)  |  Scripture (14)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Time (1911)  |  World (1850)

“I see nobody on the road,” said Alice.
“I only wish I had such eyes,” the King remarked in a fretful tone. “To be able to see Nobody! And at that distance too! Why, it’s as much as I can do to see real people, by this light.”
Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There (1871, 1950), 53.
Science quotes on:  |  Astronomy (251)  |  Distance (171)  |  Do (1905)  |  Eye (440)  |  Nobody (103)  |  Observation (593)  |  People (1031)  |  See (1094)  |  Tone (22)  |  Why (491)  |  Wish (216)

“Science studies everything,” say the scientists. But, really, everything is too much. Everything is an infinite quantity of objects; it is impossible at one and the same time to study all. As a lantern cannot light up everything, but only lights up the place on which it is turned or the direction in which the man carrying it is walking, so also science cannot study everything, but inevitably only studies that to which its attention is directed. And as a lantern lights up most strongly the place nearest to it, and less and less strongly objects that are more and more remote from it, and does not at all light up those things its light does not reach, so also human science, of whatever kind, has always studied and still studies most carefully what seems most important to the investigators, less carefully what seems to them less important, and quite neglects the whole remaining infinite quantity of objects. ... But men of science to-day ... have formed for themselves a theory of “science for science's sake,” according to which science is to study not what mankind needs, but everything.
In 'Modern Science', Essays and Letters (1903), 223.
Science quotes on:  |  According (236)  |  Attention (196)  |  Carefully (65)  |  Direct (228)  |  Direction (185)  |  Everything (489)  |  Expectation (67)  |  Form (976)  |  Human (1512)  |  Importance (299)  |  Impossible (263)  |  Infinite (243)  |  Investigator (71)  |  Kind (564)  |  Lantern (8)  |  Man (2252)  |  Mankind (356)  |  Men Of Science (147)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Need (320)  |  Neglect (63)  |  Object (438)  |  Quantity (136)  |  Reach (286)  |  Remaining (45)  |  Remote (86)  |  Sake (61)  |  Say (989)  |  Scientist (881)  |  Still (614)  |  Study (701)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Time (1911)  |  Turn (454)  |  Whatever (234)  |  Whole (756)

“Unless,” said I [Socrates], “either philosophers become kings in our states or those whom we now call our kings and rulers take to the pursuit of' philosophy seriously and adequately, and there is a conjunction of these two things, political power and philosophic intelligence, while the motley horde of the natures who at present pursue either apart from the other are compulsorily excluded, there can be no cessation of troubles, dear Glaucon, for our states, nor, I fancy for the human race either. Nor, until this happens, will this constitution which we have been expounding in theory ever be put into practice within the limits of possibility and see the light of the sun.”
From The Republic 5 473 c-e, in Paul Shorey (trans.), Plato in Twelve Volumes (1930, 1969), Vol. 5, 509.
Science quotes on:  |  Become (821)  |  Call (781)  |  Cessation (13)  |  Compulsion (19)  |  Conjunction (12)  |  Constitution (78)  |  Exclusion (16)  |  Fancy (50)  |  Happen (282)  |  Happening (59)  |  Horde (3)  |  Human (1512)  |  Human Race (104)  |  Intelligence (218)  |  King (39)  |  Limit (294)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Other (2233)  |  Philosopher (269)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Political (124)  |  Politics (122)  |  Possibility (172)  |  Power (771)  |  Practice (212)  |  Present (630)  |  Pursue (63)  |  Pursuit (128)  |  Race (278)  |  Ruler (21)  |  See (1094)  |   Socrates, (17)  |  State (505)  |  Sun (407)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Trouble (117)  |  Two (936)  |  Will (2350)

[1665-06-17] It stroke me very deep this afternoon, going with a hackney-coach from my Lord Treasurer's down Holborne - the coachman I found to drive easily and easily; at last stood still, and came down hardly able to stand; and told me that he was suddenly stroke very sick and almost blind. So I light and went into another coach, with a sad heart for the poor man and trouble for myself, lest he should have been stroke with the plague - being at that end of the town that I took him up. But God have mercy upon us all.
Diary of Samuel Pepys (17 Jun 1665)
Science quotes on:  |  Being (1276)  |  Blind (98)  |  Deep (241)  |  Down (455)  |  End (603)  |  God (776)  |  Heart (243)  |  Last (425)  |  Lord (97)  |  Man (2252)  |  Myself (211)  |  Plague (42)  |  Poor (139)  |  Sick (83)  |  Stand (284)  |  Still (614)  |  Stroke (19)  |  Suddenly (91)  |  Trouble (117)

[A comparison] of the mind of a bigot to the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour on it, the more it contracts.
In The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table (1858), 167. Holmes continued by writing that he was renouncing any claim to being the first to utter that idea, having been shown “that it occurs in a Preface to certain Political Poems of Thomas Moore’s.” He also wrote he was sensitive to charges of plagiarism, but, nevertheless, he asserted that when he uttered it, it was with the belief that it was his own novel idea. But, “It is impossible to tell, in a great many cases, whether a comparison which suddenly suggests itself is a new conception or a recollection.” Moore had written in Corruption and Intolerance (1808) that “The minds of some men, like the pupil of the human eye, contract themselves the more, the stronger light there is shed upon them.”
Science quotes on:  |  Bigot (6)  |  Comparison (108)  |  Contract (11)  |  Eye (440)  |  Mind (1377)  |  More (2558)  |  Pupil (62)

[D]iscovery should come as an adventure rather than as the result of a logical process of thought. Sharp, prolonged thinking is necessary that we may keep on the chosen road but it does not itself necessarily lead to discovery. The investigator must be ready and on the spot when the light comes from whatever direction.
Letter to Dr. E. B. Krumhaar (11 Oct 1933), in Journal of Bacteriology (Jan 1934), 27, No. 1, 19.
Science quotes on:  |  Adventure (69)  |  Choice (114)  |  Chosen (48)  |  Direction (185)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Investigator (71)  |  Lead (391)  |  Leading (17)  |  Logic (311)  |  Must (1525)  |  Necessarily (137)  |  Necessary (370)  |  Necessity (197)  |  Process (439)  |  Prolong (29)  |  Prolonged (7)  |  Readiness (9)  |  Result (700)  |  Sharp (17)  |  Thinking (425)  |  Thought (995)  |  Whatever (234)

[Hermetic philosophy (Alchemy) was the only Art which might be able] to complete and bring to light not only medicine but also a universal Philosophy.
…quaeque sola non Medicinam tantum, sed et universam Philosophiam valde perficere et illustrare possit.
Original Latin in The Theological Works of Isaac Barrow (1859), 46. Translation, with citation, in B.J.T. Dobbs, The Foundations of Newton's Alchemy (1983), 96.
Science quotes on:  |  Alchemy (31)  |  Art (680)  |  Complete (209)  |  Medicine (392)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Universal (198)

[J.J.] Sylvester’s methods! He had none. “Three lectures will be delivered on a New Universal Algebra,” he would say; then, “The course must be extended to twelve.” It did last all the rest of that year. The following year the course was to be Substitutions-Théorie, by Netto. We all got the text. He lectured about three times, following the text closely and stopping sharp at the end of the hour. Then he began to think about matrices again. “I must give one lecture a week on those,” he said. He could not confine himself to the hour, nor to the one lecture a week. Two weeks were passed, and Netto was forgotten entirely and never mentioned again. Statements like the following were not unfrequent in his lectures: “I haven’t proved this, but I am as sure as I can be of anything that it must be so. From this it will follow, etc.” At the next lecture it turned out that what he was so sure of was false. Never mind, he kept on forever guessing and trying, and presently a wonderful discovery followed, then another and another. Afterward he would go back and work it all over again, and surprise us with all sorts of side lights. He then made another leap in the dark, more treasures were discovered, and so on forever.
As quoted by Florian Cajori, in Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States (1890), 265-266.
Science quotes on:  |  Algebra (117)  |  Back (395)  |  Confine (26)  |  Course (413)  |  Dark (145)  |  Deliver (30)  |  Discover (571)  |  Discovery (837)  |  End (603)  |  Extend (129)  |  False (105)  |  Follow (389)  |  Forever (111)  |  Forget (125)  |  Forgotten (53)  |  Frequent (26)  |  Go Back (4)  |  Guess (67)  |  Himself (461)  |  Hour (192)  |  Keep (104)  |  Last (425)  |  Leap (57)  |  Lecture (111)  |  Mathematicians and Anecdotes (141)  |  Matrix (14)  |  Mention (84)  |  Mentioned (3)  |  Method (531)  |  Mind (1377)  |  More (2558)  |  Must (1525)  |  Never (1089)  |  New (1273)  |  Next (238)  |  Pass (241)  |  Prove (261)  |  Rest (287)  |  Say (989)  |  Side (236)  |  Statement (148)  |  Surprise (91)  |  James Joseph Sylvester (58)  |  Think (1122)  |  Time (1911)  |  Treasure (59)  |  Trying (144)  |  Turn (454)  |  Turn Out (9)  |  Two (936)  |  Universal (198)  |  Week (73)  |  Will (2350)  |  Wonderful (155)  |  Work (1402)  |  Year (963)

[Locating, from scratch, the gene related to a disease is like] trying to find a burned-out light bulb in a house located somewhere between the East and West coasts without knowing the state, much less the town or street the house is on.
Quoted in Philip Elmer-Dewitt, et al.,'The Genetic Revolution', Time magazine (17 Jan 1994), 46-53.
Science quotes on:  |  Bulb (10)  |  Burn (99)  |  Disease (340)  |  Find (1014)  |  Gene (105)  |  House (143)  |  Human Genome (13)  |  Knowing (137)  |  Light Bulb (6)  |  Research (753)  |  Scratch (14)  |  State (505)  |  Trying (144)

[My grandmother] lived the latter years of her life in the horrible suspicion that electricity was dripping invisibly all over the house. It leaked, she contended, out of empty sockets if the wall switch had been left on. She would go around screwing in bulbs, and if they lighted up, she would fearfully turn off the wall switch and go back to her Pearson's or Everybody's, happy in the satisfaction that she had stopped not only a costly but dangerous leakage. nothing could ever clear this up for her.
In My Life and Hard Times (1937, 1999), 16.
Science quotes on:  |  Back (395)  |  Bulb (10)  |  Danger (127)  |  Dangerous (108)  |  Drip (2)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Empty (82)  |  Everybody (72)  |  Happy (108)  |  Horror (15)  |  House (143)  |  Leak (4)  |  Life (1870)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Satisfaction (76)  |  Socket (2)  |  Suspicion (36)  |  Switch (10)  |  Turn (454)  |  Wall (71)  |  Year (963)

[S]uppose you make a hole in an ordinary evacuated electric light bulb and allow the air molecules to pass in at the rate of 1,000,000 a second, the bulb will become full of air in approximately 100,000,000 years.
In Lecture (1936) on 'Forty Years of Atomic Theory', collected in Needham and Pagel (eds.) in Background to Modern Science: Ten Lectures at Cambridge Arranged by the History of Science Committee, (1938), 99.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Approximate (25)  |  Atomic Size (2)  |  Become (821)  |  Bulb (10)  |  Electric (76)  |  Full (68)  |  Hole (17)  |  Light Bulb (6)  |  Million (124)  |  Molecule (185)  |  Ordinary (167)  |  Pass (241)  |  Rate (31)  |  Second (66)  |  Suppose (158)  |  Will (2350)  |  Year (963)

[Should Britain fail, then the entire world would] sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister ... by the lights of perverted science.
“Finest Hour” speech after Dunkirk during WW II (18 Jun 1940). In Robert Rhodes James, ed. Winston Churchill: His Complete Speeches, 1897-1963 (1974), Vol. 6, p.6238.
Science quotes on:  |  Abyss (30)  |  Age (509)  |  Britain (26)  |  Dark (145)  |  Dark Ages (10)  |  Fail (191)  |  More (2558)  |  New (1273)  |  Perversion (2)  |  Pervert (7)  |  Sinister (8)  |  Sink (38)  |  World (1850)

[This] may prove to be the beginning of some embracing generalization, which will throw light, not only on radioactive processes, but on elements in general and the Periodic Law.... Chemical homogeneity is no longer a guarantee that any supposed element is not a mixture of several of different atomic weights, or that any atomic weight is not merely a mean number.
From Chemical Society's Annual Reports (1910), Vol. 7, 285. As quoted in Francis Aston in Lecture (1936) on 'Forty Years of Atomic Theory', collected in Needham and Pagel (eds.) in Background to Modern Science: Ten Lectures at Cambridge Arranged by the History of Science Committee, (1938), 100. Cited in Alfred Walter Stewart, Recent Advances in Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (1920), 198.
Science quotes on:  |  Atomic Weight (6)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Chemical (303)  |  Different (595)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Element (322)  |  General (521)  |  Generalization (61)  |  Guarantee (30)  |  Homogeneity (9)  |  Isotope (4)  |  Law (913)  |  Mean (810)  |  Merely (315)  |  Mixture (44)  |  Number (710)  |  Periodic Law (6)  |  Periodic Table (19)  |  Process (439)  |  Prove (261)  |  Radioactive (24)  |  Several (33)  |  Supposed (5)  |  Weight (140)  |  Will (2350)

[We] can easily distinguish what relates to Mathematics in any question from that which belongs to the other sciences. But as I considered the matter carefully it gradually came to light that all those matters only were referred to Mathematics in which order and measurements are investigated, and that it makes no difference whether it be in numbers, figures, stars, sounds or any other object that the question of measurement arises. I saw consequently that there must be some general science to explain that element as a whole which gives rise to problems about order and measurement, restricted as these are to no special subject matter. This, I perceived was called “Universal Mathematics,” not a far-fetched asignation, but one of long standing which has passed into current use, because in this science is contained everything on account of which the others are called parts of Mathematics.
Rules for the Direction of the Mind (written 1628). As translated by Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane and George Robert Thomson Ross in The Philosophical Works of Descartes (1911, 1931), 13.
Science quotes on:  |  Account (195)  |  Arise (162)  |  Belong (168)  |  Call (781)  |  Carefully (65)  |  Consider (428)  |  Current (122)  |  Difference (355)  |  Distinguish (168)  |  Element (322)  |  Everything (489)  |  Explain (334)  |  Figure (162)  |  General (521)  |  Gradually (102)  |  Investigate (106)  |  Long (778)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Matter (821)  |  Measurement (178)  |  Must (1525)  |  Number (710)  |  Object (438)  |  Order (638)  |  Other (2233)  |  Pass (241)  |  Problem (731)  |  Question (649)  |  Rise (169)  |  Saw (160)  |  Sound (187)  |  Special (188)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Subject (543)  |  Universal (198)  |  Use (771)  |  Whole (756)

[When I was a child] I grew up in Brooklyn, New York, and I was a street kid. … [T]here was one aspect of that environment that, for some reason, struck me as different, and that was the stars. … I could tell they were lights in the sky, but that wasn’t an explanation. I mean, what were they? Little electric bulbs on long black wires, so you couldn’t see what they were held up by? What were they? … My mother said to me, "Look, we’ve just got you a library card … get out a book and find the answer.” … It was in there. It was stunning. The answer was that the Sun was a star, except very far away. … The dazzling idea of a universe vast beyond imagining swept over me. … I sensed awe.
In 'Wonder and Skepticism', Skeptical Enquirer (Jan-Feb 1995), 19, No. 1.
Science quotes on:  |  Answer (389)  |  Aspect (129)  |  Awe (43)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Biography (254)  |  Book (413)  |  Brooklyn (3)  |  Bulb (10)  |  Child (333)  |  Dazzling (13)  |  Different (595)  |  Electric (76)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Environment (239)  |  Explanation (246)  |  Far (158)  |  Find (1014)  |  Idea (881)  |  Imagination (349)  |  Kid (18)  |  Library (53)  |  Little (717)  |  Long (778)  |  Look (584)  |  Mean (810)  |  Mother (116)  |  New (1273)  |  New York (17)  |  Reason (766)  |  See (1094)  |  Sense (785)  |  Sky (174)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Street (25)  |  Stunning (4)  |  Sun (407)  |  Tell (344)  |  Universe (900)  |  Vast (188)  |  Vastness (15)  |  Wire (36)

The Mighty Task is Done

At last the mighty task is done;
Resplendent in the western sun
The Bridge looms mountain high;
Its titan piers grip ocean floor,
Its great steel arms link shore with shore,
Its towers pierce the sky.

On its broad decks in rightful pride,
The world in swift parade shall ride,
Throughout all time to be;
Beneath, fleet ships from every port,
Vast landlocked bay, historic fort,
And dwarfing all the sea.

To north, the Redwood Empires gates;
To south, a happy playground waits,
In Rapturous appeal;
Here nature, free since time began,
Yields to the restless moods of man,
Accepts his bonds of steel.

Launched midst a thousand hopes and fears,
Damned by a thousand hostile sneers,
Yet Neer its course was stayed,
But ask of those who met the foe
Who stood alone when faith was low,
Ask them the price they paid.

Ask of the steel, each strut and wire,
Ask of the searching, purging fire,
That marked their natal hour;
Ask of the mind, the hand, the heart,
Ask of each single, stalwart part,
What gave it force and power.

An Honored cause and nobly fought
And that which they so bravely wrought,
Now glorifies their deed,
No selfish urge shall stain its life,
Nor envy, greed, intrigue, nor strife,
Nor false, ignoble creed.

High overhead its lights shall gleam,
Far, far below lifes restless stream,
Unceasingly shall flow;
For this was spun its lithe fine form,
To fear not war, nor time, nor storm,
For Fate had meant it so.

Written upon completion of the building of the Golden Gate Bridge, May 1937. In Allen Brown, Golden Gate: biography of a Bridge (1965), 229.
Science quotes on:  |  Accept (198)  |  Alone (324)  |  Arm (82)  |  Arms (37)  |  Ask (420)  |  Bay (6)  |  Beneath (68)  |  Bond (46)  |  Bravery (2)  |  Bridge (49)  |  Bridge Engineering (8)  |  Cause (561)  |  Course (413)  |  Creed (28)  |  Deck (3)  |  Deed (34)  |  Engineering (188)  |  Envy (15)  |  Faith (209)  |  Fate (76)  |  Fear (212)  |  Fire (203)  |  Flow (89)  |  Foe (11)  |  Force (497)  |  Form (976)  |  Fort (2)  |  Free (239)  |  Gate (33)  |  Golden Gate Bridge (2)  |  Great (1610)  |  Greed (17)  |  Happy (108)  |  Heart (243)  |  High (370)  |  History (716)  |  Honor (57)  |  Hope (321)  |  Hour (192)  |  Last (425)  |  Launch (21)  |  Life (1870)  |  Loom (20)  |  Low (86)  |  Man (2252)  |  Marked (55)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Mountain (202)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Ocean (216)  |  Ocean Floor (6)  |  Parade (3)  |  Playground (6)  |  Poem (104)  |  Power (771)  |  Price (57)  |  Pride (84)  |  Rapture (8)  |  Redwood (8)  |  Ride (23)  |  Sea (326)  |  Selfish (12)  |  Ship (69)  |  Shore (25)  |  Single (365)  |  Sky (174)  |  Sneer (9)  |  South (39)  |  Steel (23)  |  Storm (56)  |  Stream (83)  |  Strut (2)  |  Sun (407)  |  Task (152)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Throughout (98)  |  Time (1911)  |  Tower (45)  |  Vast (188)  |  War (233)  |  Western (45)  |  Wire (36)  |  World (1850)  |  Yield (86)

Bernard: Oh, you’re going to zap me with penicillin and pesticides. Spare me that and I’ll spare you the bomb and aerosols. But don’t confuse progress with perfectibility. A great poet is always timely. A great philosopher is an urgent need. There’s no rush for Isaac Newton. We were quite happy with Aristotle’s cosmos. Personally, I preferred it. Fifty-five crystal spheres geared to God’s crankshaft is my idea of a satisfying universe. I can’t think of anything more trivial than the speed of light. Quarks, quasars—big bangs, black holes—who [cares]? How did you people con us out of all that status? All that money? And why are you so pleased with yourselves?
Chloe: Are you against penicillin, Bernard?
Bernard: Don’t feed the animals.
In the play, Acadia (1993), Act 2, Scene 5, 61.
Science quotes on:  |  Aerosol (2)  |  Against (332)  |  Animal (651)  |  Aristotle (179)  |  Bang (29)  |  Big Bang (45)  |  Black Hole (17)  |  Bomb (20)  |  Care (203)  |  Confusion (61)  |  Cosmos (64)  |  Crystal (71)  |  Feed (31)  |  Gear (5)  |  God (776)  |  Great (1610)  |  Greatness (55)  |  Happiness (126)  |  Happy (108)  |  Idea (881)  |  Money (178)  |  More (2558)  |  Need (320)  |  Sir Isaac Newton (363)  |  Penicillin (18)  |  People (1031)  |  Perfectibility (3)  |  Pesticide (5)  |  Philosopher (269)  |  Pleasure (191)  |  Poet (97)  |  Progress (492)  |  Quark (9)  |  Quasar (4)  |  Rush (18)  |  Satisfaction (76)  |  Sparing (2)  |  Speed (66)  |  Speed Of Light (18)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Status (35)  |  Think (1122)  |  Timely (3)  |  Trivial (59)  |  Universe (900)  |  Urgency (13)  |  Urgent (15)  |  Why (491)

Boss: I just heard that light travels faster than sound. I'm wondering if I should shout when I speak, just so my lips appear to sync-up with my words.
Dilbert (thought): A little knowledge can be a ridiculous thing.
Dilbert comic strip (10 Sep 1992).
Science quotes on:  |  Faster (50)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Lip (4)  |  Little (717)  |  Ridiculous (24)  |  Shout (25)  |  Sound (187)  |  Speak (240)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Thought (995)  |  Travel (125)  |  Wonder (251)  |  Word (650)

But how shall we this union well expresse?
Naught tyes the soule: her subtiltie is such
She moves the bodie, which she doth possesse.
Yet no part toucheth, but by Vertue's touch.
Then dwels she not therein as in a tent;
Nor as a pilot in his Ship doth sit;
Nor as the spider in his web is pent;
Nor as the Waxe retaines the print in it;
Nor as a Vessell water doth containe;
Nor as one Liquor in another shed;
Nor as the heate dath in the fire remaine;
Nor as a voice throughout the ayre is spred;
But as the faire and cheerfull morning light,
Doth here, and there, her silver beames impart,
And in an instant doth her selfe unite
To the transparent Aire, in all, and part:
Still resting whole, when blowes the Aire devide;
Abiding pure, when th' Aire is most corrupted;
Throughout the Aire her beames dispersing wide,
And when the Aire is tost, not interrupted:
So doth the piercing Soule the body fill;
Being all in all, and all in part diffus'd;
Indivisible, incorruptible still,
Not forc't, encountred, troubled or confus'd.
And as the Sunne above the light doth bring,
Tough we behold it in the Aire below;
So from th'eternall light the Soule doth spring,
Though in the Bodie she her powers do show.
From 'Nosce Teipsum' (1599), in Claire Howard (ed.), The Poems of Sir John Davies (1941), 151-2.
Science quotes on:  |  Being (1276)  |  Body (557)  |  Do (1905)  |  Fire (203)  |  Impart (24)  |  Indivisible (22)  |  Instant (46)  |  Morning (98)  |  Most (1728)  |  Move (223)  |  Naught (10)  |  Power (771)  |  Pure (299)  |  Ship (69)  |  Show (353)  |  Silver (49)  |  Spider (14)  |  Spring (140)  |  Still (614)  |  Sun (407)  |  Tent (13)  |  Throughout (98)  |  Touch (146)  |  Tough (22)  |  Transparent (16)  |  Union (52)  |  Unite (43)  |  Water (503)  |  Whole (756)  |  Wide (97)

Dogbert (gazing at night sky) No matter how bad the day is, the stars are always there.
Dilbert Actually, many of them burned out years ago, but their light is just now reaching earth.
DogbertThank you for shattering my comfortable misconception.
DilbertIt's the miracle of science.
Dilbert comic strip (21 Nov 1990).
Science quotes on:  |  Bad (185)  |  Burn (99)  |  Burning (49)  |  Comfortable (13)  |  Day (43)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Matter (821)  |  Miracle (85)  |  Misconception (6)  |  Reach (286)  |  Shattering (2)  |  Sky (174)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Thank (48)  |  Thank You (8)  |  Year (963)

Eine neue wissenschaftliche Wahrheit pflegt sich nicht in der Weise durchzusetzen, daß ihre Gegner überzeugt werden und sich als belehrt erklären, sondern vielmehr dadurch, daß ihre Gegner allmählich aussterben und daß die heranwachsende Generation von vornherein mit der Wahrheit vertraut gemacht ist.
A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
In Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers, trans. F. Gaynor (1950), 33. Also seen paraphrased in shortened form as: Die Wahrheit triumphiert nie, ihre Gegner sterben nur aus. (Translated as “Truth never triumphs—its opponents just die out.” More loosely paraphrased as “Science advances one funeral at a time.”)
Science quotes on:  |  Eventually (64)  |  Generation (256)  |  Grow (247)  |  Making (300)  |  New (1273)  |  Opponent (23)  |  Opposition (49)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Scientific Truth (23)  |  See (1094)  |  Triumph (76)  |  Truth (1109)

Energie is the operation, efflux or activity of any being: as the light of the Sunne is the energie of the Sunne, and every phantasm of the soul is the energie of the soul.
[The first recorded definition of the term energy in English]
In Platonica: A Platonicall Song of the Soul (1642). In this book of poems, More uses the word energie many times, and in the opening section, 'To the Reader'. The definition quoted appears at the end of the book in 'The interpretation of the more unusual names or words that occurre in the foregoing Poems.'
Science quotes on:  |  Activity (218)  |  Being (1276)  |  Definition (238)  |  Energy (373)  |  First (1302)  |  Operation (221)  |  Phantasm (3)  |  Record (161)  |  Solar Energy (21)  |  Soul (235)  |  Sun (407)  |  Term (357)

Il n'y a qu'un demi-siècle, un orateur chrétien, se défiant des hommes de la science leur disait: 'Arrêtez-vous enfin, et ne creusez pas jusqu'aux enfers.' Aujourd'hui, Messieurs, rassurés sur l'inébranlable constance de notre foi, nous vous disons: creusez, creusez encore; plus vous descendrez, plus vous rapprocherez du grand mystère de l'impuissance de l'homme et de la vérité de la religion. Creusez donc, creusez toujours,mundum tradidit disputationibus eorum; et quand la science aura donné son dernier coup de marteau sur les fondements de la terre, vous pourrez à la lueur du feu qu'il fera jaillir, lire encore l'idée de Dieu et contempler l'empreinte de sa main.
Only a half-century ago, a Christian speaker, mistrustful of men of science told them: 'Stop finally, and do not dig to hell.' Today, gentlemen, reassured about the steadfastness of our unshakeable faith, we say: dig, dig again; the further down you, the closer you come to the great mystery of the impotence of man and truth of religion. So dig, always dig: and when science has stuck its final hammer blow on the bosom of the earth, you will be able to ignite a burst of light, read furthermore the mind of God and contemplate the imprint of His hand.
As Monseigneur Rendu, Bishop of Annecy, Savoy, presiding at the closing session of a meeting of the Geological Society of France at Chambéry, Savoy (27 Aug 1844). In Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 1843 à 1844, Tome 1, Ser. 2, 857. (1844), li. Google trans., edited by Webmaster.
Science quotes on:  |  Blow (45)  |  Bosom (14)  |  Burst (41)  |  Century (319)  |  Christian (44)  |  Closer (43)  |  Contemplation (75)  |  Dig (25)  |  Do (1905)  |  Down (455)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Faith (209)  |  Final (121)  |  God (776)  |  Great (1610)  |  Hammer (26)  |  Hell (32)  |  Impotence (8)  |  Imprint (6)  |  Man (2252)  |  Men Of Science (147)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Mistrust (4)  |  Mystery (188)  |  Plus (43)  |  Read (308)  |  Religion (369)  |  Say (989)  |  Science And Religion (337)  |  Steadfastness (2)  |  Stop (89)  |  Today (321)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Will (2350)

Qu. 31. Have not the small Particles of Bodies certain Powers, Virtues or Forces, by which they act at a distance, not only upon the Rays of Light for reflecting, refracting and reflecting them, but also upon one another for producing a great part of the Phænomena of Nature?
From Opticks, (1704, 2nd ed. 1718), Book 3, Query 31, 350.
Science quotes on:  |  Act (278)  |  Body (557)  |  Certain (557)  |  Distance (171)  |  Force (497)  |  Great (1610)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Particle (200)  |  Phenomenon (334)  |  Power (771)  |  Ray (115)  |  Reflecting (3)  |  Small (489)  |  Virtue (117)

Question: Account for the delicate shades of colour sometimes seen on the inside of an oyster shell. State and explain the appearance presented when a beam of light falls upon a sheet of glass on which very fine equi-distant parallel lines have been scratched very close to one another.
Answer: The delicate shades are due to putrefaction; the colours always show best when the oyster has been a bad one. Hence they are considered a defect and are called chromatic aberration.
The scratches on the glass will arrange themselves in rings round the light, as any one may see at night in a tram car.
Genuine student answer* to an Acoustics, Light and Heat paper (1880), Science and Art Department, South Kensington, London, collected by Prof. Oliver Lodge. Quoted in Henry B. Wheatley, Literary Blunders (1893), 182, Question 27. (*From a collection in which Answers are not given verbatim et literatim, and some instances may combine several students' blunders.)
Science quotes on:  |  Aberration (10)  |  Account (195)  |  Answer (389)  |  Appearance (145)  |  Arrange (33)  |  Bad (185)  |  Beam (26)  |  Best (467)  |  Call (781)  |  Car (75)  |  Chromatic (4)  |  Closeness (4)  |  Color (155)  |  Consider (428)  |  Consideration (143)  |  Defect (31)  |  Delicate (45)  |  Diffraction (5)  |  Due (143)  |  Examination (102)  |  Explain (334)  |  Explanation (246)  |  Fall (243)  |  Fine (37)  |  Glass (94)  |  Howler (15)  |  Inside (30)  |  Line (100)  |  Night (133)  |  Oyster (12)  |  Parallel (46)  |  Present (630)  |  Putrefaction (4)  |  Question (649)  |  Ring (18)  |  Scratch (14)  |  See (1094)  |  Seeing (143)  |  Shade (35)  |  Sheet (8)  |  Shell (69)  |  Show (353)  |  State (505)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Tram (3)  |  Will (2350)

Question: How would you disprove, experimentally, the assertion that white light passing through a piece of coloured glass acquires colour from the glass? What is it that really happens?
Answer: To disprove the assertion (so repeatedly made) that “white light passing through a piece of coloured glass acquires colour from the glass,” I would ask the gentleman to observe that the glass has just as much colour after the light has gone through it as it had before. That is what would really happen.
Genuine student answer* to an Acoustics, Light and Heat paper (1880), Science and Art Department, South Kensington, London, collected by Prof. Oliver Lodge. Quoted in Henry B. Wheatley, Literary Blunders (1893), 178, Question 8. (*From a collection in which Answers are not given verbatim et literatim, and some instances may combine several students' blunders.)
Science quotes on:  |  Answer (389)  |  Ask (420)  |  Assertion (35)  |  Color (155)  |  Disprove (25)  |  Examination (102)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Gentleman (26)  |  Glass (94)  |  Happen (282)  |  Happening (59)  |  Howler (15)  |  Observation (593)  |  Observe (179)  |  Passing (76)  |  Question (649)  |  Really (77)  |  Repeat (44)  |  Through (846)  |  White (132)  |  White Light (5)

To the Memory of Fourier
Fourier! with solemn and profound delight,
Joy born of awe, but kindling momently
To an intense and thrilling ecstacy,
I gaze upon thy glory and grow bright:
As if irradiate with beholden light;
As if the immortal that remains of thee
Attuned me to thy spirit’s harmony,
Breathing serene resolve and tranquil might.
Revealed appear thy silent thoughts of youth,
As if to consciousness, and all that view
Prophetic, of the heritage of truth
To thy majestic years of manhood due:
Darkness and error fleeing far away,
And the pure mind enthroned in perfect day.
In R. Graves, Life of W. R. Hamilton (1882), Vol. l, 696.
Science quotes on:  |  Appear (122)  |  Attune (2)  |  Awe (43)  |  Bear (162)  |  Breathe (49)  |  Breathing (23)  |  Bright (81)  |  Consciousness (132)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Delight (111)  |  Due (143)  |  Error (339)  |  Flee (9)  |  Fourier (5)  |  Gaze (23)  |  Glory (66)  |  Grow (247)  |  Harmony (105)  |  Heritage (22)  |  Immortal (35)  |  Intense (22)  |  Joy (117)  |  Kindle (9)  |  Majestic (17)  |  Manhood (3)  |  Mathematicians and Anecdotes (141)  |  Memory (144)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Perfect (223)  |  Profound (105)  |  Prophetic (4)  |  Pure (299)  |  Remain (355)  |  Resolve (43)  |  Reveal (152)  |  Revealed (59)  |  Serene (5)  |  Silent (31)  |  Solemn (20)  |  Spirit (278)  |  Thought (995)  |  Thrill (26)  |  Tranquil (2)  |  Truth (1109)  |  View (496)  |  Year (963)  |  Youth (109)

Une même expression, dont les géomètres avaient considéré les propriétés abstraites, … représente'aussi le mouvement de la lumière dans l’atmosphère, quelle détermine les lois de la diffusion de la chaleur dans la matière solide, et quelle entre dans toutes les questions principales de la théorie des probabilités.
The same expression whose abstract properties geometers had considered … represents as well the motion of light in the atmosphere, as it determines the laws of diffusion of heat in solid matter, and enters into all the chief problems of the theory of probability.
From Théorie Analytique de la Chaleur (1822), translated by Alexander Freeman in The Analytical Theory of Heat (1878), 7.
Science quotes on:  |  Abstract (141)  |  Atmosphere (117)  |  Chief (99)  |  Consider (428)  |  Determine (152)  |  Diffusion (13)  |  Enter (145)  |  Expression (181)  |  Geometer (24)  |  Heat (180)  |  Law (913)  |  Matter (821)  |  Motion (320)  |  Probability (135)  |  Problem (731)  |  Property (177)  |  Question (649)  |  Represent (157)  |  Same (166)  |  Solid (119)  |  Theory (1015)

Von Theorie wild man nicht heller.
Gott geb' täglich unsern Teller.

