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Who said: “We are here to celebrate the completion of the first survey of the entire human genome. Without a doubt, this is the most important, most wondrous map ever produced by human kind.”
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Circle Quotes (117 quotes)

[As a youth, fiddling in my home laboratory] I discovered a formula for the frequency of a resonant circuit which was 2π x sqrt(LC) where L is the inductance and C the capacitance of the circuit. And there was π, and where was the circle? … I still don’t quite know where that circle is, where that π comes from.
From address to the National Science Teachers’ Association convention (Apr 1966), 'What Is Science?', collected in Richard Phillips Feynman and Jeffrey Robbins (ed.), The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman (1999, 2005), 177.
Science quotes on:  |  Circuit (29)  |  Discover (571)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Formula (102)  |  Frequency (25)  |  Home (184)  |  Know (1538)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Laboratory (214)  |  Pi (14)  |  Still (614)  |  Youth (109)

[T]here are some common animal behaviors that seem to favor the development of intelligence, behaviors that might lead to brainy beasts on many worlds. Social interaction is one of them. If you're an animal that hangs out with others, then there's clearly an advantage in being smart enough to work out the intentions of the guy sitting next to you (before he takes your mate or your meal). And if you're clever enough to outwit the other members of your social circle, you'll probably have enhanced opportunity to breed..., thus passing on your superior intelligence. ... Nature—whether on our planet or some alien world—will stumble into increased IQ sooner or later.
Seth Shostak, Alex Barnett, Cosmic Company: the Search for Life in the Universe (2003), 62 & 67.
Science quotes on:  |  Advantage (144)  |  Alien (35)  |  Animal (651)  |  Animal Behavior (10)  |  Beast (58)  |  Behavior (95)  |  Being (1276)  |  Brain (281)  |  Breeding (21)  |  Clever (41)  |  Common (447)  |  Development (441)  |  Enhancement (5)  |  Enough (341)  |  Favor (69)  |  Hang (46)  |  Intelligence (218)  |  Intention (46)  |  Interaction (47)  |  IQ (5)  |  Lead (391)  |  Mate (7)  |  Meal (19)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Next (238)  |  Opportunity (95)  |  Other (2233)  |  Outwit (6)  |  Passing (76)  |  Planet (402)  |  Sitting (44)  |  Smart (33)  |  Social (261)  |  Society (350)  |  Stumble (19)  |  Superior (88)  |  Will (2350)  |  Work (1402)  |  World (1850)

[The famous attack of Sir William Hamilton on the tendency of mathematical studies] affords the most express evidence of those fatal lacunae in the circle of his knowledge, which unfitted him for taking a comprehensive or even an accurate view of the processes of the human mind in the establishment of truth. If there is any pre-requisite which all must see to be indispensable in one who attempts to give laws to the human intellect, it is a thorough acquaintance with the modes by which human intellect has proceeded, in the case where, by universal acknowledgment, grounded on subsequent direct verification, it has succeeded in ascertaining the greatest number of important and recondite truths. This requisite Sir W. Hamilton had not, in any tolerable degree, fulfilled. Even of pure mathematics he apparently knew little but the rudiments. Of mathematics as applied to investigating the laws of physical nature; of the mode in which the properties of number, extension, and figure, are made instrumental to the ascertainment of truths other than arithmetical or geometrical—it is too much to say that he had even a superficial knowledge: there is not a line in his works which shows him to have had any knowledge at all.
In Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy (1878), 607.
Science quotes on:  |  Accurate (88)  |  Acknowledgment (13)  |  Acquaintance (38)  |  Afford (19)  |  Apparently (22)  |  Applied (176)  |  Apply (170)  |  Arithmetical (11)  |  Ascertain (41)  |  Ascertainment (2)  |  Attack (86)  |  Attempt (266)  |  Case (102)  |  Comprehensive (29)  |  Degree (277)  |  Direct (228)  |  Establishment (47)  |  Evidence (267)  |  Express (192)  |  Extension (60)  |  Famous (12)  |  Figure (162)  |  Fulfill (19)  |  Geometrical (11)  |  Give (208)  |  Great (1610)  |  Greatest (330)  |  Ground (222)  |  Hamilton (2)  |  Hamilton_William (2)  |  Human (1512)  |  Human Intellect (32)  |  Human Mind (133)  |  Important (229)  |  Indispensable (31)  |  Instrumental (5)  |  Intellect (251)  |  Investigate (106)  |  Know (1538)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Law (913)  |  Line (100)  |  Little (717)  |  Mathematicians and Anecdotes (141)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Mode (43)  |  Most (1728)  |  Must (1525)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Number (710)  |  Other (2233)  |  Physical (518)  |  Prerequisite (9)  |  Proceed (134)  |  Process (439)  |  Property (177)  |  Pure (299)  |  Pure Mathematics (72)  |  Recondite (8)  |  Requisite (12)  |  Rudiment (6)  |  Say (989)  |  See (1094)  |  Show (353)  |  Study (701)  |  Subsequent (34)  |  Succeed (114)  |  Superficial (12)  |  Tendency (110)  |  Thorough (40)  |  Tolerable (2)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Unfitted (3)  |  Universal (198)  |  Verification (32)  |  View (496)  |  Work (1402)

[Wolfgang Bolyai] was extremely modest. No monument, said he, should stand over his grave, only an apple-tree, in memory of the three apples: the two of Eve and Paris, which made hell out of earth, and that of Newton, which elevated the earth again into the circle of the heavenly bodies.
In History of Elementary Mathematics (1910), 273.
Science quotes on:  |  Apple (46)  |  Body (557)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Elevate (15)  |  Eve (4)  |  Extremely (17)  |  Grave (52)  |  Heavenly (8)  |  Hell (32)  |  Mathematicians and Anecdotes (141)  |  Memory (144)  |  Modest (19)  |  Monument (45)  |  Sir Isaac Newton (363)  |  Paris (11)  |  Say (989)  |  Stand (284)  |  Tree (269)  |  Two (936)

'[R]eductionism' is one of those things, like sin, that is only mentioned by people who are against it. To call oneself a reductionist will sound, in some circles, a bit like admitting to eating babies. But, just as nobody actually eats babies, so nobody is really a reductionist in any sense worth being against.
The Blind Watchmaker (1996), 13.
Science quotes on:  |  Against (332)  |  Being (1276)  |  Call (781)  |  Eat (108)  |  Eating (46)  |  Mention (84)  |  Nobody (103)  |  Oneself (33)  |  People (1031)  |  Reductionism (8)  |  Sense (785)  |  Sin (45)  |  Sound (187)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Will (2350)  |  Worth (172)

Every teacher certainly should know something of non-euclidean geometry. Thus, it forms one of the few parts of mathematics which, at least in scattered catch-words, is talked about in wide circles, so that any teacher may be asked about it at any moment. … Imagine a teacher of physics who is unable to say anything about Röntgen rays, or about radium. A teacher of mathematics who could give no answer to questions about non-euclidean geometry would not make a better impression.
On the other hand, I should like to advise emphatically against bringing non-euclidean into regular school instruction (i.e., beyond occasional suggestions, upon inquiry by interested pupils), as enthusiasts are always recommending. Let us be satisfied if the preceding advice is followed and if the pupils learn to really understand euclidean geometry. After all, it is in order for the teacher to know a little more than the average pupil.
In George Edward Martin, The Foundations of Geometry and the Non-Euclidean Plane (1982), 72.
Science quotes on:  |  Advice (57)  |  Advise (7)  |  Against (332)  |  Answer (389)  |  Ask (420)  |  Average (89)  |  Better (493)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Bring (95)  |  Certainly (185)  |  Emphatically (8)  |  Enthusiast (9)  |  Euclidean (3)  |  Follow (389)  |  Form (976)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Give (208)  |  Imagine (176)  |  Impression (118)  |  Inquiry (88)  |  Instruction (101)  |  Interest (416)  |  Know (1538)  |  Learn (672)  |  Least (75)  |  Let (64)  |  Little (717)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Moment (260)  |  More (2558)  |  Non-Euclidean (7)  |  Occasional (23)  |  On The Other Hand (40)  |  Order (638)  |  Other (2233)  |  Part (235)  |  Physic (515)  |  Physics (564)  |  Precede (23)  |  Pupil (62)  |  Question (649)  |  Radium (29)  |  Ray (115)  |  Really (77)  |  Recommend (27)  |  Regular (48)  |  Wilhelm Röntgen (8)  |  Satisfied (23)  |  Say (989)  |  Scatter (7)  |  School (227)  |  Something (718)  |  Suggestion (49)  |  Talk (108)  |  Teacher (154)  |  Unable (25)  |  Understand (648)  |  Wide (97)  |  Word (650)  |  X-ray (43)

Qui ergo munitam vult habere navem habet etiam acum jaculo suppositam. Rotabitur enim et circumvolvetur acus, donec cuspis acus respiciat orientem sicque comprehendunt quo tendere debeant nautaw cum Cynosura latet in aeris turbatione; quamvis ad occasum numquam tendat, propter circuli brevitatem.
If then one wishes a ship well provided with all things, then one must have also a needle mounted on a dart. The needle will be oscillated and turn until the point of the needle directs itself to the East* [North], thus making known to sailors the route which they should hold while the Little Bear is concealed from them by the vicissitudes of the atmosphere; for it never disappears under the horizon because of the smallness of the circle it describes.
Latin text from Thomas Wright, 'De Utensilibus', A Volume of Vocabularies, (1857) as cited with translation in Park Benjamin, The Intellectual Rise in Electricity: A History (1895), 129.
Science quotes on:  |  Atmosphere (117)  |  Bear (162)  |  Compass (37)  |  Concealed (25)  |  Describe (132)  |  Direct (228)  |  Disappear (84)  |  Horizon (47)  |  Known (453)  |  Little (717)  |  Magnetism (43)  |  Making (300)  |  Mount (43)  |  Must (1525)  |  Never (1089)  |  Point (584)  |  Sailor (21)  |  Ship (69)  |  Smallness (7)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Turn (454)  |  Vicissitude (6)  |  Will (2350)

