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Opposition Quotes (49 quotes)

…tis a dangerous thing to ingage the authority of Scripture in disputes about the Natural World, in opposition to Reason; lest Time, which brings all things to light, should discover that to be evidently false which we had made Scripture to assert.
The Sacred Theory of the Earth (1681)
Science quotes on:  |  Assert (69)  |  Authority (99)  |  Bring (95)  |  Dangerous (108)  |  Discover (571)  |  Dispute (36)  |  Engage (41)  |  Evidently (26)  |  False (105)  |  Lest (3)  |  Light (635)  |  Natural (810)  |  Natural World (33)  |  Reason (766)  |  Scripture (14)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Time (1911)  |  World (1850)

…we are all inclined to ... direct our inquiry not by the matter itself, but by the views of our opponents; and, even when interrogating oneself, one pushes the inquiry only to the point at which one can no longer offer any opposition. Hence a good inquirer will be one who is ready in bringing forward the objections proper to the genus, and that he will be when he has gained an understanding of the differences.
'On the Heavens', The Works of Aristotle editted by William David Ross and John Alexander Smith (1930), Vol. 2, 15.
Science quotes on:  |  Difference (355)  |  Direct (228)  |  Enquiry (89)  |  Forward (104)  |  Gain (146)  |  Genus (27)  |  Good (906)  |  Inclined (41)  |  Inquirer (9)  |  Inquiry (88)  |  Matter (821)  |  Objection (34)  |  Offer (142)  |  Oneself (33)  |  Opponent (23)  |  Point (584)  |  Proper (150)  |  Research (753)  |  Understanding (527)  |  View (496)  |  Will (2350)

“I should have more faith,” he said; “I ought to know by this time that when a fact appears opposed to a long train of deductions it invariably proves to be capable of bearing some other interpretation.”
Spoken by character, Sherlock Holmes, in A Study in Scarlet (1887), in Works of Arthur Conan Doyle (1902), Vol. 11, 106.
Science quotes on:  |  Appearance (145)  |  Bearing (10)  |  Capability (44)  |  Capable (174)  |  Deduction (90)  |  Face (214)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Faith (209)  |  Interpretation (89)  |  Invariably (35)  |  Know (1538)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Long (778)  |  More (2558)  |  Other (2233)  |  Proof (304)  |  Prove (261)  |  Time (1911)  |  Train (118)

[Allowing embryonic stem cell research] … is also likely to lead to human cloning and the harvesting of body parts from babies conceived for this purpose.
An example of extreme prolife religious conservative opposition confusing public opinion.
Statement released 15 Jun 2004 from Focus on the Family organisation which he founded. Quoted in Eve Herold, George Daley, Stem Cell Wars (2007), 39.
Science quotes on:  |  Allow (51)  |  Baby (29)  |  Body (557)  |  Clon (3)  |  Cloning (8)  |  Conceive (100)  |  Confuse (22)  |  Conservative (16)  |  Embryonic (6)  |  Example (98)  |  Extreme (78)  |  Harvest (28)  |  Human (1512)  |  Lead (391)  |  Likely (36)  |  Opinion (291)  |  Part (235)  |  Prolife (2)  |  Public (100)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Religious (134)  |  Research (753)  |  Stem (31)  |  Stem Cell (11)

[Having already asserted his opposition to communism in every respect by signing the regents' oath, his answer to a question why a non-Communist professor should refuse to take a non-Communist oath as a condition of University employment was that to do so would imply it was] up to an accused person to clear himself. ... That sort of thing is going on in Washington today and is a cause of alarm to thoughtful citizens. It is the method used in totalitarian countries. It sounds un-American to people who don’t like to be pushed around. If someone says I ought to do a certain thing the burden should be on him to show I why I should, not on me to show why I should not.
As quoted in 'Educator Scores Oath For Faculty', New York Times (16 Apr 1950), 31.
Science quotes on:  |  Accusation (6)  |  Alarm (19)  |  Already (226)  |  Answer (389)  |  Assert (69)  |  Burden (30)  |  Cause (561)  |  Certain (557)  |  Citizen (52)  |  Communism (11)  |  Communist (9)  |  Condition (362)  |  Country (269)  |  Do (1905)  |  Employment (34)  |  Himself (461)  |  Method (531)  |  Oath (10)  |  People (1031)  |  Person (366)  |  Professor (133)  |  Push (66)  |  Question (649)  |  Refusal (23)  |  Refuse (45)  |  Respect (212)  |  Say (989)  |  Show (353)  |  Sound (187)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Thoughtful (16)  |  Today (321)  |  Totalitarian (6)  |  Un-American (3)  |  Unamerican (2)  |  University (130)  |  Washington (7)  |  Why (491)

