Scientist Quotations Index for Initial R
This dictionary includes science quotes from archaeologists, biologists, chemists, geologists, inventors and inventions, mathematicians, physicists plus pioneers in medicine, science events and technology.
A scientist quotation page heading may include a link to a short biography of the scientist or description of the event corresponding to a day in Science History.
Fran�ois Rabelais
Zadok Rabinwitz
Isidor Isaac Rabi
Efraim Racker
A.R. Radcliffe-Brown
Tim Radford
NBC Radio
Kathleen Jessie Raine
George Yuri Rainich
Rasma Raisters
Walter Alexander Raleigh
Yogi Ramacharaka
Veerabhadran Ramanathan
Raja Ramanna
Srinivasa Ramanujan
Ilan Raman
Srimathi Raman
Bernardino Ramazzini
Marie Louise de la Ram�e (Ouida)
Sir William Ramsay
Andrew Crombie Ramsey
Frank Plumpton Ramsey
Gordon Clark Ramsey
Michael Ramsey
Norman Ramsey
Sir John Randall
Lisa Randall
James Randi
John Randolph of Roanoke
Ayn Rand
William John Macquorn Rankine
Fran�ois-Vincent Raspail
John Ashworth Ratcliffe
R.K. Rathbun
Mitch Ratliffe
David Malcolm Raup
Peter H. Raven
Jerome R. Ravetz
Sir John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh
Dixy Lee Ray
G. Carleton Ray
John Ray
John Reader
Charles Reade
Winwood Reade
Lady Stella Reading
Arthur Hinton Read
Herbert Harold Read
Sir Herbert Edward Read
Ronald Reagan
Ren� Reaumur
Grote Reber
Robert Recorde
Thomas Brackett Reed
Sir Martin Rees
Hubert Reeves
Richard Reeves
Christopher Reeve
Henri-Victor Regnault
Hans Reichenbach
Charles A. Reich
Wilhelm Reich
Friedrich Reidt
Thomas Reid
Erasmus Reinhold
Peter Reiss
Johann Philipp Reis
Robert Remak
Vladimir Remek
Ira Remsen
Ernest Renan
Pierre-Jules Renard
Henri Rendu
Louis le Chanoine Rendu
Charles-Bernard Renouvier
Alfréd Rényi
Nicholas Rescher
Roger Revelle
Charles Haskell Revson
Theodor Reye
Sir Joshua Reynolds
Osborne Reynolds
Quentin Reynolds
Jean Rey
Paul Reznikoff
Georg Joachim Rheticus
Marcus Morton Rhoades
Richard Rhodes
Th�odule-Armand Ribot
Kevin Richardson
Lewis Fry Richardson
Moses Richardson
Sir Owen Willans Richardson
Dana Richards
Denise Richards
Ellen Swallow Richards
Charles Richet
Charles Richter
Jean Paul Richter
Jean Paul Friedrich Richter
Floyd K. Richtmyer
Howard T. Ricketts
Hyman G. Rickover
Sally Ride
Bernhard Riemann
Jeremy Rifkin
George Ripley
Adrian Riskin
John W. Risk
Lord Peter Ritchie-Calder
Arthur David Ritchie
W. H. R. Rivers
Ronald L. Rivest
Anthony Robbins
John Robbins
Tom Robbins
T. Brailsford Robertson
Rev. Frederick William Robertson
John D. Roberts
Nicolas Louis Robert
Diana Robinson
Frank M. Robinson
James Harvey Robinson
Kim Stanley Robinson
Marilynne Robinson
Michael A. Robinson
Sir Robert Robinson
Francois De La Rochefoucauld
John D. Rockefeller
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller
Gene Roddenberry
John Rodgers
Oasmarino Amancio Rodrigues
George Farrer Rodwell
Anne Roe
Carl R. Rogers
David Rogers
Malcolm Rogers
Samuel Rogers
Will Rogers
Jacques Rohault
Jim Rohn
Salvador de Madariaga y Rojo
Sir Humphrey D. Rolleston
Nancy Roman
Alfred Sherwood Romer
Jean-Baptiste Louis Rom� de l�lsle
Vasco Ronchi
Wilhelm R�ntgen
Eleanor Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
E. Merrill Root
Elihu Root
Jakob Rosanes
Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe
Jonathan Rosenberg
Arturo Rosenblueth
Israel Rosenfield
Maxwell Rosenlicht
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
Stanley Rosenthal
Howard B. Rosen
Wickliffe Rose
Carl-Gustaf Rossby
Christina Rossetti
Hugo Rossi
Hazel Swaine Rossotti
Mary G. Ross
Sir Ronald Ross
Sydney Ross
Jean Rostand
Theodore Roszak
Peter R�sz�
Gian-Carlo Rota
Sir Joseph Rotblat
Thomas M. Rotch
Michael Rothschild
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
�mile Roux
Joseph Roux
Wilhelm Roux
Carlo Rovelli
Henry Augustus Rowland
Peter Rowlett
J.K. Rowling
Royal Society of London
Sir Henry Royce
Josiah Royce
Carlo Rubbia
Beverly Anne Rubik
Emanuel Rubin
Vera Cooper Rubin
William D. Ruckelshaus
Rudy von Bitter Rucker
Eric Gustaf Rudberg
Malvin A. Ruderman
Ferdinand Rudio
Jurgen Ruesch
Muriel Rukeyser
Joe Rukin
Count Benjamin Thompson Rumford
Jalal ad-Din ar- Rumi
Donald Rumsfeld
Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge
William Albert Hugh Rushton
Benjamin Rush
John Ruskin
Dean Rusk
