Scientist Quotations Index for Initial C
Fernán Caballero
James Caballero
Pierre-Jean-Georges Cabanis
Richard Cabot
Statius Caecilius
John Cage
Santiago Ram�n y Cajal
Florian Cajori
Nigel ( David Ritchie) Calder
Charles Caldwell
William H. Caldwell
Melvin Calvin
Simon Cameron
Tommaso Campanella
Douglas Houghton Campbell
John W. Campbell, Jr.
Joseph Campbell
Malcolm Campbell
Norman Robert Campbell
Thomas Campbell
W. Wallace Campbell
Thomas Campton
Albert Camus
Vincent Canby
Stanislao Cannizzaro
Annie Jump Cannon
Benson Cannon
Walter Bradford Cannon
�ric Cantona
Georg Cantor
Moritz Benedikt Cantor
Karel Čapek
Arthur L. Caplan
Fritjof Capra
Girolamo Cardano
Dennis Cardoza
Benjamin N. Cardozo
DSL Cardwell
Orson Scott Card
Henry Charles Carey
Samuel Warren Carey
R�my Louis Carle
George Carlin
William Carlos
Chester F. Carlson
Elof A. Carlson
Thomas Carlyle
Robert D. Carmichael
Rudolf Carnap
(5th) Earl of Carnarvon
Andrew Carnegie
Dale Carnegie
Lazare-Nicolas-Marguerite Carnot
Sadi Carnot
Wallace Hume Carothers
Kenneth Carpenter
Mary Chapin Carpenter
William Carpenter
Alexis Carrel
Lewis Carroll
William Herbert Carruth
Jimmy Carr
Benjamin Carson
Rachel Carson
Howard Carter
President Jimmy Carter
Matt Cartmill
Nancy Cartwright
Dorothy Caruso
Carl Gustav Carus
Paul Carus
George Washington Carver
Peter G. Casazza
David C. Cassidy
Stanley Casson
Barbara Castle
William Ernest Castle
Fidel Castro
James McKeen Cattell
Raymond Cattell
Baron Augustin-Louis Cauchy
Christopher Caudwell
Bonaventura Cavalieri
Camilla Cavendish
Henry Cavendish
Duchess Margaret Lucas Cavendish of Newcastle
Arthur Cayley
Sir George Cayley
Richard Cecil
Bennett Cerf
Vinton G. Cerf
Eugene Andrew Cernan
Paul C�zanne
Douglas Chadwick
Sir James Chadwick
John W. Chadwick
John Chafee
Roger B Chaffee
Sir Ernst Boris Chain
Jack Chalker
Alan Chalmers
Thomas Chalmers
Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin
Oswald Chambers
Robert Chambers
Nicholas Chamfort
William Estabrook Chancellor
Raymond Chandler
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Octave Chanute
Charles V. Chapin
Edwin Hubbell Chapin
Charlie Chaplin
Charles H. Chapman
Frank M. Chapman
Nathaniel Chapman
Jean-Martin Charcot
Erwin Chargaff
Charles XII
Jacques-Alexandre-C�sar Charles
Charles, Prince of Wales
Claude-Joseph-D�sir� Charnay
Pierre Charron
Alexander Chase
Stuart Chase
Michel Chasles
Vicomte Fran�ois-Ren� de Chateaubriand
Geoffrey Chaucer
Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev
John Cheever
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Charles Victor Cherbuliez
Shiing-shen Chern
Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Edward Colin Cherry
The Earl of Chesterfield
G. K. Chesterton
Geoffrey F. Chew
Doc Childre
Lewis Childre
Charles Manning Child
Lydia Child
Hong-Yee Chiu
Paul Chodas
Avram Noam Chomsky
Fr�d�ric Chopin
Deepak Chopra
Fujio Cho
James Christian
AB Christie
Agatha Christie
Daniel Christlein
Jacob Christmann
Robert C. Christopher
Walter Chrysler
George Chrystal
Chuang Tzu
Wang Ch�ung
Charles Churchill
Lord Randolph Churchill
Winston Churchill
Arthur Harry Church
Francis P. Church
Marchette Chute
Steven Chu
John Ciardi
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Alexis Claude Clairaut
Edward Clancy
Lord Edward Clarendon
Arthur C. Clarke
C.A. Clarke
John Hessin Clarke
Lord Kenneth Clarke
Jeremy Clarkson
Alonzo Clark
Brian Clark
Paul Claudel
Albert Claude
Rudolf Clausius