[L]et us not overlook the further great fact, that not only does science underlie sculpture, painting, music, poetry, but that science is itself poetic. The current opinion that science and poetry are opposed is a delusion. … On the contrary science opens up realms of poetry where to the unscientific all is a blank. Those engaged in scientific researches constantly show us that they realize not less vividly, but more vividly, than others, the poetry of their subjects. Whoever will dip into Hugh Miller’s works on geology, or read Mr. Lewes's “Seaside Studies,” will perceive that science excites poetry rather than extinguishes it. And whoever will contemplate the life of Goethe will see that the poet and the man of science can co-exist in equal activity. Is it not, indeed, an absurd and almost a sacrilegious belief that the more a man studies Nature the less he reveres it? Think you that a drop of water, which to the vulgar eye is but a drop of water, loses anything in the eye of the physicist who knows that its elements are held together by a force which, if suddenly liberated, would produce a flash of lightning? Think you that what is carelessly looked upon by the uninitiated as a mere snow-flake, does not suggest higher associations to one who has seen through a microscope the wondrously varied and elegant forms of snow-crystals? Think you that the rounded rock marked with parallel scratches calls up as much poetry in an ignorant mind as in the mind of a geologist, who knows that over this rock a glacier slid a million years ago? The truth is, that those who have never entered upon scientific pursuits know not a tithe of the poetry by which they are surrounded. Whoever has not in youth collected plants and insects, knows not half the halo of interest which lanes and hedge-rows can assume. Whoever has not sought for fossils, has little idea of the poetical associations that surround the places where imbedded treasures were found. Whoever at the seaside has not had a microscope and aquarium, has yet to learn what the highest pleasures of the seaside are. Sad, indeed, is it to see how men occupy themselves with trivialities, and are indifferent to the grandest phenomena—care not to understand the architecture of the Heavens, but are deeply interested in some contemptible controversy about the intrigues of Mary Queen of Scots!—are learnedly critical over a Greek ode, and pass by without a glance that grand epic written by the finger of God upon the strata of the Earth!
In Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical (1889), 82-83.
Science quotes on:  |  Absurd (60)  |  Absurdity (34)  |  Activity (218)  |  Aquarium (2)  |  Architecture (50)  |  Association (49)  |  Belief (615)  |  Blank (14)  |  Call (781)  |  Care (203)  |  Collection (68)  |  Contemplation (75)  |  Contrary (143)  |  Controversy (30)  |  Critical (73)  |  Crystal (71)  |  Current (122)  |  Delusion (26)  |  Drop (77)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Elegant (37)  |  Element (322)  |  Enter (145)  |  Epic (12)  |  Excitation (9)  |  Exist (458)  |  Eye (440)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Flash (49)  |  Force (497)  |  Form (976)  |  Fossil (143)  |  Geologist (82)  |  Geology (240)  |  Glacier (17)  |  Glance (36)  |  God (776)  |  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (150)  |  Grandest (10)  |  Great (1610)  |  Greek (109)  |  Halo (7)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Heavens (125)  |  Hedgerow (2)  |  Idea (881)  |  Ignorant (91)  |  Indeed (323)  |  Insect (89)  |  Interest (416)  |  Know (1538)  |  Learn (672)  |  George Henry Lewes (22)  |  Life (1870)  |  Lightning (49)  |  Little (717)  |  Look (584)  |  Lose (165)  |  Man (2252)  |  Marked (55)  |  Microscope (85)  |  Hugh Miller (18)  |  Mind (1377)  |  More (2558)  |  Music (133)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Never (1089)  |  Ode (3)  |  Open (277)  |  Opinion (291)  |  Other (2233)  |  Overlook (33)  |  Painting (46)  |  Parallel (46)  |  Pass (241)  |  Physicist (270)  |  Plant (320)  |  Pleasure (191)  |  Poetry (150)  |  Pursuit (128)  |  Read (308)  |  Realize (157)  |  Realm (87)  |  Research (753)  |  Rock (176)  |  Science And Art (195)  |  Science And Poetry (17)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Sculpture (12)  |  Seaside (2)  |  See (1094)  |  Show (353)  |  Snow (39)  |  Snowflake (15)  |  Strata (37)  |  Subject (543)  |  Suddenly (91)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Think (1122)  |  Through (846)  |  Together (392)  |  Treasure (59)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Underlie (19)  |  Understand (648)  |  Unscientific (13)  |  Vividly (11)  |  Vulgar (33)  |  Water (503)  |  Whoever (42)  |  Work (1402)  |  Year (963)  |  Youth (109)

Eine neue wissenschaftliche Wahrheit pflegt sich nicht in der Weise durchzusetzen, daß ihre Gegner überzeugt werden und sich als belehrt erklären, sondern vielmehr dadurch, daß ihre Gegner allmählich aussterben und daß die heranwachsende Generation von vornherein mit der Wahrheit vertraut gemacht ist.
A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
In Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers, trans. F. Gaynor (1950), 33. Also seen paraphrased in shortened form as: Die Wahrheit triumphiert nie, ihre Gegner sterben nur aus. (Translated as “Truth never triumphs—its opponents just die out.” More loosely paraphrased as “Science advances one funeral at a time.”)
Science quotes on:  |  Eventually (64)  |  Generation (256)  |  Grow (247)  |  Light (635)  |  Making (300)  |  New (1273)  |  Opponent (23)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Scientific Truth (23)  |  See (1094)  |  Triumph (76)  |  Truth (1109)

Meine Herren, der Senat ist doch keine Badeanstalt.
The faculty is not a pool changing room.
Indignant reply to the blatent sex discrimination expressed in a colleague’s opposition when Hilbert proposed appointing Emmy Noether as the first woman professor at their university.
Quoted in A L Mackay, Dictionary of Scientific Quotations (1994).
Science quotes on:  |  Colleague (51)  |  Discrimination (9)  |  Express (192)  |  First (1302)  |  Emmy Noether (7)  |  Professor (133)  |  Reply (58)  |  Sex (68)  |  Sex Discrimination (2)  |  University (130)  |  Woman (160)

Question: State what are the conditions favourable for the formation of dew. Describe an instrument for determining the dew point, and the method of using it.
Answer: This is easily proved from question 1. A body of gas as it ascends expands, cools, and deposits moisture; so if you walk up a hill the body of gas inside you expands, gives its heat to you, and deposits its moisture in the form of dew or common sweat. Hence these are the favourable conditions; and moreover it explains why you get warm by ascending a hill, in opposition to the well-known law of the Conservation of Energy.
Genuine student answer* to an Acoustics, Light and Heat paper (1880), Science and Art Department, South Kensington, London, collected by Prof. Oliver Lodge. Quoted in Henry B. Wheatley, Literary Blunders (1893), 179, Question 12. (*From a collection in which Answers are not given verbatim et literatim, and some instances may combine several students' blunders.)
Science quotes on:  |  Answer (389)  |  Ascend (30)  |  Ascension (4)  |  Body (557)  |  Common (447)  |  Condition (362)  |  Conservation (187)  |  Conservation Of Energy (30)  |  Cooling (10)  |  Deposition (4)  |  Describe (132)  |  Description (89)  |  Determination (80)  |  Dew (10)  |  Easy (213)  |  Energy (373)  |  Examination (102)  |  Expand (56)  |  Expansion (43)  |  Explain (334)  |  Explanation (246)  |  Favor (69)  |  Form (976)  |  Formation (100)  |  Gas (89)  |  Heat (180)  |  Hill (23)  |  Howler (15)  |  Instrument (158)  |  Known (453)  |  Law (913)  |  Method (531)  |  Moisture (21)  |  Point (584)  |  Proof (304)  |  Question (649)  |  State (505)  |  Sweat (17)  |  Use (771)  |  Walk (138)  |  Warm (74)  |  Well-Known (4)  |  Why (491)

That the general characters of the big group to which the embryo belongs appear in development earlier than the special characters. In agreement with this is the fact that the vesicular form is the most general form of all; for what is common in a greater degree to all animals than the opposition of an internal and an external surface?
The less general structural relations are formed after the more general, and so on until the most special appear.
The embryo of any given form, instead of passing through the state of other definite forms, on the contrary separates itself from them.

