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Who said: “Environmental extremists ... wouldn�t let you build a house unless it looked like a bird�s nest.”
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Refusal Quotes (23 quotes)

[Having already asserted his opposition to communism in every respect by signing the regents' oath, his answer to a question why a non-Communist professor should refuse to take a non-Communist oath as a condition of University employment was that to do so would imply it was] up to an accused person to clear himself. ... That sort of thing is going on in Washington today and is a cause of alarm to thoughtful citizens. It is the method used in totalitarian countries. It sounds un-American to people who don’t like to be pushed around. If someone says I ought to do a certain thing the burden should be on him to show I why I should, not on me to show why I should not.
As quoted in 'Educator Scores Oath For Faculty', New York Times (16 Apr 1950), 31.
Science quotes on:  |  Accusation (6)  |  Alarm (19)  |  Already (226)  |  Answer (389)  |  Assert (69)  |  Burden (30)  |  Cause (561)  |  Certain (557)  |  Citizen (52)  |  Communism (11)  |  Communist (9)  |  Condition (362)  |  Country (269)  |  Do (1905)  |  Employment (34)  |  Himself (461)  |  Method (531)  |  Oath (10)  |  Opposition (49)  |  People (1031)  |  Person (366)  |  Professor (133)  |  Push (66)  |  Question (649)  |  Refuse (45)  |  Respect (212)  |  Say (989)  |  Show (353)  |  Sound (187)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Thoughtful (16)  |  Today (321)  |  Totalitarian (6)  |  Un-American (3)  |  Unamerican (2)  |  University (130)  |  Washington (7)  |  Why (491)

An age is called Dark, not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see.
From Space: A Novel (1983), 709. As cited by David G. Anderson, 'Archaic Mounds and Southeastern Tribal Societies', in Jon L. Gibson, Philip J. Carr (ed.), Signs of Power: The Rise of Cultural Complexity in the Southeast (2004), 297. A footnote by Anderson explains that Michener described the supernova of 1054 A.D. which blazed for 23 days and was recorded around the world, except in western Europe where religious dogma insisted the heavens were immutable. The quote above was Michener’s comment on that “refusal to see.”.
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Any one who is practically acquainted with scientific work is aware that those who refuse to go beyond fact, rarely get as far as fact.
In 'The Progress of Science 1837-1887' (1887), Collected Essays (1901), Vol. 1, 62.
Science quotes on:  |  Beyond (316)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Refuse (45)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Work (1402)

But notwithstanding these Arguments are so convictive and demonstrative, its marvellous to see how some Popish Authors (Jesuites especially) strain their wits to defend their Pagan Master Aristotle his Principles. Bullialdus speaks of a Florentine Physitian, that all the Friends he had could ever perswade him once to view the Heavens through a Telescope, and he gave that reason for his refusal, because he was afraid that then his Eyes would make him stagger concerning the truth of Aristotle’s Principles, which he was resolved he would not call into question. It were well, if these Men had as great veneration for the Scripture as they have, for Aristotles (if indeed they be his) absurd Books de cælo Sed de his satis.
(Indicating a belief that the Roman Catholic church impeded the development of modern science.)
Kometographia, Or a Discourse Concerning Comets (Boston 1684). Quoted in Michael Garibaldi Hall, The Last American Puritan: The Life of Increase Mather, 1639-1723 (1988), 167.
Science quotes on:  |  Absurd (60)  |  Argument (145)  |  Aristotle (179)  |  Author (175)  |  Belief (615)  |  Book (413)  |  Call (781)  |  Catholic (18)  |  Church (64)  |  Demonstrative (14)  |  Development (441)  |  Eye (440)  |  Friend (180)  |  Great (1610)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Heavens (125)  |  Indeed (323)  |  Marvellous (25)  |  Master (182)  |  Modern (402)  |  Modern Science (55)  |  Principle (530)  |  Question (649)  |  Reason (766)  |  Religion (369)  |  Roman (39)  |  See (1094)  |  Speak (240)  |  Telescope (106)  |  Through (846)  |  Truth (1109)  |  View (496)  |  Wit (61)