When theory's light is less than stellar.
Give us, O Lord, our daily Teller.
This rhyme from an alphabet ditty describing various physicists was written for a party at Göttingen.
Quoted in Edward Teller with Judith L. Shoolery, Memoirs: A Twentieth-Century Journey in Science and Politics (2001), 75. The first clause, translated more literally than poetically, is given as, 'When theory does not enlighten us,' in Nina Byers and Gary Williams, Out of the Shadows (2006),130.
Science quotes on:  |  Daily (91)  |  Lord (97)  |  Man (2252)  |  Physicist (270)  |  Rhyme (6)  |  Edward Teller (43)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Various (205)  |  Wild (96)

1097 … Then at Michaelmas, on the 4th before the Nones of October, an uncommon star appeared shining in the evening, and soon going down: it was seen in the south-west, and the light which streamed from it seemed very long, shining towards the south-east; and it appeared after this manner nearly all the week. Many allowed that it was a comet.
From the The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as translated in The Venerable Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England. Also the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (1894), 474. The Chronicle is the work of many successive hands at several monasteries across England.
Science quotes on:  |  Comet (65)  |  Down (455)  |  Long (778)  |  Nearly (137)  |  Shining (35)  |  Soon (187)  |  South (39)  |  Star (460)  |  Stream (83)  |  Week (73)

1106. … In the first week of Lent, on the Friday, 16 February, a strange star appeared in the evening, and for a long time afterwards was seen shining for a while each evening. The star made its appearance in the south-west, and seemed to be small and dark, but the light that shone from it was very bright, and appeared like an enormous beam of light shining north-east; and one evening it seemed as if the beam were flashing in the opposite direction towards the star. Some said that they had seen other unknown stars about this time, but we cannot speak about these without reservation, because we did not ourselves see them.
In George Norman Garmonsway (ed., trans.), 'The Parker Chronicle', The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (1953), 240. This translation from the original Saxon, is a modern printing of an ancient anthology known as The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Manuscript copies were held at various English monasteries. These copies of the Chronicle include content first recorded in the late 9th century. This quote comes from the copy known as the Peterborough Chronicle (a.k.a. Laud manuscript).
Science quotes on:  |  Appearance (145)  |  Beam (26)  |  Bright (81)  |  Comet (65)  |  Dark (145)  |  Direction (185)  |  Enormous (44)  |  First (1302)  |  Flash (49)  |  Long (778)  |  Opposite (110)  |  Other (2233)  |  Ourselves (247)  |  See (1094)  |  Shine (49)  |  Shining (35)  |  Small (489)  |  South (39)  |  Speak (240)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Strange (160)  |  Time (1911)  |  Unknown (195)  |  Week (73)

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
Science quotes on:  |  Candle (32)  |  Lose (165)  |  Nothing (1000)

A grove of giant redwoods or sequoias should be kept just as we keep a great or beautiful cathedral. The extermination of the passenger pigeon meant that mankind was just so much poorer; exactly as in the case of the destruction of the cathedral at Rheims. And to lose the chance to see frigate-birds soaring in circles above the storm, or a file of pelicans winging their way homeward across the crimson afterglow of the sunset, or a myriad terns flashing in the bright light of midday as they hover in a shifting maze above the beach—why, the loss is like the loss of a gallery of the masterpieces of the artists of old time.
In A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open (1916), 316-317.
Science quotes on:  |  Artist (97)  |  Beach (23)  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Bird (163)  |  Bright (81)  |  Cathedral (27)  |  Chance (244)  |  Circle (117)  |  Conservation (187)  |  Destruction (135)  |  Extermination (14)  |  Extinction (80)  |  Flash (49)  |  Gallery (7)  |  Giant (73)  |  Great (1610)  |  Grove (7)  |  Hover (8)  |  Hovering (5)  |  Lose (165)  |  Loss (117)  |  Mankind (356)  |  Masterpiece (9)  |  Maze (11)  |  Midday (4)  |  Myriad (32)  |  Old (499)  |  Pigeon (8)  |  Poor (139)  |  Redwood (8)  |  See (1094)  |  Sequoia (4)  |  Shift (45)  |  Soaring (9)  |  Storm (56)  |  Sunset (27)  |  Tern (2)  |  Time (1911)  |  Tree (269)  |  Way (1214)  |  Why (491)

A light supper, a good night’s sleep, and a fine morning have often made a hero of the same man, who, by indigestion, a restless night, and a rainy morning would have proved a coward.
Science quotes on:  |  Coward (5)  |  Diet (56)  |  Good (906)  |  Hero (45)  |  Indigestion (5)  |  Man (2252)  |  Morning (98)  |  Sleep (81)  |  Supper (10)

A plain, reasonable working man supposes, in the old way which is also the common-sense way, that if there are people who spend their lives in study, whom he feeds and keeps while they think for him—then no doubt these men are engaged in studying things men need to know; and he expects of science that it will solve for him the questions on which his welfare, and that of all men, depends. He expects science to tell him how he ought to live: how to treat his family, his neighbours and the men of other tribes, how to restrain his passions, what to believe in and what not to believe in, and much else. And what does our science say to him on these matters?
It triumphantly tells him: how many million miles it is from the earth to the sun; at what rate light travels through space; how many million vibrations of ether per second are caused by light, and how many vibrations of air by sound; it tells of the chemical components of the Milky Way, of a new element—helium—of micro-organisms and their excrements, of the points on the hand at which electricity collects, of X rays, and similar things.
“But I don't want any of those things,” says a plain and reasonable man—“I want to know how to live.”
In 'Modern Science', Essays and Letters (1903), 221-222.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Chemical (303)  |  Common (447)  |  Common Sense (136)  |  Component (51)  |  Depend (238)  |  Doubt (314)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Element (322)  |  Ether (37)  |  Expect (203)  |  Expectation (67)  |  Family (101)  |  Helium (11)  |  Know (1538)  |  Life (1870)  |  Live (650)  |  Man (2252)  |  Matter (821)  |  Micro-Organism (3)  |  Milky Way (29)  |  New (1273)  |  Old (499)  |  Organism (231)  |  Other (2233)  |  Passion (121)  |  People (1031)  |  Point (584)  |  Question (649)  |  Ray (115)  |  Say (989)  |  Sense (785)  |  Solve (145)  |  Sound (187)  |  Space (523)  |  Speed Of Light (18)  |  Spend (97)  |  Study (701)  |  Studying (70)  |  Sun (407)  |  Suppose (158)  |  Tell (344)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Think (1122)  |  Through (846)  |  Travel (125)  |  Tribe (26)  |  Vibration (26)  |  Want (504)  |  Way (1214)  |  Welfare (30)  |  Will (2350)  |  X-ray (43)

A single and distinct luminous body causes stronger relief in the objects than a diffused light; as may be seen by comparing one side of a landscape illuminated by the sun, and one overshadowed by clouds, and illuminated only by the diffused light of the atmosphere.
Science quotes on:  |  Atmosphere (117)  |  Body (557)  |  Cause (561)  |  Cloud (111)  |  Compare (76)  |  Diffuse (5)  |  Distinct (98)  |  Illuminate (26)  |  Landscape (46)  |  Luminous (19)  |  Object (438)  |  Overshadow (2)  |  Relief (30)  |  See (1094)  |  Side (236)  |  Single (365)  |  Strong (182)  |  Stronger (36)  |  Sun (407)

A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times, may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes of nature.
Lecture (Feb 1893) delivered before the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, 'On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena,' collected in Thomas Commerford Martin and Nikola Tesla, The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla (1894), 298.
Science quotes on:  |  Alter (64)  |  Altered (32)  |  Bygone (4)  |  Change (639)  |  Complex (202)  |  Course (413)  |  Destiny (54)  |  Distant (33)  |  Eye (440)  |  Fall (243)  |  Globe (51)  |  Intricate (29)  |  Life (1870)  |  Nation (208)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Process (439)  |  Ray (115)  |  Single (365)  |  Star (460)  |  Surface (223)  |  Time (1911)  |  Transform (74)  |  Tyrant (10)

A solid heavier than a fluid will, if placed in it, descend to the bottom of the fluid, and the solid will, when placed in the fluid, be lighter than its true weight by the weight of the fluid displaced.
In Thomas L. Heath (ed.), 'On Floating Bodies', The Works of Archimedes (1897), Vol. 1, Proposition 7, 258.
Science quotes on:  |  Bottom (36)  |  Descend (49)  |  Displace (9)  |  Fluid (54)  |  Heavy (24)  |  Solid (119)  |  True (239)  |  Weight (140)  |  Will (2350)

A strict materialist believes that everything depends on the motion of matter. He knows the form of the laws of motion though he does not know all their consequences when applied to systems of unknown complexity.
Now one thing in which the materialist (fortified with dynamical knowledge) believes is that if every motion great & small were accurately reversed, and the world left to itself again, everything would happen backwards the fresh water would collect out of the sea and run up the rivers and finally fly up to the clouds in drops which would extract heat from the air and evaporate and afterwards in condensing would shoot out rays of light to the sun and so on. Of course all living things would regrede from the grave to the cradle and we should have a memory of the future but not of the past.
The reason why we do not expect anything of this kind to take place at any time is our experience of irreversible processes, all of one kind, and this leads to the doctrine of a beginning & an end instead of cyclical progression for ever.
Letter to Mark Pattison (7 Apr 1868). In P. M. Hannan (ed.), The Scientific Letters and Papers of James Clerk Maxwell (1995), Vol. 2, 1862-1873, 360-1.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Applied (176)  |  Backwards (18)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Cloud (111)  |  Complexity (121)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Course (413)  |  Cradle (19)  |  Cycle (42)  |  Depend (238)  |  Do (1905)  |  Drop (77)  |  Dynamical (15)  |  End (603)  |  Everything (489)  |  Expect (203)  |  Experience (494)  |  Extract (40)  |  Fly (153)  |  Form (976)  |  Fresh (69)  |  Future (467)  |  Grave (52)  |  Great (1610)  |  Happen (282)  |  Heat (180)  |  Irreversible (12)  |  Kind (564)  |  Know (1538)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Law (913)  |  Laws Of Motion (10)  |  Lead (391)  |  Living (492)  |  Materialist (4)  |  Matter (821)  |  Memory (144)  |  Motion (320)  |  Past (355)  |  Process (439)  |  Progression (23)  |  Ray (115)  |  Reason (766)  |  Reverse (33)  |  River (140)  |  Run (158)  |  Sea (326)  |  Small (489)  |  Sun (407)  |  System (545)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Time (1911)  |  Unknown (195)  |  Water (503)  |  Why (491)  |  World (1850)

A thing is either alive or it isn’t; there is nothing that is almost alive. There is but the remotest possibility of the origin of life by spontaneous generation, and every likelihood that Arrhenius is right when he dares to claim that life is a cosmic phenomenon, something that drifts between the spheres, like light, and like light transiently descends upon those fit to receive it.
In An Almanac for Moderns (1935), 393.
Science quotes on:  |  Alive (97)  |  Svante Arrhenius (11)  |  Claim (154)  |  Cosmic (74)  |  Dare (55)  |  Descend (49)  |  Descent (30)  |  Drift (14)  |  Fit (139)  |  Generation (256)  |  Life (1870)  |  Likelihood (10)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Origin (250)  |  Origin Of Life (37)  |  Phenomenon (334)  |  Possibility (172)  |  Receive (117)  |  Right (473)  |  Something (718)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Spontaneous (29)  |  Spontaneous Generation (9)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Transient (13)

A university should be a place of light, of liberty, and of learning.
Speech (11 Mar 1873) in the House of Commons, on University Education (Ireland) Bill, HC Deb 11 March 1873 vol 214 cc1814.
Science quotes on:  |  Learn (672)  |  Learning (291)  |  Liberty (29)  |  Place (192)  |  University (130)

According to Herr Cook's observation, the inhabitants of New Guinea have something they set light to which burns up almost like gunpowder. They also put it into hollow staves, and from a distance you could believe they are shooting. But it does not produce so much as a bang. Presumably they are trying to imitate the Europeans. They have failed to realize its real purpose.
Aphorism 27 in Notebook D (1773-1775), as translated by R.J. Hollingdale in Aphorisms (1990). Reprinted as The Waste Books (2000), 48.
Science quotes on:  |  According (236)  |  Anthropology (61)  |  Bang (29)  |  Burn (99)  |  Distance (171)  |  Europe (50)  |  Fail (191)  |  Gunpowder (18)  |  Imitate (18)  |  Imitation (24)  |  Inhabitant (50)  |  New (1273)  |  New Guinea (4)  |  Observation (593)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Realize (157)  |  Rifle (3)  |  Set (400)  |  Shooting (6)  |  Something (718)  |  Trying (144)

After all, the Athanasian Creed is to me light and intelligible reading in comparison with much that now passes for science.
Samuel Bulter, Henry Festing Jones (ed.), The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1917), 324.
Science quotes on:  |  Book (413)  |  Comparison (108)  |  Creed (28)  |  Intelligible (35)  |  Reading (136)

After the German occupation of Holland in May 1940, the [last] two dark years of the war I spent hiding indoors from the Nazis, eating tulip bulbs to fill the stomach and reading Kramers' book “Quantum Theorie des Elektrons und der Strahlung” by the light of a storm lamp.
Science quotes on:  |  Book (413)  |  Bulb (10)  |  Dark (145)  |  Eat (108)  |  Eating (46)  |  German (37)  |  Hiding (12)  |  Holland (2)  |  Lamp (37)  |  Last (425)  |  Nazi (10)  |  Occupation (51)  |  Quantum (118)  |  Quantum Theory (67)  |  Read (308)  |  Reading (136)  |  Spent (85)  |  Stomach (40)  |  Storm (56)  |  Tulip (3)  |  Two (936)  |  War (233)  |  World War II (9)  |  Year (963)

After the planet becomes theirs, many millions of years will have to pass before a beetle particularly loved by God, at the end of its calculations will find written on a sheet of paper in letters of fire that energy is equal to the mass multiplied by the square of the velocity of light. The new kings of the world will live tranquilly for a long time, confining themselves to devouring each other and being parasites among each other on a cottage industry scale.
'Beetles' Other People’s Trades (1985, trans. 1989).
Science quotes on:  |  Become (821)  |  Beetle (19)  |  Being (1276)  |  Calculation (134)  |  End (603)  |  Energy (373)  |  Find (1014)  |  Fire (203)  |  God (776)  |  Industry (159)  |  Insect (89)  |  Letter (117)  |  Live (650)  |  Long (778)  |  Mass (160)  |  New (1273)  |  Other (2233)  |  Paper (192)  |  Parasite (33)  |  Pass (241)  |  Planet (402)  |  Scale (122)  |  Square (73)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Time (1911)  |  Velocity (51)  |  Will (2350)  |  World (1850)  |  Year (963)

All change is relative. The universe is expanding relatively to our common material standards; our material standards are shrinking relatively to the size of the universe. The theory of the “expanding universe” might also be called the theory of the “shrinking atom”. …
:Let us then take the whole universe as our standard of constancy, and adopt the view of a cosmic being whose body is composed of intergalactic spaces and swells as they swell. Or rather we must now say it keeps the same size, for he will not admit that it is he who has changed. Watching us for a few thousand million years, he sees us shrinking; atoms, animals, planets, even the galaxies, all shrink alike; only the intergalactic spaces remain the same. The earth spirals round the sun in an ever-decreasing orbit. It would be absurd to treat its changing revolution as a constant unit of time. The cosmic being will naturally relate his units of length and time so that the velocity of light remains constant. Our years will then decrease in geometrical progression in the cosmic scale of time. On that scale man’s life is becoming briefer; his threescore years and ten are an ever-decreasing allowance. Owing to the property of geometrical progressions an infinite number of our years will add up to a finite cosmic time; so that what we should call the end of eternity is an ordinary finite date in the cosmic calendar. But on that date the universe has expanded to infinity in our reckoning, and we have shrunk to nothing in the reckoning of the cosmic being.
We walk the stage of life, performers of a drama for the benefit of the cosmic spectator. As the scenes proceed he notices that the actors are growing smaller and the action quicker. When the last act opens the curtain rises on midget actors rushing through their parts at frantic speed. Smaller and smaller. Faster and faster. One last microscopic blurr of intense agitation. And then nothing.
In The Expanding Universe (1933) , 90-92.
Science quotes on:  |  Absurd (60)  |  Act (278)  |  Action (342)  |  Agitation (10)  |  Alike (60)  |  Allowance (6)  |  Animal (651)  |  Atom (381)  |  Becoming (96)  |  Being (1276)  |  Benefit (123)  |  Body (557)  |  Calendar (9)  |  Call (781)  |  Change (639)  |  Common (447)  |  Constancy (12)  |  Constant (148)  |  Cosmic (74)  |  Drama (24)  |  Earth (1076)  |  End (603)  |  Eternity (64)  |  Expand (56)  |  Faster (50)  |  Finite (60)  |  Galaxies (29)  |  Growing (99)  |  Infinite (243)  |  Infinity (96)  |  Last (425)  |  Life (1870)  |  Man (2252)  |  Material (366)  |  Microscopic (27)  |  Must (1525)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Notice (81)  |  Number (710)  |  Open (277)  |  Orbit (85)  |  Ordinary (167)  |  Owing (39)  |  Planet (402)  |  Proceed (134)  |  Progression (23)  |  Property (177)  |  Reckoning (19)  |  Remain (355)  |  Revolution (133)  |  Rise (169)  |  Say (989)  |  Scale (122)  |  Scene (36)  |  See (1094)  |  Shrink (23)  |  Space (523)  |  Speed (66)  |  Spiral (19)  |  Stage (152)  |  Sun (407)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Through (846)  |  Time (1911)  |  Universe (900)  |  Velocity (51)  |  View (496)  |  Walk (138)  |  Whole (756)  |  Will (2350)  |  Year (963)

All substances susceptible of decay, when in a moist state, and exposed to the air and light at the common temperature, undergo precisely the same change as they would if exposed to a red-heat, in a dry state, that is, they absorb oxygen,—they undergo combustion.
Justus von Liebig and John Gardner (ed.), Familiar Letters on Chemistry: Second Series. The Philosophical Principles and General Laws of the Science (1844), 183.
Science quotes on:  |  Absorb (54)  |  Air (366)  |  Change (639)  |  Combustion (22)  |  Decay (59)  |  Dry (65)  |  Expose (28)  |  Moist (13)  |  Oxygen (77)  |  Precisely (93)  |  Same (166)  |  Substance (253)  |  Temperature (82)  |  Undergo (18)

All the fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no closer to answer the question, “What are light quanta?” Of course today every rascal thinks he knows the answer, but he is deluding himself.
(1951). Quoted in Raymond W. Lam, Seasonal Affective Disorder and Beyond (1998), 1.
Science quotes on:  |  Answer (389)  |  Closer (43)  |  Course (413)  |  Himself (461)  |  Know (1538)  |  Photon (11)  |  Question (649)  |  Think (1122)  |  Thought (995)  |  Today (321)  |  Year (963)

All the inventions that the world contains,
Were not by reason first found out, nor brains;
But pass for theirs who had the luck to light
Upon them by mistake or oversight.
Under 'Butler's Poems: Miscellaneous Thoughts', in Samuel Johnson (ed.), The Works of the English Poets from Chaucer to Cowper(1810), Vol. 8, 227.
Science quotes on:  |  Brain (281)  |  First (1302)  |  Invention (400)  |  Luck (44)  |  Mistake (180)  |  Oversight (4)  |  Pass (241)  |  Reason (766)  |  World (1850)

Aluminum is at once as white as silver, as incorrodible as gold, as tenacious as iron, as fusible as copper, and as light as glass. It is easily worked; it is widely spread in nature, alumina forming the bases of most rocks; it is three times lighter than iron; in short, it seems to have been created expressly to furnish material for our projectile!
Planning a spacecraft to be fired from a cannon to the moon. In From the Earth to the Moon (1865, 1890), 38.
Science quotes on:  |  Aluminum (15)  |  Base (120)  |  Copper (25)  |  Corrosion (4)  |  Form (976)  |  Forming (42)  |  Furnish (97)  |  Glass (94)  |  Gold (101)  |  Iron (99)  |  Material (366)  |  Mineralogy (24)  |  Most (1728)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Ore (14)  |  Projectile (3)  |  Rock (176)  |  Short (200)  |  Silver (49)  |  Spread (86)  |  Time (1911)  |  White (132)  |  Work (1402)

An age is called Dark, not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see.
From Space: A Novel (1983), 709. As cited by David G. Anderson, 'Archaic Mounds and Southeastern Tribal Societies', in Jon L. Gibson, Philip J. Carr (ed.), Signs of Power: The Rise of Cultural Complexity in the Southeast (2004), 297. A footnote by Anderson explains that Michener described the supernova of 1054 A.D. which blazed for 23 days and was recorded around the world, except in western Europe where religious dogma insisted the heavens were immutable. The quote above was Michener’s comment on that “refusal to see.”.
Science quotes on:  |  Age (509)  |  Call (781)  |  Called (9)  |  Dark (145)  |  Fail (191)  |  Failing (5)  |  People (1031)  |  Person (366)  |  Refusal (23)  |  Refuse (45)  |  See (1094)  |  Seeing (143)  |  Shining (35)

An eye critically nice will discern in every colour a tendency to some other colour, according as it is influenced by light, shade, depth or diluteness; nor is this the case only in the inherent colours of pigments, &c. but it is so also in the transient colours of the prism, &c. Hence blue in its depth inclines to purple; deep-yellow to orange, &c.; nor is it practicable to realize these colours to the satisfaction of the critical eye,-since perfect colours, like perfect geometrical figures, are pure ideals. My examples of colours are therefore quite as adequate to their office of illustrating and distinguishing, as the figure of an angle inclining to the acute or obtuse, instead of a perfect right angle, or middle form, would be in illustrating the conception of an angle in general.
In 'On Colors—In Answer to Mr. T. Hargreaves’s Strictures on the Work Entitled “Chromatics; or, An Essay on the Analogy and Harmony of Colours”', The Philosophical Magazine and Journal: Comprehending The Various Branches of Science, The Liberal and Fine Arts, Geology, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce (Oct 1817), 50, No. 234, 241.
Science quotes on:  |  Acute (8)  |  Angle (25)  |  Blue (63)  |  Color (155)  |  Conception (160)  |  Critical (73)  |  Depth (97)  |  Discern (35)  |  Distinguish (168)  |  Eye (440)  |  Figure (162)  |  General (521)  |  Geometrical (11)  |  Ideal (110)  |  Illustrate (14)  |  Influence (231)  |  Inherent (43)  |  Nice (15)  |  Obtuse (2)  |  Orange (15)  |  Perfect (223)  |  Pigment (9)  |  Prism (8)  |  Pure (299)  |  Purple (4)  |  Right Angle (4)  |  Satisfaction (76)  |  Shade (35)  |  Tendency (110)  |  Transient (13)  |  Yellow (31)

An indispensable hypothesis, even though still far from being a guarantee of success, is however the pursuit of a specific aim, whose lighted beacon, even by initial failures, is not betrayed.
Nobel Lecture (2 Jun 1920), in Nobel Lectures in Physics, 1901-1921 (1998), 407.
Science quotes on:  |  Aim (175)  |  Beacon (8)  |  Being (1276)  |  Betrayal (2)  |  Failure (176)  |  Guarantee (30)  |  Hypothesis (314)  |  Indispensability (2)  |  Initial (17)  |  Pursuit (128)  |  Specific (98)  |  Still (614)  |  Success (327)

And by the influence of heat, light, and electrical powers, there is a constant series of changes [in animal and vegetal substances]; matter assumes new forms, the destruction of one order of beings tends to the conservation of another, solution and consolidation, decay and renovation, are connected, and whilst the parts of the system, continue in a state of fluctuation and change, the order and harmony of the whole remain unalterable.
The Elements of Agricultural Chemistry (1813), in J. Davy (ed.) The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy(1839-40), Vol 7, 182.
Science quotes on:  |  Animal (651)  |  Being (1276)  |  Change (639)  |  Connect (126)  |  Conservation (187)  |  Consolidation (4)  |  Constant (148)  |  Continue (179)  |  Decay (59)  |  Destruction (135)  |  Electrical (57)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Fluctuation (15)  |  Form (976)  |  Harmony (105)  |  Heat (180)  |  Influence (231)  |  Matter (821)  |  New (1273)  |  Order (638)  |  Power (771)  |  Reaction (106)  |  Remain (355)  |  Series (153)  |  Solution (282)  |  State (505)  |  Substance (253)  |  System (545)  |  Tend (124)  |  Vegetal (2)  |  Whole (756)