Fundamentally the embryo of a higher animal form never resembles the adult of another animal form, but only its embryo.
Über Entwicklungsgeschichte der Thiere: Beobachtung und Reflexion (1828), 224. Trans. E. S. Russell, Form and Function: A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology (1916), 125-6.
Science quotes on:  |  Agreement (55)  |  Animal (651)  |  Belong (168)  |  Character (259)  |  Common (447)  |  Contrary (143)  |  Definite (114)  |  Degree (277)  |  Development (441)  |  Embryo (30)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Form (976)  |  General (521)  |  Greater (288)  |  Internal (69)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Never (1089)  |  Other (2233)  |  Passing (76)  |  Resemble (65)  |  Separate (151)  |  Special (188)  |  State (505)  |  Structural (29)  |  Surface (223)  |  Through (846)

A conflict arises when a religious community insists on the absolute truthfulness of all statements recorded in the Bible. This means an intervention on the part of religion into the sphere of science; this is where the struggle of the Church against the doctrines of Galileo and Darwin belongs. On the other hand, representatives of science have often made an attempt to arrive at fundamental judgments with respect to values and ends on the basis of scientific method, and in this way have set themselves in opposition to religion. These conflicts have all sprung from fatal errors.
From an Address (19 May 1939) at Princeton Theological Seminary, 'Science and Religion', collected in Ideas And Opinions (1954, 2010), 45.
Science quotes on:  |  Absolute (153)  |  Against (332)  |  Arise (162)  |  Arrive (40)  |  Attempt (266)  |  Basis (180)  |  Belong (168)  |  Bible (105)  |  Church (64)  |  Community (111)  |  Conflict (77)  |  Darwin (14)  |  Doctrine (81)  |  End (603)  |  Error (339)  |  Fatal (14)  |  Fundamental (264)  |  Galileo Galilei (134)  |  Insist (22)  |  Intervention (18)  |  Judgment (140)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Method (531)  |  Often (109)  |  On The Other Hand (40)  |  Other (2233)  |  Part (235)  |  Record (161)  |  Religion (369)  |  Religious (134)  |  Representative (14)  |  Respect (212)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Scientific Method (200)  |  Set (400)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Spring (140)  |  Statement (148)  |  Struggle (111)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Truthfulness (3)  |  Value (393)  |  Way (1214)

A great reform in geological speculation seems now to have become necessary. … It is quite certain that a great mistake has been made—that British popular geology at the present time is in direct opposition to the principles of Natural Philosophy.
From Sir W. Thomson, Address (27 Feb 1868), to the Geological Society of Glasgow, 'On Geological Time', Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow 3, collected in Popular Lectures and Addresses (1894), Vol. 2, 10 & 44. As Epigraph in Thomas Henry Huxley, 'Geological Reform' (1869), Collected Essays: Discourses, Biological and Geological (1894), 306.
Science quotes on:  |  Become (821)  |  British (42)  |  Certain (557)  |  Direct (228)  |  Geology (240)  |  Great (1610)  |  Mistake (180)  |  Natural (810)  |  Natural Philosophy (52)  |  Necessary (370)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Popular (34)  |  Present (630)  |  Principle (530)  |  Reform (22)  |  Speculation (137)  |  Time (1911)

A theory of physics is not an explanation; it is a system of mathematical oppositions deduced from a small number of principles the aim of which is to represent as simply, as completely, and as exactly as possible, a group of experimental laws.
As quoted in Philipp Frank, Modern Science and its Philosophy (1949), 15, which cites Théorie Physique; Son Objet—Son Structure (1906), 24.
Science quotes on:  |  Aim (175)  |  Complete (209)  |  Completely (137)  |  Deduce (27)  |  Exact (75)  |  Experimental (193)  |  Explanation (246)  |  Group (83)  |  Law (913)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Number (710)  |  Physic (515)  |  Physics (564)  |  Possible (560)  |  Principle (530)  |  Represent (157)  |  Simply (53)  |  Small (489)  |  System (545)  |  Theory (1015)

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. [Caution: expressed in this wording, it is likely misattributed.]
Schopenhauer did write a different reflection with this theme, much less tersely, on how the acceptance of truth has “only one short victory celebration is granted between the two long periods where it is despised as paradox and condemned as trivial.” See the Introduction to The World as Will and Representation (1819), xvi. The “three stages” quote is included here so it may be found with this caution: it is questionable that Schopenhauer expressed this idea with this wording. Although widely repeated, Webmaster has not yet found any citation to a primary source for these words. (Schopenhauer was German, so any quote in English represents a translation.) According to Ralph Keys, diligent search by scholars has found no written source in German, either. The sentiment has been variously restated and attributed to other authors. A somewhat better-documented version of the “three stages of truth” is attributed to Louis Agassiz, though still with only second-person references. See Ralph Keyes, The Quote Verifier (2006), 225-226.
Science quotes on:  |  Accept (198)  |  Acceptance (56)  |  Being (1276)  |  Caution (24)  |  Evident (92)  |  Express (192)  |  First (1302)  |  Misattributed (19)  |  Ridicule (23)  |  Self (268)  |  Self-Evident (22)  |  Stage (152)  |  Three (10)  |  Through (846)  |  Truth (1109)

An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning.
Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers, trans. F. Gaynor (1950), 97. Quoted in David L. Hull, Science as a Process (1990), 379.
Science quotes on:  |  Beginning (312)  |  Generation (256)  |  Gradually (102)  |  Growing (99)  |  Happen (282)  |  Idea (881)  |  Innovation (49)  |  Opponent (23)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Way (1214)  |  Winning (19)

