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Swing Quotes (12 quotes)

[I]magine you want to know the sex of your unborn child. There are several approaches. You could, for example, do what the late film star ... Cary Grant did before he was an actor: In a carnival or fair or consulting room, you suspend a watch or a plumb bob above the abdomen of the expectant mother; if it swings left-right it's a boy, and if it swings forward-back it's a girl. The method works one time in two. Of course he was out of there before the baby was born, so he never heard from customers who complained he got it wrong. ... But if you really want to know, then you go to amniocentesis, or to sonograms; and there your chance of being right is 99 out of 100. ... If you really want to know, you go to science.
In 'Wonder and Skepticism', Skeptical Enquirer (Jan-Feb 1995), 19, No. 1.
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All versions written for nonscientists speak of fused males as the curious tale of the anglerfish–just as we so often hear about the monkey swinging through the trees, or the worm burrowing through soil. But if nature teaches us any lesson, it loudly proclaims life’s diversity. There ain’t no such abstraction as the clam, the fly, or the anglerfish. Ceratioid anglerfishes come in nearly 100 species, and each has its own peculiarity.
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First, as concerns the success of teaching mathematics. No instruction in the high schools is as difficult as that of mathematics, since the large majority of students are at first decidedly disinclined to be harnessed into the rigid framework of logical conclusions. The interest of young people is won much more easily, if sense-objects are made the starting point and the transition to abstract formulation is brought about gradually. For this reason it is psychologically quite correct to follow this course.
Not less to be recommended is this course if we inquire into the essential purpose of mathematical instruction. Formerly it was too exclusively held that this purpose is to sharpen the understanding. Surely another important end is to implant in the student the conviction that correct thinking based on true premises secures mastery over the outer world. To accomplish this the outer world must receive its share of attention from the very beginning.
Doubtless this is true but there is a danger which needs pointing out. It is as in the case of language teaching where the modern tendency is to secure in addition to grammar also an understanding of the authors. The danger lies in grammar being completely set aside leaving the subject without its indispensable solid basis. Just so in Teaching of Mathematics it is possible to accumulate interesting applications to such an extent as to stunt the essential logical development. This should in no wise be permitted, for thus the kernel of the whole matter is lost. Therefore: We do want throughout a quickening of mathematical instruction by the introduction of applications, but we do not want that the pendulum, which in former decades may have inclined too much toward the abstract side, should now swing to the other extreme; we would rather pursue the proper middle course.
In Ueber den Mathematischen Unterricht an den hoheren Schulen; Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung, Bd. 11, 131.
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Frost is but slender weeks away,
Tonight the sunset glow will stay,
Swing to the north and burn up higher
And Northern Lights wall earth with fire.
Nothing is lost yet, nothing broken,
And yet the cold blue word is spoken:
Say goodbye to the sun.
The days of love and leaves are done.
Apples by Ocean (1950), 10.
Science quotes on:  |  Blue (63)  |  Broken (56)  |  Burn (99)  |  Cold (115)  |  Day (43)  |  Done (2)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Fire (203)  |  Frost (15)  |  Glow (15)  |  Goodbye (3)  |  Higher (37)  |  Leaf (73)  |  Light (635)  |  Lost (34)  |  Love (328)  |  North (12)  |  Northern Lights (2)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Say (989)  |  Speaking (118)  |  Sun (407)  |  Sunset (27)  |  Tonight (9)  |  Wall (71)  |  Week (73)  |  Will (2350)  |  Word (650)

It is one of the little ironies of our times that while the layman was being indoctrinated with the stereotype image of black holes as the ultimate cookie monsters, the professionals have been swinging round to the almost directly opposing view that black holes, like growing old, are really not so bad when you consider the alternative.
Science quotes on:  |  Alternative (32)  |  Bad (185)  |  Being (1276)  |  Black Hole (17)  |  Black Holes (4)  |  Consider (428)  |  Cookie (2)  |  Directly (25)  |  Grow (247)  |  Growing (99)  |  Image (97)  |  Irony (9)  |  Layman (21)  |  Little (717)  |  Monster (33)  |  Old (499)  |  Oppose (27)  |  Professional (77)  |  Really (77)  |  Round (26)  |  Stereotype (4)  |  Time (1911)  |  Ultimate (152)  |  View (496)

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds and done a hundred things
you have not dreamed of wheeled and soared and swung
high in the sunlit silence. Hovering there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
my eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I’ve topped the windswept heights with easy grace
where never lark, or even eagle flew
and, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod
the high untrespassed sanctity of space,
put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Blue (63)  |  Bond (46)  |  Burn (99)  |  Burning (49)  |  Chase (14)  |  Climb (39)  |  Cloud (111)  |  Craft (11)  |  Dance (35)  |  Delirious (2)  |  Dream (222)  |  Eager (17)  |  Eagle (20)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Easy (213)  |  Face (214)  |  Fling (5)  |  Fly (153)  |  God (776)  |  Grace (31)  |  Hall (5)  |  Hand (149)  |  Height (33)  |  High (370)  |  Hover (8)  |  Hovering (5)  |  Hundred (240)  |  Join (32)  |  Lark (2)  |  Laughter (34)  |  Lift (57)  |  Long (778)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Mirth (3)  |  Never (1089)  |  Sanctity (4)  |  Shout (25)  |  Silence (62)  |  Silent (31)  |  Silver (49)  |  Sky (174)  |  Slip (6)  |  Soar (23)  |  Space (523)  |  Sun (407)  |  Sunlit (2)  |  Sunward (2)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Through (846)  |  Top (100)  |  Touch (146)  |  Tread (17)  |  Tumble (3)  |  Tumbling (2)  |  Wheel (51)  |  Wind (141)  |  Wing (79)