Toutes les fois que dans une équation finale on trouve deux quantités inconnues, on a un lieu, l'extrémité de l'une d’elles décrivant une ligne droite ou courbe. La ligne droite est simple et unique dans son genre; les espèces des courbes sont en nombre indéfini, cercle, parabole, hyperbole, ellipse, etc.
Whenever two unknown magnitudes appear in a final equation, we have a locus, the extremity of one of the unknown magnitudes describing a straight line or a curve. The straight line is simple and unique; the classes of curves are indefinitely many,—circle, parabola, hyperbola, ellipse, etc.
Introduction aux Lieux Plans et Solides (1679) collected in OEuvres de Fermat (1896), Vol. 3, 85. Introduction to Plane and Solid Loci, as translated by Joseph Seidlin in David E. Smith(ed.)A Source Book in Mathematics (1959), 389. Alternate translation using Google Translate: “Whenever in a final equation there are two unknown quantities, there is a locus, the end of one of them describing a straight line or curve. The line is simple and unique in its kind, species curves are indefinite in number,—circle, parabola, hyperbola, ellipse, etc.”
Science quotes on:  |  Curve (49)  |  Describe (132)  |  Ellipse (8)  |  Equation (138)  |  Extremity (7)  |  Final (121)  |  Locus (5)  |  Magnitude (88)  |  Parabola (2)  |  Simple (426)  |  Straight (75)  |  Straight Line (34)  |  Two (936)  |  Unique (72)  |  Unknown (195)  |  Whenever (81)

A grove of giant redwoods or sequoias should be kept just as we keep a great or beautiful cathedral. The extermination of the passenger pigeon meant that mankind was just so much poorer; exactly as in the case of the destruction of the cathedral at Rheims. And to lose the chance to see frigate-birds soaring in circles above the storm, or a file of pelicans winging their way homeward across the crimson afterglow of the sunset, or a myriad terns flashing in the bright light of midday as they hover in a shifting maze above the beach—why, the loss is like the loss of a gallery of the masterpieces of the artists of old time.
In A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open (1916), 316-317.
Science quotes on:  |  Artist (97)  |  Beach (23)  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Bird (163)  |  Bright (81)  |  Cathedral (27)  |  Chance (244)  |  Conservation (187)  |  Destruction (135)  |  Extermination (14)  |  Extinction (80)  |  Flash (49)  |  Gallery (7)  |  Giant (73)  |  Great (1610)  |  Grove (7)  |  Hover (8)  |  Hovering (5)  |  Light (635)  |  Lose (165)  |  Loss (117)  |  Mankind (356)  |  Masterpiece (9)  |  Maze (11)  |  Midday (4)  |  Myriad (32)  |  Old (499)  |  Pigeon (8)  |  Poor (139)  |  Redwood (8)  |  See (1094)  |  Sequoia (4)  |  Shift (45)  |  Soaring (9)  |  Storm (56)  |  Sunset (27)  |  Tern (2)  |  Time (1911)  |  Tree (269)  |  Way (1214)  |  Why (491)

A human being is part of the whole, called by us “Universe”; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely but the striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.
In Letter (4 Mar 1950), replying to a grieving father over the loss of a young son. In Dear Professor Einstein: Albert Einstein’s Letters to and from Children (2002), 184.
Science quotes on:  |  Achieve (75)  |  Achievement (187)  |  Affection (44)  |  Beauty (313)  |  Being (1276)  |  Call (781)  |  Compassion (12)  |  Completely (137)  |  Consciousness (132)  |  Creature (242)  |  Delusion (26)  |  Desire (212)  |  Embrace (47)  |  Experience (494)  |  Feeling (259)  |  Feelings (52)  |  Foundation (177)  |  Free (239)  |  Himself (461)  |  Human (1512)  |  Human Being (185)  |  Inner (72)  |  Kind (564)  |  Liberation (12)  |  Limit (294)  |  Limited (102)  |  Live (650)  |  Living (492)  |  Must (1525)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Nobody (103)  |  Optical (11)  |  Ourselves (247)  |  Part (235)  |  Person (366)  |  Personal (75)  |  Prison (13)  |  Rest (287)  |  Restrict (13)  |  Security (51)  |  Separate (151)  |  Something (718)  |  Space (523)  |  Strive (53)  |  Task (152)  |  Thought (995)  |  Time (1911)  |  Time And Space (39)  |  Universe (900)  |  Whole (756)  |  Widen (10)

According to the conclusion of Dr. Hutton, and of many other geologists, our continents are of definite antiquity, they have been peopled we know not how, and mankind are wholly unacquainted with their origin. According to my conclusions drawn from the same source, that of facts, our continents are of such small antiquity, that the memory of the revolution which gave them birth must still be preserved among men; and thus we are led to seek in the book of Genesis the record of the history of the human race from its origin. Can any object of importance superior to this be found throughout the circle of natural science?
An Elementary Treatise on Geology (1809), 82.
Science quotes on:  |  According (236)  |  Antiquity (34)  |  Birth (154)  |  Book (413)  |  Conclusion (266)  |  Continent (79)  |  Definite (114)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |   Genesis (26)  |  Geologist (82)  |  Geology (240)  |  History (716)  |  Human (1512)  |  Human Race (104)  |  James Hutton (22)  |  Importance (299)  |  Know (1538)  |  Mankind (356)  |  Memory (144)  |  Must (1525)  |  Natural (810)  |  Natural Science (133)  |  Object (438)  |  Origin (250)  |  Other (2233)  |  Race (278)  |  Record (161)  |  Revolution (133)  |  Seek (218)  |  Small (489)  |  Still (614)  |  Superior (88)  |  Throughout (98)  |  Wholly (88)

After I had addressed myself to this very difficult and almost insoluble problem, the suggestion at length came to me how it could be solved with fewer and much simpler constructions than were formerly used, if some assumptions (which are called axioms) were granted me. They follow in this order.
There is no one center of all the celestial circles or spheres.
The center of the earth is not the center of the universe, but only of gravity and of the lunar sphere.
All the spheres revolve about the sun as their mid-point, and therefore the sun is the center of the universe.
The ratio of the earth’s distance from the sun to the height of the firmament is so much smaller than the ratio of the earth’s radius to its distance from the sun that the distance from the earth to the sun is imperceptible in comparison with the height of the firmament.
Whatever motion appears in the firmament arises not from any motion of the firmament, but from the earth’s motion. The earth together with its circumjacent elements performs a complete rotation on its fixed poles in a daily motion, while the firmament and highest heaven abide unchanged.
What appears to us as motions of the sun arise not from its motion but from the motion of the earth and our sphere, with which we revolve about the sun like any other planet. The earth has, then, more than one motion.
The apparent retrograde and direct motion of the planets arises not from their motion but from the earth’s. The motion of the earth alone, therefore, suffices to explain so many apparent inequalities in the heavens.
'The Commentariolus', in Three Copernican Treatises (c.1510), trans. E. Rosen (1939), 58-9.
Science quotes on:  |  Alone (324)  |  Apparent (85)  |  Arise (162)  |  Assumption (96)  |  Axiom (65)  |  Call (781)  |  Celestial (53)  |  Comparison (108)  |  Complete (209)  |  Construction (114)  |  Daily (91)  |  Difficult (263)  |  Direct (228)  |  Distance (171)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Element (322)  |  Explain (334)  |  Firmament (18)  |  Follow (389)  |  Grant (76)  |  Gravity (140)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Heavens (125)  |  More (2558)  |  Motion (320)  |  Myself (211)  |  Order (638)  |  Other (2233)  |  Perform (123)  |  Planet (402)  |  Point (584)  |  Pole (49)  |  Problem (731)  |  Ratio (41)  |  Retrograde (8)  |  Revolve (26)  |  Rotation (13)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Suggestion (49)  |  Sun (407)  |  Together (392)  |  Universe (900)  |  Whatever (234)