Anatomists have ever been engaged in contention. And indeed, if a man has not such a degree of enthusiasm, and love of the art, as will make him impatient of unreasonable opposition and of encroachments upon his discoveries and his reputation, he will hardly become considerable in Anatomy or in any branch of natural knowledge.
Medical Commentaries (1764), Introduction, iii. In Charles Coulston Gillespie (ed.), Dictionary of Scientific Biography (1972), Vol. 6, 569.
Science quotes on:  |  Anatomist (24)  |  Anatomy (75)  |  Art (680)  |  Become (821)  |  Branch (155)  |  Considerable (75)  |  Contention (14)  |  Degree (277)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Enthusiasm (59)  |  Indeed (323)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Love (328)  |  Man (2252)  |  Natural (810)  |  Reputation (33)  |  Will (2350)

By virtue of the way it has organized its technological base, contemporary industrial society tends to be totalitarian. For 'totalitarian' is not only a terroristic political coordination of society, but also a non-terroristic economic-technical coordination which operates through the manipulation of needs by vested interests. It thus precludes the emergence of an effective opposition against the whole. Not only a specific form of government or party rule makes for totalitarianism, but also a specific system of production and distribution which may well be compatible with a 'pluralism' of parties, newspapers, 'countervailing powers,' etc.
One Dimensional Man (1964), 3.
Science quotes on:  |  Against (332)  |  Base (120)  |  Coordination (11)  |  Distribution (51)  |  Economic (84)  |  Economy (59)  |  Effective (68)  |  Emergence (35)  |  Form (976)  |  Government (116)  |  Industry (159)  |  Interest (416)  |  Manipulation (19)  |  Newspaper (39)  |  Party (19)  |  Pluralism (3)  |  Political (124)  |  Power (771)  |  Production (190)  |  Rule (307)  |  Society (350)  |  Specific (98)  |  System (545)  |  Technological (62)  |  Technology (281)  |  Tend (124)  |  Through (846)  |  Virtue (117)  |  Way (1214)  |  Whole (756)

Darwin's characteristic perspicacity is nowhere better illustrated than in his prophecy of the reaction of the world of science. He admitted at once that it would be impossible to convince those older men '...whose minds are stocked with a multitude of facts, all viewed ... from a point of view directly opposite to mine ... A few naturalists endowed with much flexibility of mind and who have already begun to doubt the immutability of species, may be influenced by this volume; but I look with confidence to the young and rising naturalists, who will be able to view both sides with equal impartiality.
'The Reaction of American scientists to Darwinism', American Historical Review 1932), 38, 687. Quoted in David L. Hull, Science as Process (), 379.
Science quotes on:  |  Already (226)  |  Better (493)  |  Both (496)  |  Characteristic (154)  |  Confidence (75)  |  Convince (43)  |  Charles Darwin (322)  |  Doubt (314)  |  Endowed (52)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Impartiality (7)  |  Impossible (263)  |  Look (584)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Mine (78)  |  Multitude (50)  |  Naturalist (79)  |  Opposite (110)  |  Point (584)  |  Point Of View (85)  |  Prophecy (14)  |  Reaction (106)  |  Rising (44)  |  Side (236)  |  Species (435)  |  View (496)  |  Will (2350)  |  World (1850)  |  Young (253)

Do the day’s work. If it be to protect the rights of the weak, whoever objects, do it. If it be to help a powerful corporation better to serve the people, whatever the opposition, do that. Expect to be called a stand-patter, but don’t be a stand-patter. Expect to be called a demagogue, but don’t be a demagogue. Don’t hesitate to be as revolutionary as science. Don’t hesitate to be as reactionary as the multiplication table. Don’t expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong. Don’t hurry to legislate. Give administration a chance to catch up with legislation.
Speech (7 Jan 1914), to the State Senate of Massachusetts upon election as its president. Collected in Coolidge, Have Faith in Massachusetts (1919, 2004), 7-8.
Science quotes on:  |  Administration (15)  |  Better (493)  |  Build (211)  |  Call (781)  |  Catch (34)  |  Chance (244)  |  Corporation (6)  |  Do (1905)  |  Down (455)  |  Expect (203)  |  Expectation (67)  |  Hesitate (24)  |  Hurry (16)  |  Legislation (10)  |  Multiplication (46)  |  Multiplication Table (16)  |  Object (438)  |  People (1031)  |  Powerful (145)  |  Protect (65)  |  Reactionary (3)  |  Revolutionary (31)  |  Right (473)  |  Serve (64)  |  Stand (284)  |  Strong (182)  |  Table (105)  |  Weak (73)  |  Whatever (234)  |  Whoever (42)  |  Work (1402)

FAUSTUS: How many heavens or spheres are there?
MEPHASTOPHILIS: Nine: the seven planets, the firmament, and the empyreal heaven.
FAUSTUS: But is there not coelum igneum, et crystallinum?
MEPH.: No Faustus, they be but fables.
FAUSTUS: Resolve me then in this one question: Why are not conjunctions, oppositions, aspects, eclipses all at one time, but in some years we have more, in some less?
MEPH.: Per inaequalem motum respectu totius.
FAUSTUS: Well, I am answered. Now tell me who made the world.
MEPH.: I will not.
FAUSTUS: Sweet Mephastophilis, tell me.
MEPH.: Move me not, Faustus.
FAUSTUS: Villain, have I not bound thee to tell me any thing?
MEPH.: Ay, that is not against our kingdom.
This is. Thou are damn'd, think thou of hell.
FAUSTUS: Think, Faustus, upon God that made the world!
MEPH.: Remember this.
Doctor Faustus: A 1604-Version Edition, edited by Michael Keefer (1991), Act II, Scene iii, lines 60-77, 43-4.
Science quotes on:  |  Against (332)  |  Answer (389)  |  Aspect (129)  |  Bound (120)  |  Conjunction (12)  |  Eclipse (25)  |  Fable (12)  |  Firmament (18)  |  God (776)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Heavens (125)  |  Kingdom (80)  |  Maker (34)  |  More (2558)  |  Move (223)  |  Planet (402)  |  Question (649)  |  Remember (189)  |  Resolve (43)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Sweet (40)  |  Tell (344)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Think (1122)  |  Time (1911)  |  Why (491)  |  Will (2350)  |  World (1850)  |  Year (963)