Calvin C. Clawson
Alfred Clebsch
Logan Clendening
Agnes Mary Clerke
William Kingdon Clifford
Hillary Clinton
President Bill Clinton
Hans Cloos
Preston Cloud
Charles Clover
James Coates
William Cobbett
Frances Power Cobbe
Antonio Cocchi
L�Abb� Jean Cochet
William Gemmell Cochran
Sir Christopher Cockerell
Barnett Cocks
Jean Cocteau
Mary Coelho
Paulo Coelho
Jean Baptiste Coffinhal du Bail
R.P.T. Coffin
I. Bernard Cohen
Chapman Cohen
Daniel Cohen
David X. Cohen
Morris Raphael Cohen
Paul Joseph Cohen
Julius Cohnheim
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Abraham Coles
Sidonie Colette
Samuel Coley
Schuyler Colfax
Robert Collier
J. Norman Collie
R. G. Collingwood
Eileen Collins
Francis S. Collins
Michael Collins
Mortimer Collins
John Stewart Collis
Francesco Marla Pompeo Colonna
Charles Colson
Charles Caleb Colton
Gardner Quincy Colton
Samuel Colt
Christopher Columbus
David E. Comings
David H. Comins
Barry Commoner
Arthur Holly Compton
Karl Taylor Compton
John Henry Comstock
John Lee Comstock
Auguste Comte
James B. Conant
Levi L. Conant
Edward U. Condon
Marquis Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat Condorcet
John Conduitt
Sir William Congreve
William Congreve
Edwin Grant Conklin
Cyril Connolly
Joseph Conrad
Pete Conrad
Pat Conroy
Guy Consolmagno
John Constable
The Constitution of the United States
Viscountess Anne Conway
William Conybeare
Beano Cook
Captain Cook
James Cook
Denton A. Cooley
Mason Cooley
Calvin Coolidge
John Calvin Coolidge
Julian Lowell Coolidge
William Coolidge
Mike Coon
Anthony Ashley Cooper
Sir Astley Paston Cooper
James Fennimore Cooper
Leon N. Cooper
Peter Cooper
William Cooper
Nicolaus Copernicus
Irving M. Copi
Allan MacLeod Cormack
Joseph Cornell
Carl Erich Correns
Archbishop Michael Corrigan
Jim Costa
Rodolfo Costa
Jerry Costello
Roger Cotes
Carl Bernhard von Cotta
Charles-Augustin Coulomb
Charles Alfred Coulson
William Thomas Councilman
Archibald Scott Couper
Richard Courant
Antoine-Augustin Cournot
Bernard Courtois
Norman Cousins
Victor Cousin
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.
Robert R. Coveyou
Robert Cowan
Noel Coward
Richard Cowen
David Murray Cowie
Abraham Cowley
William Cowper
Brian Cox
Coleman Cox
John D. Coyle
Thomas Craig
Robert Cramer
Donald J. Cram
George W. Crane
Stephen Crane
Mrs. Edward Craster
Francis Crawford
Seymour R. Cray
Robert P. Crease
August Leopold Crelle
Lorenz Crell
Luigi Cremona
Francis Albert Eley Crew
James Crichton-Browne
Michael Crichton
Francis Crick
Robert X. Cringely
Robert Laurel Crippen
L�on Croizat
James Croll
Samuel Crompton
Oliver Cromwell
David Cronenberg
Jeremy Cronin
Axel Fredrik Cronstedt
Sir William Crookes
William H. Cropper
T.W.H. Crosland
Hardy Cross
Ken Croswell
Michael J. Crowe
Crowfoot, Blackfoot
Aleister Crowley
Roy Albert Crowson
Paul Crutzen
L.L. Larison Cudmore
Lorraine Cudmore
William Cullen
John Culliney
Richard Cumberland
Bruce F. Cummings
E. E. Cummings
Ray Cummings
Franz Cumont
R. Walter Cunningham
Andrew Cuomo
Will Cuppy
Eve Curie
Marie Curie
Pierre Curie
Bruce Curran
A.S. Curtis
Heber Curtis
Helena Curtis
Cardinal Nicholas de Cusa
Harvey Cushing
Baron Georges Cuvier
James Caballero
Pierre-Jean-Georges Cabanis
Richard Cabot
Statius Caecilius
John Cage
Santiago Ram�n y Cajal
Florian Cajori
Nigel ( David Ritchie) Calder
Charles Caldwell
William H. Caldwell
Melvin Calvin
Simon Cameron
Tommaso Campanella
Douglas Houghton Campbell
John W. Campbell, Jr.