And do you know what “the world” is to me? Shall I show it to you in my mirror? This world: a monster of energy, without beginning, without end; a firm, iron magnitude of force that does not grow bigger or smaller, that does not expend itself but only transforms itself; as a whole, of unalterable size, a household without expenses or losses, but likewise without increase or income; enclosed by “nothingness”' as by a boundary; not by something blurry or wasted, not something endlessly extended, but set in a definite space as a definite force, and not a space that might be “empty” here or there, but rather as force throughout, as a play of forces and waves of forces, at the same time one and many, increasing here and at the same time decreasing there; a sea of forces flowing and rushing together, eternally changing, eternally flooding back, with tremendous years of recurrence, with an ebb and a flood of its forms; out of the simplest forms striving toward the most complex, out of the stillest, most rigid, coldest forms toward the hottest, most turbulent, most self-contradictory, and then again returning home to the simple out of this abundance, out of the play of contradictions back to the joy of concord, still affirming itself in this uniformity of its courses and its years, blessing itself as that which must return eternally, as a becoming that knows no satiety, no disgust, no weariness: this, my Dionysian world of the eternally self-creating, the eternally self-destroying, this mystery world of the twofold voluptuous delight, my “beyond good and evil,” without goal, unless the joy of the circle itself is a goal; without will, unless a ring feels good will toward itself-do you want a name for this world? A solution for all its riddles? A light for you, too, you best-concealed, strongest, most intrepid, most midnightly men?—This world is the will to power—and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power—and nothing besides!
The Will to Power (Notes written 1883-1888), book 4, no. 1067. Trans. W. Kaufmann and R. J. Hollingdale and ed. W. Kaufmann (1968), 549-50.
Science quotes on:  |  Abundance (26)  |  Back (395)  |  Becoming (96)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Best (467)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Blessing (26)  |  Boundary (55)  |  Complex (202)  |  Concealed (25)  |  Contradiction (69)  |  Course (413)  |  Definite (114)  |  Delight (111)  |  Disgust (10)  |  Do (1905)  |  Empty (82)  |  End (603)  |  Energy (373)  |  Evil (122)  |  Extend (129)  |  Feel (371)  |  Firm (47)  |  Flood (52)  |  Force (497)  |  Form (976)  |  Goal (155)  |  Good (906)  |  Grow (247)  |  Home (184)  |  Income (18)  |  Increase (225)  |  Iron (99)  |  Joy (117)  |  Know (1538)  |  Light (635)  |  Magnitude (88)  |  Mirror (43)  |  Monster (33)  |  Most (1728)  |  Must (1525)  |  Mystery (188)  |  Name (359)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Nothingness (12)  |  Power (771)  |  Return (133)  |  Riddle (28)  |  Rigid (24)  |  Sea (326)  |  Self (268)  |  Set (400)  |  Show (353)  |  Simple (426)  |  Solution (282)  |  Something (718)  |  Space (523)  |  Still (614)  |  Strongest (38)  |  Throughout (98)  |  Time (1911)  |  Together (392)  |  Transform (74)  |  Transformation (72)  |  Tremendous (29)  |  Uniformity (38)  |  Voluptuous (3)  |  Want (504)  |  Wave (112)  |  Weariness (6)  |  Whole (756)  |  Will (2350)  |  World (1850)  |  Year (963)

Another source of fallacy is the vicious circle of illusions which consists on the one hand of believing what we see, and on the other in seeing what we believe.
Attributed. Peter McDonald, In The Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations (2004), 2.
Science quotes on:  |  Consist (223)  |  Error (339)  |  Fallacy (31)  |  Illusion (68)  |  Other (2233)  |  See (1094)  |  Seeing (143)

Archimedes constructing his circle pays with his life for his defective biological adaptation to immediate circumstances.
In Ernst Mach and Thomas J. McCormack, Knowledge and Error: Sketches on the Psychology of Enquiry (1976, 2012), Chap. 4, 45. First published in German as Erkenntnis und Irrtum (1905). Translated from 5th edition (1926). The context is the legend that Archimedes was too engrossed in his work to pay attention to an invading Roman soldier, who killed him.
Science quotes on:  |  Adaptation (59)  |  Archimedes (63)  |  Biological (137)  |  Circumstance (139)  |  Circumstances (108)  |  Construct (129)  |  Defective (4)  |  Immediate (98)  |  Life (1870)  |  Pay (45)

As Herschel ruminated long ago, particles moving in mutual gravitational interaction are, as we human investigators see it forever solving differential equations which, if written out in full, might circle the earth.
In Forbidden Knowledge: And Other Essays on the Philosophy of Cognition (2012), 55.John Herschel. Rescher was not quoting, but restating from John Herschel, 'On Atoms', Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects (1867, 1872), 458. (Previously published in Fortnightly Review)
Science quotes on:  |  Differential Equation (18)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Equation (138)  |  Forever (111)  |  Gravitation (72)  |  Sir John Herschel (24)  |  Human (1512)  |  Interaction (47)  |  Investigator (71)  |  Long (778)  |  Mutual (54)  |  Particle (200)  |  See (1094)  |  Solve (145)

As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.
Science quotes on:  |  Circumference (23)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Expand (56)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Surround (33)

As to Bell’s talking telegraph, it only creates interest in scientific circles, and, as a toy it is beautiful; but … its commercial value will be limited.
Letter to William D. Baldwin, his attorney (1 Nov 1876). Telephone Investigating Committee, House of Representatives, United States 49th Congress, 1st Session, Miscellaneous Documents (1886), No. 355, 1186.
Science quotes on:  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Bell (35)  |  Alexander Graham Bell (37)  |  Commercial (28)  |  Create (245)  |  Creation (350)  |  Interest (416)  |  Limit (294)  |  Limited (102)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Talk (108)  |  Talking (76)  |  Telegraph (45)  |  Telephone (31)  |  Toy (22)  |  Value (393)  |  Will (2350)

Astronomy was thus the cradle of the natural sciences and the starting point of geometrical theories. The stars themselves gave rise to the concept of a ‘point’; triangles, quadrangles and other geometrical figures appeared in the constellations; the circle was realized by the disc of the sun and the moon. Thus in an essentially intuitive fashion the elements of geometrical thinking came into existence.
In George Edward Martin, The Foundations of Geometry and the Non-Euclidean Plane (1982), 72.
Science quotes on:  |  Appear (122)  |  Astronomy (251)  |  Concept (242)  |  Constellation (18)  |  Cradle (19)  |  Disk (3)  |  Element (322)  |  Essentially (15)  |  Existence (481)  |  Fashion (34)  |  Figure (162)  |  Geometrical (11)  |  Give (208)  |  Intuitive (14)  |  Moon (252)  |  Natural (810)  |  Natural Science (133)  |  Other (2233)  |  Point (584)  |  Quadrangle (2)  |  Realize (157)  |  Rise (169)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Starting Point (16)  |  Sun (407)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Think (1122)  |  Thinking (425)  |  Triangle (20)

Behind every man’s busy-ness there should be a level of undisturbed serenity and industry, as within the reef encircling a coral isle there is always an expanse of still water, where the depositions are going on which will finally raise it above the surface.
In A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers (1862), 380.
Science quotes on:  |  Behind (139)  |  Busy (32)  |  Coral (10)  |  Deposition (4)  |  Expanse (6)  |  Industry (159)  |  Isle (6)  |  Man (2252)  |  Raise (38)  |  Reef (7)  |  Serenity (11)  |  Still (614)  |  Surface (223)  |  Undisturbed (4)  |  Water (503)  |  Will (2350)

Being of the opinion that, if an object is the class of some a (e.g., people, points, square circles), then it actually consists of a, I always rejected … the existence of theoretical monstrosities like the class of square circles, understanding only too well that nothing can consist of something which does not even exist.
(1927). As quoted in Rafal Urbaniak, Leśniewski’s Systems of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics (2013), 113.
Science quotes on:  |  Class (168)  |  Existence (481)  |  Monstrosity (6)  |  Rejection (36)  |  Square (73)  |  Theory (1015)

Biological diversity is the key to the maintenance of the world as we know it. Life in a local site struck down by a passing storm springs back quickly: opportunistic species rush in to fill the spaces. They entrain the succession that circles back to something resembling the original state of the environment.
In 'Storm Over the Amazon', The Diversity of Life (1992), 15.
Science quotes on:  |  Back (395)  |  Biological (137)  |  Biological Diversity (5)  |  Diversity (75)  |  Down (455)  |  Environment (239)  |  Fill (67)  |  Key (56)  |  Know (1538)  |  Life (1870)  |  Local (25)  |  Maintenance (21)  |  Original (61)  |  Passing (76)  |  Quickly (21)  |  Resemble (65)  |  Rush (18)  |  Site (19)  |  Something (718)  |  Space (523)  |  Species (435)  |  Spring (140)  |  State (505)  |  Storm (56)  |  Strike (72)  |  Succession (80)  |  World (1850)

But psychology is a more tricky field, in which even outstanding authorities have been known to run in circles, ‘describing things which everyone knows in language which no one understands.’
From The Scientific Analysis of Personality (1965), 18.
Science quotes on:  |  Field (378)  |  Know (1538)  |  Known (453)  |  Language (308)  |  More (2558)  |  Outstanding (16)  |  Psychology (166)  |  Run (158)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Tricky (3)  |  Understand (648)

Circles to square and cubes to double
Would give a man excessive trouble.
The longitude uncertain roams,
In spite of Whiston and his bombs.
In 'Alma', Canto III, in Samuel Johnson, The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper (1810), 203. The reference to longitude reflects the difficulty of its determination at sea, and the public interest in the attempts to win the prize instituted by the British government in 1714 for a successful way to find longitude at sea (eventually won by John Harrison's chronometer). In this poem, William Whiston (who succeeded Isaac Newton as Lucasian Professor at Cambridge) is being satirized for what many thought was a crack-brained scheme to find the longitude. This proposed, with Humphrey Ditton, the use of widely separated ships firing off shells programmed to explode at a set time, and calculation of distance between them made from the time-lag between the observed sounds of the explosions using the known speed of sound.
Science quotes on:  |  Bomb (20)  |  Cube (14)  |  Double (18)  |  Excessive (24)  |  Longitude (8)  |  Man (2252)  |  Spite (55)  |  Square (73)  |  Trouble (117)  |  Uncertain (45)  |  William Whiston (2)