For, however much we may clench our teeth in anger, we cannot but confess, in opposition to Galen’s teaching but in conformity with the might of Aristotle’s opinion, that the size of the orifice of the hollow vein at the right chamber of the heart is greater than that of the body of the hollow vein, no matter where you measure the latter. Then the following chapter will show the falsity of Galen’s view that the hollow vein is largest at the point where it joins the hump of the liver.
From De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem (1543), Book III, 275, as translated by William Frank Richardson and John Burd Carman, in 'The Arguments Advanced by Galen in Opposition to Aristotl’s Views about the Origin of the Hollow Vein Do Not Have Oracular Authority', On The Fabric of the Human Body: Book III: The Veins And Arteries; Book IV: The Nerves (1998), 45.
Science quotes on:  |  Anger (21)  |  Aristotle (179)  |  Body (557)  |  Chamber (7)  |  Chapter (11)  |  Clench (3)  |  Confess (42)  |  Falsity (16)  |  Galen (20)  |  Greater (288)  |  Heart (243)  |  Hump (3)  |  Join (32)  |  Largest (39)  |  Liver (22)  |  Matter (821)  |  Measure (241)  |  Measurement (178)  |  Opinion (291)  |  Orifice (2)  |  Point (584)  |  Right (473)  |  Show (353)  |  Size (62)  |  Teaching (190)  |  Teeth (43)  |  Vein (27)  |  View (496)  |  Will (2350)

From religion comes a man's purpose; from science, his power to achieve it. Sometimes people ask if religion and science are not opposed to one another. They are: in the sense that the thumb and fingers of my hands are opposed to one another. It is an opposition by means of which anything can be grasped.
In Sir Kerr Grant, The Life and Work of Sir William Bragg (1952), 43.
Science quotes on:  |  Achieve (75)  |  Ask (420)  |  Finger (48)  |  Hand (149)  |  Man (2252)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  People (1031)  |  Power (771)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Religion (369)  |  Science And Religion (337)  |  Sense (785)  |  Thumb (18)

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Science quotes on:  |  Encounter (23)  |  Great (1610)  |  Mediocre (14)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Spirit (278)  |  Violent (17)

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of his thoughts in clear form.
Science quotes on:  |  Clear (111)  |  Courageously (2)  |  Duty (71)  |  Express (192)  |  Find (1014)  |  Form (976)  |  Fulfill (19)  |  Great (1610)  |  Hereditary (7)  |  Honestly (10)  |  Intelligence (218)  |  Latter (21)  |  Man (2252)  |  Mediocrity (8)  |  Prejudice (96)  |  Result (700)  |  Spirit (278)  |  Submit (21)  |  Thought (995)  |  Thoughtlessly (2)  |  Understand (648)  |  Use (771)  |  Violent (17)

Gyroscope, n.: A wheel or disk mounted to spin rapidly about an axis and also free to rotate about one or both of two axes perpendicular to each other and the axis of spin so that a rotation of one of the two mutually perpendicular axes results from application of torque to the other when the wheel is spinning and so that the entire apparatus offers considerable opposition depending on the angular momentum to any torque that would change the direction of the axis of spin.
Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (8th Ed., 1973), 513. (Webmaster comments: A definition which is perfectly easy to understand. Right?)
Science quotes on:  |  Apparatus (70)  |  Application (257)  |  Axis (9)  |  Both (496)  |  Change (639)  |  Considerable (75)  |  Definition (238)  |  Direction (185)  |  Free (239)  |  Momentum (10)  |  Mount (43)  |  Offer (142)  |  Other (2233)  |  Rapidly (67)  |  Result (700)  |  Rotate (8)  |  Rotation (13)  |  Spin (26)  |  Spinning (18)  |  Two (936)  |  Wheel (51)

I do not see how a man can work on the frontiers of physics and write poetry at the same time. They are in opposition. In science you want to say something that nobody knew before, in words which everyone can understand. In poetry you are bound to say ... something that everyone knows already in words that nobody can understand.
Commenting to him about the poetry J. Robert Oppenheimer wrote.
Quoted in Steven George Krantz, Mathematical Apocrypha Redux: More Stories and Anecdotes of Mathematicians (2005), 169
Science quotes on:  |  Already (226)  |  Bound (120)  |  Do (1905)  |  Frontier (41)  |  Know (1538)  |  Man (2252)  |  Nobody (103)  |  J. Robert Oppenheimer (40)  |  Physic (515)  |  Physics (564)  |  Poetry (150)  |  Say (989)  |  See (1094)  |  Something (718)  |  Time (1911)  |  Understand (648)  |  Want (504)  |  Word (650)  |  Work (1402)  |  Write (250)

I hardly know of a great physical truth whose universal reception has not been preceded by an epoch in which the most estimable persons have maintained that the phenomena investigated were directly dependent on the Divine Will, and that the attempt to investigate them was not only futile but blasphemous. And there is a wonderful tenacity of life about this sort of opposition to physical science. Crushed and maimed in every battle, it yet seems never to be slain; and after a hundred defeats it is at this day as rampant, though happily not so mischievous, as in the time of Galileo.
In Address (10 Feb 1860) to weekly evening meeting, 'On Species and Races, and their Origin', Notices of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Members of the Royal Institution: Vol. III: 1858-1862 (1862), 199.
Science quotes on:  |  Attempt (266)  |  Battle (36)  |  Crush (19)  |  Defeat (31)  |  Divine (112)  |  Epoch (46)  |  Futile (13)  |  Galileo Galilei (134)  |  Great (1610)  |  Hundred (240)  |  Investigate (106)  |  Know (1538)  |  Life (1870)  |  Maim (3)  |  Maintain (105)  |  Mischievous (12)  |  Most (1728)  |  Never (1089)  |  Person (366)  |  Physical (518)  |  Physical Science (104)  |  Rampant (2)  |  Reception (16)  |  Tenacity (10)  |  Time (1911)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Universal (198)  |  Will (2350)  |  Wonderful (155)