Joseph Campbell
Malcolm Campbell
Norman Robert Campbell
Thomas Campbell
W. Wallace Campbell
Thomas Campton
Albert Camus
Vincent Canby
Stanislao Cannizzaro
Annie Jump Cannon
Benson Cannon
Walter Bradford Cannon
�ric Cantona
Georg Cantor
Moritz Benedikt Cantor
Karel Čapek
Arthur L. Caplan
Fritjof Capra
Girolamo Cardano
Dennis Cardoza
Benjamin N. Cardozo
DSL Cardwell
Orson Scott Card
Henry Charles Carey
Samuel Warren Carey
R�my Louis Carle
George Carlin
William Carlos
Chester F. Carlson
Elof A. Carlson
Thomas Carlyle
Robert D. Carmichael
Rudolf Carnap
(5th) Earl of Carnarvon
Andrew Carnegie
Dale Carnegie
Lazare-Nicolas-Marguerite Carnot
Sadi Carnot
Wallace Hume Carothers
Kenneth Carpenter
Mary Chapin Carpenter
William Carpenter
Alexis Carrel
Lewis Carroll
William Herbert Carruth
Jimmy Carr
Benjamin Carson
Rachel Carson
Howard Carter
President Jimmy Carter
Matt Cartmill
Nancy Cartwright
Dorothy Caruso
Carl Gustav Carus
Paul Carus
George Washington Carver
Peter G. Casazza
David C. Cassidy
Stanley Casson
Barbara Castle
William Ernest Castle
Fidel Castro
James McKeen Cattell
Raymond Cattell
Baron Augustin-Louis Cauchy
Christopher Caudwell
Bonaventura Cavalieri
Camilla Cavendish
Henry Cavendish
Duchess Margaret Lucas Cavendish of Newcastle
Arthur Cayley
Sir George Cayley
Richard Cecil
Bennett Cerf
Vinton G. Cerf
Eugene Andrew Cernan
Paul C�zanne
Douglas Chadwick
Sir James Chadwick
John W. Chadwick
John Chafee
Roger B Chaffee
Sir Ernst Boris Chain
Jack Chalker
Alan Chalmers
Thomas Chalmers
Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin
Oswald Chambers
Robert Chambers
Nicholas Chamfort
William Estabrook Chancellor
Raymond Chandler
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Octave Chanute
Charles V. Chapin
Edwin Hubbell Chapin
Charlie Chaplin
Charles H. Chapman
Frank M. Chapman
Nathaniel Chapman
Jean-Martin Charcot
Erwin Chargaff
Charles XII
Jacques-Alexandre-C�sar Charles
Charles, Prince of Wales
Claude-Joseph-D�sir� Charnay
Pierre Charron
Alexander Chase
Stuart Chase
Michel Chasles
Vicomte Fran�ois-Ren� de Chateaubriand
Geoffrey Chaucer
Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev
John Cheever
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Charles Victor Cherbuliez
Shiing-shen Chern
Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Edward Colin Cherry
The Earl of Chesterfield
G. K. Chesterton
Geoffrey F. Chew
Doc Childre
Lewis Childre
Charles Manning Child
Lydia Child
Hong-Yee Chiu
Paul Chodas
Avram Noam Chomsky
Fr�d�ric Chopin
Deepak Chopra
Fujio Cho
James Christian
AB Christie
Agatha Christie
Daniel Christlein
Jacob Christmann
Robert C. Christopher
Walter Chrysler
George Chrystal
Chuang Tzu
Wang Ch�ung
Charles Churchill
Lord Randolph Churchill
Winston Churchill
Arthur Harry Church
Francis P. Church
Marchette Chute
Steven Chu
John Ciardi
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Alexis Claude Clairaut
Edward Clancy
Lord Edward Clarendon
Arthur C. Clarke
C.A. Clarke
John Hessin Clarke
Lord Kenneth Clarke
Jeremy Clarkson
Alonzo Clark
Brian Clark
Paul Claudel
Albert Claude
Rudolf Clausius
Calvin C. Clawson
Alfred Clebsch