De Morgan was explaining to an actuary what was the chance that a certain proportion of some group of people would at the end of a given time be alive; and quoted the actuarial formula, involving p [pi], which, in answer to a question, he explained stood for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. His acquaintance, who had so far listened to the explanation with interest, interrupted him and exclaimed, “My dear friend, that must be a delusion, what can a circle have to do with the number of people alive at a given time?”
In Mathematical Recreations and Problems (1896), 180; See also De Morgan’s Budget of Paradoxes (1872), 172.
Science quotes on:  |  Acquaintance (38)  |  Actuary (2)  |  Alive (97)  |  Anecdote (21)  |  Answer (389)  |  Certain (557)  |  Chance (244)  |  Circumference (23)  |  Death (406)  |  Delusion (26)  |  Augustus De Morgan (45)  |  Diameter (28)  |  Do (1905)  |  End (603)  |  Exclaim (15)  |  Explain (334)  |  Explanation (246)  |  Formula (102)  |  Friend (180)  |  Group (83)  |  Interest (416)  |  Interrupt (6)  |  Listen (81)  |  Mathematicians and Anecdotes (141)  |  Must (1525)  |  Number (710)  |  People (1031)  |  Pi (14)  |  Proportion (140)  |  Question (649)  |  Ratio (41)  |  Time (1911)

Dr. M.L. von Franz has explained the circle (or sphere) as a symbol of Self. It expresses the totality of the psyche in all its aspects, including the relationship between man and the whole of nature. It always points to the single most vital aspect of life, its ultimate wholeness.
In Aniela Jaffé, 'Symbolism in the Visual Arts', collected in Carl Jung (ed.), Man and His Symbols (1964, 1968), 266.
Science quotes on:  |  Aspect (129)  |  Explain (334)  |  Explanation (246)  |  Express (192)  |  Marie-Louise von Franz (2)  |  Life (1870)  |  Man (2252)  |  Most (1728)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Point (584)  |  Psyche (9)  |  Relationship (114)  |  Self (268)  |  Single (365)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Symbol (100)  |  Totality (17)  |  Ultimate (152)  |  Vital (89)  |  Whole (756)  |  Wholeness (9)

Each of us by his own work and thought, if he so choose, may enlarge the circle of his own knowledge at least, and thus make the universe more and more beautiful, to himself at all events, if not to others.
In 'Waves: Preliminary', Studies in Spectrum Analysis (1878), 1.
Science quotes on:  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Choose (116)  |  Enlarge (37)  |  Event (222)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Thought (995)  |  Universe (900)  |  Work (1402)

Equations are Expressions of Arithmetical Computation, and properly have no place in Geometry, except as far as Quantities truly Geometrical (that is, Lines, Surfaces, Solids, and Proportions) may be said to be some equal to others. Multiplications, Divisions, and such sort of Computations, are newly received into Geometry, and that unwarily, and contrary to the first Design of this Science. For whosoever considers the Construction of a Problem by a right Line and a Circle, found out by the first Geometricians, will easily perceive that Geometry was invented that we might expeditiously avoid, by drawing Lines, the Tediousness of Computation. Therefore these two Sciences ought not to be confounded. The Ancients did so industriously distinguish them from one another, that they never introduced Arithmetical Terms into Geometry. And the Moderns, by confounding both, have lost the Simplicity in which all the Elegance of Geometry consists. Wherefore that is Arithmetically more simple which is determined by the more simple Equation, but that is Geometrically more simple which is determined by the more simple drawing of Lines; and in Geometry, that ought to be reckoned best which is geometrically most simple.
In 'On the Linear Construction of Equations', Universal Arithmetic (1769), Vol. 2, 470.
Science quotes on:  |  Ancient (198)  |  Arithmetic (144)  |  Arithmetical (11)  |  Avoid (123)  |  Best (467)  |  Both (496)  |  Computation (28)  |  Confound (21)  |  Confounding (8)  |  Consider (428)  |  Consist (223)  |  Construction (114)  |  Contrary (143)  |  Design (203)  |  Determine (152)  |  Distinguish (168)  |  Division (67)  |  Draw (140)  |  Drawing (56)  |  Easily (36)  |  Elegance (40)  |  Equal (88)  |  Equation (138)  |  Expression (181)  |  Far (158)  |  Find (1014)  |  First (1302)  |  Geometrician (6)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Industrious (12)  |  Introduce (63)  |  Invent (57)  |  Line (100)  |  Lose (165)  |  Modern (402)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Multiplication (46)  |  Never (1089)  |  Other (2233)  |  Perceive (46)  |  Place (192)  |  Problem (731)  |  Proportion (140)  |  Quantity (136)  |  Reckon (31)  |  Right (473)  |  Simple (426)  |  Simplicity (175)  |  Solid (119)  |  Sort (50)  |  Surface (223)  |  Teaching of Mathematics (39)  |  Tedious (15)  |  Term (357)  |  Terms (184)  |  Truly (118)  |  Two (936)  |  Wherefore (2)  |  Will (2350)

Euler was a believer in God, downright and straightforward. The following story is told by Thiebault, in his Souvenirs de vingt ans de séjour à Berlin, … Thiebault says that he has no personal knowledge of the truth of the story, but that it was believed throughout the whole of the north of Europe. Diderot paid a visit to the Russian Court at the invitation of the Empress. He conversed very freely, and gave the younger members of the Court circle a good deal of lively atheism. The Empress was much amused, but some of her counsellors suggested that it might be desirable to check these expositions of doctrine. The Empress did not like to put a direct muzzle on her guest’s tongue, so the following plot was contrived. Diderot was informed that a learned mathematician was in possession of an algebraical demonstration of the existence of God, and would give it him before all the Court, if he desired to hear it. Diderot gladly consented: though the name of the mathematician is not given, it was Euler. He advanced toward Diderot, and said gravely, and in a tone of perfect conviction:
Monsieur, (a + bn) / n = x, donc Dieu existe; repondez!

Diderot, to whom algebra was Hebrew, was embarrassed and disconcerted; while peals of laughter rose on all sides. He asked permission to return to France at once, which was granted.
In Budget of Paradoxes (1878), 251. [The declaration in French expresses, “therefore God exists; please answer!” This Euler-Diderot anecdote, as embellished by De Morgan, is generally regarded as entirely fictional. Diderot before he became an encyclopedist was an accomplished mathematician and fully capable of recognizing—and responding to—the absurdity of an algebraic expression in proving the existence of God. See B.H. Brown, 'The Euler-Diderot Anecdote', The American Mathematical Monthly (May 1942), 49, No. 5, 392-303. —Webmaster.]
Science quotes on:  |  Advance (298)  |  Algebra (117)  |  Amused (3)  |  Ask (420)  |  Atheism (11)  |  Belief (615)  |  Believer (26)  |  Check (26)  |  Consent (14)  |  Contrive (10)  |  Converse (9)  |  Conviction (100)  |  Counselor (2)  |  Court (35)  |  Deal (192)  |  Demonstration (120)  |  Desirable (33)  |  Desire (212)  |  Denis Diderot (6)  |  Direct (228)  |  Doctrine (81)  |  Embarrass (2)  |  Leonhard Euler (35)  |  Europe (50)  |  Existence (481)  |  Exposition (16)  |  Follow (389)  |  France (29)  |  Freely (13)  |  Gladly (2)  |  God (776)  |  Good (906)  |  Grant (76)  |  Gravely (2)  |  Guest (5)  |  Hear (144)  |  Hebrew (10)  |  Inform (50)  |  Invitation (12)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Laughter (34)  |  Learn (672)  |  Learned (235)  |  Lively (17)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Mathematicians and Anecdotes (141)  |  Member (42)  |  Name (359)  |  North (12)  |  Peal (2)  |  Perfect (223)  |  Permission (7)  |  Personal (75)  |  Plot (11)  |  Possession (68)  |  Return (133)  |  Rose (36)  |  Russia (14)  |  Say (989)  |  Side (236)  |  Story (122)  |  Straightforward (10)  |  Suggest (38)  |  Tell (344)  |  Throughout (98)  |  Tone (22)  |  Tongue (44)  |  Toward (45)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Visit (27)  |  Whole (756)  |  Young (253)  |  Younger (21)

Every discovery opens a new field for investigation of facts, shows us the imperfection of our theories. It has justly been said, that the greater the circle of light, the greater the boundary of darkness by which it is surrounded.
Humphry Davy and John Davy, 'Consolations in Travel—Dialogue V—The Chemical Philosopher', The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy (1840), Vol. 9, 362.
Science quotes on:  |  Boundary (55)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Field (378)  |  Greater (288)  |  Imperfection (32)  |  Investigation (250)  |  Light (635)  |  New (1273)  |  Open (277)  |  Research (753)  |  Show (353)  |  Theory (1015)

Every progress that a church makes in the construction of its dogmas leads to a further taming of the free spirit; every new dogma … narrows the circle of free thought. … Science, on the other hand, liberates with every step of its development, it opens up new paths to thought … In other words, it allows the individual to be truly free.
Translated from the original German, “Jeder Fortschritt, den eine Kirche in dem Aufbau ihrer Dogmen macht, führt zu einer weiter gehenden Bändigung des freien Geistes; jedes neue Dogma … verengt den Kreis des freien Denkens. … Die Naturwissenschaft umgekehrt befreit mit jedem Schritte ihrer Entwicklung, sie eröffnet dem Gedanken neue Bahnen … Sie gestattet, mit anderen Worten, dem Einzelnen in vollem Masse wahr zu sein.” In Speech to the 24th meeting of the German Naturalists and Physicians at Rostock 'Ueber die Aufgaben der Naturwissenschaften in dem neuen nationalen Leben Deutschlands', (On the tasks of the natural sciences in the new national life of Germany), published in Chemisches Zentralblatt (11 Oct 1871), No. 41, 654-655. English version by Webmaster using Google translate.
Science quotes on:  |  Allow (51)  |  Church (64)  |  Construction (114)  |  Development (441)  |  Dogma (49)  |  Free (239)  |  In Other Words (9)  |  Individual (420)  |  Lead (391)  |  Liberate (10)  |  Narrow (85)  |  New (1273)  |  On The Other Hand (40)  |  Open (277)  |  Other (2233)  |  Path (159)  |  Progress (492)  |  Spirit (278)  |  Step (234)  |  Taming (2)  |  Thought (995)  |  Truly (118)  |  Word (650)