And do you know what “the world” is to me? Shall I show it to you in my mirror? This world: a monster of energy, without beginning, without end; a firm, iron magnitude of force that does not grow bigger or smaller, that does not expend itself but only transforms itself; as a whole, of unalterable size, a household without expenses or losses, but likewise without increase or income; enclosed by “nothingness”' as by a boundary; not by something blurry or wasted, not something endlessly extended, but set in a definite space as a definite force, and not a space that might be “empty” here or there, but rather as force throughout, as a play of forces and waves of forces, at the same time one and many, increasing here and at the same time decreasing there; a sea of forces flowing and rushing together, eternally changing, eternally flooding back, with tremendous years of recurrence, with an ebb and a flood of its forms; out of the simplest forms striving toward the most complex, out of the stillest, most rigid, coldest forms toward the hottest, most turbulent, most self-contradictory, and then again returning home to the simple out of this abundance, out of the play of contradictions back to the joy of concord, still affirming itself in this uniformity of its courses and its years, blessing itself as that which must return eternally, as a becoming that knows no satiety, no disgust, no weariness: this, my Dionysian world of the eternally self-creating, the eternally self-destroying, this mystery world of the twofold voluptuous delight, my “beyond good and evil,” without goal, unless the joy of the circle itself is a goal; without will, unless a ring feels good will toward itself-do you want a name for this world? A solution for all its riddles? A light for you, too, you best-concealed, strongest, most intrepid, most midnightly men?—This world is the will to power—and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power—and nothing besides!
The Will to Power (Notes written 1883-1888), book 4, no. 1067. Trans. W. Kaufmann and R. J. Hollingdale and ed. W. Kaufmann (1968), 549-50.
Science quotes on:  |  Abundance (26)  |  Back (395)  |  Becoming (96)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Best (467)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Blessing (26)  |  Boundary (55)  |  Circle (117)  |  Complex (202)  |  Concealed (25)  |  Contradiction (69)  |  Course (413)  |  Definite (114)  |  Delight (111)  |  Disgust (10)  |  Do (1905)  |  Empty (82)  |  End (603)  |  Energy (373)  |  Evil (122)  |  Extend (129)  |  Feel (371)  |  Firm (47)  |  Flood (52)  |  Force (497)  |  Form (976)  |  Goal (155)  |  Good (906)  |  Grow (247)  |  Home (184)  |  Income (18)  |  Increase (225)  |  Iron (99)  |  Joy (117)  |  Know (1538)  |  Magnitude (88)  |  Mirror (43)  |  Monster (33)  |  Most (1728)  |  Must (1525)  |  Mystery (188)  |  Name (359)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Nothingness (12)  |  Power (771)  |  Return (133)  |  Riddle (28)  |  Rigid (24)  |  Sea (326)  |  Self (268)  |  Set (400)  |  Show (353)  |  Simple (426)  |  Solution (282)  |  Something (718)  |  Space (523)  |  Still (614)  |  Strongest (38)  |  Throughout (98)  |  Time (1911)  |  Together (392)  |  Transform (74)  |  Transformation (72)  |  Tremendous (29)  |  Uniformity (38)  |  Voluptuous (3)  |  Want (504)  |  Wave (112)  |  Weariness (6)  |  Whole (756)  |  Will (2350)  |  World (1850)  |  Year (963)

And from my pillow, looking forth by light
Of moon or favouring stars, I could behold
The antechapel where the statue stood
Of Newton with his prism and silent face,
The marble index of a mind for ever
Voyaging through strange seas of Thought, alone.
'Residence at Cambridge', The Prelude, or, Growth of a Poet's Mind: An Autobiographical Poem (1850), Book 3, 57-58.
Science quotes on:  |  Alone (324)  |  Chapel (3)  |  Face (214)  |  Index (5)  |  Looking (191)  |  Marble (21)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Moon (252)  |  Sir Isaac Newton (363)  |  Pillow (4)  |  Poem (104)  |  Prism (8)  |  Sea (326)  |  Silence (62)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Statue (17)  |  Strange (160)  |  Thought (995)  |  Through (846)

And God made two great lights, great for their use
To man, the greater to have rule by day, The less by night…
Paradise Lost: A poem, in Twelve Books (1750), Book 7, 36-37.
Science quotes on:  |  Day (43)  |  God (776)  |  Great (1610)  |  Greater (288)  |  Man (2252)  |  Moon (252)  |  Night (133)  |  Rule (307)  |  Sun (407)  |  Two (936)  |  Use (771)

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, and let them be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so. And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also.
(circa 725 B.C.)
Science quotes on:  |  Earth (1076)  |  Firmament (18)  |  God (776)  |  Great (1610)  |  Greater (288)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Heavens (125)  |  Let There Be Light (4)  |  Night (133)  |  Planet (402)  |  Rule (307)  |  Season (47)  |  Separate (151)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Two (936)  |  Year (963)

And if one look through a Prism upon a white Object encompassed with blackness or darkness, the reason of the Colours arising on the edges is much the same, as will appear to one that shall a little consider it. If a black Object be encompassed with a white one, the Colours which appear through the Prism are to be derived from the Light of the white one, spreading into the Regions of the black, and therefore they appear in a contrary order to that, when a white Object is surrounded with black. And the same is to be understood when an Object is viewed, whose parts are some of them less luminous than others. For in the borders of the more and less luminous Parts, Colours ought always by the same Principles to arise from the Excess of the Light of the more luminous, and to be of the same kind as if the darker parts were black, but yet to be more faint and dilute.
Opticks (1704), Book I, Part 2, Prop. VIII, Prob. III, 123.
Science quotes on:  |  Arise (162)  |  Arising (22)  |  Color (155)  |  Consider (428)  |  Contrary (143)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Edge (51)  |  Excess (23)  |  Kind (564)  |  Little (717)  |  Look (584)  |  Luminosity (6)  |  Luminous (19)  |  More (2558)  |  Object (438)  |  Order (638)  |  Other (2233)  |  Principle (530)  |  Prism (8)  |  Ray (115)  |  Reason (766)  |  Through (846)  |  Understood (155)  |  View (496)  |  White (132)  |  Will (2350)

And teach me how
To name the bigger light, and how the less,
That burn by day and night …
The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2. In Carl Sagan, Broca's Brain (1986), 188.
Science quotes on:  |  Burn (99)  |  Day (43)  |  Moon (252)  |  Name (359)  |  Night (133)  |  Nomenclature (159)  |  Sun (407)  |  Teach (299)

And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehendeth it not.
(circa 325 A.D.)
Science quotes on:  |  Comprehend (44)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Shine (49)

And when with excellent Microscopes I discern in otherwise invisible Objects the Inimitable Subtlety of Nature’s Curious Workmanship; And when, in a word, by the help of Anatomicall Knives, and the light of Chymicall Furnaces, I study the Book of Nature, and consult the Glosses of Aristotle, Epicurus, Paracelsus, Harvey, Helmont, and other learn'd Expositors of that instructive Volumne; I find my self oftentimes reduc’d to exclaim with the Psalmist, How manifold are thy works, O Lord? In wisdom hast thou made them all.
Some Motives and Incentives to the Love of God (1659), 56-7.
Science quotes on:  |  Aristotle (179)  |  Book (413)  |  Book Of Nature (12)  |  Curious (95)  |  Discern (35)  |  Exclaim (15)  |  Find (1014)  |  God (776)  |  William Harvey (30)  |  Jan Baptista van Helmont (6)  |  Inimitable (6)  |  Invisible (66)  |  Learn (672)  |  Lord (97)  |  Manifold (23)  |  Microscope (85)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Object (438)  |  Other (2233)  |  Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus (19)  |  Research (753)  |  Self (268)  |  Study (701)  |  Subtlety (19)  |  Wisdom (235)  |  Word (650)  |  Work (1402)  |  Workmanship (7)

And yet surely to alchemy this right is due, that it may be compared to the husbandman whereof Æsop makes the fable, that when he died he told his sons that he had left unto them gold buried under the ground in his vineyard: and they digged over the ground, gold they found none, but by reason of their stirring and digging the mould about the roots of their vines, they had a great vintage the year following: so assuredly the search and stir to make gold hath brought to light a great number of good and fruitful inventions and experiments, as well for the disclosing of nature as for the use of man's life.
The Advancement of Learning (1605, 1712), Vol. 1, 15.
Science quotes on:  |  Alchemy (31)  |  Digging (11)  |  Due (143)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Fable (12)  |  Fruitful (61)  |  Gold (101)  |  Good (906)  |  Great (1610)  |  Ground (222)  |  Invention (400)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Life (1870)  |  Man (2252)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Number (710)  |  Reason (766)  |  Right (473)  |  Root (121)  |  Search (175)  |  Stir (23)  |  Surely (101)  |  Use (771)  |  Year (963)

Another error is a conceit that … the best has still prevailed and suppressed the rest: so as, if a man should begin the labor of a new search, he were but like to light upon somewhat formerly rejected, and by rejection brought into oblivion; as if the multitude, or the wisest for the multitude’s sake, were not ready to give passage rather to that which is popular and superficial, than to that which is substantial and profound: for the truth is, that time seemeth to be of the nature of a river or stream, which carrieth down to us that which is light and blown up, and sinketh and drowneth that which is weighty and solid.
Advancement of Learning, Book 1. Collected in The Works of Francis Bacon (1826), Vol 1, 36.
Science quotes on:  |  Begin (275)  |  Best (467)  |  Conceit (15)  |  Down (455)  |  Error (339)  |  Labor (200)  |  Man (2252)  |  Multitude (50)  |  Nature (2017)  |  New (1273)  |  Passage (52)  |  Prevail (47)  |  Profound (105)  |  Reject (67)  |  Rejected (26)  |  Rejection (36)  |  Rest (287)  |  River (140)  |  Sake (61)  |  Search (175)  |  Solid (119)  |  Still (614)  |  Stream (83)  |  Substantial (24)  |  Time (1911)  |  Truth (1109)

Any solid lighter than a fluid will, if placed in the fluid, be so far immersed that the weight of the solid will be equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.
In Thomas L. Heath (ed.), 'On Floating Bodies', The Works of Archimedes (1897), Vol. 1, Proposition 5, 257.
Science quotes on:  |  Displace (9)  |  Equal (88)  |  Fluid (54)  |  Immerse (6)  |  Solid (119)  |  Weight (140)

Anyone who sits on top of the largest hydrogen-oxygen fueled system in the world; knowing they’re going to light the bottom, and doesn’t get a little worried, does not fully understand the situation.
Response to question whether he was worried about embarking on the first space shuttle flight. As quoted on the website of the New Mexico Museum of Space History.
Science quotes on:  |  Anyone (38)  |  Bottom (36)  |  Fuel (39)  |  Fully (20)  |  Hydrogen (80)  |  Know (1538)  |  Knowing (137)  |  Large (398)  |  Largest (39)  |  Little (717)  |  Oxygen (77)  |  Sit (51)  |  Situation (117)  |  System (545)  |  Top (100)  |  Understand (648)  |  World (1850)  |  Worry (34)

Are not all Hypotheses erroneous, in which Light is supposed to consist in Pression or Motion, propagated through a fluid Medium? For in all these Hypotheses the Phaenomena of Light have been hitherto explain'd by supposing that they arise from new Modifications of the Rays; which is an erroneous Supposition.
Opticks, 2nd edition (1718), Book 3, Query 28, 337.
Science quotes on:  |  Arise (162)  |  Consist (223)  |  Erroneous (31)  |  Error (339)  |  Explain (334)  |  Fluid (54)  |  Hypothesis (314)  |  Medium (15)  |  Modification (57)  |  Motion (320)  |  New (1273)  |  Phenomenon (334)  |  Ray (115)  |  Supposition (50)  |  Through (846)

As white reflects more heat, as well as more light than any other colour, it ought always to be preferred for the inside of a Chimney Fire-place, and black, which reflects neither light nor heat, should be most avoided.
In Essays, Political, Economical, and Philosophical (1798), Vol. 1, 328.
Science quotes on:  |  Avoid (123)  |  Black (46)  |  Chimney (4)  |  Color (155)  |  Fireplace (3)  |  Heat (180)  |  Prefer (27)  |  Reflect (39)  |  White (132)

As an empiricist I continue to think of the conceptual scheme of science as a tool, ultimately, for predicting future experience in the light of past experience. Physical objects are conceptually imported into the situation as convenient intermediaries—not by definition in terms of experience, but simply as irreducible posits comparable, epistemologically, to the gods of Homer. For my part I do, qua lay physicist, believe in physical objects and not in Homer's gods; and I consider it a scientific error to believe otherwise. But in point of epistemological footing the physical objects and the gods differ only in degree and not in kind. Both sorts of entities enter our conception only as cultural posits. The myth of physical objects is epistemologically superior to most in that it has proved more efficacious than other myths as a device for working a manageable structure into the flux of experience.
From A Logical Point of View (1953), 44. [Note: “qua” means “in the character or role of,” thus “qua lay physicist” means “in the role of lay physicist,” or perhaps even (?) “putting on my lay physicist hat.” —Webmaster]
Science quotes on:  |  Belief (615)  |  Both (496)  |  Concept (242)  |  Conception (160)  |  Consider (428)  |  Continue (179)  |  Culture (157)  |  Definition (238)  |  Degree (277)  |  Device (71)  |  Differ (88)  |  Difference (355)  |  Do (1905)  |  Empiricist (3)  |  Enter (145)  |  Entity (37)  |  Epistemology (8)  |  Error (339)  |  Experience (494)  |  Flux (21)  |  Footing (2)  |  Future (467)  |  God (776)  |  Homer (11)  |  Import (5)  |  Intermediary (3)  |  Kind (564)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Myth (58)  |  Object (438)  |  Other (2233)  |  Otherwise (26)  |  Past (355)  |  Physical (518)  |  Physicist (270)  |  Point (584)  |  Posit (2)  |  Prediction (89)  |  Scheme (62)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Situation (117)  |  Structure (365)  |  Superior (88)  |  Term (357)  |  Terms (184)  |  Think (1122)  |  Tool (129)  |  Ultimately (56)

As an undergraduate who believed himself destined to be a mathematician I happened upon “Man and Superman” and as I read it at a library table I felt like Saul of Tarsus when the light broke. “If literature,” I said to myself, “can be like this then literature is the stuff for me.” And to this day I never see a differential equation written out without breathing a prayer of thanks.
In 'An Open Letter to George Bernard Shaw', Saturday Review (21 Jul 1956), 39, 12. ollected in If You Don't Mind My Saying So: Essays on Man and Nature (1964), 391.
Science quotes on:  |  Belief (615)  |  Breathe (49)  |  Breathing (23)  |  Destined (42)  |  Differential Equation (18)  |  Equation (138)  |  Happen (282)  |  Happened (88)  |  Himself (461)  |  Library (53)  |  Literature (116)  |  Man (2252)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Myself (211)  |  Never (1089)  |  Prayer (30)  |  Read (308)  |  See (1094)  |  Superman (4)  |  Table (105)  |  Thank (48)  |  Thanks (26)  |  Undergraduate (17)

As I strayed into the study of an eminent physicist, I observed hanging against the wall, framed like a choice engraving, several dingy, ribbon-like strips of, I knew not what... My curiosity was at once aroused. What were they? ... They might be shreds of mummy-wraps or bits of friable bark-cloth from the Pacific, ... [or] remnants from a grandmother’s wedding dress... They were none of these... He explained that they were carefully-prepared photographs of portions of the Solar Spectrum. I stood and mused, absorbed in the varying yet significant intensities of light and shade, bordered by mystic letters and symbolic numbers. As I mused, the pale legend began to glow with life. Every line became luminous with meaning. Every shadow was suffused with light shining from behind, suggesting some mighty achievement of knowledge; of knowledge growing more daring in proportion to the remoteness of the object known; of knowledge becoming more positive in its answers, as the questions which were asked seemed unanswerable. No Runic legend, no Babylonish arrowhead, no Egyptian hieroglyph, no Moabite stone, could present a history like this, or suggest thoughts of such weighty import or so stimulate and exalt the imagination.
The Sciences of Nature Versus the Science of Man: A Plea for the Science of Man (1871), 7-9.
Science quotes on:  |  Absorb (54)  |  Achievement (187)  |  Against (332)  |  Answer (389)  |  Arrowhead (4)  |  Ask (420)  |  Bark (19)  |  Becoming (96)  |  Behind (139)  |  Carefully (65)  |  Choice (114)  |  Curiosity (138)  |  Daring (17)  |  Engraving (4)  |  Exalt (29)  |  Explain (334)  |  Growing (99)  |  Hieroglyph (3)  |  History (716)  |  Imagination (349)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Known (453)  |  Legend (18)  |  Letter (117)  |  Life (1870)  |  Luminous (19)  |  Meaning (244)  |  More (2558)  |  Mummy (7)  |  Mystic (23)  |  Number (710)  |  Object (438)  |  Observed (149)  |  Physicist (270)  |  Portion (86)  |  Positive (98)  |  Present (630)  |  Proportion (140)  |  Question (649)  |  Remnant (7)  |  Remoteness (9)  |  Shade (35)  |  Shadow (73)  |  Shining (35)  |  Significant (78)  |  Solar Spectrum (4)  |  Spectrum (35)  |  Stone (168)  |  Study (701)  |  Thought (995)  |  Wall (71)  |  Wedding (7)

As long as museums and universities send out expeditions to bring to light new forms of living and extinct animals and new data illustrating the interrelations of organisms and their environments, as long as anatomists desire a broad comparative basis human for anatomy, as long as even a few students feel a strong curiosity to learn about the course of evolution and relationships of animals, the old problems of taxonomy, phylogeny and evolution will gradually reassert themselves even in competition with brilliant and highly fruitful laboratory studies in cytology, genetics and physiological chemistry.
'Genetics Versus Paleontology', The American Naturalist, 1917, 51, 623.
Science quotes on:  |  Anatomist (24)  |  Anatomy (75)  |  Animal (651)  |  Basis (180)  |  Brilliant (57)  |  Chemistry (376)  |  Competition (45)  |  Course (413)  |  Curiosity (138)  |  Cytology (7)  |  Data (162)  |  Desire (212)  |  Environment (239)  |  Evolution (635)  |  Expedition (9)  |  Extinct (25)  |  Feel (371)  |  Form (976)  |  Fruitful (61)  |  Genetic (110)  |  Genetics (105)  |  Gradually (102)  |  Human (1512)  |  Laboratory (214)  |  Learn (672)  |  Living (492)  |  Long (778)  |  Museum (40)  |  New (1273)  |  Old (499)  |  Organism (231)  |  Paleontologist (19)  |  Phylogeny (10)  |  Physiological (64)  |  Problem (731)  |  Relationship (114)  |  Strong (182)  |  Student (317)  |  Taxonomy (19)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Will (2350)

As physicists have arranged an extensive series of effects under the general term of Heat, so they have named another series Light, and a third they have called Electricity. We find ... that all these principles are capable of being produced through the medium of living bodies, for nearly all animals have the power of evolving heat; many insects, moreover, can voluntarily emit light; and the property of producing electricity is well evinced in the terrible shock of the electric eel, as well as in that of some other creatures. We are indeed in the habit of talking of the Electric fluid, or the Galvanic fluid, but this in reality is nothing but a licence of expression suitable to our finite and material notions.
In the Third Edition of Elements of Electro-Metallurgy: or The Art of Working in Metals by the Galvanic Fluid (1851), 1.
Science quotes on:  |  Animal (651)  |  Being (1276)  |  Call (781)  |  Capable (174)  |  Creature (242)  |  Effect (414)  |  Electric (76)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Emit (15)  |  Expression (181)  |  Extensive (34)  |  Find (1014)  |  Finding (34)  |  Finite (60)  |  Fluid (54)  |  General (521)  |  Habit (174)  |  Heat (180)  |  Indeed (323)  |  Insect (89)  |  Living (492)  |  Living Body (3)  |  Material (366)  |  Nearly (137)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Notion (120)  |  Other (2233)  |  Physicist (270)  |  Power (771)  |  Principle (530)  |  Produced (187)  |  Production (190)  |  Property (177)  |  Reality (274)  |  Series (153)  |  Shock (38)  |  Talking (76)  |  Term (357)  |  Terrible (41)  |  Through (846)

As the brain of man is the speck of dust in the universe that thinks, so the leaves—the fern and the needled pine and the latticed frond and the seaweed ribbon—perceive the light in a fundamental and constructive sense. … Their leaves see the light, as my eyes can never do. … They impound its stellar energy, and with that force they make life out of the elements.
In Flowering Earth (1939), 4.
Science quotes on:  |  Brain (281)  |  Constructive (15)  |  Do (1905)  |  Dust (68)  |  Element (322)  |  Energy (373)  |  Eye (440)  |  Fern (10)  |  Force (497)  |  Fundamental (264)  |  Leaf (73)  |  Life (1870)  |  Man (2252)  |  Never (1089)  |  Photosynthesis (21)  |  Pine (12)  |  See (1094)  |  Seeing (143)  |  Sense (785)  |  Speck (25)  |  Star (460)  |  Think (1122)  |  Universe (900)

As truly as the mystic, the scientist is following a light; and it is not a false or an inferior light.
Swarthmore Lecture (1929) at Friends’ House, London, printed in Science and the Unseen World (1929), 41.
Science quotes on:  |  Inferior (37)  |  Mystic (23)  |  Scientist (881)  |  Truly (118)

As, pricked out with less and greater lights, between the poles of the universe, the Milky Way so gleameth white as to set very sages questioning.
In The Paradiso of Dante Alighieri (1899, 1904), 175.
Science quotes on:  |  Gleam (13)  |  Greater (288)  |  Less (105)  |  Milky Way (29)  |  Pole (49)  |  Pricking (2)  |  Question (649)  |  Sage (25)  |  Set (400)  |  Universe (900)  |  Way (1214)  |  White (132)

Ask a follower of Bacon what [science] the new philosophy, as it was called in the time of Charles the Second, has effected for mankind, and his answer is ready; “It has lengthened life; it has mitigated pain; it has extinguished diseases; it has increased the fertility of the soil; it has given new securities to the mariner; it has furnished new arms to the warrior; it has spanned great rivers and estuaries with bridges of form unknown to our fathers; it has guided the thunderbolt innocuously from heaven to earth; it has lighted up the night with the splendour of the day; it has extended the range of the human vision; it has multiplied the power of the human muscles; it has accelerated motion; it has annihilated distance; it has facilitated intercourse, correspondence, all friendly offices, all dispatch of business; it has enabled man to descend to the depths of the sea, to soar into the air, to penetrate securely into the noxious recesses of the earth, to traverse the land in cars which whirl along without horses, to cross the ocean in ships which run ten knots an hour against the wind. These are but a part of its fruits, and of its first-fruits; for it is a philosophy which never rests, which has never attained, which is never perfect. Its law is progress. A point which yesterday was invisible is its goal to-day, and will be its starting-point to-morrow.”
From essay (Jul 1837) on 'Francis Bacon' in Edinburgh Review. In Baron Thomas Babington Macaulay and Lady Trevelyan (ed.) The Works of Lord Macaulay Complete (1871), Vol. 6, 222.
Science quotes on:  |  Acceleration (12)  |  Aeronautics (15)  |  Against (332)  |  Agriculture (78)  |  Air (366)  |  Answer (389)  |  Arm (82)  |  Arms (37)  |  Ask (420)  |  Attain (126)  |  Attainment (48)  |  Automobile (23)  |  Sir Francis Bacon (188)  |  Benefit (123)  |  Bridge (49)  |  Bridge Engineering (8)  |  Business (156)  |  Call (781)  |  Car (75)  |  Cave (17)  |  Correspondence (24)  |  Depth (97)  |  Descend (49)  |  Disease (340)  |  Distance (171)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Effect (414)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Engineering (188)  |  Estuary (3)  |  Exploration (161)  |  Extend (129)  |  Father (113)  |  Fertility (23)  |  First (1302)  |  Form (976)  |  Fruit (108)  |  Furnish (97)  |  Goal (155)  |  Great (1610)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Horse (78)  |  Hour (192)  |  Human (1512)  |  Invisibility (5)  |  Invisible (66)  |  Knot (11)  |  Law (913)  |  Life (1870)  |  Lighting (5)  |  Machine (271)  |  Man (2252)  |  Mankind (356)  |  Mariner (12)  |  Medicine (392)  |  Mining (22)  |  Motion (320)  |  Muscle (47)  |  Never (1089)  |  New (1273)  |  Noxious (8)  |  Ocean (216)  |  Oceanography (17)  |  Office (71)  |  Pain (144)  |  Penetrate (68)  |  Perfect (223)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Point (584)  |  Power (771)  |  Progress (492)  |  Range (104)  |  Rest (287)  |  River (140)  |  Run (158)  |  Sea (326)  |  Ship (69)  |  Soar (23)  |  Soil (98)  |  Splendour (8)  |  Steam Engine (47)  |  Strength (139)  |  Telegraph (45)  |  Thunderbolt (7)  |  Time (1911)  |  Today (321)  |  Tomorrow (63)  |  Unknown (195)  |  Vision (127)  |  Warrior (6)  |  Whirl (10)  |  Will (2350)  |  Wind (141)  |  Yesterday (37)

Astronomers work always with the past; because light takes time to move from one place to another, they see things as they were, not as they are.
The Telescope Handbook and Star Atlas (1967), 33.
Science quotes on:  |  Astronomer (97)  |  History (716)  |  Move (223)  |  Past (355)  |  See (1094)  |  Star (460)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Time (1911)  |  Work (1402)

At Gabriel College there was a very holy object on the high altar of the Oratory, covered with a black velvet cloth... At the height of the invocation the Intercessor lifted the cloth to reveal in the dimness a glass dome inside which there was something too distant to see, until he pulled a string attached to a shutter above, letting a ray of sunlight through to strike the dome exactly. Then it became clear: a little thing like a weathervane, with four sails black on one side and white on the other, began to whirl around as the light struck it. It illustrated a moral lesson, the Intercessor explained, for the black of ignorance fled from the light, whereas the wisdom of white rushed to embrace it.
[Alluding to Crookes's radiometer.]
Northern Lights (2001), 149.
Science quotes on:  |  Altar (11)  |  Attach (57)  |  Attached (36)  |  Black (46)  |  College (71)  |  Sir William Crookes (10)  |  Dome (9)  |  Embrace (47)  |  Explain (334)  |  Glass (94)  |  High (370)  |  Holy (35)  |  Ignorance (254)  |  Lesson (58)  |  Lift (57)  |  Little (717)  |  Moral (203)  |  Object (438)  |  Other (2233)  |  Pull (43)  |  Ray (115)  |  Reveal (152)  |  Sail (37)  |  See (1094)  |  Side (236)  |  Something (718)  |  Strike (72)  |  Sunlight (29)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Through (846)  |  Whirl (10)  |  White (132)  |  Wisdom (235)

At last gleams of light have come, and I am almost convinced (quite contrary to opinion I started with) that species are not (it is like confessing a murder) immutable. Heaven forfend me from Lamarck nonsense of a “tendency to progression”, “adaptations from the slow willing of animals”, &c! But the conclusions I am led to are not widely different from his; though the means of change are wholly so. I think I have found out (here’s presumption!) the simple way by which species become exquisitely adapted to various ends.
Letter to Sir Joseph Hooker (11 Jan 1844). In Charles Darwin and Francis Darwin (ed.), Charles Darwin: His Life Told in an Autobiographical Chapter, and in a Selected Series of His Published Letters (1892), 173-174.
Science quotes on:  |  Adapt (70)  |  Adaptation (59)  |  Animal (651)  |  Become (821)  |  Change (639)  |  Conclusion (266)  |  Contrary (143)  |  Different (595)  |  End (603)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Immutable (26)  |  Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (24)  |  Last (425)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Nonsense (48)  |  Opinion (291)  |  Origin Of Species (42)  |  Presumption (15)  |  Progression (23)  |  Simple (426)  |  Slow (108)  |  Species (435)  |  Start (237)  |  Tendency (110)  |  Think (1122)  |  Various (205)  |  Way (1214)  |  Wholly (88)  |  Willing (44)

Beyond these are other suns, giving light and life to systems, not a thousand, or two thousand merely, but multiplied without end, and ranged all around us, at immense distances from each other, attended by ten thousand times ten thousand worlds, all in rapid motion; yet calm, regular and harmonious—all space seems to be illuminated, and every particle of light a world. ... all this vast assemblages of suns and worlds may bear no greater proportion to what lies beyond the utmost boundaries of human vision, than a drop of water to the ocean.
In The Geography of the Heavens and Class-Book of Astronomy (1874), 148 That knowledge is not happiness.
Science quotes on:  |  Assemblage (17)  |  Attend (67)  |  Bear (162)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Calm (32)  |  Distance (171)  |  Drop (77)  |  End (603)  |  Greater (288)  |  Harmonious (18)  |  Human (1512)  |  Immense (89)  |  Lie (370)  |  Life (1870)  |  Merely (315)  |  Motion (320)  |  Ocean (216)  |  Other (2233)  |  Particle (200)  |  Proportion (140)  |  Regular (48)  |  Space (523)  |  Sun (407)  |  System (545)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Time (1911)  |  Two (936)  |  Vast (188)  |  Vision (127)  |  Water (503)  |  World (1850)

But for the persistence of a student of this university in urging upon me his desire to study with me the modern algebra I should never have been led into this investigation; and the new facts and principles which I have discovered in regard to it (important facts, I believe), would, so far as I am concerned, have remained still hidden in the womb of time. In vain I represented to this inquisitive student that he would do better to take up some other subject lying less off the beaten track of study, such as the higher parts of the calculus or elliptic functions, or the theory of substitutions, or I wot not what besides. He stuck with perfect respectfulness, but with invincible pertinacity, to his point. He would have the new algebra (Heaven knows where he had heard about it, for it is almost unknown in this continent), that or nothing. I was obliged to yield, and what was the consequence? In trying to throw light upon an obscure explanation in our text-book, my brain took fire, I plunged with re-quickened zeal into a subject which I had for years abandoned, and found food for thoughts which have engaged my attention for a considerable time past, and will probably occupy all my powers of contemplation advantageously for several months to come.
In Johns Hopkins Commemoration Day Address, Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. 3, 76.
Science quotes on:  |  Abandon (73)  |  Advantageous (10)  |  Algebra (117)  |  Attention (196)  |  Beaten Track (4)  |  Belief (615)  |  Better (493)  |  Book (413)  |  Brain (281)  |  Calculus (65)  |  Concern (239)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Considerable (75)  |  Contemplation (75)  |  Continent (79)  |  Desire (212)  |  Discover (571)  |  Do (1905)  |  Ellipse (8)  |  Engage (41)  |  Explanation (246)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Far (158)  |  Find (1014)  |  Fire (203)  |  Food (213)  |  Function (235)  |  Hear (144)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Hide (70)  |  High (370)  |  Important (229)  |  In Vain (12)  |  Inquisitive (5)  |  Investigation (250)  |  Invincible (6)  |  Know (1538)  |  Lead (391)  |  Less (105)  |  Lie (370)  |  Lying (55)  |  Mathematicians and Anecdotes (141)  |  Modern (402)  |  Month (91)  |  Never (1089)  |  New (1273)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Obliged (6)  |  Obscure (66)  |  Occupy (27)  |  Other (2233)  |  Part (235)  |  Past (355)  |  Perfect (223)  |  Persistence (25)  |  Pertinacity (2)  |  Plunge (11)  |  Point (584)  |  Power (771)  |  Principle (530)  |  Probably (50)  |  Quicken (7)  |  Regard (312)  |  Remain (355)  |  Represent (157)  |  Several (33)  |  Stick (27)  |  Still (614)  |  Student (317)  |  Study (701)  |  Subject (543)  |  Substitution (16)  |  Text-Book (5)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thought (995)  |  Throw (45)  |  Time (1911)  |  Track (42)  |  Try (296)  |  Trying (144)  |  University (130)  |  Unknown (195)  |  Urge (17)  |  Vain (86)  |  Will (2350)  |  Womb (25)  |  Year (963)  |  Yield (86)  |  Zeal (12)