Logan Clendening
Agnes Mary Clerke
William Kingdon Clifford
Hillary Clinton
President Bill Clinton
Hans Cloos
Preston Cloud
Charles Clover
James Coates
William Cobbett
Frances Power Cobbe
Antonio Cocchi
L�Abb� Jean Cochet
William Gemmell Cochran
Sir Christopher Cockerell
Barnett Cocks
Jean Cocteau
Mary Coelho
Paulo Coelho
Jean Baptiste Coffinhal du Bail
R.P.T. Coffin
I. Bernard Cohen
Chapman Cohen
Daniel Cohen
David X. Cohen
Morris Raphael Cohen
Paul Joseph Cohen
Julius Cohnheim
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Abraham Coles
Sidonie Colette
Samuel Coley
Schuyler Colfax
Robert Collier
J. Norman Collie
R. G. Collingwood
Eileen Collins
Francis S. Collins
Michael Collins
Mortimer Collins
John Stewart Collis
Francesco Marla Pompeo Colonna
Charles Colson
Charles Caleb Colton
Gardner Quincy Colton
Samuel Colt
Christopher Columbus
David E. Comings
David H. Comins
Barry Commoner
Arthur Holly Compton
Karl Taylor Compton
John Henry Comstock
John Lee Comstock
Auguste Comte
James B. Conant
Levi L. Conant
Edward U. Condon
Marquis Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat Condorcet
John Conduitt
Sir William Congreve
William Congreve
Edwin Grant Conklin
Cyril Connolly
Joseph Conrad
Pete Conrad
Pat Conroy
Guy Consolmagno
John Constable
The Constitution of the United States
Viscountess Anne Conway
William Conybeare
Beano Cook
Captain Cook
James Cook
Denton A. Cooley
Mason Cooley
Calvin Coolidge
John Calvin Coolidge
Julian Lowell Coolidge
William Coolidge
Mike Coon
Anthony Ashley Cooper
Sir Astley Paston Cooper
James Fennimore Cooper
Leon N. Cooper
Peter Cooper
William Cooper
Nicolaus Copernicus
Irving M. Copi
Allan MacLeod Cormack
Joseph Cornell
Carl Erich Correns
Archbishop Michael Corrigan
Jim Costa
Rodolfo Costa
Jerry Costello
Roger Cotes
Carl Bernhard von Cotta
Charles-Augustin Coulomb
Charles Alfred Coulson
William Thomas Councilman
Archibald Scott Couper
Richard Courant
Antoine-Augustin Cournot
Bernard Courtois
Norman Cousins
Victor Cousin
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.
Robert R. Coveyou
Robert Cowan
Noel Coward
Richard Cowen
David Murray Cowie
Abraham Cowley
William Cowper
Brian Cox
Coleman Cox
John D. Coyle
Thomas Craig
Robert Cramer
Donald J. Cram
George W. Crane
Stephen Crane
Mrs. Edward Craster
Francis Crawford
Seymour R. Cray
Robert P. Crease
August Leopold Crelle
Lorenz Crell
Luigi Cremona
Francis Albert Eley Crew
James Crichton-Browne
Michael Crichton
Francis Crick
Robert X. Cringely
Robert Laurel Crippen
L�on Croizat
James Croll
Samuel Crompton
Oliver Cromwell
David Cronenberg
Jeremy Cronin
Axel Fredrik Cronstedt
Sir William Crookes
William H. Cropper
T.W.H. Crosland
Hardy Cross
Ken Croswell
Michael J. Crowe
Crowfoot, Blackfoot
Aleister Crowley
Roy Albert Crowson
Paul Crutzen
L.L. Larison Cudmore
Lorraine Cudmore
William Cullen
John Culliney
Richard Cumberland
Bruce F. Cummings
E. E. Cummings
Ray Cummings
Franz Cumont
R. Walter Cunningham
Andrew Cuomo
Will Cuppy
Eve Curie
Marie Curie
Pierre Curie
Bruce Curran
A.S. Curtis
Heber Curtis
Helena Curtis
Cardinal Nicholas de Cusa
Harvey Cushing
Baron Georges Cuvier