Everything in nature is a puzzle until it finds its solution in man, who solves it in some way with God, and so completes the circle of creation.
The Appeal to Life (1891), 315.
Science quotes on:  |  Complete (209)  |  Creation (350)  |  Everything (489)  |  Find (1014)  |  God (776)  |  Man (2252)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Puzzle (46)  |  Solution (282)  |  Solve (145)  |  Way (1214)

Few will deny that even in the first scientific instruction in mathematics the most rigorous method is to be given preference over all others. Especially will every teacher prefer a consistent proof to one which is based on fallacies or proceeds in a vicious circle, indeed it will be morally impossible for the teacher to present a proof of the latter kind consciously and thus in a sense deceive his pupils. Notwithstanding these objectionable so-called proofs, so far as the foundation and the development of the system is concerned, predominate in our textbooks to the present time. Perhaps it will be answered, that rigorous proof is found too difficult for the pupil’s power of comprehension. Should this be anywhere the case,—which would only indicate some defect in the plan or treatment of the whole,—the only remedy would be to merely state the theorem in a historic way, and forego a proof with the frank confession that no proof has been found which could be comprehended by the pupil; a remedy which is ever doubtful and should only be applied in the case of extreme necessity. But this remedy is to be preferred to a proof which is no proof, and is therefore either wholly unintelligible to the pupil, or deceives him with an appearance of knowledge which opens the door to all superficiality and lack of scientific method.
In 'Stücke aus dem Lehrbuche der Arithmetik', Werke, Bd. 2 (1904), 296.
Science quotes on:  |  Answer (389)  |  Anywhere (16)  |  Appearance (145)  |  Applied (176)  |  Apply (170)  |  Base (120)  |  Call (781)  |  Case (102)  |  Comprehend (44)  |  Comprehension (69)  |  Concern (239)  |  Confession (9)  |  Consciously (6)  |  Consistent (50)  |  Deceive (26)  |  Defect (31)  |  Deny (71)  |  Development (441)  |  Difficult (263)  |  Door (94)  |  Doubtful (30)  |  Especially (31)  |  Extreme (78)  |  Fallacy (31)  |  Far (158)  |  Find (1014)  |  First (1302)  |  Forego (4)  |  Foundation (177)  |  Frank (4)  |  Give (208)  |  Historic (7)  |  Impossible (263)  |  Indeed (323)  |  Indicate (62)  |  Instruction (101)  |  Kind (564)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Lack (127)  |  Latter (21)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Merely (315)  |  Method (531)  |  Morally (2)  |  Most (1728)  |  Necessity (197)  |  Open (277)  |  Other (2233)  |  Plan (122)  |  Power (771)  |  Predominate (7)  |  Prefer (27)  |  Preference (28)  |  Present (630)  |  Proceed (134)  |  Proof (304)  |  Pupil (62)  |  Remedy (63)  |  Rigorous (50)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Scientific Method (200)  |  Sense (785)  |  So-Called (71)  |  State (505)  |  Superficiality (4)  |  System (545)  |  Teacher (154)  |  Teaching of Mathematics (39)  |  Textbook (39)  |  Theorem (116)  |  Time (1911)  |  Treatment (135)  |  Unintelligible (17)  |  Vicious Circle (4)  |  Way (1214)  |  Whole (756)  |  Wholly (88)  |  Will (2350)

Finally, from what we now know about the cosmos, to think that all this was created for just one species among the tens of millions of species who live on one planet circling one of a couple of hundred billion stars that are located in one galaxy among hundreds of billions of galaxies, all of which are in one universe among perhaps an infinite number of universes all nestled within a grand cosmic multiverse, is provincially insular and anthropocentrically blinkered. Which is more likely? That the universe was designed just for us, or that we see the universe as having been designed just for us?
Science quotes on:  |  Anthropocentric (2)  |  Billion (104)  |  Billions (7)  |  Cosmic (74)  |  Cosmos (64)  |  Couple (9)  |  Create (245)  |  Design (203)  |  Finally (26)  |  Galaxies (29)  |  Galaxy (53)  |  Grand (29)  |  Hundred (240)  |  Hundreds (6)  |  Infinite (243)  |  Know (1538)  |  Likely (36)  |  Live (650)  |  Locate (7)  |  Millions (17)  |  More (2558)  |  Multiverse (2)  |  Number (710)  |  Planet (402)  |  Provincial (2)  |  See (1094)  |  Species (435)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Tens (3)  |  Think (1122)  |  Universe (900)

For many planet hunters, though, the ultimate goal is still greater (or actually, smaller) prey: terrestrial planets, like Earth, circling a star like the Sun. Astronomers already know that three such planets orbit at least one pulsar. But planet hunters will not rest until they are in sight of a small blue world, warm and wet, in whose azure skies and upon whose wind-whipped oceans shines a bright yellow star like our own.
Science quotes on:  |  Actually (27)  |  Already (226)  |  Astronomer (97)  |  Azure (2)  |  Blue (63)  |  Bright (81)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Goal (155)  |  Great (1610)  |  Greater (288)  |  Hunter (28)  |  Know (1538)  |  Least (75)  |  Ocean (216)  |  Orbit (85)  |  Planet (402)  |  Prey (13)  |  Pulsar (3)  |  Rest (287)  |  Shine (49)  |  Sight (135)  |  Sky (174)  |  Small (489)  |  Star (460)  |  Still (614)  |  Sun (407)  |  Terrestrial (62)  |  Ultimate (152)  |  Warm (74)  |  Wet (6)  |  Will (2350)  |  Wind (141)  |  World (1850)  |  Yellow (31)

Four circles to the kissing come,
The smaller are the benter.
The bend is just the inverse of
The distance from the centre.
Though their intrigue left Euclid dumb
There’s now no need for rule of thumb.
Since zero bend’s a dead straight line
And concave bends have minus sign,
The sum of squares of all four bends
Is half the square of their sum.
In poem, 'The Kiss Precise', Nature (20 Jun 1936), 137, 1021, as quoted, cited, explained and illustrated in Martin Gardner, The Colossal Book of Mathematics: Classic Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Problems (2001), 139-141.
Science quotes on:  |  Bend (13)  |  Centre (31)  |  Concave (6)  |  Dead (65)  |  Distance (171)  |  Dumb (11)  |  Euclid (60)  |  Half (63)  |  Intrigue (4)  |  Inverse (7)  |  Kiss (9)  |  Leave (138)  |  Minus (7)  |  Need (320)  |  Rule (307)  |  Rule Of Thumb (3)  |  Sign (63)  |  Small (489)  |  Square (73)  |  Straight (75)  |  Straight Line (34)  |  Sum (103)  |  Thumb (18)  |  Zero (38)

How can a man sit down and quietly pare his nails, while the earth goes gyrating ahead amid such a din of sphere music, whirling him along about her axis some twenty-four thousand miles between sun and sun, but mainly in a circle some two millions of miles actual progress? And then such a hurly-burly on the surface …. Can man do less than get up and shake himself?
(6 Mar 1838). In Henry David Thoreau and Bradford Torrey (ed.), The Writings of Henry Thoreau: Journal: I: 1837-1846 (1906), 35.
Science quotes on:  |  Actual (118)  |  Do (1905)  |  Down (455)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Himself (461)  |  Man (2252)  |  Music (133)  |  Planet (402)  |  Progress (492)  |  Shake (43)  |  Sit (51)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Sun (407)  |  Surface (223)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Two (936)  |  Whirl (10)

I have been battering away at Saturn, returning to the charge every now and then. I have effected several breaches in the solid ring, and now I am splash into the fluid one, amid a clash of symbols truly astounding. When I reappear it will be in the dusky ring, which is something like the state of the air supposing the siege of Sebastopol conducted from a forest of guns 100 miles one way, and 30,000 miles the other, and the shot never to stop, but go spinning away round a circle, radius 170,000 miles.
Letter to Lewis Campbell (28 Aug 1857). In P. M. Harman (ed.), The Scientific Letters and Papers of James Clerk Maxwell (1990), Vol. 1, 1846-1862, 538.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Astounding (9)  |  Charge (63)  |  Conduct (70)  |  Dusky (4)  |  Effect (414)  |  Fluid (54)  |  Forest (161)  |  Never (1089)  |  Other (2233)  |  Ring (18)  |  Saturn (15)  |  Solid (119)  |  Something (718)  |  Spinning (18)  |  State (505)  |  Symbol (100)  |  Truly (118)  |  Way (1214)  |  Will (2350)