But in the heavens we discover by their light, and by their light alone, stars so distant from each other that no material thing can ever have passed from one to another; and yet this light, which is to us the sole evidence of the existence of these distant worlds, tells us also that each of them is built up of molecules of the same kinds as those which we find on earth. A molecule of hydrogen, for example, whether in Sirius or in Arcturus, executes its vibrations in precisely the same time. Each molecule, therefore, throughout the universe, bears impressed on it the stamp of a metric system as distinctly as does the metre of the Archives at Paris, or the double royal cubit of the Temple of Karnac ... the exact quantity of each molecule to all others of same kind gives it, as Sir John Herschel has well said, the essential character of a manufactured article and precludes the idea of its being external and self-existent.
'Molecules', 1873. In W. D. Niven (ed.), The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell (1890), Vol. 2, 375-6.
Science quotes on:  |  Alone (324)  |  Arcturus (4)  |  Bear (162)  |  Being (1276)  |  Character (259)  |  Discover (571)  |  Distance (171)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Essential (210)  |  Evidence (267)  |  Execute (7)  |  Existence (481)  |  Find (1014)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Heavens (125)  |  Sir John Herschel (24)  |  Hydrogen (80)  |  Idea (881)  |  Impress (66)  |  Impressed (39)  |  Kind (564)  |  Material (366)  |  Metric System (6)  |  Molecule (185)  |  Other (2233)  |  Pass (241)  |  Precisely (93)  |  Quantity (136)  |  Royal (56)  |  Self (268)  |  Sole (50)  |  Stamp (36)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  System (545)  |  Tell (344)  |  Temple (45)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Throughout (98)  |  Time (1911)  |  Universe (900)  |  Vibration (26)  |  World (1850)

But it will be found... that one universal law prevails in all these phenomena. Where two portions of the same light arrive in the eye by different routes, either exactly or very nearly in the same direction, the appearance or disappearance of various colours is determined by the greater or less difference in the lengths of the paths.
Lecture XIV. 'Of Physical Optics'. In A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy (1802), 112-4.
Science quotes on:  |  Appearance (145)  |  Color (155)  |  Determination (80)  |  Difference (355)  |  Different (595)  |  Direction (185)  |  Disappearance (28)  |  Eye (440)  |  Greater (288)  |  Law (913)  |  Length (24)  |  Nearly (137)  |  Path (159)  |  Phenomenon (334)  |  Portion (86)  |  Prevail (47)  |  Route (16)  |  Two (936)  |  Universal (198)  |  Various (205)  |  Will (2350)

But soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It speaks, and yet says nothing.
Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2.
Science quotes on:  |  Break (109)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Say (989)  |  Soft (30)  |  Speak (240)  |  Through (846)  |  Window (59)

But when you come right down to it, the reason that we did this job is because it was an organic necessity. If you are a scientist you cannot stop such a thing. If you are a scientist you believe that it is good to find out how the world works; that it is good to find out what the realities are; that it is good to turn over to mankind at large the greatest possible power to control the world and to deal with it according to its lights and values.
Regarding the atomic bomb project.
From speech at Los Alamos (17 Oct 1945). Quoted in David C. Cassidy, J. Robert Oppenheimer and the American Century (2009), 214.
Science quotes on:  |  According (236)  |  Atomic Bomb (115)  |  Control (182)  |  Deal (192)  |  Down (455)  |  Enquiry (89)  |  Find (1014)  |  Good (906)  |  Greatest (330)  |  Job (86)  |  Large (398)  |  Mankind (356)  |  Necessity (197)  |  Organic (161)  |  Possible (560)  |  Power (771)  |  Project (77)  |  Reality (274)  |  Reason (766)  |  Research (753)  |  Right (473)  |  Scientist (881)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Turn (454)  |  Value (393)  |  Work (1402)  |  World (1850)

By blending water and minerals from below with sunlight and CO2 from above, green plants link the earth to the sky. We tend to believe that plants grow out of the soil, but in fact most of their substance comes from the air. The bulk of the cellulose and the other organic compounds produced through photosynthesis consists of heavy carbon and oxygen atoms, which plants take directly from the air in the form of CO2. Thus the weight of a wooden log comes almost entirely from the air. When we burn a log in a fireplace, oxygen and carbon combine once more into CO2, and in the light and heat of the fire we recover part of the solar energy that went into making the wood.
The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems (1997), 178.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Atom (381)  |  Bulk (24)  |  Burn (99)  |  Burning (49)  |  Carbon (68)  |  Carbon Dioxide (25)  |  Cellulose (3)  |  Combine (58)  |  Compound (117)  |  Consist (223)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Energy (373)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Fire (203)  |  Fireplace (3)  |  Form (976)  |  Green (65)  |  Grow (247)  |  Heat (180)  |  Link (48)  |  Log (7)  |  Making (300)  |  Mineral (66)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Organic (161)  |  Organic Compound (3)  |  Other (2233)  |  Oxygen (77)  |  Photosynthesis (21)  |  Plant (320)  |  Produced (187)  |  Respiration (14)  |  Sky (174)  |  Soil (98)  |  Solar Energy (21)  |  Substance (253)  |  Sunlight (29)  |  Tend (124)  |  Through (846)  |  Water (503)  |  Weight (140)  |  Wood (97)

By death the moon was gathered in Long ago, ah long ago;
Yet still the silver corpse must spin
And with another's light must glow.
Her frozen mountains must forget
Their primal hot volcanic breath,
Doomed to revolve for ages yet,
Void amphitheatres of death.
And all about the cosmic sky,
The black that lies beyond our blue,
Dead stars innumerable lie,
And stars of red and angry hue
Not dead but doomed to die.
'Cosmic Death' (1923), in The Captive Shrew and Other Poems of a Biologist (1932), 30.
Science quotes on:  |  Age (509)  |  Amphitheatre (2)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Breath (61)  |  Cosmic (74)  |  Cosmos (64)  |  Crater (8)  |  Death (406)  |  Doom (34)  |  Forget (125)  |  Gather (76)  |  Hot (63)  |  Innumerable (56)  |  Lie (370)  |  Long (778)  |  Moon (252)  |  Mountain (202)  |  Must (1525)  |  Orbit (85)  |  Poem (104)  |  Revolve (26)  |  Silver (49)  |  Sky (174)  |  Spin (26)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Still (614)  |  Sun (407)  |  Void (31)  |  Volcano (46)

By research in pure science I mean research made without any idea of application to industrial matters but solely with the view of extending our knowledge of the Laws of Nature. I will give just one example of the ‘utility’ of this kind of research, one that has been brought into great prominence by the War—I mean the use of X-rays in surgery. Now, not to speak of what is beyond money value, the saving of pain, or, it may be, the life of the wounded, and of bitter grief to those who loved them, the benefit which the state has derived from the restoration of so many to life and limb, able to render services which would otherwise have been lost, is almost incalculable. Now, how was this method discovered? It was not the result of a research in applied science starting to find an improved method of locating bullet wounds. This might have led to improved probes, but we cannot imagine it leading to the discovery of X-rays. No, this method is due to an investigation in pure science, made with the object of discovering what is the nature of Electricity. The experiments which led to this discovery seemed to be as remote from ‘humanistic interest’ —to use a much misappropriated word—as anything that could well be imagined. The apparatus consisted of glass vessels from which the last drops of air had been sucked, and which emitted a weird greenish light when stimulated by formidable looking instruments called induction coils. Near by, perhaps, were great coils of wire and iron built up into electro-magnets. I know well the impression it made on the average spectator, for I have been occupied in experiments of this kind nearly all my life, notwithstanding the advice, given in perfect good faith, by non-scientific visitors to the laboratory, to put that aside and spend my time on something useful.
In Speech made on behalf of a delegation from the Conjoint Board of Scientific Studies in 1916 to Lord Crewe, then Lord President of the Council. In George Paget Thomson, J. J. Thomson and the Cavendish Laboratory in His Day (1965), 167-8.
Science quotes on:  |  Advice (57)  |  Air (366)  |  Apparatus (70)  |  Application (257)  |  Applied (176)  |  Applied Science (36)  |  Average (89)  |  Benefit (123)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Bitter (30)  |  Call (781)  |  Consist (223)  |  Discover (571)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Drop (77)  |  Due (143)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Faith (209)  |  Find (1014)  |  Glass (94)  |  Good (906)  |  Great (1610)  |  Grief (20)  |  Idea (881)  |  Imagine (176)  |  Impression (118)  |  Induction (81)  |  Instrument (158)  |  Interest (416)  |  Investigation (250)  |  Iron (99)  |  Kind (564)  |  Know (1538)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Laboratory (214)  |  Last (425)  |  Law (913)  |  Life (1870)  |  Looking (191)  |  Magnet (22)  |  Matter (821)  |  Mean (810)  |  Method (531)  |  Money (178)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Nearly (137)  |  Non-Scientific (7)  |  Object (438)  |  Occupied (45)  |  Pain (144)  |  Perfect (223)  |  Probe (12)  |  Prominence (5)  |  Pure (299)  |  Pure Science (30)  |  Ray (115)  |  Remote (86)  |  Render (96)  |  Research (753)  |  Result (700)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Service (110)  |  Something (718)  |  Speak (240)  |  Spend (97)  |  State (505)  |  Suck (8)  |  Surgery (54)  |  Time (1911)  |  Use (771)  |  Useful (260)  |  Utility (52)  |  Value (393)  |  Vessel (63)  |  View (496)  |  War (233)  |  Will (2350)  |  Wire (36)  |  Word (650)  |  Wound (26)  |  X-ray (43)

By these pleasures it is permitted to relax the mind with play, in turmoils of the mind, or when our labors are light, or in great tension, or as a method of passing the time. A reliable witness is Cicero, when he says (De Oratore, 2): 'men who are accustomed to hard daily toil, when by reason of the weather they are kept from their work, betake themselves to playing with a ball, or with knucklebones or with dice, or they may also contrive for themselves some new game at their leisure.'
The Book of Games of Chance (1663), final sentences, trans. Sydney Henry Gould. In Oysten Ore, The Gambling Scholar (1953), 241.
Science quotes on:  |  Accustom (52)  |  Accustomed (46)  |  Ball (64)  |  Chance (244)  |  Contrive (10)  |  Daily (91)  |  Dice (21)  |  Game (104)  |  Great (1610)  |  Hard (246)  |  Labor (200)  |  Leisure (25)  |  Method (531)  |  Mind (1377)  |  New (1273)  |  Passing (76)  |  Playing (42)  |  Pleasure (191)  |  Reason (766)  |  Say (989)  |  Tension (24)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Time (1911)  |  Toil (29)  |  Turmoil (8)  |  Weather (49)  |  Witness (57)  |  Work (1402)

Can imagination picture what the future of this invention is to be! … We may talk by light to any visible distance without any conducting wire.
Letter to his father (26 Feb 1880), describing his photophone research. Transcript with Bell Papers, Library of Congress.
Science quotes on:  |  Conductor (17)  |  Distance (171)  |  Future (467)  |  Imagination (349)  |  Invention (400)  |  Picture (148)  |  Talking (76)  |  Visible (87)  |  Wire (36)

Chemistry without catalysis, would be a sword without a handle, a light without brilliance, a bell without sound.
R. B. Desper, 'Alwin Mittasch', Journal of Chemlca1 Education (1948), 25, 531-2.
Science quotes on:  |  Bell (35)  |  Brilliance (14)  |  Catalysis (7)  |  Chemistry (376)  |  Handle (29)  |  Sound (187)  |  Sword (16)

Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be your Teacher.
In 'The Tables Turned' (1798). ln The Works of William Wordsworth (1994), Book 4, 381.
Science quotes on:  |  Nature (2017)  |  Teacher (154)  |  Thing (1914)

Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be your teacher. …
One impulse from a vernal wood
May teach you more of man,
Of moral evil and of good,
Than all the sages can.
From poem, 'The Tables Turned', collected in Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems (1798), 187.
Science quotes on:  |  Evil (122)  |  Forestry (17)  |  Good (906)  |  Impulse (52)  |  Man (2252)  |  Moral (203)  |  More (2558)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Sage (25)  |  Teach (299)  |  Teacher (154)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Wood (97)

Computers and rocket ships are examples of invention, not of understanding. … All that is needed to build machines is the knowledge that when one thing happens, another thing happens as a result. It’s an accumulation of simple patterns. A dog can learn patterns. There is no “why” in those examples. We don’t understand why electricity travels. We don’t know why light travels at a constant speed forever. All we can do is observe and record patterns.
In God's Debris: A Thought Experiment (2004), 22.
Science quotes on:  |  Accumulation (51)  |  Build (211)  |  Building (158)  |  Computer (131)  |  Constant (148)  |  Do (1905)  |  Dog (70)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Example (98)  |  Forever (111)  |  Happen (282)  |  Happening (59)  |  Invention (400)  |  Know (1538)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Learn (672)  |  Learning (291)  |  Machine (271)  |  Need (320)  |  Observation (593)  |  Observe (179)  |  Pattern (116)  |  Record (161)  |  Result (700)  |  Rocket (52)  |  Ship (69)  |  Simple (426)  |  Simplicity (175)  |  Speed (66)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Travel (125)  |  Understand (648)  |  Understanding (527)  |  Why (491)

Contact light.
Science quotes on:  |  Contact (66)

Could the waters of the Atlantic be drawn off so as to expose to view this great seagash which separates continents, and extends from the Arctic to the Antarctic, it would present a scene the most rugged, grand and imposing. The very ribs of the solid earth, with the foundations of the sea, would be brought to light.
Science quotes on:  |  Antarctic (7)  |  Arctic (10)  |  Atlantic (8)  |  Bring (95)  |  Continent (79)  |  Draw (140)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Expose (28)  |  Extend (129)  |  Foundation (177)  |  Grand (29)  |  Great (1610)  |  Impose (22)  |  Most (1728)  |  Present (630)  |  Rib (6)  |  Rugged (7)  |  Scene (36)  |  Sea (326)  |  Separate (151)  |  Solid (119)  |  View (496)  |  Water (503)

Counting stars by candlelight all are dim but one is bright; the spiral light of Venus rising first and shining best, from the northwest corner of a brand-new crescent moon crickets and cicadas sing a rare and different tune.
Terrapin Station
Science quotes on:  |  Best (467)  |  Bright (81)  |  Candlelight (3)  |  Cicada (3)  |  Corner (59)  |  Count (107)  |  Counting (26)  |  Crescent (4)  |  Cricket (8)  |  Different (595)  |  Dim (11)  |  First (1302)  |  Moon (252)  |  New (1273)  |  Rare (94)  |  Rise (169)  |  Rising (44)  |  Shine (49)  |  Shining (35)  |  Sing (29)  |  Spiral (19)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Tune (20)  |  Venus (21)

Damn the Solar System. Bad light; planets too distant; pestered with comets; feeble contrivance; could make a better myself.
Science quotes on:  |  Bad (185)  |  Better (493)  |  Comet (65)  |  Creation (350)  |  Myself (211)  |  Planet (402)  |  Solar System (81)  |  System (545)

Darwin's Origin of Species had come into the theological world like a plough into an ant-hill. Everywhere those thus rudely awakened from their old comfort and repose had swarmed forth angry and confused. Reviews, sermons, books light and heavy, came flying at the new thinker from all sides.
From The Warfare of Science and Theology in Christendom (1898), 70.
Science quotes on:  |  Anger (21)  |  Ant (34)  |  Anthill (3)  |  Awakening (11)  |  Book (413)  |  Comfort (64)  |  Confusion (61)  |  Charles Darwin (322)  |  Everywhere (98)  |  Flying (74)  |  Heavy (24)  |  New (1273)  |  Old (499)  |  Origin (250)  |  Origin Of Species (42)  |  Plough (15)  |  Repose (9)  |  Review (27)  |  Sermon (9)  |  Side (236)  |  Species (435)  |  Swarm (15)  |  Theology (54)  |  Thinker (41)  |  World (1850)

Do not Bodies and Light act mutually upon one another; that is to say, Bodies upon Light in emitting, reflecting, refracting and inflecting it, and Light upon Bodies for heating them, and putting their parts into a vibrating motion wherein heat consists?
Opticks (1704), Book 3, Query 5, 133.
Science quotes on:  |  Act (278)  |  Action (342)  |  Body (557)  |  Consist (223)  |  Do (1905)  |  Emission (20)  |  Heat (180)  |  Inflection (4)  |  Motion (320)  |  Mutual (54)  |  Reflection (93)  |  Refraction (13)  |  Say (989)  |  Vibration (26)

Do not great Bodies conserve their heat the longest, their parts heating one another, and may not great dense and fix'd Bodies, when heated beyond a certain degree, emit Light so copiously, as by the Emission and Re-action of its Light, and the Reflexions and Refractions of its Rays within its Pores to grow still hotter, till it comes to a certain period of heat, such as is that of the Sun?
Opticks (1704), Book 3, Query II, 135.
Science quotes on:  |  Action (342)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Body (557)  |  Certain (557)  |  Conservation (187)  |  Degree (277)  |  Density (25)  |  Do (1905)  |  Emission (20)  |  Emit (15)  |  Great (1610)  |  Grow (247)  |  Heat (180)  |  Period (200)  |  Pore (7)  |  Ray (115)  |  Reaction (106)  |  Reflection (93)  |  Refraction (13)  |  Still (614)  |  Sun (407)

Do not try the parallels in that way: I know that way all along. I have measured that bottomless night, and all the light and all the joy of my life went out there.
Having himself spent a lifetime unsuccessfully trying to prove Euclid's postulate that parallel lines do not meet, Farkas discouraged his son János from any further attempt.
Letter (4 Apr 1820), to his son, János Bolyai. In J. J. O'Connor and E. F. Robertson, 'Farkas Wolfgang Bolyai' (Mar 2004), web article in MacTutor..
Science quotes on:  |  Attempt (266)  |  Bottomless (7)  |  Discouragement (10)  |  Do (1905)  |  Euclid (60)  |  Himself (461)  |  Joy (117)  |  Know (1538)  |  Life (1870)  |  Night (133)  |  Parallel (46)  |  Postulate (42)  |  Prove (261)  |  Spent (85)  |  Try (296)  |  Trying (144)  |  Way (1214)

Each ray of light moves in the coordinate system 'at rest' with the definite, constant velocity V independent of whether this ray of light is emitted by a body at rest or a body in motion.
Annalen der Physik, 1905, 17, 891-921. Trans. John Stachel et al (eds.), The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Vol. 2, (1989), Doc. 23, 143.
Science quotes on:  |  Body (557)  |  Constant (148)  |  Definite (114)  |  Motion (320)  |  Move (223)  |  Ray (115)  |  Relativity (91)  |  Rest (287)  |  Speed Of Light (18)  |  System (545)  |  Velocity (51)

Edna St Vincent Millay said:
My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and oh, my friends –
It gives a lovely light.
So it is with Gaia. The first aeons of her life were bacterial, and only in her equivalent of late middle age did the first meta-fauna and meta-zoa appear. Not until her eighties did the first intelligent animal appear on the planet. Whatever our faults, we surely have enlightened Gaia’s seniority by letting her see herself from space as a whole planet while she was still beautiful.
In 'The Life History of Gaia', The Revenge of Gaia: Earth’s Climate Crisis & The Fate of Humanity (2006), Chap. 3, 46-47.
Science quotes on:  |  Animal (651)  |  Appear (122)  |  Bacteria (50)  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Burn (99)  |  Candle (32)  |  Enlighten (32)  |  Eon (12)  |  Fault (58)  |  Foe (11)  |  Friend (180)  |  Gaia (15)  |  Intelligent (108)  |  Life (1870)  |  Lovely (12)  |  Middle Age (19)  |  Edna St. Vincent Millay (2)  |  Night (133)  |  Planet (402)  |  Poem (104)  |  Seniority (3)  |  Whole (756)

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
Science quotes on:  |  Education (423)  |  Fill (67)  |  Fire (203)  |  Pail (3)

ELECTRICITY, n. The power that causes all natural phenomena not known to be caused by something else. It is the same thing as lightning, and its famous attempt to strike Dr. Franklin is one of the most picturesque incidents in that great and good man's career. The memory of Dr. Franklin is justly held in great reverence, particularly in France, where a waxen effigy of him was recently on exhibition, bearing the following touching account of his life and services to science:
Monsieur Franqulin, inventor of electricity. This illustrious savant, after having made several voyages around the world, died on the Sandwich Islands and was devoured by savages, of whom not a single fragment was ever recovered.
Electricity seems destined to play a most important part in the arts and industries. The question of its economical application to some purposes is still unsettled, but experiment has already proved that it will propel a street car better than a gas jet and give more light than a horse.
The Cynic's Word Book (1906), 87. Also published later as The Devil's Dictionary.
Science quotes on:  |  Account (195)  |  Already (226)  |  Application (257)  |  Art (680)  |  Attempt (266)  |  Better (493)  |  Car (75)  |  Career (86)  |  Cause (561)  |  Destined (42)  |  Devour (29)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Exhibition (7)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Fragment (58)  |  Benjamin Franklin (95)  |  Gas (89)  |  Good (906)  |  Great (1610)  |  Horse (78)  |  Humour (116)  |  Illustrious (10)  |  Inventor (79)  |  Island (49)  |  Known (453)  |  Life (1870)  |  Lightning (49)  |  Man (2252)  |  Memory (144)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Natural (810)  |  Power (771)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Question (649)  |  Service (110)  |  Single (365)  |  Something (718)  |  Still (614)  |  Strike (72)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Touching (16)  |  Unsettled (3)  |  Will (2350)  |  World (1850)

Emergency is a subsoil plow bringing to light depths of mind and character before unknown and unsuspected.
From chapter 'Jottings from a Note-book', in Canadian Stories (1918), 184.
Science quotes on:  |  Bring (95)  |  Character (259)  |  Depth (97)  |  Emergency (10)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Plow (7)  |  Soil (98)  |  Unknown (195)  |  Unsuspected (7)

Essentially only one thing in life interests us: our psychical constitution, the mechanism of which was and is wrapped in darkness. All human resources, art, religion, literature, philosophy and historical sciences, all of them join in bringing lights in this darkness. But man has still another powerful resource: natural science with its strictly objective methods. This science, as we all know, is making huge progress every day. The facts and considerations which I have placed before you at the end of my lecture are one out of numerous attempts to employ a consistent, purely scientific method of thinking in the study of the mechanism of the highest manifestations of life in the dog, the representative of the animal kingdom that is man's best friend.
'Physiology of Digestion', Nobel Lecture (12 Dec 1904). In Nobel Lectures: Physiology or Medicine 1901-1921 (1967), 134
Science quotes on:  |  Animal (651)  |  Animal Kingdom (21)  |  Art (680)  |  Attempt (266)  |  Best (467)  |  Best Friend (4)  |  Consideration (143)  |  Consistency (31)  |  Consistent (50)  |  Constitution (78)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Dog (70)  |  Employ (115)  |  Employment (34)  |  End (603)  |  Essential (210)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Friend (180)  |  Historical (70)  |  History (716)  |  Human (1512)  |  Interest (416)  |  Kingdom (80)  |  Know (1538)  |  Lecture (111)  |  Life (1870)  |  Literature (116)  |  Making (300)  |  Man (2252)  |  Manifestation (61)  |  Mechanism (102)  |  Method (531)  |  Natural (810)  |  Natural Science (133)  |  Numerous (70)  |  Objective (96)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Powerful (145)  |  Progress (492)  |  Psychology (166)  |  Purely (111)  |  Religion (369)  |  Representative (14)  |  Resource (74)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Scientific Method (200)  |  Still (614)  |  Strictness (2)  |  Study (701)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Thinking (425)  |  Wrap (7)

Euclid alone has looked on Beauty bare.
Let all who prate of Beauty hold their peace,
And lay them prone upon the earth and cease
To ponder on themselves, the while they stare
At nothing, intricately drawn nowhere
In shapes of shifting lineage; let geese
Gabble and hiss, but heroes seek release
From dusty bondage into luminous air.
O blinding hour, O holy, terrible day,
When first the shaft into his vision shone
Of light anatomized! Euclid alone
Has looked on Beauty bare. Fortunate they
Who, though once only and then but far away,
Have heard her massive sandal set on stone.
Poem, 'Euclid Alone Has Looked on Beauty Bare", collected in Wallace Warner Douglas and Hallett Darius Smith (eds.), The Critical Reader: Poems, Stories, Essays (1949), 110.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Alone (324)  |  Bare (33)  |  Beauty (313)  |  Blind (98)  |  Bondage (6)  |  Cease (81)  |  Draw (140)  |  Dusty (8)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Euclid (60)  |  First (1302)  |  Fortunate (31)  |  Goose (13)  |  Hear (144)  |  Hero (45)  |  Hold (96)  |  Holy (35)  |  Hour (192)  |  Intricate (29)  |  Let (64)  |  Lineage (3)  |  Look (584)  |  Luminous (19)  |  Massive (9)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Nowhere (28)  |  Peace (116)  |  Ponder (15)  |  Prone (7)  |  Release (31)  |  Sandal (3)  |  Seek (218)  |  Set (400)  |  Shaft (5)  |  Shape (77)  |  Shift (45)  |  Shine (49)  |  Stare (9)  |  Stone (168)  |  Terrible (41)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Vision (127)

Even Light itself, which every thing displays,
Shone undiscover’d, till his brighter Mind
Untwisted all the shining Robe of Day.
[On Newton’s Opticks.]
In A Poem Sacred to the Memory of Sir Isaac Newton (1727), 10.
Science quotes on:  |  Display (59)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Shining (35)  |  Thing (1914)

Henry Thoreau quote Dews of fresh and living truth
photo credit: Inspired Images CC0 (source)
Even the facts of science may dust the mind by their dryness, unless they are … rendered fertile by the dews of fresh and living truth. Knowledge does not come to us by details, but in flashes of light from heaven.
Essay, first published as 'Life Without Principle', Atlantic Monthly (Oct 1863). Collected in Yankee in Canada, Etc., (1866) 267. Also excerpted in H.G.O. Blake (ed.), Thoreau's Thoughts: Selections From the Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1890, 2005), 102.
Science quotes on:  |  Detail (150)  |  Dew (10)  |  Dryness (5)  |  Dust (68)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Fertile (30)  |  Flash (49)  |  Fresh (69)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Living (492)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Render (96)  |  Truth (1109)

Every appearance in nature corresponds to some state of the mind, and that state of the mind can only be described by presenting that natural appearance as its picture. An enraged man is a lion, a cunning man is a fox, a firm man is a rock, a learned man is a torch. A lamb is innocence; a snake is subtle spite; flowers express to us the delicate affections. Light and darkness are our familiar expressions for knowledge and ignorance ; and heat for love. Visible distance behind and before us, is respectively our image of memory and hope.
In essay, 'Language', collected in Nature: An Essay ; And, Lectures on the Times (1844), 23-24.
Science quotes on:  |  Affection (44)  |  Appearance (145)  |  Behind (139)  |  Correspond (13)  |  Cunning (17)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Delicate (45)  |  Describe (132)  |  Distance (171)  |  Express (192)  |  Expression (181)  |  Firm (47)  |  Flower (112)  |  Fox (9)  |  Heat (180)  |  Hope (321)  |  Ignorance (254)  |  Image (97)  |  Innocence (13)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Lamb (6)  |  Learn (672)  |  Learned (235)  |  Linguistics (39)  |  Lion (23)  |  Love (328)  |  Man (2252)  |  Memory (144)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Natural (810)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Picture (148)  |  Respectively (13)  |  Rock (176)  |  Snake (29)  |  Spite (55)  |  State (505)  |  State Of Mind (4)  |  Subtle (37)  |  Torch (13)  |  Visible (87)

Every discovery opens a new field for investigation of facts, shows us the imperfection of our theories. It has justly been said, that the greater the circle of light, the greater the boundary of darkness by which it is surrounded.
Humphry Davy and John Davy, 'Consolations in Travel—Dialogue V—The Chemical Philosopher', The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy (1840), Vol. 9, 362.
Science quotes on:  |  Boundary (55)  |  Circle (117)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Field (378)  |  Greater (288)  |  Imperfection (32)  |  Investigation (250)  |  New (1273)  |  Open (277)  |  Research (753)  |  Show (353)  |  Theory (1015)

Exits sun; enters moon.
This moon is never alone.
Stars are seen all around.
These twinklers do not make a sound.
The tiny ones shine from their place.
Mother moon watches with a smiling face.
Its light is soothing to the eyes.
Night’s darkness hides its face.
Cool and calm is its light.
Heat and sweat are never felt.
Some days, moon is not seen.
Makes kids wonder, where had it been?
Partial eclipse shades the moon.
In summers it does not arrive soon.
Beautiful is this milky ball.
It is the love of one and all.
Science quotes on:  |  Alone (324)  |  Arrive (40)  |  Ball (64)  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Calm (32)  |  Cool (15)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Do (1905)  |  Eclipse (25)  |  Enter (145)  |  Exit (4)  |  Eye (440)  |  Face (214)  |  Feel (371)  |  Heat (180)  |  Hide (70)  |  Kid (18)  |  Love (328)  |  Moon (252)  |  Mother (116)  |  Never (1089)  |  Night (133)  |  Partial (10)  |  Place (192)  |  See (1094)  |  Shade (35)  |  Shine (49)  |  Smile (34)  |  Soon (187)  |  Soothing (3)  |  Sound (187)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Summer (56)  |  Sun (407)  |  Sweat (17)  |  Tiny (74)  |  Watch (118)  |  Wonder (251)