Can a physicist visualize an electron? The electron is materially inconceivable and yet, it is so perfectly known through its effects that we use it to illuminate our cities, guide our airlines through the night skies and take the most accurate measurements. What strange rationale makes some physicists accept the inconceivable electrons as real while refusing to accept the reality of a Designer on the ground that they cannot conceive Him?
In letter to California State board of Education (14 Sep 1972).
Science quotes on:  |  Accept (198)  |  Accuracy (81)  |  Accurate (88)  |  Airplane (43)  |  Conceive (100)  |  Designer (7)  |  Effect (414)  |  Electron (96)  |  God (776)  |  Ground (222)  |  Guide (107)  |  Illumination (15)  |  Inconceivable (13)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Known (453)  |  Material (366)  |  Measurement (178)  |  Most (1728)  |  Physicist (270)  |  Rationale (8)  |  Reality (274)  |  Science And Religion (337)  |  Strange (160)  |  Through (846)  |  Use (771)

Difficulties [in defining mathematics with full generality, yet simplicity] are but consequences of our refusal to see that mathematics cannot be defined without acknowledging its most obvious feature: namely, that it is interesting. Nowhere is intellectual beauty so deeply felt and fastidiously appreciated.
In Personal Knowledge (1958, 2012), 200,
Science quotes on:  |  Acknowledge (33)  |  Appreciate (67)  |  Beauty (313)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Define (53)  |  Difficulty (201)  |  Fastidious (2)  |  Feature (49)  |  Generality (45)  |  Intellectual (258)  |  Interesting (153)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Most (1728)  |  Obvious (128)  |  See (1094)  |  Simplicity (175)

For the essence of science, I would suggest, is simply the refusal to believe on the basis of hope.
In Robert Paul Wolff, Barrington Moore, Herbert Marcuse, A Critique of Pure Tolerance (1965), 55. Worded as 'Science is the refusal to believe on the basis of hope,' the quote is often seen attributed to C. P. Snow as in, for example, Richard Alan Krieger, Civilization's Quotations: Life's Ideal (2002), 314. If you know the time period or primary print source for the C.P. Snow quote, please contact Webmaster.
Science quotes on:  |  Basis (180)  |  Belief (615)  |  Essence (85)  |  Hope (321)

I feel that the recent ruling of the United States Army and Navy regarding the refusal of colored blood donors is an indefensible one from any point of view. As you know, there is no scientific basis for the separation of the bloods of different races except on the basis of the individual blood types or groups. (1942)
Spencie Love, One Blood: The Death and Resurrection of Charles R. Drew (1996), 155-56, quoting as it appeared in Current Biography (1944), 180.
Science quotes on:  |  Army (35)  |  Basis (180)  |  Blood (144)  |  Color (155)  |  Different (595)  |  Feel (371)  |  Group (83)  |  Individual (420)  |  Know (1538)  |  Navy (10)  |  Point (584)  |  Point Of View (85)  |  Race (278)  |  Recent (78)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Separation (60)  |  State (505)  |  Type (171)  |  United States (31)  |  View (496)

I wish, my dear Kepler, that we could have a good laugh together at the extraordinary stupidity of the mob. What do you think of the foremost philosophers of this University? In spite of my oft-repeated efforts and invitations, they have refused, with the obstinacy of a glutted adder, to look at the planets or the Moon or my glass [telescope].
Opere ed Nas. X, 423. As cited in Alan Mackay, A Dictionary of Scientific Quotations (1991), 99. Galileo wished others to use his telescope to see for themselves the moons of Jupiter which he had himself first seen in Jan 1610. If you have a primary source for this letter giving the date it was written, please contact Webmaster.
Science quotes on:  |  Adder (3)  |  Do (1905)  |  Effort (243)  |  Extraordinary (83)  |  Foremost (11)  |  Glass (94)  |  Good (906)  |  Invitation (12)  |  Johannes Kepler (95)  |  Laugh (50)  |  Look (584)  |  Mob (10)  |  Moon (252)  |  Obstinacy (3)  |  Philosopher (269)  |  Planet (402)  |  Spite (55)  |  Stupidity (40)  |  Telescope (106)  |  Think (1122)  |  Together (392)  |  University (130)  |  Wish (216)