I have said that mathematics is the oldest of the sciences; a glance at its more recent history will show that it has the energy of perpetual youth. The output of contributions to the advance of the science during the last century and more has been so enormous that it is difficult to say whether pride in the greatness of achievement in this subject, or despair at his inability to cope with the multiplicity of its detailed developments, should be the dominant feeling of the mathematician. Few people outside of the small circle of mathematical specialists have any idea of the vast growth of mathematical literature. The Royal Society Catalogue contains a list of nearly thirty- nine thousand papers on subjects of Pure Mathematics alone, which have appeared in seven hundred serials during the nineteenth century. This represents only a portion of the total output, the very large number of treatises, dissertations, and monographs published during the century being omitted.
In Presidential Address British Association for the Advancement of Science, Sheffield, Section A, Nature (1 Sep 1910), 84, 285.
Science quotes on:  |  Achievement (187)  |  Advance (298)  |  Alone (324)  |  Appear (122)  |  Being (1276)  |  Catalogue (5)  |  Century (319)  |  Contain (68)  |  Contribution (93)  |  Cope (9)  |  Despair (40)  |  Detail (150)  |  Development (441)  |  Difficult (263)  |  Dissertation (2)  |  Dominant (26)  |  Energy (373)  |  Enormous (44)  |  Feel (371)  |  Feeling (259)  |  Glance (36)  |  Greatness (55)  |  Growth (200)  |  History (716)  |  Hundred (240)  |  Idea (881)  |  Inability (11)  |  Large (398)  |  Last (425)  |  List (10)  |  Literature (116)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Modern Mathematics (50)  |  Monograph (5)  |  More (2558)  |  Multiplicity (14)  |  Nearly (137)  |  Nineteenth (5)  |  Number (710)  |  Oldest (9)  |  Omit (12)  |  Output (12)  |  Outside (141)  |  Paper (192)  |  People (1031)  |  Perpetual (59)  |  Portion (86)  |  Pride (84)  |  Publish (42)  |  Pure (299)  |  Pure Mathematics (72)  |  Recent (78)  |  Represent (157)  |  Royal (56)  |  Royal Society (17)  |  Say (989)  |  Serial (4)  |  Show (353)  |  Small (489)  |  Society (350)  |  Specialist (33)  |  Subject (543)  |  Thirty (6)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Total (95)  |  Treatise (46)  |  Vast (188)  |  Will (2350)  |  Youth (109)

I have seen many phases of life; I have moved in imperial circles, I have been a Minister of State; but if I had to live my life again, I would always remain in my laboratory, for the greatest joy of my life has been to accomplish original scientific work, and, next to that, to lecture to a set of intelligent students.
Quoted in Ralph Oesper, The Human Side of Scientists (1975), 55.
Science quotes on:  |  Autobiography (58)  |  Greatest (330)  |  Imperial (2)  |  Intelligent (108)  |  Joy (117)  |  Laboratory (214)  |  Lecture (111)  |  Life (1870)  |  Live (650)  |  Next (238)  |  Phase (37)  |  Remain (355)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Set (400)  |  State (505)  |  Student (317)  |  Work (1402)

I shall explain a System of the World differing in many particulars from any yet known, answering in all things to the common Rules of Mechanical Motions: This depends upon three Suppositions. First, That all Cœlestial Bodies whatsoever, have an attraction or gravitating power towards their own Centers, whereby they attract not only their own parts, and keep them from flying from them, as we may observe the Earth to do, but that they do also attract all the other Cœlestial bodies that are within the sphere of their activity; and consequently that not only the Sun and Moon have an influence upon the body and motion the Earth, and the Earth upon them, but that Mercury also Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter by their attractive powers, have a considerable influence upon its motion in the same manner the corresponding attractive power of the Earth hath a considerable influence upon every one of their motions also. The second supposition is this, That all bodies whatsoever that are put into a direct and simple motion, will continue to move forward in a streight line, till they are by some other effectual powers deflected and bent into a Motion, describing a Circle, Ellipse, or some other more compounded Curve Line. The third supposition is, That these attractive powers are so much the more powerful in operating, by how much the nearer the body wrought upon is to their own Centers. Now what these several degrees are I have not yet experimentally verified; but it is a notion, which if fully prosecuted as it ought to be, will mightily assist the Astronomer to reduce all the Cœlestial Motions to a certain rule, which I doubt will never be done true without it. He that understands the nature of the Circular Pendulum and Circular Motion, will easily understand the whole ground of this Principle, and will know where to find direction in Nature for the true stating thereof. This I only hint at present to such as have ability and opportunity of prosecuting this Inquiry, and are not wanting of Industry for observing and calculating, wishing heartily such may be found, having myself many other things in hand which I would first compleat and therefore cannot so well attend it. But this I durst promise the Undertaker, that he will find all the Great Motions of the World to be influenced by this Principle, and that the true understanding thereof will be the true perfection of Astronomy.
An Attempt to Prove the Motion of the Earth from Observations (1674), 27-8. Based on a Cutlerian Lecture delivered by Hooke at the Royal Society four years earlier.
Science quotes on:  |  Ability (162)  |  Activity (218)  |  Astronomer (97)  |  Astronomy (251)  |  Attend (67)  |  Attraction (61)  |  Attractive (25)  |  Body (557)  |  Certain (557)  |  Circular (19)  |  Circular Motion (7)  |  Common (447)  |  Compound (117)  |  Considerable (75)  |  Continue (179)  |  Curve (49)  |  Degree (277)  |  Depend (238)  |  Direct (228)  |  Direction (185)  |  Do (1905)  |  Doubt (314)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Ellipse (8)  |  Explain (334)  |  Find (1014)  |  First (1302)  |  Flying (74)  |  Forward (104)  |  Gravitation (72)  |  Great (1610)  |  Ground (222)  |  Hint (21)  |  Industry (159)  |  Inertia (17)  |  Influence (231)  |  Inquiry (88)  |  Jupiter (28)  |  Know (1538)  |  Known (453)  |  Mars (47)  |  Mechanical (145)  |  Mercury (54)  |  Moon (252)  |  More (2558)  |  Motion (320)  |  Move (223)  |  Myself (211)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Nearer (45)  |  Never (1089)  |  Notion (120)  |  Observe (179)  |  Opportunity (95)  |  Orbit (85)  |  Other (2233)  |  Pendulum (17)  |  Perfection (131)  |  Planet (402)  |  Power (771)  |  Powerful (145)  |  Present (630)  |  Principle (530)  |  Promise (72)  |  Reduce (100)  |  Rule (307)  |  Saturn (15)  |  Simple (426)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Sun (407)  |  Supposition (50)  |  System (545)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Understand (648)  |  Understanding (527)  |  Venus (21)  |  Whatsoever (41)  |  Whole (756)  |  Will (2350)  |  World (1850)

I therefore took this opportunity and also began to consider the possibility that the Earth moved. Although it seemed an absurd opinion, nevertheless, because I knew that others before me had been granted the liberty of imagining whatever circles they wished to represent the phenomena of the stars, I thought that I likewise would readily be allowed to test whether, by assuming some motion of the Earth's, more dependable representations than theirs could be found for the revolutions of the heavenly spheres.
'To His Holiness Pope Paul III', in Copernicus: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543), trans. A. M. Duncan (1976), 26.
Science quotes on:  |  Absurd (60)  |  Consider (428)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Grant (76)  |  More (2558)  |  Motion (320)  |  Nevertheless (90)  |  Opinion (291)  |  Opportunity (95)  |  Other (2233)  |  Possibility (172)  |  Represent (157)  |  Representation (55)  |  Revolution (133)  |  Solar System (81)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Test (221)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thought (995)  |  Whatever (234)  |  Wish (216)

I would by all means have men beware, lest Æsop’s pretty fable of the fly that sate [sic] on the pole of a chariot at the Olympic races and said, “What a dust do I raise,” be verified in them. For so it is that some small observation, and that disturbed sometimes by the instrument, sometimes by the eye, sometimes by the calculation, and which may be owing to some real change in the heaven, raises new heavens and new spheres and circles.
'Of Vain Glory' (1625) in James Spedding, Robert Ellis and Douglas Heath (eds.), The Works of Francis Bacon (1887-1901), Vol. 6, 503.
Science quotes on:  |  Beware (16)  |  Calculation (134)  |  Change (639)  |  Chariot (9)  |  Disturb (31)  |  Disturbed (15)  |  Do (1905)  |  Dust (68)  |  Eye (440)  |  Fable (12)  |  Fly (153)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Heavens (125)  |  Instrument (158)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Measurement (178)  |  New (1273)  |  Observation (593)  |  Owing (39)  |  Pole (49)  |  Race (278)  |  Small (489)  |  Sphere (118)

I… formerly had two pair of spectacles, which I shifted occasionally, as in travelling I sometimes read, and often wanted to regard the prospects. Finding this change troublesome, and not always sufficiently ready, I had the glasses cut, and half of each kind associated in the same circle. … By this means, as I wear my spectacles constantly, I have only to move my eyes up or down, as I want to see distinctly far or near, the proper glasses being always ready.
Letter (23 May 1785) to George Wheatley). Collected in William Temple Franklin (ed.), The Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin (1809), Vol. 6, 168.
Science quotes on:  |  Being (1276)  |  Change (639)  |  Cut (116)  |  Down (455)  |  Eye (440)  |  Far (158)  |  Glass (94)  |  Kind (564)  |  Lens (15)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Move (223)  |  Near (3)  |  Optic (2)  |  Proper (150)  |  Prospect (31)  |  Read (308)  |  Regard (312)  |  See (1094)  |  Shift (45)  |  Spectacle (35)  |  Spectacles (10)  |  Travelling (17)  |  Two (936)  |  Want (504)