Exper. I. I made a small hole in a window-shutter, and covered it with a piece of thick paper, which I perforated with a fine needle. For greater convenience of observation I placed a small looking-glass without the window-shutter, in such a position as to reflect the sun's light, in a direction nearly horizontal, upon the opposite wall, and to cause the cone of diverging light to pass over a table on which were several little screens of card-paper. I brought into the sunbeam a slip of card, about one-thirtieth of an inch in breadth, and observed its shadow, either on the wall or on other cards held at different distances. Besides the fringes of colour on each side of the shadow, the shadow itself was divided by similar parallel fringes, of smaller dimensions, differing in number, according to the distance at which the shadow was observed, but leaving the middle of the shadow always white. Now these fringes were the joint effects of the portions of light passing on each side of the slip of card and inflected, or rather diffracted, into the shadow. For, a little screen being placed a few inches from the card, so as to receive either edge of the shadow on its margin, all the fringes which had before been observed in the shadow on the wall, immediately disappeared, although the light inflected on the other side was allowed to retain its course, and although this light must have undergone any modification that the proximity of the other edge of the slip of card might have been capable of occasioning... Nor was it for want of a sufficient intensity of light that one of the two portions was incapable of producing the fringes alone; for when they were both uninterrupted, the lines appeared, even if the intensity was reduced to one-tenth or one-twentieth.
'Experiments and Calculations Relative to Physical Optics' (read in 1803), Philosophical Transactions (1804), 94, 2-3.
Science quotes on:  |  According (236)  |  Alone (324)  |  Being (1276)  |  Both (496)  |  Breadth (15)  |  Capable (174)  |  Cause (561)  |  Cone (8)  |  Convenience (54)  |  Course (413)  |  Different (595)  |  Dimension (64)  |  Direction (185)  |  Disappear (84)  |  Distance (171)  |  Divided (50)  |  Edge (51)  |  Effect (414)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Fringe (7)  |  Glass (94)  |  Greater (288)  |  Hole (17)  |  Horizontal (9)  |  Immediately (115)  |  Incapable (41)  |  Intensity (34)  |  Interference (22)  |  Joint (31)  |  Little (717)  |  Looking (191)  |  Modification (57)  |  Must (1525)  |  Nearly (137)  |  Number (710)  |  Observation (593)  |  Observed (149)  |  Opposite (110)  |  Other (2233)  |  Paper (192)  |  Parallel (46)  |  Pass (241)  |  Passing (76)  |  Portion (86)  |  Receive (117)  |  Reflection (93)  |  Retain (57)  |  Screen (8)  |  Shadow (73)  |  Side (236)  |  Small (489)  |  Sufficient (133)  |  Sun (407)  |  Sunbeam (3)  |  Table (105)  |  Two (936)  |  Uninterrupted (7)  |  Wall (71)  |  Want (504)  |  White (132)  |  Window (59)

Facts do not “speak for themselves”; they are read in the light of a theory. Creative thought, in science as much as in the arts, is the motor of changing opinion.
In Perspectives in Biological Medicine (1985).
Science quotes on:  |  Art (680)  |  Creative (144)  |  Do (1905)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Motor (23)  |  Opinion (291)  |  Read (308)  |  Speak (240)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thought (995)

Faith is like electricity. You can't see it, but you can see its light shining on you.
In 'Quotes and Quips', Hinduism Today Magazine (Jan-Mar 2009), web edition.
Science quotes on:  |  Electricity (168)  |  Faith (209)  |  See (1094)  |  Shining (35)

Fanatical ethnic or religious or national chauvinisms are a little difficult to maintain when we see our planet as a fragile blue crescent fading to become an inconspicuous point of light against a bastion and citadel of the stars.
Science quotes on:  |  Against (332)  |  Bastion (3)  |  Become (821)  |  Blue (63)  |  Citadel (4)  |  Crescent (4)  |  Difficult (263)  |  Ethnic (2)  |  Fade (12)  |  Fanatical (3)  |  Fragile (26)  |  Inconspicuous (4)  |  Little (717)  |  Maintain (105)  |  National (29)  |  Planet (402)  |  Point (584)  |  Religious (134)  |  See (1094)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)

Faraday, … by his untiring faithfulness in keeping his diary, contributes to our understanding the objects of his scientific research in magnetism, electricity and light, but he also makes us understand the scientist himself, as a living subject, the mind in action.
In 'The Scientific Grammar of Michael Faraday’s Diaries', Part I, 'The Classic of Science', A Classic and a Founder (1937), collected in Rosenstock-Huessy Papers (1981), Vol. 1, 2.
Science quotes on:  |  Action (342)  |  Contribute (30)  |  Diary (2)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Faithful (13)  |  Michael Faraday (91)  |  Himself (461)  |  Living (492)  |  Magnetism (43)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Object (438)  |  Research (753)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Scientific Research (3)  |  Scientist (881)  |  Subject (543)  |  Understand (648)  |  Understanding (527)

Finite systems of deterministic ordinary nonlinear differential equations may be designed to represent forced dissipative hydrodynamic flow. Solutions of these equations can be identified with trajectories in phase space. For those systems with bounded solutions, it is found that nonperiodic solutions are ordinarily unstable with respect to small modifications, so that slightly differing initial states can evolve into considerably different states. Systems with bounded solutions are shown to possess bounded numerical solutions.
A simple system representing cellular convection is solved numerically. All of the solutions are found to be unstable, and almost all of them are nonperiodic.
The feasibility of very-long-range weather prediction is examined in the light of these results
Abstract from his landmark paper introducing Chaos Theory in relation to weather prediction, 'Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow', Journal of the Atmospheric Science (Mar 1963), 20, 130.
Science quotes on:  |  Bound (120)  |  Chaos Theory (4)  |  Convection (3)  |  Design (203)  |  Different (595)  |  Differential Equation (18)  |  Equation (138)  |  Feasibility (4)  |  Finite (60)  |  Flow (89)  |  Hydrodynamics (5)  |  Long (778)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Modification (57)  |  Nonlinear (4)  |  Numerical (39)  |  Ordinary (167)  |  Phase (37)  |  Phase Space (2)  |  Possess (157)  |  Prediction (89)  |  Range (104)  |  Represent (157)  |  Respect (212)  |  Result (700)  |  Simple (426)  |  Small (489)  |  Solution (282)  |  Solution. (53)  |  Space (523)  |  State (505)  |  System (545)  |  Unstable (9)  |  Weather (49)  |  Weather Prediction (2)

Firefly meteorites blazed against a dark background, and sometimes the lightning was frighteningly brilliant. Like a boy, I gazed open-mouthed at the fireworks, and suddenly, before my eyes, something magical occurred. A greenish radiance poured from Earth directly up to the station, a radiance resembling gigantic phosphorescent organ pipes, whose ends were glowing crimson, and overlapped by waves of swirling green mist.
“Consider yourself very lucky, Vladimir,” I said to myself, “to have watched the northern lights.”
Science quotes on:  |  Against (332)  |  Background (44)  |  Blaze (14)  |  Boy (100)  |  Brilliant (57)  |  Consider (428)  |  Crimson (4)  |  Dark (145)  |  Directly (25)  |  Earth (1076)  |  End (603)  |  Eye (440)  |  Firefly (8)  |  Firework (2)  |  Gaze (23)  |  Gigantic (40)  |  Glow (15)  |  Green (65)  |  Lightning (49)  |  Lucky (13)  |  Magic (92)  |  Meteorite (9)  |  Mist (17)  |  Mouth (54)  |  Myself (211)  |  Northern Lights (2)  |  Occur (151)  |  Open (277)  |  Organ (118)  |  Overlap (9)  |  Phosphorescent (3)  |  Pipe (7)  |  Pour (9)  |  Radiance (7)  |  Resemble (65)  |  Say (989)  |  Something (718)  |  Sometimes (46)  |  Station (30)  |  Suddenly (91)  |  Swirl (10)  |  Watch (118)  |  Wave (112)

Firm support has been found for the assertion that electricity occurs at thousands of points where we at most conjectured that it was present. Innumerable electrical particles oscillate in every flame and light source. We can in fact assume that every heat source is filled with electrons which will continue to oscillate ceaselessly and indefinitely. All these electrons leave their impression on the emitted rays. We can hope that experimental study of the radiation phenomena, which are exposed to various influences, but in particular to the effect of magnetism, will provide us with useful data concerning a new field, that of atomistic astronomy, as Lodge called it, populated with atoms and electrons instead of planets and worlds.
'Light Radiation in a Magnetic Field', Nobel Lecture, 2 May 1903. In Nobel Lectures: Physics 1901-1921 (1967), 40.
Science quotes on:  |  Assertion (35)  |  Astronomy (251)  |  Atom (381)  |  Call (781)  |  Conjecture (51)  |  Continue (179)  |  Data (162)  |  Effect (414)  |  Electrical (57)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Electromagnetic Radiation (2)  |  Electron (96)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Experimental (193)  |  Exposed (33)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Field (378)  |  Firm (47)  |  Flame (44)  |  Heat (180)  |  Hope (321)  |  Impression (118)  |  Influence (231)  |  Innumerable (56)  |  Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge (13)  |  Magnetism (43)  |  Most (1728)  |  New (1273)  |  Occur (151)  |  Oscillate (2)  |  Particle (200)  |  Planet (402)  |  Point (584)  |  Present (630)  |  Radiation (48)  |  Ray (115)  |  Research (753)  |  Study (701)  |  Support (151)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Useful (260)  |  Various (205)  |  Will (2350)  |  World (1850)

First follow Nature, and your judgment frame
By her just standard, which is still the same:
Unerring nature, still divinely bright,
One clear, unchanged, and universal light,
Life, force, and beauty must to all impart,
At once the source, and end, and test of art.
#039;Essay On Criticism#039;, Miscellaneous Poems and Translations: by Several Hands (1720), 38.
Science quotes on:  |  Art (680)  |  Beauty (313)  |  Bright (81)  |  Change (639)  |  Clear (111)  |  End (603)  |  First (1302)  |  Follow (389)  |  Force (497)  |  Frame (26)  |  Impart (24)  |  Judgment (140)  |  Life (1870)  |  Must (1525)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Source (101)  |  Standard (64)  |  Still (614)  |  Test (221)  |  Unerring (4)  |  Universal (198)

Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.
Science quotes on:  |  Follow (389)  |  Leave (138)  |  Old (499)  |  Old World (9)  |  Sun (407)  |  World (1850)

For a billion years the patient earth amassed documents and inscribed them with signs and pictures which lay unnoticed and unused. Today, at last, they are waking up, because man has come to rouse them. Stones have begun to speak, because an ear is there to hear them. Layers become history and, released from the enchanted sleep of eternity, life’s motley, never-ending dance rises out of the black depths of the past into the light of the present.
In 'Prologue', Conversation with the Earth (1954), 4. As translated by E.B. Garside from Gespräch mit der Erde (1947).
Science quotes on:  |  Amass (6)  |  Become (821)  |  Billion (104)  |  Dance (35)  |  Depth (97)  |  Ear (69)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Eternity (64)  |  Geology (240)  |  Hear (144)  |  History (716)  |  Last (425)  |  Layer (41)  |  Life (1870)  |  Man (2252)  |  Never (1089)  |  Past (355)  |  Patient (209)  |  Picture (148)  |  Present (630)  |  Rise (169)  |  Rock (176)  |  Sleep (81)  |  Speak (240)  |  Stone (168)  |  Today (321)  |  Waking (17)  |  Year (963)

For all these years you were merely
A smear of light through our telescopes
On the clearest, coldest night; a hint
Of a glint, just a few pixels wide
On even your most perfectly-framed portraits.
But now, now we see you!
Swimming out of the dark - a great
Stone shark, your star-tanned skin pitted
And pocked, scarred after eons of drifting
Silently through the endless ocean of space.
Here on Earth our faces lit up as we saw
You clearly for the first time; eyes wide
With wonder we traced the strangely familiar
Grooves raked across your sides,
Wondering if Rosetta had doubled back to Mars
And raced past Phobos by mistake –
Then you were gone, falling back into the black,
Not to be seen by human eyes again for a thousand
Blue Moons or more. But we know you now,
We know you; you’ll never be just a speck of light again.
Science quotes on:  |  Across (32)  |  Back (395)  |  Black (46)  |  Blue (63)  |  Clear (111)  |  Clearly (45)  |  Cold (115)  |  Dark (145)  |  Double (18)  |  Drift (14)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Endless (60)  |  Eon (12)  |  Eye (440)  |  Face (214)  |  Fall (243)  |  Familiar (47)  |  First (1302)  |  First Time (14)  |  Glint (2)  |  Great (1610)  |  Groove (3)  |  Hint (21)  |  Human (1512)  |  Know (1538)  |  Mars (47)  |  Merely (315)  |  Mistake (180)  |  Moon (252)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Never (1089)  |  Night (133)  |  Ocean (216)  |  Past (355)  |  Pit (20)  |  Pixel (2)  |  Portrait (5)  |  Race (278)  |  Saw (160)  |  Scar (8)  |  See (1094)  |  Shark (11)  |  Side (236)  |  Silently (4)  |  Skin (48)  |  Smear (3)  |  Space (523)  |  Speck (25)  |  Star (460)  |  Stone (168)  |  Strangely (5)  |  Swim (32)  |  Swimming (19)  |  Telescope (106)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Through (846)  |  Time (1911)  |  Trace (109)  |  Wide (97)  |  Wonder (251)  |  Year (963)

For nature is a perpetuall circulatory worker, generating fluids out of solids, and solids out of fluids, fixed things out of volatile, & volatile out of fixed, subtile out of gross, & gross out of subtile, Some things to ascend & make the upper terrestriall juices, Rivers and the Atmosphere; & by consequence others to descend for a Requitall to the former. And as the Earth, so perhaps may the Sun imbibe this spirit copiously to conserve his Shineing, & keep the Planets from recedeing further from him. And they that will, may also suppose, that this Spirit affords or carryes with it thither the solary fewell & materiall Principle of Light; And that the vast aethereall Spaces between us, & the stars are for a sufficient repository for this food of the Sunn and Planets.
Letter to Oldenburg (7 Dec 1675). In H. W. Turnbull (ed.), The Correspondence of Isaac Newton, 1661-1675 (1959), Vol. 1, 366.
Science quotes on:  |  Aether (13)  |  Ascend (30)  |  Atmosphere (117)  |  Circulatory (2)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Descend (49)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Fluid (54)  |  Food (213)  |  Former (138)  |  Fuel (39)  |  Imbibed (3)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Other (2233)  |  Planet (402)  |  Principle (530)  |  River (140)  |  Solid (119)  |  Space (523)  |  Spirit (278)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Sufficient (133)  |  Sun (407)  |  Suppose (158)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Vast (188)  |  Will (2350)

For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out.
Science quotes on:  |  Bear (162)  |  Cease (81)  |  Change (639)  |  Child (333)  |  Children (201)  |  Cling (6)  |  Do (1905)  |  Down (455)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Fail (191)  |  Fix (34)  |  Forever (111)  |  Generation (256)  |  Grind (11)  |  Hold (96)  |  Lover (11)  |  Moment (260)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Other (2233)  |  Responsible (19)  |  Rise (169)  |  Rock (176)  |  Sea (326)  |  Shift (45)  |  Witness (57)

For that which can shewn only in a certain Light is questionable. Truth, ’tis suppos’d, may bear all Lights: and one of those principal Lights or natural Mediums, by which Things are to be view’d, in order to a thorow Recognition, is Ridicule it-self.
Also seen in short form: “Ridicule is the test of truth.”
In 'An Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humour', Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times (1723), Vol. 1, 61.
Science quotes on:  |  Bear (162)  |  Certain (557)  |  Form (976)  |  Natural (810)  |  Order (638)  |  Principal (69)  |  Questionable (3)  |  Recognition (93)  |  Ridicule (23)  |  Self (268)  |  Short (200)  |  Suppose (158)  |  Test (221)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Truth (1109)  |  View (496)

For the first time in my life I saw the horizon as a curved line. It was accentuated by a thin seam of dark blue light - our atmosphere. Obviously this was not the ocean of air I had been told it was so many times in my life. I was terrified by its fragile appearance.
Science quotes on:  |  Accentuate (2)  |  Air (366)  |  Appearance (145)  |  Atmosphere (117)  |  Blue (63)  |  Curve (49)  |  Dark (145)  |  First (1302)  |  First Time (14)  |  Fragile (26)  |  Horizon (47)  |  Life (1870)  |  Line (100)  |  Obviously (11)  |  Ocean (216)  |  Saw (160)  |  Seam (3)  |  See (1094)  |  Tell (344)  |  Terrified (4)  |  Thin (18)  |  Time (1911)

For the metaphysical term 'will' we may in these instances safely substitute the chemical term 'photochemical action of light.'
The Mechanistic Conception of Life (1912), 30.
Science quotes on:  |  Action (342)  |  Chemical (303)  |  Metaphysical (38)  |  Metaphysics (53)  |  Substitute (47)  |  Term (357)  |  Will (2350)

For the rest of my life I will reflect on what light is.
(1917). Quoted in Sidney Perkowitz, Empire of Light (1999), 69.
Science quotes on:  |  Life (1870)  |  Rest (287)  |  Thought (995)  |  Will (2350)

For there are two modes of acquiring knowledge, namely, by reasoning and experience. Reasoning draws a conclusion and makes us grant the conclusion, but does not make the conclusion certain, nor does it remove doubt so that the mind may rest on the intuition of truth, unless the mind discovers it by the path of experience; since many have the arguments relating to what can be known, but because they lack experience they neglect the arguments, and neither avoid what is harmful nor follow what is good. For if a man who has never seen fire should prove by adequate reasoning that fire burns and injures things and destroys them, his mind would not be satisfied thereby, nor would he avoid fire, until he placed his hand or some combustible substance in the fire, so that he might prove by experience that which reasoning taught. But when he has had actual experience of combustion his mind is made certain and rests in the full light of truth. Therefore reasoning does not suffice, but experience does.
Opus Majus [1266-1268], Part VI, chapter I, trans. R. B. Burke, The Opus Majus of Roger Bacon (1928), Vol. 2, 583.
Science quotes on:  |  Actual (118)  |  Adequate (50)  |  Argument (145)  |  Avoid (123)  |  Burn (99)  |  Certain (557)  |  Combustion (22)  |  Conclusion (266)  |  Destroy (189)  |  Discover (571)  |  Doubt (314)  |  Draw (140)  |  Experience (494)  |  Fire (203)  |  Follow (389)  |  Good (906)  |  Grant (76)  |  Intuition (82)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Known (453)  |  Lack (127)  |  Man (2252)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Neglect (63)  |  Never (1089)  |  Observation (593)  |  Path (159)  |  Prove (261)  |  Reasoning (212)  |  Remove (50)  |  Rest (287)  |  Substance (253)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Two (936)

For thousands of years men have striven and suffered and begotten and woman have brought forth in pain. A hundred years ago, perhaps, another man sat on this spot; like you he gazed with awe and yearning in his heart at the dying light on the glaciers. Like you he was begotten of man and born of woman. He felt pain and brief joy as you do. Was he someone else? Was it not you yourself? What is this Self of yours? What was the necessary condition for making the thing conceived this time into you, just you and not someone else?
In Seek for the Road (1925). Quoted in Ken Wilber, Quantum Questions (1984), 96-97.
Science quotes on:  |  Awe (43)  |  Begotten (2)  |  Birth (154)  |  Brief (37)  |  Conceive (100)  |  Condition (362)  |  Do (1905)  |  Dying (2)  |  Gaze (23)  |  Glacier (17)  |  Heart (243)  |  Hundred (240)  |  Joy (117)  |  Making (300)  |  Man (2252)  |  Necessary (370)  |  Pain (144)  |  Self (268)  |  Sit (51)  |  Strive (53)  |  Suffer (43)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Time (1911)  |  Woman (160)  |  Year (963)  |  Yearn (13)  |  Yearning (13)

For, as the element of water lies in the middle of the globe, so, the branches run out from the root in its circuit on all sides towards the plains and towards the light. From this root very many branches are born. One branch is the Rhine, another the Danube, another the Nile, etc.
'The Philosophy of the Generation of the Elements', Book the Fourth, Text II. In The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus the Great, trans. A. E. Waite (1894), Vol. 1, 232.
Science quotes on:  |  Branch (155)  |  Circuit (29)  |  Danube (2)  |  Element (322)  |  Globe (51)  |  Lie (370)  |  Middle (19)  |  Nile (5)  |  Plain (34)  |  Rhine (2)  |  Root (121)  |  Run (158)  |  Side (236)  |  Water (503)

Forty years as an astronomer have not quelled my enthusiasm for lying outside after dark, staring up at the stars. It isn’t only the beauty of the night sky that thrills me. It’s the sense I have that some of those points of light—which ones I can’t even guess—are the home stars of beings not so different from us, daily cares and all, who look across space and wonder, just as we do.
In Frank Drake and Dava Sobel, Is Anyone Out There?: The Scientific Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (1992), 1.
Science quotes on:  |  Across (32)  |  Astronomer (97)  |  Beauty (313)  |  Being (1276)  |  Care (203)  |  Daily (91)  |  Dark (145)  |  Different (595)  |  Do (1905)  |  Enthusiasm (59)  |  Forty (4)  |  Home (184)  |  Lie (370)  |  Look (584)  |  Lying (55)  |  Night (133)  |  Outside (141)  |  Point (584)  |  Sense (785)  |  Sky (174)  |  Space (523)  |  Star (460)  |  Stare (9)  |  Stars (304)  |  Thrill (26)  |  Wonder (251)  |  Year (963)

Four elements, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen, also provide an example of the astonishing togetherness of our universe. They make up the “organic” molecules that constitute living organisms on a planet, and the nuclei of these same elements interact to generate the light of its star. Then the organisms on the planet come to depend wholly on that starlight, as they must if life is to persist. So it is that all life on the Earth runs on sunlight. [Referring to photosynthesis]
In lecture, 'Life and Mind in the Universe', versions of which George Wald delivered throughout the 1980s. On the website of his son, Elijah Wald, who states it was the last of his father’s major lectures.
Science quotes on:  |  Astonishing (29)  |  Carbon (68)  |  Constitute (99)  |  Depend (238)  |  Dependence (46)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Element (322)  |  Fusion (16)  |  Hydrogen (80)  |  Interaction (47)  |  Life (1870)  |  Living (492)  |  Molecule (185)  |  Must (1525)  |  Nitrogen (32)  |  Nucleus (54)  |  Organic (161)  |  Organism (231)  |  Oxygen (77)  |  Photosynthesis (21)  |  Planet (402)  |  Run (158)  |  Star (460)  |  Starlight (5)  |  Sun (407)  |  Sunlight (29)  |  Universe (900)  |  Wholly (88)

From one sublime genius—NEWTON—more light has proceeded than the labour of a thousand years preceding had been able to produce.
Familiar Letters on Chemistry in Its Relations to Physiology, Dietetics, Agriculture, Commerce and Political Economy (3rd ed., 1851), 3.
Science quotes on:  |  Genius (301)  |  Labor (200)  |  More (2558)  |  Sir Isaac Newton (363)  |  Proceed (134)  |  Sublime (50)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Year (963)

From the aspect of energy, renewed by radio-active phenomena, material corpuscles may now be treated as transient reservoirs of concentrated power. Though never found in a state of purity, but always more or less granulated (even in light) energy nowadays represents for science the most primitive form of universal stuff.
In Teilhard de Chardin and Bernard Wall (trans.), The Phenomenon of Man (1959, 2008), 42. Originally published in French as Le Phénomene Humain (1955).
Science quotes on:  |  Active (80)  |  Aspect (129)  |  Corpuscle (14)  |  Energy (373)  |  Form (976)  |  Material (366)  |  More (2558)  |  More Or Less (71)  |  Most (1728)  |  Never (1089)  |  Phenomenon (334)  |  Power (771)  |  Primitive (79)  |  Purity (15)  |  Radio (60)  |  Radioactive (24)  |  Renew (20)  |  Represent (157)  |  Reservoir (9)  |  State (505)  |  Stuff (24)  |  Transient (13)  |  Universal (198)

From this fountain (the free will of God) it is those laws, which we call the laws of nature, have flowed, in which there appear many traces of the most wise contrivance, but not the least shadow of necessity. These therefore we must not seek from uncertain conjectures, but learn them from observations and experimental. He who is presumptuous enough to think that he can find the true principles of physics and the laws of natural things by the force alone of his own mind, and the internal light of his reason, must either suppose the world exists by necessity, and by the same necessity follows the law proposed; or if the order of Nature was established by the will of God, the [man] himself, a miserable reptile, can tell what was fittest to be done.
Science quotes on:  |  Alone (324)  |  Appear (122)  |  Call (781)  |  Conjecture (51)  |  Contrivance (12)  |  Enough (341)  |  Establish (63)  |  Exist (458)  |  Experimental (193)  |  Find (1014)  |  Fit (139)  |  Flow (89)  |  Follow (389)  |  Force (497)  |  Fountain (18)  |  Free (239)  |  Free Will (15)  |  God (776)  |  Himself (461)  |  Internal (69)  |  Law (913)  |  Learn (672)  |  Least (75)  |  Man (2252)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Miserable (8)  |  Most (1728)  |  Must (1525)  |  Natural (810)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Necessity (197)  |  Observation (593)  |  Order (638)  |  Physic (515)  |  Physics (564)  |  Presumptuous (3)  |  Principle (530)  |  Propose (24)  |  Reason (766)  |  Reptile (33)  |  Same (166)  |  Seek (218)  |  Shadow (73)  |  Suppose (158)  |  Tell (344)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Think (1122)  |  Trace (109)  |  True (239)  |  Uncertain (45)  |  Will (2350)  |  Wise (143)  |  World (1850)

From what has been said it is also evident, that the Whiteness of the Sun's Light is compounded all the Colours wherewith the several sorts of Rays whereof that Light consists, when by their several Refrangibilities they are separated from one another, do tinge Paper or any other white Body whereon they fall. For those Colours ... are unchangeable, and whenever all those Rays with those their Colours are mix'd again, they reproduce the same white Light as before.
Opticks (1704), Book 1, Part 2, Exper. XV, 114.
Science quotes on:  |  Body (557)  |  Color (155)  |  Compound (117)  |  Consist (223)  |  Do (1905)  |  Evident (92)  |  Fall (243)  |  Mixture (44)  |  Other (2233)  |  Paper (192)  |  Ray (115)  |  Refrangibility (2)  |  Separation (60)  |  Spectrum (35)  |  Sun (407)  |  Whenever (81)  |  White (132)  |  White Light (5)

Frost is but slender weeks away,
Tonight the sunset glow will stay,
Swing to the north and burn up higher
And Northern Lights wall earth with fire.
Nothing is lost yet, nothing broken,
And yet the cold blue word is spoken:
Say goodbye to the sun.
The days of love and leaves are done.
Apples by Ocean (1950), 10.
Science quotes on:  |  Blue (63)  |  Broken (56)  |  Burn (99)  |  Cold (115)  |  Day (43)  |  Done (2)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Fire (203)  |  Frost (15)  |  Glow (15)  |  Goodbye (3)  |  Higher (37)  |  Leaf (73)  |  Lost (34)  |  Love (328)  |  North (12)  |  Northern Lights (2)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Say (989)  |  Speaking (118)  |  Sun (407)  |  Sunset (27)  |  Swing (12)  |  Tonight (9)  |  Wall (71)  |  Week (73)  |  Will (2350)  |  Word (650)

Gas Lights - Without Oil, Tallow, Wicks or Smoke. It is not necessary to invite attention to the gas lights by which my salon of paintings is now illuminated; those who have seen the ring beset with gems of light are sufficiently disposed to spread their reputation; the purpose of this notice is merely to say that the Museum will be illuminated every evening until the public curiosity be gratified.
[Promoting the gas lights Peale installed to attract paying visitors to his museum of portraits and natural history exhibits.]
First advertisement for Peale's Baltimore Museum and Gallery of Fine Arts, American and Commercial Daily Advertiser (13 Jun 1816) (source)
Science quotes on:  |  Advertisement (16)  |  Attention (196)  |  Curiosity (138)  |  Evening (12)  |  Gas (89)  |  Gas Light (2)  |  Gem (17)  |  Gratification (22)  |  History (716)  |  Illumination (15)  |  Invitation (12)  |  Merely (315)  |  Museum (40)  |  Natural (810)  |  Natural History (77)  |  Necessary (370)  |  Necessity (197)  |  Notice (81)  |  Oil (67)  |  Painting (46)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Reputation (33)  |  Say (989)  |  Smoke (32)  |  Spread (86)  |  Tallow (2)  |  Wick (4)  |  Will (2350)

Genius, like the inhabitants of the depths of the sea, moves by its own light.
Science quotes on:  |  Depth (97)  |  Genius (301)  |  Inhabitant (50)  |  Move (223)  |  Sea (326)

Genius, without religion, is only a lamp on the outer gate of a palace. It may serve to cast a gleam of light on those that are without while the inhabitant sits in darkness.
Louis Klopsch, Many Thoughts of Many Minds (1896), 106.
Science quotes on:  |  Cast (69)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Gate (33)  |  Genius (301)  |  Gleam (13)  |  Inhabitant (50)  |  Lamp (37)  |  Outer (13)  |  Palace (8)  |  Religion (369)  |  Serve (64)  |  Sit (51)

Geometry may sometimes appear to take the lead of analysis, but in fact precedes it only as a servant goes before his master to clear the path and light him on his way. The interval between the two is as wide as between empiricism and science, as between the understanding and the reason, or as between the finite and the infinite.
From 'Astronomical Prolusions', Philosophical Magazine (Jan 1866), 31, No. 206, 54, collected in Collected Mathematical Papers of James Joseph Sylvester (1908), Vol. 2, 521.
Science quotes on:  |  Analysis (244)  |  Empiricism (21)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Finite (60)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Infinite (243)  |  Interval (14)  |  Lead (391)  |  Master (182)  |  Path (159)  |  Precede (23)  |  Reason (766)  |  Servant (40)  |  Two (936)  |  Understand (648)  |  Understanding (527)  |  Way (1214)  |  Wide (97)

Go into a room where the shutters are always shut (in a sick-room or a bed-room there should never be shutters shut), and though the room be uninhabited—though the air has never been polluted by the breathing of human beings, you will observe a close, musty smell of corrupt air—of air unpurified by the effect of the sun's rays.
Notes on Nursing: What it is and what it is not (1860), 120.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Being (1276)  |  Breathing (23)  |  Effect (414)  |  Health (210)  |  Human (1512)  |  Human Being (185)  |  Never (1089)  |  Observe (179)  |  Ray (115)  |  Shut (41)  |  Sick (83)  |  Smell (29)  |  Sun (407)  |  Will (2350)