It is like the man who became short-sighted and refused to wear glasses, saying there was nothing wrong with him, but that the trouble was that the recent papers were so badly printed.
In Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff (1972), 98.
Science quotes on:  |  Bad (185)  |  Badly (32)  |  Glasses (2)  |  Man (2252)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Paper (192)  |  Printed (3)  |  Recent (78)  |  French Saying (67)  |  Short (200)  |  Short-Sighted (5)  |  Sight (135)  |  Trouble (117)  |  Wrong (246)

It is told of Faraday that he refused to be called a physicist; he very much disliked the new name as being too special and particular and insisted on the old one, philosopher, in all its spacious generality: we may suppose that this was his way of saying that he had not over-ridden the limiting conditions of class only to submit to the limitation of a profession.
Commentary (Jun 1962), 33, 461-77. Cited by Sydney Ross in Nineteenth-Century Attitudes: Men of Science (1991), 11.
Science quotes on:  |  Being (1276)  |  Biography (254)  |  Call (781)  |  Called (9)  |  Class (168)  |  Condition (362)  |  Dislike (16)  |  Michael Faraday (91)  |  Generality (45)  |  Insist (22)  |  Limit (294)  |  Limitation (52)  |  Name (359)  |  New (1273)  |  Nomenclature (159)  |  Old (499)  |  Over-Ride (2)  |  Particular (80)  |  Philosopher (269)  |  Physicist (270)  |  Preference (28)  |  Profession (108)  |  Special (188)  |  Submit (21)  |  Suppose (158)  |  Way (1214)

Mathematics is of two kinds, Rigorous and Physical. The former is Narrow: the latter Bold and Broad. To have to stop to formulate rigorous demonstrations would put a stop to most physico-mathematical inquiries. Am I to refuse to eat because I do not fully understand the mechanism of digestion?
As quoted by Charles Melbourne Focken in Dimensional Methods and Their Applications (1953), 17.
Science quotes on:  |  Bold (22)  |  Broad (28)  |  Demonstration (120)  |  Digestion (29)  |  Do (1905)  |  Eat (108)  |  Eating (46)  |  Former (138)  |  Formulation (37)  |  Kind (564)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Mechanism (102)  |  Most (1728)  |  Narrow (85)  |  Physical (518)  |  Refuse (45)  |  Rigor (29)  |  Rigorous (50)  |  Stop (89)  |  Two (936)  |  Understand (648)

Mr. [Granville T.] Woods says that he has been frequently refused work because of the previous condition of his race, but he has had great determination and will and never despaired because of disappointments. He always carried his point by persistent efforts. He says the day is past when colored boys will be refused work only because of race prejudice. There are other causes. First, the boy has not the nerve to apply for work after being refused at two or three places. Second, the boy should have some knowledge of mechanics. The latter could be gained at technical schools, which should be founded for the purpose. And these schools must sooner or later be established, and thereby, we should be enabled to put into the hands of our boys and girls the actual means of livelihood.
From William J. Simmons, Men of Mark: Eminent, Progressive and Rising (1887), 108.
Science quotes on:  |  Actual (118)  |  African American (8)  |  Application (257)  |  Apply (170)  |  Being (1276)  |  Boy (100)  |  Cause (561)  |  Color (155)  |  Condition (362)  |  Despair (40)  |  Determination (80)  |  Disappointment (18)  |  Effort (243)  |  Establishment (47)  |  First (1302)  |  Gain (146)  |  Girl (38)  |  Great (1610)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Livelihood (13)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Mechanic (120)  |  Mechanics (137)  |  Must (1525)  |  Nerve (82)  |  Never (1089)  |  Other (2233)  |  Past (355)  |  Persistence (25)  |  Persistent (18)  |  Point (584)  |  Prejudice (96)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Race (278)  |  Say (989)  |  School (227)  |  Two (936)  |  Will (2350)  |  Wood (97)  |  Work (1402)