If any one should ask me what I consider the most distinctive, progressive feature of California, I should answer promptly, its cable-car system. And it is not alone its system which seems to have reached a point of perfection, but the amazing length of the ride that is given you for the chink of a nickel. I have circled this city of San Francisco, … for this smallest of Southern coins.
In Letters from California (1888), 33.
Science quotes on:  |  Alone (324)  |  Amazing (35)  |  Answer (389)  |  Ask (420)  |  Cable (11)  |  California (9)  |  Car (75)  |  City (87)  |  Coin (13)  |  Consider (428)  |  Distinctive (25)  |  Feature (49)  |  Andrew Smith Hallidie (2)  |  Invention (400)  |  Length (24)  |  Most (1728)  |  Nickel (3)  |  Perfection (131)  |  Point (584)  |  Progress (492)  |  Reach (286)  |  Ride (23)  |  San Francisco (3)  |  Southern (3)  |  System (545)  |  Transport (31)

If it is possible to have a linear unit that depends on no other quantity, it would seem natural to prefer it. Moreover, a mensural unit taken from the earth itself offers another advantage, that of being perfectly analogous to all the real measurements that in ordinary usage are also made upon the earth, such as the distance between two places or the area of some tract, for example. It is far more natural in practice to refer geographical distances to a quadrant of a great circle than to the length of a pendulum.
'Histoire'. Histoire et Memoires de l’Academie Royale des Science de Paris (1788/1791), 9-10. In Charles Coulston Gillispie, Pierre-Simon Laplace, 1749-1827: A Life in Exact Science (2nd Ed., 2000), 151.
Science quotes on:  |  Advantage (144)  |  Being (1276)  |  Definition (238)  |  Depend (238)  |  Distance (171)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Great (1610)  |  Length (24)  |  Linear (13)  |  Measurement (178)  |  More (2558)  |  Natural (810)  |  Offer (142)  |  Ordinary (167)  |  Other (2233)  |  Pendulum (17)  |  Possible (560)  |  Practice (212)  |  Quantity (136)  |  Two (936)  |  Unit (36)

If Nicolaus Copernicus, the distinguished and incomparable master, in this work had not been deprived of exquisite and faultless instruments, he would have left us this science far more well-established. For he, if anybody, was outstanding and had the most perfect understanding of the geometrical and arithmetical requisites for building up this discipline. Nor was he in any respect inferior to Ptolemy; on the contrary, he surpassed him greatly in certain fields, particularly as far as the device of fitness and compendious harmony in hypotheses is concerned. And his apparently absurd opinion that the Earth revolves does not obstruct this estimate, because a circular motion designed to go on uniformly about another point than the very center of the circle, as actually found in the Ptolemaic hypotheses of all the planets except that of the Sun, offends against the very basic principles of our discipline in a far more absurd and intolerable way than does the attributing to the Earth one motion or another which, being a natural motion, turns out to be imperceptible. There does not at all arise from this assumption so many unsuitable consequences as most people think.
From Letter (20 Jan 1587) to Christopher Rothman, chief astronomer of the Landgrave of Hesse. Webmaster seeks more information to better cite this source — please contact if you can furnish more. Webmaster originally found this quote introduced by an uncredited anonymous commentary explaining the context: “It was not just the Church that resisted the heliocentrism of Copernicus. Many prominent figures, in the decades following the 1543 publication of De Revolutionibus, regarded the Copernican model of the universe as a mathematical artifice which, though it yielded astronomical predictions of superior accuracy, could not be considered a true representation of physical reality.”
Science quotes on:  |  Absurd (60)  |  Accuracy (81)  |  Against (332)  |  Anybody (42)  |  Arise (162)  |  Assumption (96)  |  Basic (144)  |  Being (1276)  |  Building (158)  |  Certain (557)  |  Church (64)  |  Circular (19)  |  Circular Motion (7)  |  Concern (239)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Consider (428)  |  Contrary (143)  |  Nicolaus Copernicus (54)  |  Decade (66)  |  Design (203)  |  Device (71)  |  Discipline (85)  |  Distinguish (168)  |  Distinguished (84)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Estimate (59)  |  Exquisite (27)  |  Field (378)  |  Figure (162)  |  Harmony (105)  |  Heliocentric Model (7)  |  Inferior (37)  |  Instrument (158)  |  Master (182)  |  Model (106)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Motion (320)  |  Natural (810)  |  Offend (7)  |  Opinion (291)  |  Outstanding (16)  |  People (1031)  |  Perfect (223)  |  Physical (518)  |  Planet (402)  |  Point (584)  |  Prediction (89)  |  Principle (530)  |  Ptolemy (19)  |  Publication (102)  |  Reality (274)  |  Regard (312)  |  Representation (55)  |  Respect (212)  |  Revolve (26)  |  Solar System (81)  |  Sun (407)  |  Superior (88)  |  Surpass (33)  |  Think (1122)  |  Turn (454)  |  Understanding (527)  |  Universe (900)  |  Way (1214)  |  Well-Established (6)  |  Work (1402)  |  Yield (86)

If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin, whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle, beginning anywhere.
Lo! (1931, 1941), 8.
Science quotes on:  |  Anywhere (16)  |  Begin (275)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte (20)  |  Demand (131)  |  Frog (44)  |  Law (913)  |  Matter (821)  |  Measure (241)  |  Measurement (178)  |  Napoleon (16)  |  Oneness (6)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Supply (100)  |  Supply And Demand (4)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Underlying (33)

If they would, for Example, praise the Beauty of a Woman, or any other Animal, they describe it by Rhombs, Circles, Parallelograms, Ellipses, and other geometrical terms …
In 'A Voyage to Laputa', Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World by Captain Lemuel Gulliver (1726), Vol 2, Part 3, 26. (Gulliver’s Travels)
Science quotes on:  |  Animal (651)  |  Beauty (313)  |  Describe (132)  |  Ellipse (8)  |  Example (98)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Other (2233)  |  Parallelogram (3)  |  Praise (28)  |  Term (357)  |  Terms (184)  |  Woman (160)

Imagine a person with a gift of ridicule [He might say] First that a negative quantity has no logarithm; secondly that a negative quantity has no square root; thirdly that the first non-existent is to the second as the circumference of a circle is to the diameter.
Science quotes on:  |  Circumference (23)  |  Diameter (28)  |  First (1302)  |  Gift (105)  |  Imagine (176)  |  Logarithm (12)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Negative (66)  |  Person (366)  |  Quantity (136)  |  Ridicule (23)  |  Root (121)  |  Say (989)  |  Square (73)  |  Square Root (12)

In attempting to discover how much blood passes from the veins into the arteries I made dissections of living animals, opened up arteries in them, and carried out various other investigations. I also considered the symmetry and size of the ventricles of the heart and of the vessels which enter and leave them (since Nature, who does nothing purposelessly, would not purposelessly have given these vessels such relatively large size). I also recalled the elegant and carefully contrived valves and fibres and other structural artistry of the heart; and many other points. I considered rather often and with care all this evidence, and took correspondingly long trying to assess how much blood was transmitted and in how short a time. I also noted that the juice of the ingested food could not supply this amount without our having the veins, on the one hand, completely emptied and the arteries, on the other hand, brought to bursting through excessive inthrust of blood, unless the blood somehow flowed back again from the arteries into the veins and returned to the right ventricle of the heart. In consequence, I began privately to consider that it had a movement, as it were, in a circle.
De Motu Cordis (1628), The Circulation of the Blood and Other Writings, trans. Kenneth j. Franklin (1957), Chapter 8, 57-8.
Science quotes on:  |  Amount (153)  |  Animal (651)  |  Back (395)  |  Blood (144)  |  Care (203)  |  Carefully (65)  |  Circulation (27)  |  Completely (137)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Consider (428)  |  Discover (571)  |  Dissection (35)  |  Elegant (37)  |  Enter (145)  |  Evidence (267)  |  Excessive (24)  |  Flow (89)  |  Food (213)  |  Heart (243)  |  Investigation (250)  |  Large (398)  |  Living (492)  |  Long (778)  |  Movement (162)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Open (277)  |  Other (2233)  |  Point (584)  |  Return (133)  |  Right (473)  |  Short (200)  |  Somehow (48)  |  Structural (29)  |  Supply (100)  |  Symmetry (44)  |  Through (846)  |  Time (1911)  |  Trying (144)  |  Various (205)  |  Vein (27)  |  Ventricle (7)  |  Vessel (63)

In due time the evolution theory will have to abate its vehemence, cannot be allow’d to dominate everything else, and will have to take its place as a segment of the circle, the cluster—as but one of many theories, many thoughts, of profoundest value—and readjusting the differentiating much, yet leaving the divine secrets just as inexplicable and unreachable as before—maybe more so.
In Specimen days & Collect (1883), 326.
Science quotes on:  |  Abate (2)  |  Cluster (16)  |  Differentiate (19)  |  Divine (112)  |  Dominate (20)  |  Due (143)  |  Everything (489)  |  Evolution (635)  |  Inexplicable (8)  |  More (2558)  |  Profound (105)  |  Secret (216)  |  Segment (6)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thought (995)  |  Time (1911)  |  Unreachable (2)  |  Value (393)  |  Vehemence (2)  |  Will (2350)

In my studies of astronomy and philosophy I hold this opinion about the universe, that the Sun remains fixed in the centre of the circle of heavenly bodies, without changing its place; and the Earth, turning upon itself, moves round the Sun.
Letter to Cristina di Lorena, Grand Duchess of Tuscany (the mother of his patron Cosmo), 1615. Quoted in Sedley Taylor, 'Galileo and Papal Infallibility' (Dec 1873), in Macmillan's Magazine: November 1873 to April 1874 (1874) Vol 29, 93.
Science quotes on:  |  Astronomy (251)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Heliocentric Model (7)  |  Move (223)  |  Opinion (291)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Remain (355)  |  Sun (407)  |  Universe (900)