Gold is found in our own part of the world; not to mention the gold extracted from the earth in India by the ants, and in Scythia by the Griffins. Among us it is procured in three different ways; the first of which is in the shape of dust, found in running streams. … A second mode of obtaining gold is by sinking shafts or seeking among the debris of mountains …. The third method of obtaining gold surpasses the labors of the giants even: by the aid of galleries driven to a long distance, mountains are excavated by the light of torches, the duration of which forms the set times for work, the workmen never seeing the light of day for many months together.
In Pliny and John Bostock (trans.), The Natural History of Pliny (1857), Vol. 6, 99-101.
Science quotes on:  |  Aid (101)  |  Ant (34)  |  Debris (7)  |  Different (595)  |  Distance (171)  |  Dust (68)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Excavate (4)  |  Extract (40)  |  First (1302)  |  Form (976)  |  Gallery (7)  |  Giant (73)  |  Gold (101)  |  India (23)  |  Labor (200)  |  Long (778)  |  Mention (84)  |  Method (531)  |  Month (91)  |  Mountain (202)  |  Never (1089)  |  Procure (6)  |  Run (158)  |  Running (61)  |  Seeing (143)  |  Seek (218)  |  Set (400)  |  Shaft (5)  |  Stream (83)  |  Surpass (33)  |  Time (1911)  |  Together (392)  |  Torch (13)  |  Way (1214)  |  Work (1402)  |  Workman (13)  |  World (1850)

He [Louis Pasteur] imagined further experiments, to bring more light, for contradictions excited him to new investigations.
As quoted in René J. Dubos, Louis Pasteur, Free Lance of Science (1960, 1986), 76.
Science quotes on:  |  Clarify (3)  |  Contradiction (69)  |  Excited (8)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Imagine (176)  |  Investigation (250)  |  More (2558)  |  New (1273)  |  Louis Pasteur (85)

Here I most violently want you to
Avoid one fearful error, a vicious flaw.
Don’t think that our bright eyes were made that we
Might look ahead; that hips and knees and ankles
So intricately bend that we might take
Big strides, and the arms are strapped to the sturdy shoulders
And hands are given for servants to each side
That we might use them to support our lives.
All other explanations of this sort
Are twisted, topsy-turvy logic, for
Nothing what is born produces its own use.
Sight was not born before the light of the eyes,
Nor were words and pleas created before the tongue
Rather the tongue's appearance long preceded
Speech, and the ears were formed far earlier than
The sound first heard. To sum up, all the members Existed, I should think, before their use, So use has not caused them to have grown.
On the Nature of Things, trans. Anthony M. Esolen (1995), Book 4, lines 820-8, 145.
Science quotes on:  |  Appearance (145)  |  Arm (82)  |  Arms (37)  |  Avoid (123)  |  Bright (81)  |  Ear (69)  |  Error (339)  |  Exist (458)  |  Existence (481)  |  Explanation (246)  |  Eye (440)  |  First (1302)  |  Flaw (18)  |  Form (976)  |  Live (650)  |  Logic (311)  |  Long (778)  |  Look (584)  |  Most (1728)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Other (2233)  |  Servant (40)  |  Shoulder (33)  |  Side (236)  |  Sight (135)  |  Sound (187)  |  Speech (66)  |  Stride (15)  |  Sum (103)  |  Support (151)  |  Think (1122)  |  Tongue (44)  |  Twist (10)  |  Use (771)  |  Want (504)  |  Word (650)

His [Faraday’s] third great discovery is the Magnetization of Light, which I should liken to the Weisshorn among mountains—high, beautiful, and alone.
In Faraday as a Discoverer (1868), 146.
Science quotes on:  |  Alone (324)  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Michael Faraday (91)  |  Great (1610)  |  High (370)  |  Mountain (202)

Holding then to science with one hand—the left hand—we give the right hand to religion, and cry: ‘Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things, more wondrous than the shining worlds can tell.’ Obedient to the promise, religion does awaken faculties within us, does teach our eyes to the beholding of more wonderful things. Those great worlds blazing like suns die like feeble stars in the glory of the morning, in the presence of this new light. The soul knows that an infinite sea of love is all about it, throbbing through it, everlasting arms of affection lift it, and it bathes itself in the clear consciousness of a Father’s love.
Science quotes on:  |  Affection (44)  |  Arm (82)  |  Arms (37)  |  Awaken (17)  |  Bathe (3)  |  Behold (19)  |  Blaze (14)  |  Clear (111)  |  Consciousness (132)  |  Cry (30)  |  Die (94)  |  Everlasting (11)  |  Eye (440)  |  Faculty (76)  |  Father (113)  |  Feeble (28)  |  Give (208)  |  Glory (66)  |  Great (1610)  |  Hand (149)  |  Hold (96)  |  Infinite (243)  |  Know (1538)  |  Leave (138)  |  Lift (57)  |  Love (328)  |  Mine (78)  |  More (2558)  |  Morning (98)  |  New (1273)  |  Obedient (9)  |  Open (277)  |  Presence (63)  |  Promise (72)  |  Religion (369)  |  Right (473)  |  Sea (326)  |  Shine (49)  |  Shining (35)  |  Soul (235)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Sun (407)  |  Teach (299)  |  Tell (344)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Thou (9)  |  Throb (6)  |  Through (846)  |  Wonderful (155)  |  Wondrous (22)  |  World (1850)

How many times did the sun shine, how many times did the wind howl over the desolate tundras, over the bleak immensity of the Siberian taigas, over the brown deserts where the Earth’s salt shines, over the high peaks capped with silver, over the shivering jungles, over the undulating forests of the tropics! Day after day, through infinite time, the scenery has changed in imperceptible features. Let us smile at the illusion of eternity that appears in these things, and while so many temporary aspects fade away, let us listen to the ancient hymn, the spectacular song of the seas, that has saluted so many chains rising to the light.
In Tectonics of Asia (1924, 1977), 165, trans. Albert V. and Marguerite Carozzi.
Science quotes on:  |  Ancient (198)  |  Aspect (129)  |  Brown (23)  |  Climate (102)  |  Desert (59)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Eternity (64)  |  Forest (161)  |  High (370)  |  Hymn (6)  |  Illusion (68)  |  Immensity (30)  |  Infinite (243)  |  Jungle (24)  |  Listen (81)  |  Research (753)  |  Rising (44)  |  Salt (48)  |  Sea (326)  |  Silver (49)  |  Smile (34)  |  Song (41)  |  Spectacular (22)  |  Sun (407)  |  Temporary (24)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Through (846)  |  Time (1911)  |  Wind (141)

How peacefully he sleep!
Yet may his ever-questing spirit, freed at length
from all the frettings of this little world,
Wander at will among the uncharted stars.
Fairfield his name. Perchance celestial fields
disclosing long sought secrets of the past
Spread 'neath his enraptured gaze
And beasts and men that to his earthly sight
were merely bits of stone shall live again to
gladden those eager eyes.
o let us picture him—enthusiast—scientist—friend—
Seeker of truth and light through all eternity!
New York Sun (13 Nov 1935). Reprinted in 'Henry Fairfield Osborn', Supplement to Natural History (Feb 1936), 37:2, 135. Bound in Kofoid Collection of Pamphlets on Biography, University of California.
Science quotes on:  |  Beast (58)  |  Celestial (53)  |  Enthusiast (9)  |  Eternity (64)  |  Eulogy (2)  |  Eye (440)  |  Field (378)  |  Fossil (143)  |  Friend (180)  |  Gaze (23)  |  Gladness (5)  |  Life (1870)  |  Little (717)  |  Live (650)  |  Long (778)  |  Merely (315)  |  Name (359)  |  Henry Fairfield Osborn (16)  |  Past (355)  |  Picture (148)  |  Scientist (881)  |  Secret (216)  |  Sight (135)  |  Sleep (81)  |  Spirit (278)  |  Spread (86)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Stone (168)  |  Through (846)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Uncharted (10)  |  Wander (44)  |  Will (2350)  |  World (1850)

How twins are born my discourse will explain thus. The cause is chiefly the nature of the womb in woman. For if it has grown equally on either side of its mouth, and if it opens equally, and also dries equally after menstruation, it can give nourishment, if it conceive the secretion of the man so that it immediately divides into both parts of the womb equally. Now if the seed secreted from both parents be abundant and strong, it can grow in both places, as it masters the nourishment that reaches it. In all other cases twins are not formed. Now when the secretion from both parents is male, of necessity boys are begotten in both places; but when from both it is female, girls are begotten. But when one secretion is female and the other male, whichever masters the other gives the embryo its sex. Twins are like one another for the following reasons. First, the places are alike in which they grow; then they were secreted together; then they grow by the same nourishment, and at birth they reach together the light of day.
Regimen, in Hippocrates, trans. W. H. S. Jones (1931), Vol. 4, 273.
Science quotes on:  |  Abundant (23)  |  Alike (60)  |  Birth (154)  |  Both (496)  |  Boy (100)  |  Cause (561)  |  Chiefly (47)  |  Conceive (100)  |  Divide (77)  |  Embryo (30)  |  Equally (129)  |  Explain (334)  |  Female (50)  |  First (1302)  |  Form (976)  |  Girl (38)  |  Grow (247)  |  Immediately (115)  |  Man (2252)  |  Master (182)  |  Menstruation (3)  |  Mouth (54)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Necessity (197)  |  Nourishment (26)  |  Open (277)  |  Other (2233)  |  Parent (80)  |  Reach (286)  |  Reason (766)  |  Secret (216)  |  Seed (97)  |  Sex (68)  |  Side (236)  |  Strong (182)  |  Together (392)  |  Twin (16)  |  Will (2350)  |  Woman (160)  |  Womb (25)

How, indeed, can there be a response within to the impression from without when there is nothing within that is in relation of congenial vibration with that which is without? Inattention in such case is insusceptibility; and if this be complete, then to demand attention is very much like demanding of the eye that it should attend to sound-waves, and of the ear that it should attend to light-waves.
As quoted in William W. Speer, Primary Arithmetic: First Year, for the Use of Teachers (1902), 3.
Science quotes on:  |  Attend (67)  |  Attention (196)  |  Case (102)  |  Complete (209)  |  Congenial (3)  |  Demand (131)  |  Ear (69)  |  Education (423)  |  Eye (440)  |  Impression (118)  |  Inattention (5)  |  Indeed (323)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Relation (166)  |  Response (56)  |  Sound (187)  |  Susceptible (8)  |  Vibration (26)  |  Wave (112)

I ... express a wish that you may, in your generation, be fit to compare to a candle; that you may, like it, shine as lights to those about you; that, in all your actions, you may justify the beauty of the taper by making your deeds honourable and effectual in the discharge of your duty to your fellow-men.
[Concluding remarks for the final lecture (Christmas 1860-61) for children at the Royal Institution. These six lectures were the first series in the tradition of Christmas lectures continued to the present day.]
A Course of Six Lectures on the Chemical History of a Candle (1861), 183.
Science quotes on:  |  Action (342)  |  Beauty (313)  |  Candle (32)  |  Children (201)  |  Christmas (13)  |  Compare (76)  |  Deed (34)  |  Discharge (21)  |  Express (192)  |  Fellow (88)  |  Final (121)  |  First (1302)  |  Fit (139)  |  Generation (256)  |  Institution (73)  |  Lecture (111)  |  Making (300)  |  Present (630)  |  Royal (56)  |  Royal Institution (4)  |  Series (153)  |  Tradition (76)  |  Wish (216)

I always love geology. In winter, particularly, it is pleasant to listen to theories about the great mountains one visited in the summer; or about the Flood or volcanoes; about great catastrophes or about blisters; above all about fossils … Everywhere there are hypotheses, but nowhere truths; many workmen, but no experts; priests, but no God. In these circumstances each man can bring his hypothesis like a candle to a burning altar, and on seeing his candle lit declare ‘Smoke for smoke, sir, mine is better than yours’. It is precisely for this reason that I love geology.
In Nouvelles Genevoises (1910), 306. First edition, 1841.
Science quotes on:  |  Altar (11)  |  Better (493)  |  Blister (2)  |  Bring (95)  |  Burning (49)  |  Candle (32)  |  Catastrophe (35)  |  Circumstance (139)  |  Circumstances (108)  |  Declare (48)  |  Everywhere (98)  |  Expert (67)  |  Flood (52)  |  Fossil (143)  |  Geology (240)  |  God (776)  |  Great (1610)  |  Hypothesis (314)  |  Listen (81)  |  Love (328)  |  Man (2252)  |  Mine (78)  |  Mountain (202)  |  Particularly (21)  |  Pleasant (22)  |  Precisely (93)  |  Priest (29)  |  Reason (766)  |  Seeing (143)  |  Smoke (32)  |  Summer (56)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Visit (27)  |  Volcano (46)  |  Winter (46)  |  Workman (13)

I am here to support the assertion that light of every kind is itself an electrical phenomenon—the light of the sun, the light of a candle, the light of a glowworm.
From Lecture (20 Sep 1889) delivered to the German Association for the Advancement of Natural Science and Medicine, Heidelberg, 'On the Relations Between Light and Electricity', Miscellaneous Papers (1896), 313, as translated by D.E. Jones and G.A. Schott.
Science quotes on:  |  Assertion (35)  |  Candle (32)  |  Electrical (57)  |  Kind (564)  |  Phenomenon (334)  |  Sun (407)  |  Support (151)

I am particularly concerned to determine the probability of causes and results, as exhibited in events that occur in large numbers, and to investigate the laws according to which that probability approaches a limit in proportion to the repetition of events. That investigation deserves the attention of mathematicians because of the analysis required. It is primarily there that the approximation of formulas that are functions of large numbers has its most important applications. The investigation will benefit observers in identifying the mean to be chosen among the results of their observations and the probability of the errors still to be apprehended. Lastly, the investigation is one that deserves the attention of philosophers in showing how in the final analysis there is a regularity underlying the very things that seem to us to pertain entirely to chance, and in unveiling the hidden but constant causes on which that regularity depends. It is on the regularity of the main outcomes of events taken in large numbers that various institutions depend, such as annuities, tontines, and insurance policies. Questions about those subjects, as well as about inoculation with vaccine and decisions of electoral assemblies, present no further difficulty in the light of my theory. I limit myself here to resolving the most general of them, but the importance of these concerns in civil life, the moral considerations that complicate them, and the voluminous data that they presuppose require a separate work.
Philosophical Essay on Probabilities (1825), trans. Andrew I. Dale (1995), Introduction.
Science quotes on:  |  According (236)  |  Analysis (244)  |  Application (257)  |  Approximation (32)  |  Attention (196)  |  Benefit (123)  |  Cause (561)  |  Chance (244)  |  Chosen (48)  |  Civil (26)  |  Complication (30)  |  Concern (239)  |  Consideration (143)  |  Constant (148)  |  Data (162)  |  Decision (98)  |  Depend (238)  |  Deserve (65)  |  Determine (152)  |  Difficulty (201)  |  Error (339)  |  Event (222)  |  Final (121)  |  Formula (102)  |  Function (235)  |  General (521)  |  Government (116)  |  Importance (299)  |  Inoculation (9)  |  Institution (73)  |  Insurance (12)  |  Investigate (106)  |  Investigation (250)  |  Large (398)  |  Law (913)  |  Life (1870)  |  Limit (294)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Mean (810)  |  Moral (203)  |  Morality (55)  |  Most (1728)  |  Myself (211)  |  Number (710)  |  Observation (593)  |  Occur (151)  |  Outcome (15)  |  Philosopher (269)  |  Present (630)  |  Presuppose (15)  |  Probability (135)  |  Proportion (140)  |  Question (649)  |  Regularity (40)  |  Repetition (29)  |  Require (229)  |  Required (108)  |  Result (700)  |  Separate (151)  |  Still (614)  |  Subject (543)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Underlying (33)  |  Vaccine (9)  |  Various (205)  |  Will (2350)  |  Work (1402)

I believe as a matter of faith that the extension of space travel to the limits of the solar system will probably be accomplished in several decades, perhaps before the end of the century. Pluto is 4000 million miles from the sun. The required minimum launching velocity is about 10 miles per second and the transit time is 46 years. Thus we would have to make the velocity considerably higher to make the trip interesting to man. Travel to the stars is dependent on radically new discoveries in science and technology. The nearest star is 25 million million miles way and requires a travel time of more than four years at the speed of light. Prof. Dr. Ing. E. Sanger has speculated that velocities comparable with the speed of light might be attained in the next century, but such extrapolation of current technology is probably not very reliable.
In Popular Mechanics (Sep 1961), 262.
Science quotes on:  |  Attain (126)  |  Century (319)  |  Current (122)  |  Decade (66)  |  End (603)  |  Extension (60)  |  Extrapolation (6)  |  Faith (209)  |  Interesting (153)  |  Limit (294)  |  Man (2252)  |  Matter (821)  |  More (2558)  |  New (1273)  |  Next (238)  |  Pluto (6)  |  Require (229)  |  Required (108)  |  Science And Technology (46)  |  Solar System (81)  |  Space (523)  |  Space Travel (23)  |  Speed (66)  |  Speed Of Light (18)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Sun (407)  |  System (545)  |  Technology (281)  |  Time (1911)  |  Travel (125)  |  Velocity (51)  |  Way (1214)  |  Will (2350)  |  Year (963)

I do not forget that Medicine and Veterinary practice are foreign to me. I desire judgment and criticism upon all my contributions. Little tolerant of frivolous or prejudiced contradiction, contemptuous of that ignorant criticism which doubts on principle, I welcome with open arms the militant attack which has a method of doubting and whose rule of conduct has the motto “More light.”
In Louis Pasteur and Harold Clarence Ernst (trans), The Germ Theory and Its Application to Medicine and Surgery, Chap. 12. Reprinted in Charles W. Eliot (ed.), The Harvard Classics: Scientific Papers: Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology (1897, 1910), Vol. 38, 401-402. Cited as read before French Academy of Science (20 Apr 1878), published in Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, 84, 1037-43.
Science quotes on:  |  Arm (82)  |  Arms (37)  |  Attack (86)  |  Conduct (70)  |  Contradiction (69)  |  Contribution (93)  |  Criticism (85)  |  Desire (212)  |  Do (1905)  |  Doubt (314)  |  Foreign (45)  |  Forget (125)  |  Frivolous (8)  |  Ignorant (91)  |  Judgment (140)  |  Little (717)  |  Medicine (392)  |  Method (531)  |  Militant (2)  |  More (2558)  |  Motto (29)  |  Open (277)  |  Practice (212)  |  Prejudice (96)  |  Principle (530)  |  Rule (307)  |  Tolerant (4)  |  Veterinary (2)  |  Welcome (20)

I do not hope for any relief, and that is because I have committed no crime. I might hope for and obtain pardon, if I had erred, for it is to faults that the prince can bring indulgence, whereas against one wrongfully sentenced while he was innocent, it is expedient, in order to put up a show of strict lawfulness, to uphold rigor… . But my most holy intention, how clearly would it appear if some power would bring to light the slanders, frauds, and stratagems, and trickeries that were used eighteen years ago in Rome in order to deceive the authorities!
In Letter to Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc (22 Feb 1635). As quoted in translation in Giorgio de Santillana, The Crime of Galileo (1976), 324.
Science quotes on:  |  Against (332)  |  Authority (99)  |  Commit (43)  |  Crime (39)  |  Deceive (26)  |  Do (1905)  |  Fault (58)  |  Fraud (15)  |  Holy (35)  |  Hope (321)  |  Indulgence (6)  |  Innocent (13)  |  Intention (46)  |  Lawfulness (5)  |  Most (1728)  |  Obtain (164)  |  Order (638)  |  Pardon (7)  |  Power (771)  |  Relief (30)  |  Rigor (29)  |  Rome (19)  |  Science And Religion (337)  |  Sentence (35)  |  Show (353)  |  Slander (3)  |  Stratagem (2)  |  Trickery (2)  |  Year (963)

I happen to have discovered a direct relation between magnetism and light, also electricity and light, and the field it opens is so large and I think rich.
Letter to Christian Schönbein (13 Nov 1845), The Letters of Faraday and Schoenbein, 1836-1862 (1899), 148.
Science quotes on:  |  Direct (228)  |  Discover (571)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Electromagnetism (19)  |  Field (378)  |  Happen (282)  |  Large (398)  |  Magnetism (43)  |  Open (277)  |  Rich (66)  |  Think (1122)

I have looked further into space than ever human being did before me. I have observed stars of which the light, it can be proved, must take two million years to reach the earth.
Having identified Uranus (1781), the first planet discovered since antiquity. Quoted in Constance Anne Lubbock, The Herschel Chronicle: the Life-story of William Herschel and his Sister, Caroline Herschel (1933), 336.
Science quotes on:  |  Astronomy (251)  |  Being (1276)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Human (1512)  |  Human Being (185)  |  Look (584)  |  Must (1525)  |  Observed (149)  |  Reach (286)  |  Space (523)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Telescope (106)  |  Two (936)  |  Year (963)

I have a boundless admiration for the solitary genius which enabled [Hermann Oberth] to bring into focus all of the essential elements of a gigantic concept, together with the human greatness which allowed him, in shy reserve, to bear with equanimity the “crucify hims” as well as the “hosannas” of public opinion. I myself owe him a debt of gratitude not only for being the guiding light of my life, but also for my first contact with the theoretical and practical aspects of rocket technology and space travel.
Primary source needed for verification. (Can you help?)
Science quotes on:  |  Admiration (61)  |  Aspect (129)  |  Bear (162)  |  Being (1276)  |  Boundless (28)  |  Concept (242)  |  Contact (66)  |  Debt (15)  |  Element (322)  |  Essential (210)  |  First (1302)  |  Focus (36)  |  Genius (301)  |  Gigantic (40)  |  Gratitude (14)  |  Greatness (55)  |  Human (1512)  |  Life (1870)  |  Myself (211)  |  Hermann Oberth (6)  |  Opinion (291)  |  Owe (71)  |  Practical (225)  |  Reserve (26)  |  Rocket (52)  |  Solitary (16)  |  Space (523)  |  Space Travel (23)  |  Technology (281)  |  Theoretical (27)  |  Together (392)  |  Travel (125)

I have always loved to begin with the facts, to observe them, to walk in the light of experiment and demonstrate as much as possible, and to discuss the results.
Quoted in Francesco Rodolico, 'Arduino', In Charles Coulston Gillispie (ed.), Dictionary of Scientific Biography (1970), Vol. 1, 234.
Science quotes on:  |  Begin (275)  |  Demonstrate (79)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Observation (593)  |  Observe (179)  |  Possible (560)  |  Result (700)  |  Walk (138)

I have destroyed almost the whole race of frogs, which does not happen in that savage Batrachomyomachia of Homer. For in the anatomy of frogs, which, by favour of my very excellent colleague D. Carolo Fracassato, I had set on foot in order to become more certain about the membranous substance of the lungs, it happened to me to see such things that not undeservedly I can better make use of that [saying] of Homer for the present matter—
“I see with my eyes a work trusty and great.”
For in this (frog anatomy) owing to the simplicity of the structure, and the almost complete transparency of the vessels which admits the eye into the interior, things are more clearly shown so that they will bring the light to other more obscure matters.
De Pulmonibus (1661), trans. James Young, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine (1929-30), 23, 7.
Science quotes on:  |  Anatomy (75)  |  Become (821)  |  Better (493)  |  Certain (557)  |  Certainty (180)  |  Colleague (51)  |  Complete (209)  |  Destroy (189)  |  Destruction (135)  |  Eye (440)  |  Frog (44)  |  Great (1610)  |  Happen (282)  |  Happened (88)  |  Homer (11)  |  Interior (35)  |  Lung (37)  |  Matter (821)  |  Membrane (21)  |  More (2558)  |  Obscure (66)  |  Obscurity (28)  |  Order (638)  |  Other (2233)  |  Owing (39)  |  Present (630)  |  Race (278)  |  See (1094)  |  Set (400)  |  Simplicity (175)  |  Structure (365)  |  Substance (253)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Transparency (7)  |  Use (771)  |  Vessel (63)  |  Whole (756)  |  Will (2350)  |  Work (1402)

I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves–this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. Without the sense of kinship with men of like mind, without the occupation with the objective world, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific endeavors, life would have seemed empty to me. The trite objects of human efforts–possessions, outward success, luxury–have always seemed to me contemptible.
In 'What I Believe,' Forum and Century (1930).
Science quotes on:  |  Art (680)  |  Basis (180)  |  Beauty (313)  |  Call (781)  |  Cheerfully (2)  |  Contemptible (8)  |  Courage (82)  |  Critical (73)  |  Ease (40)  |  Effort (243)  |  Empty (82)  |  End (603)  |  Endeavor (74)  |  Eternally (4)  |  Face (214)  |  Field (378)  |  Give (208)  |  Happiness (126)  |  Human (1512)  |  Ideal (110)  |  Kindness (14)  |  Kinship (5)  |  Life (1870)  |  Look (584)  |  Luxury (21)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Never (1089)  |  New (1273)  |  Object (438)  |  Objective (96)  |  Occupation (51)  |  Outward (7)  |  Possession (68)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Seem (150)  |  Sense (785)  |  Success (327)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Time (1911)  |  Trite (5)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Unattainable (6)  |  Way (1214)  |  World (1850)

I have paid special attention to those Properties of the Positive Rays which seem to throw light on the problems of the structure of molecules and atoms and the question of chemical combination … I am convinced that as yet we are only at the beginning of the harvest of results which will elucidate the process of chemical combination, and thus bridge over the most serious gap which now exists between Physics and Chemistry.
Rays of Positive Electricity and their Application to Chemical Analyses (1921), v.
Science quotes on:  |  Atom (381)  |  Attention (196)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Bridge (49)  |  Chemical (303)  |  Chemistry (376)  |  Combination (150)  |  Exist (458)  |  Gap (36)  |  Harvest (28)  |  Molecule (185)  |  Most (1728)  |  Physic (515)  |  Physics (564)  |  Positive (98)  |  Problem (731)  |  Process (439)  |  Question (649)  |  Ray (115)  |  Result (700)  |  Serious (98)  |  Special (188)  |  Structure (365)  |  Will (2350)

I have seen a thousand sunsets and sunrises, on land where it floods forest and mountains with honey coloured light, at sea where it rises and sets like a blood orange in a multicoloured nest of cloud, slipping in and out of the vast ocean. I have seen a thousand moons: harvest moons like gold coins, winter moons as white as ice chips, new moons like baby swans’ feathers.
Letter to Lee McGeorge (31 Jul 1978). Collected in Letters of Note: Volume 2: An Eclectic Collection of Correspondence (2016), 76.
Science quotes on:  |  Baby (29)  |  Blood (144)  |  Chip (4)  |  Cloud (111)  |  Coin (13)  |  Color (155)  |  Feather (13)  |  Flood (52)  |  Forest (161)  |  Gold (101)  |  Harvest (28)  |  Honey (15)  |  Ice (58)  |  Land (131)  |  Moon (252)  |  Mountain (202)  |  Nest (26)  |  New (1273)  |  Ocean (216)  |  Orange (15)  |  Rise (169)  |  Sea (326)  |  See (1094)  |  Set (400)  |  Slip (6)  |  Sunrise (14)  |  Sunset (27)  |  Swan (3)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Vast (188)  |  White (132)  |  Winter (46)

I hear beyond the range of sound,
I see beyond the range of sight,
New earths and skies and seas around,
And in my day the sun doth pale his light.
Science quotes on:  |  Beyond (316)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Hear (144)  |  New (1273)  |  Pale (9)  |  Range (104)  |  Sea (326)  |  See (1094)  |  Sight (135)  |  Sky (174)  |  Sound (187)  |  Sun (407)

I love to read the dedications of old books written in monarchies—for they invariably honor some (usually insignificant) knight or duke with fulsome words of sycophantic insincerity, praising him as the light of the universe (in hopes, no doubt, for a few ducats to support future work); this old practice makes me feel like such an honest and upright man, by comparison, when I put a positive spin, perhaps ever so slightly exaggerated, on a grant proposal.
From essay 'The Razumovsky Duet', collected in The Dinosaur in a Haystack: Reflections in Natural History (1995, 1997), 263.
Science quotes on:  |  Book (413)  |  Comparison (108)  |  Dedication (12)  |  Doubt (314)  |  Duke (2)  |  Exaggerate (7)  |  Feel (371)  |  Future (467)  |  Grant (76)  |  Honest (53)  |  Honor (57)  |  Hope (321)  |  Insignificant (33)  |  Insincerity (2)  |  Invariably (35)  |  Knight (6)  |  Love (328)  |  Man (2252)  |  Old (499)  |  Positive (98)  |  Practice (212)  |  Praise (28)  |  Proposal (21)  |  Read (308)  |  Slightly (3)  |  Spin (26)  |  Support (151)  |  Universe (900)  |  Upright (2)  |  Usually (176)  |  Word (650)  |  Work (1402)  |  Write (250)

I may conclude this chapter by quoting a saying of Professor Agassiz, that whenever a new and startling fact is brought to light in science, people first say, 'it is not true,' then that 'it is contrary to religion,' and lastly, 'that everybody knew it before.'
The Antiquity of Man (1863), 105.
Science quotes on:  |  Louis Agassiz (43)  |  Conclude (66)  |  Contrary (143)  |  Everybody (72)  |  Fact (1257)  |  First (1302)  |  New (1273)  |  People (1031)  |  Professor (133)  |  Religion (369)  |  Say (989)  |  Startling (15)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Whenever (81)

I must own I am much in the dark about light. I am not satisfied with the doctrine that supposes particles of matter, called light … May not all the phenomena of light be more conveniently solved, by supposing universal space filled with a subtle elastic fluid, which, when at rest, is not visible, but whose vibrations affect that fine sense in the eye, as … the ear … in the case of sound … May not different degrees of the vibration of the above-mentioned universal medium occasion the appearances of different colors? I think the electric fluid is always the same; yet I find that weaker and stronger sparks differ in apparent color; some white, blue, purple, red; the strongest, white; weak ones, red.
In Letter (23 Apr 1752) to Calwallader Colden, collected in William Duane (ed.), Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin (1834), Vol. 2, 270.
Science quotes on:  |  Color (155)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Fluid (54)  |  Matter (821)  |  Particle (200)  |  Vibration (26)  |  Wave (112)