Not only did he teach by accomplishment, but he taught by the inspiration of a marvelous imagination that refused to accept the permanence of what appeared to others to be insuperable difficulties: an imagination of the goals of which, in a number of instances, are still in the realms of speculation.
Testimonial on Tesla’s 75th birthday, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Serbia. In Margaret Cheney, Tesla: Man Out of Time (2001), 86.
Science quotes on:  |  Accept (198)  |  Accomplishment (102)  |  Difficulty (201)  |  Goal (155)  |  Imagination (349)  |  Inspiration (80)  |  Insuperable (3)  |  Marvel (37)  |  Marvelous (31)  |  Number (710)  |  Other (2233)  |  Permanence (26)  |  Realm (87)  |  Speculation (137)  |  Still (614)  |  Teach (299)

Oh, my dear Kepler, how I wish that we could have one hearty laugh together. Here, at Padua, is the principal professor of philosophy, whom I have repeatedly and urgently requested to look at the moon and planets through my glass, [telescope] which he pertinaciously refuses to do. Why are you not here? what shouts of laughter we should have at this glorious folly! and to hear the professor of philosophy at Pisa laboring before the grand duke with logical arguments, as if with magical incantations, to charm the new planets out of the sky.
From Letter to Johannes Kepler. As translated in John Elliot Drinkwater Bethune, Life of Galileo Galilei: With Illustrations of the Advancement of Experimental Philosophy (1832), 92-93.
Science quotes on:  |  Argument (145)  |  Charm (54)  |  Do (1905)  |  Folly (44)  |  Glass (94)  |  Glorious (49)  |  Hear (144)  |  Hearing (50)  |  Hearty (3)  |  Incantation (6)  |  Johannes Kepler (95)  |  Labor (200)  |  Laugh (50)  |  Laughter (34)  |  Logic (311)  |  Look (584)  |  Magic (92)  |  Moon (252)  |  New (1273)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Planet (402)  |  Principal (69)  |  Professor (133)  |  Refuse (45)  |  Repeated (5)  |  Request (7)  |  Shout (25)  |  Sky (174)  |  Telescope (106)  |  Through (846)  |  Together (392)  |  Urgent (15)  |  Why (491)  |  Wish (216)

Science is the ascertainment of facts and the refusal to regard facts as permanent.
In Leonard and Thelma Spinrad, Speaker's Lifetime Library (1979), 220.
Science quotes on:  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Permanent (67)  |  Quip (81)  |  Regard (312)

So far from science being irreligious, as many think, it is the neglect of science that is irreligious—it is the refusal to study the surrounding creation that is irreligious.
'What Knowledge is of Most Worth'. Lectures in Education delivered at the Royal Institution (1855). In The Westminster Review (Jul 1859), 22. Collected in Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects (1911), 41.
Science quotes on:  |  Being (1276)  |  Creation (350)  |  Irreligious (2)  |  Neglect (63)  |  Study (701)  |  Surrounding (13)  |  Think (1122)

Stand firm in your refusal to remain conscious during algebra. In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra.
In 'Tips for Teens,' Social Studies (1981), 27.
Science quotes on:  |  Algebra (117)  |  Assure (16)  |  Conscious (46)  |  Firm (47)  |  Life (1870)  |  Real Life (8)  |  Remain (355)  |  Stand (284)  |  Thing (1914)