Our advanced and fashionable thinkers are, naturally, out on a wide swing of the pendulum, away from the previous swing of the pendulum.... They seem to have an un-argue-out-able position, as is the manner of sophists, but this is no guarantee that they are right.
In Science is a Sacred Cow (1950), 177-78.
Science quotes on:  |  Advance (298)  |  Fashion (34)  |  Fashionable (15)  |  Guarantee (30)  |  Pendulum (17)  |  Right (473)  |  Sophist (2)  |  Thinker (41)  |  Thinking (425)  |  Wide (97)

Politics is a pendulum whose swings between anarchy and tyranny are fueled by perennially rejuvenated illusions.
(1937), in Albert Einstein, the Human Side by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman (1979), 38.
Science quotes on:  |  Illusion (68)  |  Pendulum (17)  |  Politics (122)  |  Tyranny (15)

So the pendulum swings, now violently, now slowly; and every institution not only carries within it the seeds of its own dissolution, but prepares the way for its most hated rival.
Dean Inge
In W.R. Inge, 'Democracy and the Future', The Atlantic Monthly (Mar 1922), 129, 289.
Science quotes on:  |  Carry (130)  |  Dissolution (11)  |  Institution (73)  |  Most (1728)  |  Pendulum (17)  |  Prepare (44)  |  Rival (20)  |  Seed (97)  |  Slowly (19)  |  Violently (3)  |  Way (1214)

Use now and then a little Exercise a quarter of an Hour before Meals, as to swing a Weight, or swing your Arms about with a small Weight in each Hand; to leap, or the like, for that stirs the Muscles of the Breast.
In Poor Richard's Almanack (1742).
Science quotes on:  |  Arm (82)  |  Arms (37)  |  Breast (9)  |  Diet (56)  |  Exercise (113)  |  Hand (149)  |  Health (210)  |  Hour (192)  |  Leap (57)  |  Little (717)  |  Meal (19)  |  Muscle (47)  |  Small (489)  |  Stir (23)  |  Use (771)  |  Weight (140)

We rest in the immense and complete order of the earth. And then it may well happen that what we have been seeing as beautiful repose changes into motions; lines seem to rise and fall, surfaces wave and swing. Folding, which long ago buckled horizontal strata into huge subterranean waves of stone (folds) is revived. The rounded crests of folds rise and fall rhythmically. Giant smoking volcanoes stand in a row like the pipes of a cosmic organ through which the earth’s mighty breath blows its roaring music. Granite domes in the deserts, the broadly arched shields of the Rocky Mountains become the chimes waiting only for the earthquake’s stroke to awaken the mighty symphony that drowns out all human tones and resounds throughout the world.
In 'Prologue', Conversation with the Earth (1954), 4. As translated by E.B. Garside from Gespräch mit der Erde (1947).
Science quotes on:  |  Breath (61)  |  Buckle (5)  |  Dome (9)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Earthquake (37)  |  Geology (240)  |  Granite (8)  |  Motion (320)  |  Music (133)  |  Repose (9)  |  Resound (2)  |  Rhythm (21)  |  Rocky Mountains (2)  |  Stone (168)  |  Strata (37)  |  Surface (223)  |  Symphony (10)  |  Volcano (46)  |  Wave (112)

When young Galileo, then a student at Pisa, noticed one day during divine service a chandelier swinging backwards and forwards, and convinced himself, by counting his pulse, that the duration of the oscillations was independent of the arc through which it moved, who could know that this discovery would eventually put it in our power, by means of the pendulum, to attain an accuracy in the measurement of time till then deemed impossible, and would enable the storm-tossed seaman in the most distant oceans to determine in what degree of longitude he was sailing?
Hermann von Helmholtz, Edmund Atkinson (trans.), Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects: First Series (1883), 29.
Science quotes on:  |  Accuracy (81)  |  Arc (14)  |  Attain (126)  |  Backwards (18)  |  Church (64)  |  Counting (26)  |  Degree (277)  |  Determine (152)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Divine (112)  |  Enable (122)  |  Eventually (64)  |  Forward (104)  |  Galileo Galilei (134)  |  Himself (461)  |  Impossible (263)  |  Independent (74)  |  Know (1538)  |  Longitude (8)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Measurement (178)  |  Most (1728)  |  Ocean (216)  |  Oscillation (13)  |  Pendulum (17)  |  Power (771)  |  Pulse (22)  |  Sailing (14)  |  Seaman (3)  |  Service (110)  |  Storm (56)  |  Student (317)  |  Through (846)  |  Time (1911)  |  Toss (8)  |  Young (253)

Carl Sagan Thumbnail In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion. (1987) -- Carl Sagan
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