I observed that plants not only have a faculty to correct bad air in six to ten days, by growing in it…but that they perform this important office in a complete manner in a few hours; that this wonderful operation is by no means owing to the vegetation of the plant, but to the influence of light of the sun upon the plant.
In Tobias George Smollett (ed.), 'Experiments Upon Vegetables', The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature (1779), 48, 334.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Bad (185)  |  Complete (209)  |  Growing (99)  |  Hour (192)  |  Influence (231)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Observed (149)  |  Office (71)  |  Operation (221)  |  Owing (39)  |  Perform (123)  |  Photosynthesis (21)  |  Plant (320)  |  Sun (407)  |  Vegetation (24)  |  Wonderful (155)

I picture the vast realm of the sciences as an immense landscape scattered with patches of dark and light. The goal towards which we must work is either to extend the boundaries of the patches of light, or to increase their number. One of these tasks falls to the creative genius; the other requires a sort of sagacity combined with perfectionism.
Thoughts on the Interpretation of Nature and Other Philosophical Works (1753/4), ed. D. Adams (1999), Section XIV, 42.
Science quotes on:  |  Creative (144)  |  Dark (145)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Extend (129)  |  Fall (243)  |  Genius (301)  |  Goal (155)  |  Immense (89)  |  Increase (225)  |  Landscape (46)  |  Must (1525)  |  Number (710)  |  Observation (593)  |  Other (2233)  |  Picture (148)  |  Realm (87)  |  Require (229)  |  Sagacity (11)  |  Task (152)  |  Vast (188)  |  Work (1402)

I remember vividly my student days, spending hours at the light microscope, turning endlessly the micrometric screw, and gazing at the blurred boundary which concealed the mysterious ground substance where the secret mechanisms of cell life might be found.
Nobel Lecture, The Coming Age of the Cell, 12 Dec 1974
Science quotes on:  |  Boundary (55)  |  Cell (146)  |  Concealed (25)  |  Ground (222)  |  Hour (192)  |  Life (1870)  |  Mechanism (102)  |  Microscope (85)  |  Mysterious (83)  |  Remember (189)  |  Research (753)  |  Screw (17)  |  Secret (216)  |  Spending (24)  |  Student (317)  |  Substance (253)  |  Vividly (11)

I return to the newborn world, and the soft-soil fields,
What their first birthing lifted to the shores
Of light, and trusted to the wayward winds.
First the Earth gave the shimmer of greenery
And grasses to deck the hills; then over the meadows
The flowering fields are bright with the color of springtime,
And for all the trees that shoot into the air.
On the Nature of Things, trans. Anthony M. Esolen (1995) Book 5, lines 777-84, 181.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Bright (81)  |  Color (155)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Field (378)  |  First (1302)  |  Grass (49)  |  Lift (57)  |  Meadow (21)  |  Newborn (5)  |  Return (133)  |  Soft (30)  |  Soil (98)  |  Springtime (5)  |  Tree (269)  |  Trust (72)  |  Wind (141)  |  World (1850)

I saw Eternity the other night,
Like a great Ring of pure and endless light,
All calm, as it was bright;
And round beneath it,
Time, in hours, days, years,
Driv’n by the spheres
Like a vast shadow mov’d; in which the world
And all her train were hurl’d.
In 'The World', in Silex Scintillans (1650), 91.
Science quotes on:  |  Beneath (68)  |  Bright (81)  |  Calm (32)  |  Day (43)  |  Endless (60)  |  Eternity (64)  |  Great (1610)  |  Hour (192)  |  Night (133)  |  Other (2233)  |  Pure (299)  |  Ring (18)  |  Saw (160)  |  Shadow (73)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Time (1911)  |  Train (118)  |  Vast (188)  |  World (1850)  |  Year (963)

I say it is impossible that so sensible a people [citizens of Paris], under such circumstances, should have lived so long by the smoky, unwholesome, and enormously expensive light of candles, if they had really known that they might have had as much pure light of the sun for nothing.
[Describing the energy-saving benefit of adopting daylight saving time. (1784)]
'An Economical Project', The Life and Miscellaneous Writings of Benjamin Franklin (1839), 58. A translation of this letter appeared in one of the Paris daily papers about 1784. He estimated, during six months, a saving of over 64 million pound weight of candles, worth over 96 million livres tournois.
Science quotes on:  |  Benefit (123)  |  Candle (32)  |  Circumstance (139)  |  Circumstances (108)  |  Citizen (52)  |  Daylight (23)  |  Daylight Saving Time (10)  |  Energy (373)  |  Expense (21)  |  Free (239)  |  Impossibility (60)  |  Impossible (263)  |  Known (453)  |  Long (778)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Paris (11)  |  People (1031)  |  Pure (299)  |  Saving (20)  |  Say (989)  |  Sense (785)  |  Smoke (32)  |  Sun (407)  |  Time (1911)

I searched along the changing edge
Where, sky-pierced now the cloud had broken.
I saw no bird, no blade of wing,
No song was spoken.
I stood, my eyes turned upward still
And drank the air and breathed the light.
Then, like a hawk upon the wind,
I climbed the sky, I made the flight.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Bird (163)  |  Blade (11)  |  Break (109)  |  Breath (61)  |  Breathe (49)  |  Broken (56)  |  Change (639)  |  Climb (39)  |  Cloud (111)  |  Drink (56)  |  Edge (51)  |  Eye (440)  |  Flight (101)  |  Hawk (4)  |  Saw (160)  |  Search (175)  |  See (1094)  |  Sky (174)  |  Song (41)  |  Speak (240)  |  Stand (284)  |  Still (614)  |  Turn (454)  |  Upward (44)  |  Wind (141)  |  Wing (79)

I see it fall.
So beautiful and light.
So very tranquil.
Untouchable in the night.
Pretty in white.
Like the stars at night.
The twinkle from the shine.
The cold from the sky.
With every footprint left.
Every snowman made.
With every snowflake fallen.
Unique in every way.
Science quotes on:  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Cold (115)  |  Fall (243)  |  Footprint (16)  |  Leave (138)  |  Night (133)  |  Pretty (21)  |  See (1094)  |  Shine (49)  |  Sky (174)  |  Snowflake (15)  |  Snowman (2)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Tranquil (2)  |  Twinkle (6)  |  Unique (72)  |  Untouchable (2)  |  Way (1214)  |  White (132)

I shall devote all my efforts to bring light into the immense obscurity that today reigns in Analysis. It so lacks any plan or system, that one is really astonished that so many people devote themselves to it—and, still worse, it is absolutely devoid of any rigour.
In Oeuvres (1826), Vol. 2, 263. As translated and cited in Ernst Hairer and Gerhard Wanner Analysis by Its History (2008), 188. From the original French, “Je consacrerai toutes mes forces à répandre de la lumière sur l’immense obscurité qui règne aujourd’hui dans l’Analyse. Elle est tellement dépourvue de tout plan et de tout système, qu’on s’étonne seulement qu’il y ait tant de gens qui s’y livrent—et ce qui pis est, elle manque absolument de rigueur.”
Science quotes on:  |  Absolutely (41)  |  Analysis (244)  |  Astonish (39)  |  Astonished (10)  |  Badly (32)  |  Bring (95)  |  Devoid (12)  |  Devote (45)  |  Effort (243)  |  Immense (89)  |  Lack (127)  |  Obscurity (28)  |  People (1031)  |  Plan (122)  |  Really (77)  |  Reign (24)  |  Rigour (21)  |  Still (614)  |  System (545)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Today (321)

I shuddered when I saw a crimson flame through the porthole instead of the usual starry sky at the night horizon of the planet. Vast pillars of light were bursting into the sky, melting into it, and flooding over with all the colors of the rainbow. An area of red luminescence merged smoothly into the black of the cosmos. The intense and dynamic changes in the colors and forms of the pillars and garlands made me think of visual music. Finally, we saw that we had entered directly into the aurora borealis.
Science quotes on:  |  Area (33)  |  Aurora (3)  |  Aurora Borealis (2)  |  Black (46)  |  Burst (41)  |  Change (639)  |  Color (155)  |  Cosmos (64)  |  Crimson (4)  |  Directly (25)  |  Dynamic (16)  |  Enter (145)  |  Finally (26)  |  Flame (44)  |  Flood (52)  |  Form (976)  |  Horizon (47)  |  Instead (23)  |  Intense (22)  |  Luminescence (2)  |  Melt (16)  |  Merge (3)  |  Music (133)  |  Night (133)  |  Pillar (10)  |  Planet (402)  |  Rainbow (17)  |  Red (38)  |  Saw (160)  |  See (1094)  |  Shudder (2)  |  Sky (174)  |  Smoothly (2)  |  Starry (2)  |  Think (1122)  |  Through (846)  |  Vast (188)  |  Visual (16)

I think each individual is never a plane but a polyhedron. Naturally, whenever a ray of light falls on a face, a vertex, an edge of this polyhedron; the arc that it reflects is undoubtedly variable, very complex and single or multicoloured. I don’t believe in plane men, I think we’re all multiple. We don’t have a double life, we have a multiple life. However, it is no less true that we’re thought to have a common denominator. I think I am or I aspire to be an honest man that tries not to bother too many people in this valley of tears.
From Cela Foundation biography webpage.
Science quotes on:  |  Arc (14)  |  Aspire (15)  |  Belief (615)  |  Bother (8)  |  Complex (202)  |  Double (18)  |  Edge (51)  |  Face (214)  |  Fall (243)  |  Honest (53)  |  Individual (420)  |  Life (1870)  |  Multiple (19)  |  People (1031)  |  Plane (22)  |  Ray (115)  |  Reflect (39)  |  Single (365)  |  Tear (48)  |  Think (1122)  |  Thought (995)  |  True (239)  |  Valley (37)  |  Variable (37)  |  Vortex (10)

I think that the event which, more than anything else, led me to the search for ways of making more powerful radio telescopes, was the recognition, in 1952, that the intense source in the constellation of Cygnus was a distant galaxy—1000 million light years away. This discovery showed that some galaxies were capable of producing radio emission about a million times more intense than that from our own Galaxy or the Andromeda nebula, and the mechanisms responsible were quite unknown. ... [T]he possibilities were so exciting even in 1952 that my colleagues and I set about the task of designing instruments capable of extending the observations to weaker and weaker sources, and of exploring their internal structure.
From Nobel Lecture (12 Dec 1974). In Stig Lundqvist (ed.), Nobel Lectures, Physics 1971-1980 (1992), 187.
Science quotes on:  |  Andromeda (2)  |  Capability (44)  |  Capable (174)  |  Colleague (51)  |  Constellation (18)  |  Design (203)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Distance (171)  |  Emission (20)  |  Event (222)  |  Excitement (61)  |  Exciting (50)  |  Exploration (161)  |  Extending (3)  |  Galaxies (29)  |  Galaxy (53)  |  Instrument (158)  |  Intensity (34)  |  Internal (69)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Making (300)  |  Mechanism (102)  |  More (2558)  |  Motivation (28)  |  Nebula (16)  |  Observation (593)  |  Possibility (172)  |  Powerful (145)  |  Radio (60)  |  Radio Telescope (5)  |  Recognition (93)  |  Search (175)  |  Set (400)  |  Show (353)  |  Source (101)  |  Structure (365)  |  Task (152)  |  Telescope (106)  |  Think (1122)  |  Time (1911)  |  Unknown (195)  |  Way (1214)  |  Weakness (50)  |  Year (963)

I think the light of science is so dazzling that it can be evaluated only by studying its reflection from the absorbing mirror of life; and life brings one back to wildness.
In 'The Wisdom of Wilderness', Life (22 Dec 1967), 63, No. 25, 8.
Science quotes on:  |  Absorbing (3)  |  Back (395)  |  Dazzling (13)  |  Evaluated (4)  |  Life (1870)  |  Mirror (43)  |  Reflection (93)  |  Studying (70)  |  Think (1122)  |  Wilderness (57)

I took a glass retort, capable of containing eight ounces of water, and distilled fuming spirit of nitre according to the usual method. In the beginning the acid passed over red, then it became colourless, and lastly again all red: no sooner did this happen, than I took away the receiver; and tied to the mouth of the retort a bladder emptied of air, which I had moistened in its inside with milk of lime lac calcis, (i.e. lime-water, containing more quicklime than water can dissolve) to prevent its being corroded by the acid. Then I continued the distillation, and the bladder gradually expanded. Here-upon I left every thing to cool, tied up the bladder, and took it off from the mouth of the retort.— I filled a ten-ounce glass with this air and put a small burning candle into it; when immediately the candle burnt with a large flame, of so vivid a light that it dazzled the eyes. I mixed one part of this air with three parts of air, wherein fire would not burn; and this mixture afforded air, in every respect familiar to the common sort. Since this air is absolutely necessary for the generation of fire, and makes about one-third of our common air, I shall henceforth, for shortness sake call it empyreal air, [literally fire-air] the air which is unserviceable for the fiery phenomenon, and which makes abut two-thirds of common air, I shall for the future call foul air [literally corrupted air].
Chemische Abhandlung von der Luft und dem Feuer (1777), Chemical Observations and Experiments on Air and Fire (1780), trans. J. R. Forster, 34-5.
Science quotes on:  |  According (236)  |  Acid (83)  |  Air (366)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Being (1276)  |  Bladder (3)  |  Burn (99)  |  Burning (49)  |  Call (781)  |  Candle (32)  |  Capable (174)  |  Common (447)  |  Corrosion (4)  |  Dazzling (13)  |  Dissolve (22)  |  Distillation (11)  |  Expand (56)  |  Eye (440)  |  Fire (203)  |  Flame (44)  |  Foul (15)  |  Fume (7)  |  Future (467)  |  Generation (256)  |  Glass (94)  |  Gradually (102)  |  Happen (282)  |  Immediately (115)  |  Large (398)  |  Lime (3)  |  Literally (30)  |  Method (531)  |  Milk (23)  |  Mixture (44)  |  More (2558)  |  Mouth (54)  |  Necessary (370)  |  Nitric Acid (2)  |  Oxygen (77)  |  Pass (241)  |  Phenomenon (334)  |  Prevent (98)  |  Receiver (5)  |  Respect (212)  |  Retort (3)  |  Sake (61)  |  Small (489)  |  Spirit (278)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Two (936)  |  Vivid (25)  |  Water (503)

I trust ... I have succeeded in convincing you that modern chemistry is not, as it has so long appeared, an ever-growing accumulation of isolated facts, as impossible for a single intellect to co-ordinate as for a single memory to grasp.
The intricate formulae that hang upon these walls, and the boundless variety of phenomena they illustrate, are beginning to be for us as a labyrinth once impassable, but to which we have at length discovered the clue. A sense of mastery and power succeeds in our minds to the sort of weary despair with which we at first contemplated their formidable array. For now, by the aid of a few general principles, we find ourselves able to unravel the complexities of these formulae, to marshal the compounds which they represent in orderly series; nay, even to multiply their numbers at our will, and in a great measure to forecast their nature ere we have called them into existence. It is the great movement of modern chemistry that we have thus, for an hour, seen passing before us. It is a movement as of light spreading itself over a waste of obscurity, as of law diffusing order throughout a wilderness of confusion, and there is surely in its contemplation something of the pleasure which attends the spectacle of a beautiful daybreak, something of the grandeur belonging to the conception of a world created out of chaos.
Concluding remark for paper presented at the Friday Discourse of the the Royal Institution (7 Apr 1865). 'On the Combining Power of Atoms', Proceedings of the Royal Institution (1865), 4, No. 42, 416.
Science quotes on:  |  Accumulation (51)  |  Aid (101)  |  Attend (67)  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Belonging (36)  |  Boundless (28)  |  Call (781)  |  Chaos (99)  |  Chemistry (376)  |  Clue (20)  |  Complexity (121)  |  Compound (117)  |  Conception (160)  |  Confusion (61)  |  Contemplation (75)  |  Despair (40)  |  Discover (571)  |  Existence (481)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Find (1014)  |  First (1302)  |  Forecast (15)  |  Formula (102)  |  General (521)  |  Grandeur (35)  |  Great (1610)  |  Growing (99)  |  Hang (46)  |  Hour (192)  |  Impossible (263)  |  Intellect (251)  |  Intricate (29)  |  Isolated (15)  |  Labyrinth (12)  |  Law (913)  |  Long (778)  |  Mastery (36)  |  Measure (241)  |  Memory (144)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Modern (402)  |  Movement (162)  |  Multiply (40)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Number (710)  |  Obscurity (28)  |  Order (638)  |  Orderly (38)  |  Ourselves (247)  |  Passing (76)  |  Pleasure (191)  |  Power (771)  |  Principle (530)  |  Represent (157)  |  Sense (785)  |  Series (153)  |  Single (365)  |  Something (718)  |  Spectacle (35)  |  Succeed (114)  |  Surely (101)  |  Throughout (98)  |  Trust (72)  |  Unravel (16)  |  Variety (138)  |  Wall (71)  |  Waste (109)  |  Weary (11)  |  Wilderness (57)  |  Will (2350)  |  World (1850)

I use the word nursing for want of a better. It has been limited to signify little more than the administration of medicines and the application of poultices. It ought to signify the proper use of fresh air, light, warmth, cleanliness, quiet, and the proper selection and administration of diet—all at the least expense of vital power to the patient.
Notes on Nursing: What it is and what it is not (1860), 2.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Application (257)  |  Better (493)  |  Cleanliness (6)  |  Diet (56)  |  Fresh (69)  |  Limit (294)  |  Limited (102)  |  Little (717)  |  Medicine (392)  |  More (2558)  |  Nurse (33)  |  Nursing (9)  |  Patient (209)  |  Power (771)  |  Proper (150)  |  Quiet (37)  |  Selection (130)  |  Signify (17)  |  Use (771)  |  Vital (89)  |  Want (504)  |  Warmth (21)  |  Word (650)

I venture to assert that the feelings one has when the beautiful symbolism of the infinitesimal calculus first gets a meaning, or when the delicate analysis of Fourier has been mastered, or while one follows Clerk Maxwell or Thomson into the strange world of electricity, now growing so rapidly in form and being, or can almost feel with Stokes the pulsations of light that gives nature to our eyes, or track with Clausius the courses of molecules we can measure, even if we know with certainty that we can never see them I venture to assert that these feelings are altogether comparable to those aroused in us by an exquisite poem or a lofty thought.
In paper (May 1891) read before Bath Branch of the Teachers’ Guild, published in The Practical Teacher (July 1891), reprinted as 'Geometry', in Frederic Spencer, Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching (1897), 194.
Science quotes on:  |  Analysis (244)  |  Arouse (13)  |  Assert (69)  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Being (1276)  |  Calculus (65)  |  Certainty (180)  |  Rudolf Clausius (9)  |  Clerk (13)  |  Comparable (7)  |  Course (413)  |  Delicate (45)  |  Electricity (168)  |  Exquisite (27)  |  Eye (440)  |  Feel (371)  |  Feeling (259)  |  Feelings (52)  |  First (1302)  |  Follow (389)  |  Form (976)  |  Growing (99)  |  Infinitesimal (30)  |  Infinitesimal Calculus (2)  |  Know (1538)  |  Lofty (16)  |  Master (182)  |  Mathematics As A Fine Art (23)  |  Maxwell (42)  |  James Clerk Maxwell (91)  |  Meaning (244)  |  Measure (241)  |  Molecule (185)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Never (1089)  |  Poem (104)  |  Pulsation (4)  |  Rapidly (67)  |  See (1094)  |  Sir George Gabriel Stokes (3)  |  Strange (160)  |  Symbolism (5)  |  Sir J.J. Thomson (18)  |  Thought (995)  |  Track (42)  |  World (1850)

I wanted to be a scientist from my earliest school days. The crystallizing moment came when I first caught on that stars are mighty suns, and how staggeringly far away they must be to appear to us as mere points of light. I’m not sure I even knew the word science then, but I was gripped by the prospect of understanding how things work, of helping to uncover deep mysteries, of exploring new worlds.
In 'With Science on Our Side', Washington Post (9 Jan 1994).
Science quotes on:  |  Appear (122)  |  Biography (254)  |  Deep (241)  |  Earliest (3)  |  Exploration (161)  |  Far (158)  |  First (1302)  |  Mere (86)  |  Moment (260)  |  Must (1525)  |  Mystery (188)  |  New (1273)  |  Point (584)  |  Prospect (31)  |  School (227)  |  Scientist (881)  |  Staggering (2)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Sun (407)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Uncover (20)  |  Understand (648)  |  Understanding (527)  |  Want (504)  |  Word (650)  |  Work (1402)  |  World (1850)

I was working with a Crookes tube covered by a shield of black cardboard. A piece of barium platino-cyanide paper lay on the bench there. I had been passing a current through the tube, and I noticed a peculiar black line across the paper. …
The effect was one which could only be produced in ordinary parlance by the passage of light. No light could come from the tube because the shield which covered it was impervious to any light known even that of the electric arc. …
I did not think; I investigated. …
I assumed that the effect must have come from the tube since its character indicated that it could come from nowhere else. … It seemed at first a new kind of invisible light. It was clearly something new something unrecorded. …
There is much to do, and I am busy, very busy. [Describing to a journalist the discovery of X-rays that he had made on 8 Nov 1895.]
In H.J.W. Dam in 'The New Marvel in Photography", McClure's Magazine (Apr 1896), 4:5, 413.
Science quotes on:  |  Arc (14)  |  Barium (4)  |  Bench (8)  |  Busy (32)  |  Character (259)  |  Current (122)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Do (1905)  |  Effect (414)  |  Electric (76)  |  Experiment (736)  |  First (1302)  |  Impervious (5)  |  Investigate (106)  |  Invisible (66)  |  Kind (564)  |  Known (453)  |  Must (1525)  |  New (1273)  |  Ordinary (167)  |  Paper (192)  |  Passage (52)  |  Passing (76)  |  Peculiar (115)  |  Photograph (23)  |  Produced (187)  |  Ray (115)  |  Shield (8)  |  Something (718)  |  Test (221)  |  Think (1122)  |  Thinking (425)  |  Through (846)  |  X-ray (43)

I will not now discuss the Controversie betwixt some of the Modern Atomists, and the Cartesians; the former of whom think, that betwixt the Earth and the Stars, and betwixt these themselves there are vast Tracts of Space that are empty, save where the beams of Light do pass through them; and the later of whom tell us, that the Intervals betwixt the Stars and Planets (among which the Earth may perhaps be reckon'd) are perfectly fill'd, but by a Matter far subtiler than our Air, which some call Celestial, and others Æther. I shall not, I say, engage in this controversie, but thus much seems evident, That If there be such a Celestial Matter, it must ' make up far the Greatest part of the Universe known to us. For the Interstellar part of the world (If I may so stile it) bears so very great a proportion to the Globes, and their Atmospheres too, (If other Stars have any as well as the Earth,) that It Is almost incomparably Greater in respect of them, than all our Atmosphere is in respect of the Clouds, not to make the comparison between the Sea and the Fishes that swim in it.
A Continuation of New Experiments Physico-Mechanical, Touching the Spring and Weight of the Air, and their Effects (1669), 127.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Atmosphere (117)  |  Beam (26)  |  Bear (162)  |  Call (781)  |  Celestial (53)  |  Cloud (111)  |  Comparison (108)  |  Dark Matter (4)  |  Do (1905)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Empty (82)  |  Engage (41)  |  Ether (37)  |  Evident (92)  |  Former (138)  |  Great (1610)  |  Greater (288)  |  Greatest (330)  |  Interstellar (8)  |  Known (453)  |  Matter (821)  |  Modern (402)  |  Must (1525)  |  Other (2233)  |  Pass (241)  |  Planet (402)  |  Proportion (140)  |  Reckon (31)  |  Respect (212)  |  Save (126)  |  Say (989)  |  Sea (326)  |  Space (523)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Swim (32)  |  Tell (344)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Think (1122)  |  Through (846)  |  Universe (900)  |  Vast (188)  |  Will (2350)  |  World (1850)

I wish I were a glow-worm.
A glow-worm’s never glum.
How can you be unhappy,
When a light shines out your bum.
Science quotes on:  |  Bum (3)  |  Glow-Worm (3)  |  Happiness (126)  |  Never (1089)  |  Shining (35)  |  Unhappy (16)  |  Wish (216)  |  Worm (47)

I would liken science and poetry in their natural independence to those binary stars, often different in colour, which Herschel’s telescope discovered to revolve round each other. “There is one light of the sun,” says St. Paul, “and another of the moon, and another of the stars: star differeth from star in glory.” It is so here. That star or sun, for it is both, with its cold, clear, white light, is SCIENCE: that other, with its gorgeous and ever-shifting hues and magnificent blaze, is POETRY. They revolve lovingly round each other in orbits of their own, pouring forth and drinking in the rays which they exchange; and they both also move round and shine towards that centre from which they came, even the throne of Him who is the Source of all truth and the Cause of all beauty.
'The Alleged Antagonism between Poetry and Chemistry.' In Jesse Aitken Wilson, Memoirs of George Wilson. Quoted in Natural History Society of Montreal, 'Reviews and Notices of Books,' The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist (1861) Vol. 6, 393.
Science quotes on:  |  Beauty (313)  |  Binary (12)  |  Both (496)  |  Cause (561)  |  Cold (115)  |  Different (595)  |  Discover (571)  |  Drinking (21)  |  Exchange (38)  |  Magnificent (46)  |  Moon (252)  |  Move (223)  |  Natural (810)  |  Orbit (85)  |  Other (2233)  |  Poetry (150)  |  Ray (115)  |  Revolve (26)  |  Say (989)  |  Science And Poetry (17)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Sun (407)  |  Telescope (106)  |  Truth (1109)  |  White (132)  |  White Light (5)

I, however, believe that for the ripening of experience the light of an intelligent theory is required. People are amused by the witticism that the man with a theory forces from nature that answer to his question which he wishes to have but nature never answers unless she is questioned, or to speak more accurately, she is always talking to us and with a thousand tongues but we only catch the answer to our own question.
Quoted in Major Greenwood, Epidemiology Historical and Experimental. The Herter Lectures for 1931 (1932), 13.
Science quotes on:  |  Answer (389)  |  Experience (494)  |  Force (497)  |  Intelligent (108)  |  Man (2252)  |  More (2558)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Never (1089)  |  People (1031)  |  Question (649)  |  Required (108)  |  Speak (240)  |  Talking (76)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Tongue (44)

I’m one of those people that think Thomas Edison and the light bulb changed the world more than Karl Marx ever did.
Expressing his reason for having no interest in a public sector role in politics. Interview with Rolling Stone writer, Steven Levy (late Nov 1983). As quoted in Nick Bilton, 'The 30-Year-Old Macintosh and a Lost Conversation With Steve Jobs' (24 Jan 2014), on New York Times blog web page. Levy appended a transcript of the interview to an updated Kindle version of his book, Insanely Great: The Life and Times of Macintosh, the Computer that Changed Everything.
Science quotes on:  |  Bulb (10)  |  Change (639)  |  Thomas Edison (83)  |  Light Bulb (6)  |  Karl Marx (22)  |  More (2558)  |  People (1031)  |  Think (1122)  |  World (1850)

I’m so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark.
In epigraph, without citation, in The Great American Sports Book: A Casual But Voluminous Look at American Spectator Sports from the Civil War to the Present Time (1978), 282.
Science quotes on:  |  Bed (25)  |  Dark (145)  |  Fast (49)  |  Hotel (2)  |  Last (425)  |  Night (133)  |  Room (42)  |  Switch (10)  |  Turn (454)

I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.
Second stanza of poem 'On Turning 70'. The poem is printed in Michigan Office of Services to the Aging, Annual Report 2004 (2005), no page number.
Science quotes on:  |  Christmas (13)  |  Handle (29)  |  Learn (672)  |  Learned (235)  |  Lose (165)  |  Lot (151)  |  Luggage (5)  |  Person (366)  |  Rain (70)  |  Tangle (8)  |  Tell (344)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Tree (269)  |  Way (1214)

If a body releases the energy L in the form of radiation, its mass is decreased by L/V2.
[Now expressed as E= mc2 where E=energy, m=mass, c=velocity of light. This relationship of mass and energy initiated the atomic era.]
Annalen der Physik, 1905, 18, 639-641. Quoted in Alice Calaprice, The Quotable Einstein (1996), 165.
Science quotes on:  |  Body (557)  |  Energy (373)  |  Era (51)  |  Express (192)  |  Form (976)  |  Mass (160)  |  Radiation (48)  |  Relationship (114)  |  Release (31)  |  Velocity (51)

If a photographic plate under the center of a lens focused on the heavens is exposed for hours, it comes to reveal stars so far away that even the most powerful telescopes fail to reveal them to the naked eye. In a similar way, time and concentration allow the intellect to perceive a ray of light in the darkness of the most complex problem.
From Reglas y Consejos sobre Investigacíon Cientifica: Los tónicos de la voluntad. (1897), as translated by Neely and Larry W. Swanson, in Advice for a Young Investigator (1999), 34.
Science quotes on:  |  Allow (51)  |  Complex (202)  |  Concentration (29)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Exposed (33)  |  Eye (440)  |  Fail (191)  |  Far (158)  |  Focus (36)  |  Focused (2)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Heavens (125)  |  Hour (192)  |  Intellect (251)  |  Lens (15)  |  Most (1728)  |  Naked Eye (12)  |  Perceive (46)  |  Photographic (2)  |  Plate (7)  |  Powerful (145)  |  Problem (731)  |  Ray (115)  |  Reveal (152)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Telescope (106)  |  Time (1911)  |  Way (1214)