The sciences have sworn among themselves an inviolable partnership; it is almost impossible to separate them, for they would rather suffer than be torn apart; and if anyone persists in doing so, he gets for his trouble only imperfect and confused fragments. Yet they do not arrive all together, but they hold each other by the hand so that they follow one another in a natural order which it is dangerous to change, because they refuse to enter in any other way where they are called. ...
Les Préludes de l'Harmonie Universelle (1634), 135-139. In Charles Coulston Gillespie (ed.), Dictionary of Scientific Biography (1974), Vol. 9, 316.
Science quotes on:  |  Apart (7)  |  Call (781)  |  Change (639)  |  Confusion (61)  |  Danger (127)  |  Dangerous (108)  |  Do (1905)  |  Doing (277)  |  Enter (145)  |  Follow (389)  |  Following (16)  |  Fragment (58)  |  Hold (96)  |  Imperfect (46)  |  Imperfection (32)  |  Impossibility (60)  |  Impossible (263)  |  Inviolable (2)  |  Natural (810)  |  Order (638)  |  Other (2233)  |  Partnership (4)  |  Persistence (25)  |  Refuse (45)  |  Separate (151)  |  Separation (60)  |  Suffering (68)  |  Tear (48)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Together (392)  |  Torn (17)  |  Trouble (117)  |  Way (1214)

The war on drugs must be a metaphorical war. But that … has to do with our stubborn determination not to come to grips with what a drug is: … our refusal to recognize that the term “drug” is not only a medical but also a political concept. … In short, while seemingly the word “drug” is a part of the vocabulary of science, it is even more importantly a part of the vocabulary of politics. … A drug is either good or bad, effective or ineffective, therapeutic or noxious, licit or illicit. … We deploy them simultaneously as technical tools in our fight against medical diseases and as scapegoats in our struggle for personal security and political stability.
From 'The Morality of Drug Controls', collected in Ronald Hamowy (ed.), Dealing with Drugs: Consequences of Government Control (1987), 328.
Science quotes on:  |  Bad (185)  |  Concept (242)  |  Deploy (3)  |  Determination (80)  |  Disease (340)  |  Effective (68)  |  Fight (49)  |  Good (906)  |  Ineffective (6)  |  Medical (31)  |  Metaphor (37)  |  Noxious (8)  |  Personal (75)  |  Politics (122)  |  Recognize (136)  |  Scapegoat (3)  |  Science (39)  |  Security (51)  |  Simultaneous (23)  |  Stability (28)  |  Struggle (111)  |  Stubborn (14)  |  Technical (53)  |  Term (357)  |  Therapeutic (6)  |  Tool (129)  |  Vocabulary (10)  |  War On Drugs (2)  |  Word (650)

There is no supernatural, there is only nature. Nature alone exists and contains all. All is. There is the part of nature that we perceive, and the part of nature that we do not perceive. … If you abandon these facts, beware; charlatans will light upon them, also the imbecile. There is no mean: science, or ignorance. If science does not want these facts, ignorance will take them up. You have refused to enlarge human intelligence, you augment human stupidity. When Laplace withdraws Cagliostro appears.
In Victor Hugo and Lorenzo O'Rourke (trans.) Victor Hugo's Intellectual Autobiography: (Postscriptum de ma vie) (1907), 320.
Science quotes on:  |  Abandon (73)  |  Alone (324)  |  Augment (12)  |  Augmentation (4)  |  Beware (16)  |  Charlatan (8)  |  Contain (68)  |  Do (1905)  |  Enlarge (37)  |  Enlargement (8)  |  Exist (458)  |  Existence (481)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Human (1512)  |  Ignorance (254)  |  Imbecile (4)  |  Intelligence (218)  |  Pierre-Simon Laplace (63)  |  Light (635)  |  Mean (810)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Perception (97)  |  Stupidity (40)  |  Supernatural (26)  |  Want (504)  |  Will (2350)