I have always felt that astronomical hypotheses should not be regarded as articles of faith, but should only serve as a framework for astronomical calculations, so that it does not matter whether they were right or wrong, as long as the phenomena can be characterized precisely. For who could possibly be certain as to whether the uneven movement of the sun, if we follow the hypotheses of Ptolemy, can be explained by assuming an epicycle or eccentricity. Both assumptions are plausible. That’s why I would consider it quite desirable for you to tell something about that in the preface. In this way you would appease the Aristotelians and the theologians, whose opposition you dread.
From surviving fragment of a Letter (20 Apr 1541) answering a query from Copernicus as to whether he should publish his book (De Revolutionibus). From the German in Leopold Friedrich Prowe, Nicolaus Coppernicus (1883), Vol. 1, Part 2, 521-522. Translated from Prowe by Webmaster using web resources. Original German: “Hypothesen nicht als Glaubens-Artikel zu betrachten seien, sondern nur als Grundlage für die astronomischen Rechnungen zu dienen hätten, so dass es nicht darauf ankomme, ob sie richtig oder falsch seien, wofern sich nur die Erscheinungen dadurch genau bestimmen liessen. »Denn wer dürfte uns wohl darüber sichere Auskunft geben, ob die ungleiche Bewegung der Sonne, wenn wir den Hypothesen des Ptolemaeus folgen, durch Annahme eines Epicykels oder der Ekcentricität zu erklären sei. Beide Annahmen sind gestattet. Daher würde ich—so schliesst Osiander—es für recht wünschenswerth erachten, wenn Du hierüber in der Vorrede etwas beibrächtest. Auf diese Weise würdest Du die Aristoteliker und die Theologen milder stimmen, von denen Du befürchtest, dass sie heftigen Widerspruch kundthun werden.«” Compare Latin text, from Johannes Kepler, 'Apologia Tychonia', Astronomi Opera Omnia (1858), Vol. 1, 246: “De hypothesibus ego sic sensi semper, non esse articulos fidei, sed fundamenta calculi ita ut, etiamsi falsae sint, modo motuum φαινομενα exacte exhibeant, nihil referat; quis enim nos certiores reddet, an Solis inaequalis motus nomine epicycli an nomine eccentricitatis contingat, si Ptolemaei hypotheses sequamur, cum id possit utrumque. Quare plausibile fore videretur, si hac de re in praefatione nonnihil attingeres. Sic enim placidiores redderes peripatheticos et theologos, quos contradicturos metuis.”
Science quotes on:  |  Allowable (2)  |  Appease (6)  |  Aristotelian (2)  |  Article (22)  |  Assumption (96)  |  Astronomy (251)  |  Both (496)  |  Calculation (134)  |  Certain (557)  |  Characterize (22)  |  Consider (428)  |  Desirable (33)  |  Eccentricity (3)  |  Epicycle (4)  |  Explain (334)  |  Faith (209)  |  Fear (212)  |  Follow (389)  |  Framework (33)  |  Hypothesis (314)  |  Long (778)  |  Matter (821)  |  Movement (162)  |  Phenomenon (334)  |  Plausible (24)  |  Possibly (111)  |  Precisely (93)  |  Preface (9)  |  Ptolemy (19)  |  Regard (312)  |  Right (473)  |  Something (718)  |  Sun (407)  |  Tell (344)  |  Theologian (23)  |  Vehement (2)  |  Way (1214)  |  Why (491)  |  Wrong (246)

I know that certain minds would regard as audacious the idea of relating the laws which preside over the play of our organs to those laws which govern inanimate bodies; but, although novel, this truth is none the less incontestable. To hold that the phenomena of life are entirely distinct from the general phenomena of nature is to commit a grave error, it is to oppose the continued progress of science.
Leçons sur les Phenomenes Physiques de la Vie (1836-38), Vol. 1, 6. Trans. J. M. D. Olmsted, François Magendie (1944), 203.
Science quotes on:  |  Audacity (7)  |  Body (557)  |  Certain (557)  |  Commit (43)  |  Distinct (98)  |  Error (339)  |  General (521)  |  Govern (66)  |  Grave (52)  |  Idea (881)  |  Inanimate (18)  |  Incontestable (3)  |  Know (1538)  |  Law (913)  |  Life (1870)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Novel (35)  |  Novelty (31)  |  Organ (118)  |  Phenomenon (334)  |  Progress (492)  |  Progress Of Science (40)  |  Regard (312)  |  Relationship (114)  |  Truth (1109)

It is perhaps a law of nature that when a species (or group) fits itself to a place not previously occupied, and in which it is subject to no opposition from beings of its own class, or where it attains so great a perfection as to be able easily to overcome all opposition, the character eventually loses its original plasticity, or tendency to vary, since improvement in such a case would be superfluous, and becomes, so to speak, crystallized in that form which continues thereafter unaltered. … [Such as] the humming-bird.
In The Naturalist in La Plata (1895), 40.
Science quotes on:  |  Attain (126)  |  Become (821)  |  Being (1276)  |  Bird (163)  |  Character (259)  |  Class (168)  |  Continue (179)  |  Crystallize (12)  |  Ecology (81)  |  Eventually (64)  |  Evolution (635)  |  Fit (139)  |  Form (976)  |  Great (1610)  |  Humming (5)  |  Hummingbird (4)  |  Improvement (117)  |  Law (913)  |  Law Of Nature (80)  |  Lose (165)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Niche (9)  |  Occupied (45)  |  Occupy (27)  |  Overcome (40)  |  Perfection (131)  |  Plasticity (7)  |  Speak (240)  |  Species (435)  |  Subject (543)  |  Superfluous (21)  |  Tendency (110)

It seems to me that the evidence ... is opposed to the view that the spirals are individual galaxies comparable with our own. In fact, there appears as yet no reason for modifying the tentative hypothesis that the spirals are not composed of typical stars at all, but are truly nebulous objects.
[Contradicting the view of Heber Curtis during the Shapley-Curtis debate on 26 Apr 1920 to the National Academy of Sciences.]
In Aleksandr Sergeevich Sharov and Igor Dmitrievich Novikov, Edwin Hubble: The Discoverer of the Big Bang Universe (1993), 27.
Science quotes on:  |  Academy (37)  |  Appearance (145)  |  Comparison (108)  |  Composition (86)  |  Debate (40)  |  Evidence (267)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Galaxies (29)  |  Hypothesis (314)  |  Individual (420)  |  Modification (57)  |  Nebula (16)  |  Object (438)  |  Reason (766)  |  Spiral (19)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Tentative (18)  |  Truly (118)  |  Typical (16)  |  View (496)