If a small animal and a lighted candle be placed in a closed flask, so that no air can enter, in a short time the candle will go out, nor will the animal long survive. ... The animal is not suffocated by the smoke of the candle. ... The reason why the animal can live some time after the candle has gone out seems to be that the flame needs a continuous rapid and full supply of nitro-aereal particles. ... For animals, a less aereal spirit is sufficient. ... The movements of the lungs help not a little towards sucking in aereal particles which may remain in said flask and towards transferring them to the blood of the animal.
Remarking (a hundred years before Priestley identified oxygen) that a component of the air is taken into the blood.
Quoted in William Stirling, Some Apostles of Physiology (1902), 45.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Animal (651)  |  Blood (144)  |  Candle (32)  |  Closed (38)  |  Component (51)  |  Continuous (83)  |  Enter (145)  |  Flame (44)  |  Hundred (240)  |  Little (717)  |  Live (650)  |  Long (778)  |  Lung (37)  |  Movement (162)  |  Oxygen (77)  |  Particle (200)  |  Reason (766)  |  Remain (355)  |  Respiration (14)  |  Short (200)  |  Small (489)  |  Smoke (32)  |  Spirit (278)  |  Sufficient (133)  |  Supply (100)  |  Survive (87)  |  Time (1911)  |  Why (491)  |  Will (2350)  |  Year (963)

If a superior alien civilisation sent us a message saying, “We’ll arrive in a few decades,” would we just reply, “OK, call us when you get here—we’ll leave the lights on”? Probably not—but this is more or less what is happening with AI. Although we are facing potentially the best or worst thing to happen to humanity in history, little serious research is devoted to these issues outside non-profit institutes such as the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, the Future of Humanity Institute, the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, and the Future of Life Institute. All of us should ask ourselves what we can do now to improve the chances of reaping the benefits and avoiding the risks.
From article with byline attributing several authors collectively, namely: Stephen Hawking, Stuart Russell, Max Tegmark, Frank Wilczek, 'Stephen Hawking: `Transcendence looks at the implications of artificial intelligence—but are we taking AI seriously enough?’', Independent. Posted on the newspaper site (01 May 2014). The article does not given an individual attribution to the quoter, so it is not clear if Stephen Hawking contributed it, and it is easily possible he did not. Thus this entry is filed under his name only because he is the first-listed in the byline.
Science quotes on:  |  Alien (35)  |  Arrive (40)  |  Artificial Intelligence (12)  |  Ask (420)  |  Avoid (123)  |  Bad (185)  |  Benefit (123)  |  Call (781)  |  Cambridge (17)  |  Chance (244)  |  Civilisation (23)  |  Decade (66)  |  Devote (45)  |  Existential (3)  |  Future (467)  |  Good (906)  |  Happen (282)  |  History (716)  |  Humanity (186)  |  Improve (64)  |  Institute (8)  |  Issue (46)  |  Life (1870)  |  Message (53)  |  More Or Less (71)  |  Ourself (21)  |  Potential (75)  |  Probably (50)  |  Reap (19)  |  Reply (58)  |  Research (753)  |  Risk (68)  |  Serious (98)  |  Superior (88)

If any spiritualistic medium can do stunts, there is no more need for special conditions than there is for a chemist to turn down lights, start operations with a hymn, and ask whether there's any chemical present that has affinity with something named Hydrogen.
Lo! (1932). In The Complete Books of Charles Fort (1975), 575.
Science quotes on:  |  Affinity (27)  |  Ask (420)  |  Chemical (303)  |  Chemist (169)  |  Condition (362)  |  Do (1905)  |  Down (455)  |  Hydrogen (80)  |  Hymn (6)  |  More (2558)  |  Operation (221)  |  Operations (107)  |  Present (630)  |  Something (718)  |  Special (188)  |  Spiritualism (3)  |  Start (237)  |  Stunt (7)  |  Turn (454)

If in our withered leaves you see
Hint of your own mortality:—
Think how, when they have turned to earth,
New loveliness from their rich worth
Shall spring to greet the light; then see
Death as the keeper of eternity,
And dying Life’s perpetual re-birth !
Poem attributed with initials W.L., epigraph for chapter on 'The Nitrogen Cycle', in Arthur E. Shipley, Life: A Book for Elementary Students (1925, 2013), 37.
Science quotes on:  |  Birth (154)  |  Death (406)  |  Decay (59)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Eternity (64)  |  Greet (7)  |  Hint (21)  |  Keeper (4)  |  Leaf (73)  |  Life (1870)  |  Loveliness (6)  |  Mortality (16)  |  New (1273)  |  Nitrogen Cycle (2)  |  Perpetual (59)  |  See (1094)  |  Spring (140)  |  Think (1122)  |  Turn (454)  |  Wither (9)  |  Worth (172)

If it be urged that the action of the potato is chemical and mechanical only, and that it is due to the chemical and mechanical effects of light and heat, the answer would seem to lie in an enquiry whether every sensation is not chemical and mechanical in its operation? Whether those things which we deem most purely spiritual are anything but disturbances of equilibrium in an infinite series of levers, beginning with those that are too small for microscopic detection, and going up to the human arm and the appliances which it makes use of? Whether there be not a molecular action of thought, whence a dynamical theory of the passions shall be deducible?
In Erewhon, Or, Over the Range (1872), 192.
Science quotes on:  |  Action (342)  |  Answer (389)  |  Appliance (9)  |  Arm (82)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Biochemistry (50)  |  Chemical (303)  |  Chemistry (376)  |  Detection (19)  |  Disturbance (34)  |  Due (143)  |  Dynamical (15)  |  Effect (414)  |  Enquiry (89)  |  Equilibrium (34)  |  Heat (180)  |  Human (1512)  |  Infinite (243)  |  Infinite Series (8)  |  Lever (13)  |  Lie (370)  |  Mechanical (145)  |  Mechanics (137)  |  Microscopic (27)  |  Molecule (185)  |  Most (1728)  |  Operation (221)  |  Passion (121)  |  Potato (11)  |  Purely (111)  |  Sensation (60)  |  Series (153)  |  Small (489)  |  Spiritual (94)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Thought (995)  |  Use (771)

If it was the warmth of the sun, and not its light, that produced this operation, it would follow, that, by warming the water near the fire about as much as it would have been in the sun, this very air would be produced; but this is far from being the case.
In Tobias George Smollett (ed.), 'Experiments Upon Vegetables', The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature (1779), 48, 336.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Being (1276)  |  Fire (203)  |  Follow (389)  |  Operation (221)  |  Photosynthesis (21)  |  Produced (187)  |  Sun (407)  |  Warming (24)  |  Warmth (21)  |  Water (503)

If needed to give a comparison expressing my feelings about the science of life, I would say that it is a magnificent reception room, resplendent with light, which one can only reach by passing through a long and dreadful kitchen.
In Introduction à l'Étude de la Médecine Expérimentale (1865), 23. From the original French, “S’il fallait donner une comparaison qui exprimât mon sentiment sur la science de la vie, je dirais que c’est un salon superbe tout resplendissant de lumière, dans lequel on ne peut parvenir qu’en passant par une longue et affreuse cuisine.” English version by Webmaster using Google Translate. This version has additional context than the customary translation, elsewhere on this web page, that begins, “The science of life is a superb….”
Science quotes on:  |  Comparison (108)  |  Dreadful (16)  |  Feeling (259)  |  Kitchen (14)  |  Life (1870)  |  Magnificent (46)  |  Resplendent (3)

If our so-called facts are changing shadows, they are shadows cast by the light of constant truth. So too in religion we are repelled by that confident theological doctrine… but we need not turn aside from the measure of light that comes into our experience showing us a Way through the unseen world.
Swarthmore Lecture (1929) at Friends’ House, London, printed in Science and the Unseen World (1929), 91.
Science quotes on:  |  Call (781)  |  Cast (69)  |  Confident (25)  |  Constant (148)  |  Experience (494)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Measure (241)  |  Religion (369)  |  Shadow (73)  |  So-Called (71)  |  Through (846)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Turn (454)  |  Unseen (23)  |  Way (1214)  |  World (1850)

If the average man in the street were asked to name the benefits derived from sunshine, he would probably say “light and warmth” and there he would stop. But, if we analyse the matter a little more deeply, we will soon realize that sunshine is the one great source of all forms of life and activity on this old planet of ours. … [M]athematics underlies present-day civilization in much the same far-reaching manner as sunshine underlies all forms of life, and that we unconsciously share the benefits conferred by the mathematical achievements of the race just as we unconsciously enjoy the blessings of the sunshine.
From Address (25 Feb 1928) to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Boston. Abstract published in 'Mathematics and Sunshine', The Mathematics Teacher (May 1928), 21, No. 5, 245.
Science quotes on:  |  Achievement (187)  |  Activity (218)  |  Ask (420)  |  Average (89)  |  Benefit (123)  |  Blessing (26)  |  Blessings (17)  |  Civilization (220)  |  Confer (11)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Enjoy (48)  |  Far-Reaching (9)  |  Form (976)  |  Great (1610)  |  Life (1870)  |  Little (717)  |  Man (2252)  |  Man In The Street (2)  |  Manner (62)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Matter (821)  |  More (2558)  |  Name (359)  |  Old (499)  |  Planet (402)  |  Present (630)  |  Race (278)  |  Realize (157)  |  Say (989)  |  Share (82)  |  Soon (187)  |  Source (101)  |  Stop (89)  |  Sun (407)  |  Sunshine (12)  |  Unconsciously (9)  |  Underlie (19)  |  Warmth (21)  |  Will (2350)

If the Humours of the Eye by old Age decay, so as by shrinking to make the Cornea and Coat of the Crystalline Humour grow flatter than before, the Light will not be refracted enough, and for want of a sufficient Refraction will not converge to the bottom of the Eye but to some place beyond it, and by consequence paint in the bottom of the Eye a confused Picture, and according to the Indistinctuess of this Picture the Object will appear confused. This is the reason of the decay of sight in old Men, and shews why their Sight is mended by Spectacles. For those Convex glasses supply the defect of plumpness in the Eye, and by increasing the Refraction make the rays converge sooner, so as to convene distinctly at the bottom of the Eye if the Glass have a due degree of convexity. And the contrary happens in short-sighted Men whose Eyes are too plump. For the Refraction being now too great, the Rays converge and convene in the Eyes before they come at the bottom; and therefore the Picture made in the bottom and the Vision caused thereby will not be distinct, unless the Object be brought so near the Eye as that the place where the converging Rays convene may be removed to the bottom, or that the plumpness of the Eye be taken off and the Refractions diminished by a Concave-glass of a due degree of Concavity, or lastly that by Age the Eye grow flatter till it come to a due Figure: For short-sighted Men see remote Objects best in Old Age, and therefore they are accounted to have the most lasting Eyes.
Opticks (1704), Book 1, Part 1, Axiom VII, 10-11.
Science quotes on:  |  According (236)  |  Account (195)  |  Age (509)  |  Being (1276)  |  Best (467)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Concave (6)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Contrary (143)  |  Converge (10)  |  Convergence (4)  |  Convex (6)  |  Decay (59)  |  Defect (31)  |  Degree (277)  |  Distinct (98)  |  Due (143)  |  Enough (341)  |  Eye (440)  |  Figure (162)  |  Glass (94)  |  Great (1610)  |  Grow (247)  |  Happen (282)  |  Humour (116)  |  Lens (15)  |  Most (1728)  |  Object (438)  |  Old (499)  |  Old Age (35)  |  Picture (148)  |  Ray (115)  |  Reason (766)  |  Refraction (13)  |  Remote (86)  |  See (1094)  |  Short (200)  |  Short-Sighted (5)  |  Sight (135)  |  Spectacle (35)  |  Spectacles (10)  |  Sufficient (133)  |  Supply (100)  |  Vision (127)  |  Want (504)  |  Why (491)  |  Will (2350)

If the Tincture of the Philosophers is to be used for transmutation, a pound of it must be projected on a thousand pounds of melted Sol [gold]. Then, at length, will a medicine have been prepared for transmuting the leprous moisture of the metals. This work is a wonderful one in the light of nature, namely, that by the Magistery, or the operation of the Spagyrist, a metal, which formerly existed, should perish, and another be produced. This fact has rendered that same Aristotle, with his ill-founded philosophy, fatuous.
In Paracelsus and Arthur Edward Waite (ed.), The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus (1894), Vol. 1, 28.
Science quotes on:  |  Aristotle (179)  |  Exist (458)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Fatuous (2)  |  Gold (101)  |  Medicine (392)  |  Metal (88)  |  Moisture (21)  |  Must (1525)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Operation (221)  |  Perish (56)  |  Philosopher (269)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Prepare (44)  |  Produced (187)  |  Project (77)  |  Render (96)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Tincture (5)  |  Transmutation (24)  |  Will (2350)  |  Wonderful (155)  |  Work (1402)

If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.
Science quotes on:  |  Creature (242)  |  Dark (145)  |  Eye (440)  |  Find (1014)  |  Know (1538)  |  Mean (810)  |  Meaning (244)  |  Never (1089)  |  Universe (900)  |  Whole (756)

If there were some deep principle that drove organic systems towards living systems, the operation of the principle should easily be demonstrable in a test tube in half a morning. Needless to say, no such demonstration has ever been given. Nothing happens when organic materials are subjected to the usual prescription of showers of electrical sparks or drenched in ultraviolet light, except the eventual production of a tarry sludge.
Science quotes on:  |  Deep (241)  |  Demonstration (120)  |  Drench (2)  |  Drive (61)  |  Easily (36)  |  Electrical (57)  |  Eventual (9)  |  Give (208)  |  Half (63)  |  Happen (282)  |  Live (650)  |  Living (492)  |  Material (366)  |  Morning (98)  |  Needless (4)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Operation (221)  |  Organic (161)  |  Prescription (18)  |  Principle (530)  |  Production (190)  |  Say (989)  |  Shower (7)  |  Sludge (3)  |  Spark (32)  |  Subject (543)  |  System (545)  |  Test (221)  |  Test Tube (13)  |  Ultraviolet (2)

If thou hast knowledge, let others light their candle at thine.
In Introductio ad Prudentiam: or, Directions, Counsels, and Cautions, Tending to Prudent Management of Affairs in Common Life (1727), Part II, 2, Moral No. 1784. Often seen incorrectly attributed to Sarah Margaret Fuller or Winston Churchill, slightly reworded, for example, as “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.”
Science quotes on:  |  Candle (32)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Let (64)  |  Other (2233)

If today you can take a thing like evolution and make it a crime to teach it in the public schools, tomorrow you can make it a crime to teach it in the private schools, and next year you can make it a crime to teach it to the hustings or in the church. At the next session you may ban books and the newspapers. Soon you may set Catholic against Protestant and Protestant against Protestant, and try to foist your own religion upon the minds of men. If you can do one you can do the other. Ignorance and fanaticism are ever busy and need feeding. Always it is feeding and gloating for more. Today it is the public school teachers; tomorrow the private. The next day the preachers and the lecturers, the magazines, the books, the newspapers. After a while, Your Honor, it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until with flying banners and beating drums we are marching backward to the glorious ages of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted fagots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind.
Darrow’s concluding remarks before adjournment of the second day of the Scopes Monkey Trial, Dayton, Tennessee (Monday, 13 Jul 1925). In The World's Most Famous Court Trial: Tennessee Evolution Case: a Complete Stenographic Report of the Famous Court Test of the Tennessee Anti-Evolution Act, at Dayton, July 10 to 21, 1925 (1925), Second Day's Proceedings, 87.
Science quotes on:  |  Against (332)  |  Age (509)  |  Banner (9)  |  Bigot (6)  |  Book (413)  |  Burn (99)  |  Catholic (18)  |  Century (319)  |  Church (64)  |  Creed (28)  |  Crime (39)  |  Culture (157)  |  Do (1905)  |  Drum (8)  |  Education (423)  |  Enlightenment (21)  |  Evolution (635)  |  Flying (74)  |  Glorious (49)  |  Honor (57)  |  Human (1512)  |  Human Mind (133)  |  Ignorance (254)  |  Intelligence (218)  |  Lecturer (13)  |  Man (2252)  |  Mind (1377)  |  More (2558)  |  Next (238)  |  Other (2233)  |  Preacher (13)  |  Religion (369)  |  School (227)  |  Set (400)  |  Setting (44)  |  Soon (187)  |  Teach (299)  |  Teacher (154)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Today (321)  |  Tomorrow (63)  |  Try (296)  |  Year (963)

If we compare a mathematical problem with an immense rock, whose interior we wish to penetrate, then the work of the Greek mathematicians appears to us like that of a robust stonecutter, who, with indefatigable perseverance, attempts to demolish the rock gradually from the outside by means of hammer and chisel; but the modern mathematician resembles an expert miner, who first constructs a few passages through the rock and then explodes it with a single blast, bringing to light its inner treasures.
In Die Entwickelung der Mathematik in den letzten Jahrhunderten (1869), 9. As translated in Robert Édouard Moritz, Memorabilia Mathematica; Or, The Philomath’s Quotation-book (1914), 114. From the original German, “Vergleichen wir ein mathematisches Problem mit einem gewaltigen Felsen, in dessen Inneres wir eindringen wollen, so erscheint die Arbeit der griechischen Mathematiker uns als die eines rüstigen Steinhauers, der mit Hammer und Meissel in unermüdlicher Ausdauer den Felsen langsam von aussen her zu zerbröckeln beginnt; der moderne Mathematiker aber als ein trefflicher Minirer, der diesen Felsen zunächst mit wenigen Gängen durchzieht, von denen aus er dann den Felsblock mit einem gewaltigem Schlage zersprengt und die Schätze des Inneren zu Tage fördert.”
Science quotes on:  |  Appear (122)  |  Attempt (266)  |  Blast (13)  |  Bring (95)  |  Chisel (2)  |  Compare (76)  |  Construct (129)  |  Demolish (8)  |  Expert (67)  |  Explode (15)  |  First (1302)  |  Gradual (30)  |  Gradually (102)  |  Greek (109)  |  Hammer (26)  |  Immense (89)  |  Inner (72)  |  Interior (35)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Miner (9)  |  Modern (402)  |  Modern Mathematics (50)  |  Outside (141)  |  Passage (52)  |  Penetrate (68)  |  Perseverance (24)  |  Problem (731)  |  Resemble (65)  |  Robust (7)  |  Rock (176)  |  Single (365)  |  Through (846)  |  Treasure (59)  |  Wish (216)  |  Work (1402)

If we do not learn to eliminate waste and to be more productive and more efficient in the ways we use energy, then we will fall short of this goal [for the Nation to derive 20 percent of all the energy we use from the Sun, by 2000]. But if we use our technological imagination, if we can work together to harness the light of the Sun, the power of the wind, and the strength of rushing streams, then we will succeed.
Speech, at dedication of solar panels on the White House roof, 'Solar Energy Remarks Announcing Administration Proposals' (20 Jun 1979).
Science quotes on:  |  2000 (15)  |  Derive (70)  |  Do (1905)  |  Efficiency (46)  |  Elimination (26)  |  Energy (373)  |  Fall (243)  |  Goal (155)  |  Harness (25)  |  Hydroelectricity (2)  |  Imagination (349)  |  Learn (672)  |  More (2558)  |  Nation (208)  |  Power (771)  |  Productive (37)  |  Short (200)  |  Solar Energy (21)  |  Stream (83)  |  Strength (139)  |  Succeed (114)  |  Success (327)  |  Sun (407)  |  Technological (62)  |  Technology (281)  |  Together (392)  |  Use (771)  |  Waste (109)  |  Way (1214)  |  Will (2350)  |  Wind (141)  |  Wind Power (10)  |  Work (1402)

If we peep into Dom Claude’s cell, we are introduced to a typical alchemist’s laboratory—a gloomy, dimly-lighted place, full of strange vessels, and furnaces, and melting-pots, spheres, and portions of skeletons hanging from the ceiling; the floor littered with stone bottles, pans, charcoal, aludels, and alembics, great parchment books covered with hieroglyphics; the bellows with its motto Spira, Spera; the hour-glass, the astrolabe, and over all cobwebs, and dust, and ashes. The walls covered with various aphorisms of the brotherhood; legends and memorials in many tongues; passages from the Smaragdine Table of Hermes Trismegistus; and looming out from all in great capitals, ’ANAΓKH.
In The Birth of Chemistry (1874), 100.
Science quotes on:  |  Alchemist (23)  |  Alembic (3)  |  Aphorism (22)  |  Ash (21)  |  Bellows (5)  |  Book (413)  |  Bottle (17)  |  Brotherhood (6)  |  Ceiling (5)  |  Charcoal (10)  |  Cobweb (6)  |  Covered (5)  |  Dim (11)  |  Dust (68)  |  Floor (21)  |  Furnace (13)  |  Glass (94)  |  Gloomy (4)  |  Great (1610)  |  Hang (46)  |  Hieroglyphic (6)  |  Hour (192)  |  Hourglass (3)  |  Laboratory (214)  |  Legend (18)  |  Litter (5)  |  Littered (2)  |  Melting-Pot (3)  |  Passage (52)  |  Portion (86)  |  Skeleton (25)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Stone (168)  |  Strange (160)  |  Table (105)  |  Tongue (44)  |  Various (205)  |  Vessel (63)  |  Wall (71)

If we were blind for one day each year, how we would enjoy the other three hundred and sixty-four.
Epigraph in Isaac Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations (1988), 123.
Science quotes on:  |  Blind (98)  |  Day (43)  |  Enjoy (48)  |  Hundred (240)  |  Other (2233)  |  Year (963)

If you are on the side whence the wind is blowing you will see the trees looking much lighter than you would see them on the other sides; and this is due to the fact that the wind turns up the reverse side of the leaves which in all trees is much whiter than the upper side.
Science quotes on:  |  Blow (45)  |  Blowing (22)  |  Due (143)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Leave (138)  |  Looking (191)  |  Other (2233)  |  Reverse (33)  |  See (1094)  |  Side (236)  |  Tree (269)  |  Turn (454)  |  Upper (4)  |  White (132)  |  Will (2350)  |  Wind (141)

If you go far enough out you can see the Universe itself, all the billion light years summed up time only as a flash, just as lonely, as distant as a star on a June night if you go far enough out. And still, my friend, if you go far enough out you are only at the beginning of yourself.
Science quotes on:  |  Begin (275)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Billion (104)  |  Distant (33)  |  Enough (341)  |  Far (158)  |  Flash (49)  |  Friend (180)  |  June (2)  |  Lonely (24)  |  Night (133)  |  See (1094)  |  Star (460)  |  Still (614)  |  Sum (103)  |  Time (1911)  |  Universe (900)  |  Year (963)

If your car could travel at the speed of light, would your headlights work?
Science quotes on:  |  Car (75)  |  Headlight (2)  |  Joke (90)  |  Relativity (91)  |  Speed (66)  |  Speed Of Light (18)  |  Travel (125)  |  Work (1402)

If, again with the light of science, we trace forward into the future the condition of our globe, we are compelled to admit that it cannot always remain in its present condition; that in time, the store of potential energy which now exists in the sun and in the bodies of celestial space which may fall into it will be dissipated in radiant heat, and consequently the earth, from being the theatre of life, intelligence, of moral emotions, must become a barren waste.
Address (Jul 1874) at the grave of Joseph Priestley, in Joseph Henry and Arthur P. Molella, et al. (eds.), A Scientist in American Life: Essays and Lectures of Joseph Henry (1980), 120.
Science quotes on:  |  Barren (33)  |  Become (821)  |  Being (1276)  |  Celestial (53)  |  Condition (362)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Emotion (106)  |  Energy (373)  |  Exist (458)  |  Fall (243)  |  Forward (104)  |  Future (467)  |  Globe (51)  |  Heat (180)  |  Intelligence (218)  |  Life (1870)  |  Moral (203)  |  Must (1525)  |  Planet (402)  |  Potential (75)  |  Potential Energy (5)  |  Present (630)  |  Radiant (15)  |  Remain (355)  |  Space (523)  |  Store (49)  |  Sun (407)  |  Time (1911)  |  Trace (109)  |  Waste (109)  |  Will (2350)

Imagine the world so greatly magnified that particles of light look like twenty-four-pound cannon balls.
As given, without source, in James Geary, Geary's Guide to the World's Great Aphorists (2008), 341.
Science quotes on:  |  Ball (64)  |  Greatness (55)  |  Imagine (176)  |  Look (584)  |  Magnification (10)  |  Particle (200)  |  World (1850)

Immediately after totality, two splendid protuberances appeared; one of them, of more than 3 minute height, shone of a splendor which it is difficult to imagine. The analysis of its light showed me immediately that it was formed by an immense incandescent gas column, mainly made up of hydrogen gas.
About his observations of a solar eclipse (18 Aug 1868), viewed from Guntur, India, reported in Comptes Rendus (19 Sep 1868), 67, 838. As cited, and given in translation, in Wheeler M. “Bo” Sears, Jr., Helium, the Disappearing Element (2015), 44. From the original French, “Immédiatement après la totalité, deux magnifiques protubérances ont apparu; l’une d’elles, de plus de 3 min de hauteur, brillait d’une splendeur qu’il est difficile d’imaginer. L’analyse de sa lumière m’a immédiatement montré qu’elle était formée par une immense colonne gazeuse incandescente, principalement compose de gaz hydrogène.” [Notably, Janssen fails to mention anything about a yellow line of unknown origin (later identified as helium) in this report.]
Science quotes on:  |  Analysis (244)  |  Eclipse (25)  |  Gas (89)  |  Hydrogen (80)  |  Protuberance (3)  |  Spectrum (35)  |  Splendor (20)  |  Sun (407)  |  Totality (17)

In 1808 … Malus chanced to look through a double refracting prism at the light of the setting sun, reflected from the windows of the Luxembourg Palace. In turning the prism round, he was surprised to find that the ordinary image disappeared at two opposite positions of the prism. He remarked that the reflected light behaved like light which had been polarized by passing through another prism.
In Principles of Science (1874), Vols. 1-2, Book IV, Chap. 18, 163.
Science quotes on:  |  Behave (18)  |  Chance (244)  |  Disappear (84)  |  Find (1014)  |  Image (97)  |  Look (584)  |  Étienne-Louis Malus (2)  |  Opposite (110)  |  Ordinary (167)  |  Palace (8)  |  Passing (76)  |  Polarize (2)  |  Position (83)  |  Prism (8)  |  Reflect (39)  |  Remark (28)  |  Round (26)  |  Setting (44)  |  Sun (407)  |  Surprise (91)  |  Through (846)  |  Turn (454)  |  Two (936)  |  Window (59)

In 1891, during the Presidency of William Henry Harrison [Benjamin Harrison], electric lights were first installed in the White House, the residence of the leaders of our country. At that time, commercial electricity was not economically feasible, but President Harrison wanted to affirm his confidence in the technological capability of our country.
Speech, at dedication of solar panels on the White House roof, 'Solar Energy Remarks Announcing Administration Proposals' (20 Jun 1979).
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In a sense cosmology contains all subjects because it is the story of everything, including biology, psychology and human history. In that single sense it can be said to contain an explanation also of time's arrow. But this is not what is meant by those who advocate the cosmological explanation of irreversibility. They imply that in some way the time arrow of cosmology imposes its sense on the thermodynamic arrow. I wish to disagree with this view. The explanation assumes that the universe is expanding. While this is current orthodoxy, there is no certainty about it. The red-shifts might be due to quite different causes. For example, when light passes through the expanding clouds of gas it will be red-shifted. A large number of such clouds might one day be invoked to explain these red shifts. It seems an odd procedure to attempt to 'explain' everyday occurrences, such as the diffusion of milk into coffee, by means of theories of the universe which are themselves less firmly established than the phenomena to be explained. Most people believe in explaining one set of things in terms of others about which they are more certain, and the explanation of normal irreversible phenomena in terms of the cosmological expansion is not in this category.
'Thermodynamics, Cosmology) and the Physical Constants', in J. T. Fraser (ed.), The Study of Time III (1973), 117-8.
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In ancient days two aviators procured to themselves wings. Daedalus flew safely through the middle air and was duly honored on his landing. Icarus soared upwards to the sun till the wax melted which bound his wings and his flight ended in fiasco. In weighing their achievements, there is something to be said for Icarus. The classical authorities tell us that he was only “doing a stunt,” but I prefer to think of him as the man who brought to light a serious constructional defect in the flying machines of his day.
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In discussing the state of the atmosphere following a nuclear exchange, we point especially to the effects of the many fires that would be ignited by the thousands of nuclear explosions in cities, forests, agricultural fields, and oil and gas fields. As a result of these fires, the loading of the atmosphere with strongly light absorbing particles in the submicron size range (1 micron = 10-6 m) would increase so much that at noon solar radiation at the ground would be reduced by at least a factor of two and possibly a factor of greater than one hundred.
Paul J. Crutzen -and John W. Birks (1946-, American chemist), 'The Atmosphere after a Nuclear War: Twilight at Noon', Ambio, 1982, 11, 115.
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In early life I had felt a strong desire to devote myself to the experimental study of nature; and, happening to see a glass containing some camphor, portions of which had been caused to condense in very beautiful crystals on the illuminated side, I was induced to read everything I could obtain respecting the chemical and mechanical influences of light, adhesion, and capillary attraction.
In preface to Scientific Memoirs (1878), xii.
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In early times, when the knowledge of nature was small, little attempt was made to divide science into parts, and men of science did not specialize. Aristotle was a master of all science known in his day, and wrote indifferently treatises on physics or animals. As increasing knowledge made it impossible for any one man to grasp all scientific subjects, lines of division were drawn for convenience of study and of teaching. Besides the broad distinction into physical and biological science, minute subdivisions arose, and, at a certain stage of development, much attention was, given to methods of classification, and much emphasis laid on the results, which were thought to have a significance beyond that of the mere convenience of mankind.
But we have reached the stage when the different streams of knowledge, followed by the different sciences, are coalescing, and the artificial barriers raised by calling those sciences by different names are breaking down. Geology uses the methods and data of physics, chemistry and biology; no one can say whether the science of radioactivity is to be classed as chemistry or physics, or whether sociology is properly grouped with biology or economics. Indeed, it is often just where this coalescence of two subjects occurs, when some connecting channel between them is opened suddenly, that the most striking advances in knowledge take place. The accumulated experience of one department of science, and the special methods which have been developed to deal with its problems, become suddenly available in the domain of another department, and many questions insoluble before may find answers in the new light cast upon them. Such considerations show us that science is in reality one, though we may agree to look on it now from one side and now from another as we approach it from the standpoint of physics, physiology or psychology.
In article 'Science', Encyclopedia Britannica (1911), 402.
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