Bertrand Russell
Edward Stuart Russell
George R. Russell
Henry Norris Russell
Ian Russell
John Scott Russell
Lillian Russell
Mark Russell
Sir Ernest Rutherford
Gilbert Ryle
Sir Martin Ryle
Ryokan Taigu
Valeri Ryumin
Zadok Rabinwitz
Isidor Isaac Rabi
Efraim Racker
A.R. Radcliffe-Brown
Tim Radford
NBC Radio
Kathleen Jessie Raine
George Yuri Rainich
Rasma Raisters
Walter Alexander Raleigh
Yogi Ramacharaka
Veerabhadran Ramanathan
Raja Ramanna
Srinivasa Ramanujan
Ilan Raman
Srimathi Raman
Bernardino Ramazzini
Marie Louise de la Ram�e (Ouida)
Sir William Ramsay
Andrew Crombie Ramsey
Frank Plumpton Ramsey
Gordon Clark Ramsey
Michael Ramsey
Norman Ramsey
Sir John Randall
Lisa Randall
James Randi
John Randolph of Roanoke
Ayn Rand
William John Macquorn Rankine
Fran�ois-Vincent Raspail
John Ashworth Ratcliffe
R.K. Rathbun
Mitch Ratliffe
David Malcolm Raup
Peter H. Raven
Jerome R. Ravetz
Sir John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh
Dixy Lee Ray
G. Carleton Ray
John Ray
John Reader
Charles Reade
Winwood Reade
Lady Stella Reading
Arthur Hinton Read
Herbert Harold Read
Sir Herbert Edward Read
Ronald Reagan
Ren� Reaumur
Grote Reber
Robert Recorde
Thomas Brackett Reed
Sir Martin Rees
Hubert Reeves
Richard Reeves
Christopher Reeve
Henri-Victor Regnault
Hans Reichenbach
Charles A. Reich
Wilhelm Reich
Friedrich Reidt
Thomas Reid
Erasmus Reinhold
Peter Reiss
Johann Philipp Reis
Robert Remak
Vladimir Remek
Ira Remsen
Ernest Renan
Pierre-Jules Renard
Henri Rendu
Louis le Chanoine Rendu
Charles-Bernard Renouvier
Alfréd Rényi
Nicholas Rescher
Roger Revelle
Charles Haskell Revson
Theodor Reye
Sir Joshua Reynolds
Osborne Reynolds
Quentin Reynolds
Jean Rey
Paul Reznikoff
Georg Joachim Rheticus
Marcus Morton Rhoades
Richard Rhodes
Th�odule-Armand Ribot
Kevin Richardson
Lewis Fry Richardson
Moses Richardson
Sir Owen Willans Richardson
Dana Richards
Denise Richards
Ellen Swallow Richards
Charles Richet
Charles Richter
Jean Paul Richter
Jean Paul Friedrich Richter
Floyd K. Richtmyer
Howard T. Ricketts
Hyman G. Rickover
Sally Ride
Bernhard Riemann
Jeremy Rifkin
George Ripley
Adrian Riskin
John W. Risk
Lord Peter Ritchie-Calder
Arthur David Ritchie
W. H. R. Rivers
Ronald L. Rivest
Anthony Robbins
John Robbins
Tom Robbins
T. Brailsford Robertson
Rev. Frederick William Robertson
John D. Roberts
Nicolas Louis Robert
Diana Robinson
Frank M. Robinson
James Harvey Robinson
Kim Stanley Robinson
Marilynne Robinson
Michael A. Robinson
Sir Robert Robinson
Francois De La Rochefoucauld
John D. Rockefeller
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller
Gene Roddenberry
John Rodgers
Oasmarino Amancio Rodrigues
George Farrer Rodwell
Anne Roe
Carl R. Rogers
David Rogers
Malcolm Rogers
Samuel Rogers
Will Rogers
Jacques Rohault
Jim Rohn
Salvador de Madariaga y Rojo
Sir Humphrey D. Rolleston
Nancy Roman
Alfred Sherwood Romer
Jean-Baptiste Louis Rom� de l�lsle
Vasco Ronchi
Wilhelm R�ntgen
Eleanor Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
E. Merrill Root
Elihu Root
Jakob Rosanes
Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe
Jonathan Rosenberg
Arturo Rosenblueth
Israel Rosenfield
Maxwell Rosenlicht
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
Stanley Rosenthal
Howard B. Rosen
Wickliffe Rose
Carl-Gustaf Rossby
Christina Rossetti
Hugo Rossi
Hazel Swaine Rossotti
Mary G. Ross
Sir Ronald Ross
Sydney Ross
Jean Rostand
Theodore Roszak
Peter R�sz�
Gian-Carlo Rota
Sir Joseph Rotblat
Thomas M. Rotch
Michael Rothschild
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
�mile Roux
Joseph Roux
Wilhelm Roux
Carlo Rovelli
Henry Augustus Rowland
Peter Rowlett
J.K. Rowling
Royal Society of London
Sir Henry Royce
Josiah Royce
Carlo Rubbia
Beverly Anne Rubik
Emanuel Rubin
Vera Cooper Rubin
William D. Ruckelshaus
Rudy von Bitter Rucker
Eric Gustaf Rudberg
Malvin A. Ruderman
Ferdinand Rudio
Jurgen Ruesch
Muriel Rukeyser
Joe Rukin
Count Benjamin Thompson Rumford
Jalal ad-Din ar- Rumi
Donald Rumsfeld
Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge
William Albert Hugh Rushton
Benjamin Rush
John Ruskin
Dean Rusk
Bertrand Russell
Edward Stuart Russell
George R. Russell
Henry Norris Russell
Ian Russell
John Scott Russell
Lillian Russell
Mark Russell
Sir Ernest Rutherford
Gilbert Ryle
Sir Martin Ryle
Ryokan Taigu
Valeri Ryumin