O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called; Which some professing have erred concerning faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
I Timothy 6:20-21, in The Holy Bible (1756).
Science quotes on:  |  Call (781)  |  Faith (209)  |  Grace (31)  |  Science And Religion (337)  |  Trust (72)  |  Vain (86)

One of the great achievements of the 1950s and 1960s was a [TV] series called Your Life in Their Hands, which dealt with medical science. It presented the scientific evidence for the connection between tobacco and cancer, against the entrenched opposition, all of which you can quite easily imagine. … The “television doctor” … presented the evidence of the connection between the two over and over again on television. A lot of people tried to stop it, but he carried on. It ruined his career, I suspect, in the medical sense, but he stuck to his guns. It’s one of early television’s badges of honour.
From interview with Brian Cox and Robert Ince, in 'A Life Measured in Heartbeats', New Statesman (21 Dec 2012), 141, No. 5138, 32.
Science quotes on:  |  Achievement (187)  |  Against (332)  |  Call (781)  |  Cancer (61)  |  Career (86)  |  Connection (171)  |  Doctor (191)  |  Early (196)  |  Evidence (267)  |  Great (1610)  |  Honour (58)  |  Imagine (176)  |  Life (1870)  |  Lot (151)  |  Lung Cancer (7)  |  Medical Science (19)  |  Medicine (392)  |  People (1031)  |  Present (630)  |  Ruin (44)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Sense (785)  |  Series (153)  |  Smoking (27)  |  Television (33)  |  Tobacco (19)  |  Two (936)

Scientific truth, like puristic truth, must come about by controversy. Personally this view is abhorrent to me. It seems to mean that scientific truth must transcend the individual, that the best hope of science lies in its greatest minds being often brilliantly and determinedly wrong, but in opposition, with some third, eclectically minded, middle-of-the-road nonentity seizing the prize while the great fight for it, running off with it, and sticking it into a textbook for sophomores written from no point of view and in defense of nothing whatsoever. I hate this view, for it is not dramatic and it is not fair; and yet I believe that it is the verdict of the history of science.
From Address of the President before the American Psychological Association at New York (28 Dec 1928) 'The Psychology of Controversy', Psychological Review (1929), 36, 97. Collected in Robert I. Watson and Donald T. Campbell (eds.), History, Psychology and Science: Selected Papers by Edwin Boring (1963), 68.
Science quotes on:  |  Being (1276)  |  Best (467)  |  Book (413)  |  Controversy (30)  |  Defense (26)  |  Dramatic (19)  |  Great (1610)  |  Greatest (330)  |  Hate (68)  |  History (716)  |  History Of Science (80)  |  Hope (321)  |  Individual (420)  |  Lie (370)  |  Mean (810)  |  Men Of Science (147)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Must (1525)  |  Nonentity (2)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Point (584)  |  Point Of View (85)  |  Running (61)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Scientific Truth (23)  |  Textbook (39)  |  Transcend (27)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Verdict (8)  |  View (496)  |  Whatsoever (41)  |  Wrong (246)

That which lies before the human race is a constant struggle to maintain and improve, in opposition to State of Nature, the State of Art of an organized polity; in which, and by which, man may develop a worthy civilization
'Prolegomena', Evolution and Ethics, and Other Essays (1897), 45.
Science quotes on:  |  Art (680)  |  Civilization (220)  |  Constant (148)  |  Develop (278)  |  Development (441)  |  Human (1512)  |  Human Race (104)  |  Improve (64)  |  Lie (370)  |  Maintain (105)  |  Man (2252)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Organization (120)  |  Polity (2)  |  Race (278)  |  Science And Art (195)  |  State (505)  |  Struggle (111)  |  Worth (172)