When you say A[tomic] P[ower] is ‘here to stay’ you remind me that Chesterton said that whenever he heard that, he knew that whatever it referred to would soon be replaced, and thought pitifully shabby and old-fashioned. So-called ‘atomic’ power is rather bigger than anything he was thinking of (I have heard it of trams, gas-light, steam-trains). But it surely is clear that there will have to be some ‘abnegation’ in its use, a deliberate refusal to do some of the things it is possible to do with it, or nothing will stay!
From Letter draft to Joanna de Bortadano (Apr 1956). In Humphrey Carpenter (ed.) assisted by Christopher Tolkien, The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (1995, 2014), 246, Letter No. 186.
Science quotes on:  |  Atomic Power (9)  |  Call (781)  |  G. K. Chesterton (55)  |  Deliberate (19)  |  Do (1905)  |  Gas (89)  |  Gas Light (2)  |  Hear (144)  |  Light (635)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Old (499)  |  Old-Fashioned (9)  |  Possible (560)  |  Power (771)  |  Replace (32)  |  Say (989)  |  Shabby (2)  |  So-Called (71)  |  Soon (187)  |  Stay (26)  |  Steam (81)  |  Surely (101)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Thinking (425)  |  Thought (995)  |  Train (118)  |  Tram (3)  |  Use (771)  |  Whatever (234)  |  Whenever (81)  |  Will (2350)

While the Jeffersonian did not flatly deny the Creator’s power to perform miracles, he admired His refusal to do so.
In The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson (1948, 1993), 41.
Science quotes on:  |  Admire (19)  |  Creator (97)  |  Deny (71)  |  Do (1905)  |  Thomas Jefferson (70)  |  Miracle (85)  |  Perform (123)  |  Power (771)

Carl Sagan Thumbnail In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion. (1987) -- Carl Sagan
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Sophie Germain
Gertrude Elion
Ernest Rutherford
James Chadwick
Marcel Proust
William Harvey
Johann Goethe
John Keynes
Carl Gauss
Paul Feyerabend
- 90 -
Antoine Lavoisier
Lise Meitner
Charles Babbage
Ibn Khaldun
Ralph Emerson
Robert Bunsen
Frederick Banting
Andre Ampere
Winston Churchill
- 80 -
John Locke
Bronislaw Malinowski
Thomas Huxley
Alessandro Volta
Erwin Schrodinger
Wilhelm Roentgen
Louis Pasteur
Bertrand Russell
Jean Lamarck
- 70 -
Samuel Morse
John Wheeler
Nicolaus Copernicus
Robert Fulton
Pierre Laplace
Humphry Davy
Thomas Edison
Lord Kelvin
Theodore Roosevelt
Carolus Linnaeus
- 60 -
Francis Galton
Linus Pauling
Immanuel Kant
Martin Fischer
Robert Boyle
Karl Popper
Paul Dirac
James Watson
William Shakespeare
- 50 -
Stephen Hawking
Niels Bohr
Nikola Tesla
Rachel Carson
Max Planck
Henry Adams
Richard Dawkins
Werner Heisenberg
Alfred Wegener
John Dalton
- 40 -
Pierre Fermat
Edward Wilson
Johannes Kepler
Gustave Eiffel
Giordano Bruno
JJ Thomson
Thomas Kuhn
Leonardo DaVinci
David Hume
- 30 -
Andreas Vesalius
Rudolf Virchow
Richard Feynman
James Hutton
Alexander Fleming
Emile Durkheim
Benjamin Franklin
Robert Oppenheimer
Robert Hooke
Charles Kettering
- 20 -
Carl Sagan
James Maxwell
Marie Curie
Rene Descartes
Francis Crick
Michael Faraday
Srinivasa Ramanujan
Francis Bacon
Galileo Galilei
- 10 -
John Watson
Rosalind Franklin
Michio Kaku
Isaac Asimov
Charles Darwin
Sigmund Freud
Albert Einstein
Florence Nightingale
Isaac Newton

by Ian Ellis
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