The assumptions of population thinking are diametrically opposed to those of the typologist. The populationist stresses the uniqueness of everything in the organic world. What is true for the human species,–that no two individuals are alike, is equally true for all other species of animals and plants ... All organisms and organic phenomena are composed of unique features and can be described collectively only in statistical terms. Individuals, or any kind of organic entities, form populations of which we can determine the arithmetic mean and the statistics of variation. Averages are merely statistical abstractions, only the individuals of which the populations are composed have reality. The ultimate conclusions of the population thinker and of the typologist are precisely the opposite. For the typologist, the type (eidos) is real and the variation. an illusion, while for the populationist the type (average) is an abstraction and only the variation is real. No two ways of looking at nature could be more different.
Darwin and the Evolutionary Theory in Biology (1959), 2.
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The fear of meeting the opposition of envy, or the illiberality of ignorance is, no doubt, the frequent cause of preventing many ingenious men from ushering opinions into the world which deviate from common practice. Hence for want of energy, the young idea is shackled with timidity and a useful thought is buried in the impenetrable gloom of eternal oblivion.
A Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation (1796), preface, ix.
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The Mathematics, I say, which effectually exercises, not vainly deludes or vexatiously torments studious Minds with obscure Subtilties, perplexed Difficulties, or contentious Disquisitions; which overcomes without Opposition, triumphs without Pomp, compels without Force, and rules absolutely without Loss of Liberty; which does not privately over-reach a weak Faith, but openly assaults an armed Reason, obtains a total Victory, and puts on inevitable Chains; whose Words are so many Oracles, and Works as many Miracles; which blabs out nothing rashly, nor designs anything from the Purpose, but plainly demonstrates and readily performs all Things within its Verge; which obtrudes no false Shadow of Science, but the very Science itself, the Mind firmly adhering to it, as soon as possessed of it, and can never after desert it of its own Accord, or be deprived of it by any Force of others: Lastly the Mathematics, which depends upon Principles clear to the Mind, and agreeable to Experience; which draws certain Conclusions, instructs by profitable Rules, unfolds pleasant Questions; and produces wonderful Effects; which is the fruitful Parent of, I had almost said all, Arts, the unshaken Foundation of Sciences, and the plentiful Fountain of Advantage to human Affairs.
Address to the University of Cambridge upon being elected Lucasian Professor of Mathematics (14 Mar 1664). In Mathematical Lectures (1734), xxviii.
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The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.
The Crack-Up (1936, 1993), 69.
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The test of an invention is the power of an inventor to push it through in the face of staunch—not opposition, but indifference—in society.
Speaking at a shareholders' meeting (1975) as quoted by Victor K. McElheny, in Insisting On The Impossible: The Life Of Edwin Land (1999), 404.
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Then if the first argument remains secure (for nobody will produce a neater one, than the length of the periodic time is a measure of the size of the spheres), the order of the orbits follows this sequence, beginning from the highest: The first and highest of all is the sphere of the fixed stars, which contains itself and all things, and is therefore motionless. It is the location of the universe, to which the motion and position of all the remaining stars is referred. For though some consider that it also changes in some respect, we shall assign another cause for its appearing to do so in our deduction of the Earth’s motion. There follows Saturn, the first of the wandering stars, which completes its circuit in thirty years. After it comes Jupiter which moves in a twelve-year long revolution. Next is Mars, which goes round biennially. An annual revolution holds the fourth place, in which as we have said is contained the Earth along with the lunar sphere which is like an epicycle. In fifth place Venus returns every nine months. Lastly, Mercury holds the sixth place, making a circuit in the space of eighty days. In the middle of all is the seat of the Sun. For who in this most beautiful of temples would put this lamp in any other or better place than the one from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? Aptly indeed is he named by some the lantern of the universe, by others the mind, by others the ruler. Trismegistus called him the visible God, Sophocles' Electra, the watcher over all things. Thus indeed the Sun as if seated on a royal throne governs his household of Stars as they circle around him. Earth also is by no means cheated of the Moon’s attendance, but as Aristotle says in his book On Animals the Moon has the closest affinity with the Earth. Meanwhile the Earth conceives from the Sun, and is made pregnant with annual offspring. We find, then, in this arrangement the marvellous symmetry of the universe, and a sure linking together in harmony of the motion and size of the spheres, such as could be perceived in no other way. For here one may understand, by attentive observation, why Jupiter appears to have a larger progression and retrogression than Saturn, and smaller than Mars, and again why Venus has larger ones than Mercury; why such a doubling back appears more frequently in Saturn than in Jupiter, and still more rarely in Mars and Venus than in Mercury; and furthermore why Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are nearer to the Earth when in opposition than in the region of their occultation by the Sun and re-appearance. Indeed Mars in particular at the time when it is visible throughout the night seems to equal Jupiter in size, though marked out by its reddish colour; yet it is scarcely distinguishable among stars of the second magnitude, though recognized by those who track it with careful attention. All these phenomena proceed from the same course, which lies in the motion of the Earth. But the fact that none of these phenomena appears in the fixed stars shows their immense elevation, which makes even the circle of their annual motion, or apparent motion, vanish from our eyes.
'Book One. Chapter X. The Order of the Heavenly Spheres', in Copernicus: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543), trans. A. M. Duncan (1976), 49-51.
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There can never be any real opposition between religion and science; for the one is the complement of the other.
In Max Planck and James Vincent Murphy (trans.), Where is Science Going?, (1932), 168.
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There is a tradition of opposition between adherents of induction and of deduction. In my view it would be just as sensible for the two ends of a worm to quarrel.
From address to the Mathematical and Physical Science Section of the British Association, Newcastle-on-Tyne (1916). In The Chemical News and Journal of Physical Science (22 Sep 1916), 142.114, No. 2965,
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There is always a strong inclination for a body of professionals to oppose an unorthodox view. Such a group has a considerable investment in orthodoxy: they have learned to interpret a large body of data in terms of the old view, and they have prepared lectures and perhaps written books with the old background. To think the whole subject through again when one is no longer young is not easy and involves admitting a partially misspent youth.
Referring to attitudes such as early opposition to Wegener’s theory of continental drift. In 'The Emergence of Plate Tectonics: a Personal View', Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 3, 5.
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There is nothing opposed in Biometry and Mendelism. Your husband [W.F.R. Weldon] and I worked that out at Peppards [on the Chilterns] and you will see it referred in the Biometrika memoir. The Mendelian formula leads up to the “ancestral law.” What we fought against was the slovenliness in applying Mendel's categories and asserting that such formulae apply in cases when they did not.
Letter to Mrs.Weldon (12 Apr 1907). Quoted in M. E. Magnello, 'Karl Pearson's Mathematization of Inheritance: From Ancestral Heredity to Mendelian Genetics (1895-1909)', Annals of Science (1998), 55, 89.
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Truth scarce ever yet carried it by Vote any where at its first appearance: New Opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other Reason, but because they are not already common.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690). Edited by Peter Nidditch (1975), The Epistle Dedicatory, 4.
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We are many small puppets moved by fate and fortune through strings unseen by us; therefore, if it is so as I think, one has to prepare oneself with a good heart and indifference to accept things coming towards us, because they cannot be avoided, and to oppose them requires a violence that tears our souls too deeply, and it seems that both fortune and men are always busy in affairs for our dislike because the former is blind and the latter only think of their interest.
'Letter to Bellini' (17 Oct 1689), in H. B. Adelmann (ed.), The Correspondence of Marcello Malpighi (1975), Vol. 4, 1534.
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What is common sense? That which attracts the least opposition: that which brings most agreeable and worthy results
In Sinner Sermons: A Selection of the Best Paragraphs of E. W. Howe (1926), 44.
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When science makes minor mysteries disappear, greater mysteries stand confessed. For one object of delight whose emotional value science has inevitably lessened—as Newton damaged the rainbow for Keats—science gives back double. To the grand primary impressions of the world­power, the immensities, the pervading order, and the universal flux, with which the man of feeling has been nurtured from of old, modern science has added thrilling impressions of manifoldness, intricacy, uniformity, inter-relatedness, and evolution. Science widens and clears the emotional window. There are great vistas to which science alone can lead, and they make for elevation of mind. The opposition between science and feeling is largely a misunderstanding. As one of our philosophers has remarked, science is in a true sense 'one of the humanities.'
J. Arthur Thomson (ed.), The Outline of Science: A Plain Story Simply Told (1921/2), Vol. 2, Science and Modern Thought, 787.
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Carl Sagan Thumbnail In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion. (1987) -- Carl Sagan
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