In the human body the central point is naturally the navel. For if a man be placed flat on his back, with his hands and feet extended, and a pair of compasses centered at his navel, the fingers and toes of his two hands and feet will touch the circumference of a circle described therefrom.
Leonardo da Vinci’s depiction of a man with outstretched limbs inscribed in a circle is thus called the Vitruvian Man (c. 1490). In De Architectura, Book 3, Chap 1, Sec. 3. As translated in Morris Hicky Morgan (trans.), Vitruvius: The Ten Books on Architecture (1914), 73.
Science quotes on:  |  Back (395)  |  Body (557)  |  Center (35)  |  Central (81)  |  Circumference (23)  |  Compass (37)  |  Extend (129)  |  Finger (48)  |  Flat (34)  |  Foot (65)  |  Hand (149)  |  Human (1512)  |  Human Body (34)  |  Man (2252)  |  Navel (2)  |  Point (584)  |  Toe (8)  |  Touch (146)  |  Two (936)  |  Will (2350)

Indeed, we need not look back half a century to times which many now living remember well, and see the wonderful advances in the sciences and arts which have been made within that period. Some of these have rendered the elements themselves subservient to the purposes of man, have harnessed them to the yoke of his labors and effected the great blessings of moderating his own, of accomplishing what was beyond his feeble force, and extending the comforts of life to a much enlarged circle, to those who had before known its necessaries only.
From paper 'Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Fix the Site of the University of Virginia' (Dec 1818), reprinted in Annual Report of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia for the Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 1879 (1879), 10. Collected in Commonwealth of Virginia, Annual Reports of Officers, Boards, and Institutions of the Commonwealth of Virginia, for the Year Ending September 30, 1879 (1879).
Science quotes on:  |  Accomplishment (102)  |  Advance (298)  |  Art (680)  |  Back (395)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Blessing (26)  |  Blessings (17)  |  Century (319)  |  Comfort (64)  |  Effect (414)  |  Element (322)  |  Enlarge (37)  |  Feeble (28)  |  Force (497)  |  Great (1610)  |  Harness (25)  |  Indeed (323)  |  Known (453)  |  Labor (200)  |  Life (1870)  |  Living (492)  |  Look (584)  |  Man (2252)  |  Necessary (370)  |  Period (200)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Remember (189)  |  Render (96)  |  Science And Art (195)  |  See (1094)  |  Subservient (5)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Time (1911)  |  Wonderful (155)  |  Yoke (3)

It is admitted, on all hands, that the Scriptures are not intended to resolve physical questions, or to explain matters in no way related to the morality of human actions; and if, in consequence of this principle, a considerable latitude of interpretation were not allowed, we should continue at this moment to believe, that the earth is flat; that the sun moves round the earth; and that the circumference of a circle is no more than three times its diameter.
In The Works of John Playfair: Vol. 1: Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth (1822), 137.
Science quotes on:  |  Action (342)  |  Belief (615)  |  Circumference (23)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Considerable (75)  |  Continue (179)  |  Diameter (28)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Explain (334)  |  Flat (34)  |  Human (1512)  |  Intend (18)  |  Interpretation (89)  |  Matter (821)  |  Moment (260)  |  Morality (55)  |  More (2558)  |  Move (223)  |  Physical (518)  |  Principle (530)  |  Question (649)  |  Resolve (43)  |  Science And Religion (337)  |  Scripture (14)  |  Sun (407)  |  Time (1911)  |  Way (1214)

It is easier to square the circle than to get round a mathematician.
In Budget of Paradoxes (1872), 90.
Science quotes on:  |  Easier (53)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Square (73)

It is idle to expect any great advancement in science from the superinducing and engrafting of new things upon old. We must begin anew from the very foundations, unless we would revolve for ever in a circle with mean and contemptible progress.
From Novum Organum (1620), Book 1, Aphorism 31. Translated as The New Organon: Aphorisms Concerning the Interpretation of Nature and the Kingdom of Man), collected in James Spedding, Robert Ellis and Douglas Heath (eds.), The Works of Francis Bacon (1857), Vol. 4, 52.
Science quotes on:  |  Advancement (63)  |  Anew (19)  |  Begin (275)  |  Expect (203)  |  Foundation (177)  |  Great (1610)  |  Idle (34)  |  Mean (810)  |  Must (1525)  |  New (1273)  |  Old (499)  |  Progress (492)  |  Research (753)  |  Revolve (26)  |  Thing (1914)

Looking through the telescope, one saw a circle of deep blue and the little round planet swimming in the field. It seemed such a little thing, so bright and small and still, faintly marked with transverse stripes, and slightly flattened from the perfect round. But so little it was, so silvery warm—a pin’s-head of light! It was as if it quivered, but really this was the telescope vibrating with the activity of the clockwork that kept the planet in view.
As I watched, the planet seemed to grow larger and smaller and to advance and recede, but that was simply that my eye was tired. Forty millions of miles it was from us—more than forty millions of miles of void. Few people realise the immensity of vacancy in which the dust of the material universe swims.
The War of the Worlds (1898), editted by Frank D. McConnell (1977), 128.
Science quotes on:  |  Activity (218)  |  Advance (298)  |  Bright (81)  |  Deep (241)  |  Dust (68)  |  Eye (440)  |  Field (378)  |  Grow (247)  |  Immensity (30)  |  Light (635)  |  Little (717)  |  Looking (191)  |  Marked (55)  |  Mars (47)  |  Material (366)  |  More (2558)  |  People (1031)  |  Perfect (223)  |  Pin (20)  |  Planet (402)  |  Recede (11)  |  Saw (160)  |  Small (489)  |  Still (614)  |  Swim (32)  |  Swimming (19)  |  Telescope (106)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Through (846)  |  Universe (900)  |  View (496)  |  Void (31)  |  Warm (74)  |  Watch (118)

Many errors, of a truth, consist merely in the application of the wrong names of things. For if a man says that the lines which are drawn from the centre of the circle to the circumference are not equal, he understands by the circle, at all events for the time, something else than mathematicians understand by it.
In 'Prop. 47: The human mind possesses an adequate knowledge of the eternal and infinite essence of God', Ethic, translated by William Hale White (1883), 93-94. Collected in The English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vol. 21.
Science quotes on:  |  Application (257)  |  Center (35)  |  Circumference (23)  |  Consist (223)  |  Definition (238)  |  Drawing (56)  |  Else (4)  |  Equal (88)  |  Error (339)  |  Event (222)  |  Man (2252)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Merely (315)  |  Name (359)  |  Nomenclature (159)  |  Say (989)  |  French Saying (67)  |  Something (718)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Time (1911)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Understand (648)  |  Understanding (527)  |  Wrong (246)

Mathematician: A scientist who can figure out anything except such simple things as squaring the circle and trisecting an angle.
In Esar’s Comic Dictionary (1943, 4th ed. 1983), 372-373.
Science quotes on:  |  Angle (25)  |  Figure Out (7)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Scientist (881)  |  Simple (426)  |  Square (73)  |  Trisect (2)

Mathematics … certainly would never have come into existence if mankind had known from the beginning that in all nature there is no perfectly straight line, no true circle, no standard of measurement.
From 'Of the First and Last Things', All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits (1878, 1908), Part 1, section 11, 31.
Science quotes on:  |  Beginning (312)  |  Certainly (185)  |  Existence (481)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Known (453)  |  Line (100)  |  Mankind (356)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Measurement (178)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Never (1089)  |  Perfectly (10)  |  Standard (64)  |  Straight (75)  |  Straight Line (34)  |  True (239)

Mathematics accomplishes really nothing outside of the realm of magnitude; marvellous, however, is the skill with which it masters magnitude wherever it finds it. We recall at once the network of lines which it has spun about heavens and earth; the system of lines to which azimuth and altitude, declination and right ascension, longitude and latitude are referred; those abscissas and ordinates, tangents and normals, circles of curvature and evolutes; those trigonometric and logarithmic functions which have been prepared in advance and await application. A look at this apparatus is sufficient to show that mathematicians are not magicians, but that everything is accomplished by natural means; one is rather impressed by the multitude of skilful machines, numerous witnesses of a manifold and intensely active industry, admirably fitted for the acquisition of true and lasting treasures.
In Werke [Kehrbach] (1890), Bd. 5, 101. As quoted, cited and translated in Robert Édouard Moritz, Memorabilia Mathematica; Or, The Philomath’s Quotation-Book (1914), 13.
Science quotes on:  |  Accomplishment (102)  |  Acquisition (46)  |  Active (80)  |  Admirably (3)  |  Advance (298)  |  Altitude (5)  |  Apparatus (70)  |  Application (257)  |  Ascension (4)  |  Await (6)  |  Curvature (8)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Everything (489)  |  Evolute (2)  |  Find (1014)  |  Fit (139)  |  Function (235)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Heavens (125)  |  Impress (66)  |  Impressed (39)  |  Industry (159)  |  Intense (22)  |  Latitude (6)  |  Line (100)  |  Logarithmic (5)  |  Longitude (8)  |  Look (584)  |  Machine (271)  |  Magician (15)  |  Magnitude (88)  |  Manifold (23)  |  Marvellous (25)  |  Master (182)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Multitude (50)  |  Natural (810)  |  Nature Of Mathematics (80)  |  Network (21)  |  Normal (29)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Numerous (70)  |  Outside (141)  |  Prepare (44)  |  Really (77)  |  Realm (87)  |  Recall (11)  |  Refer (14)  |  Right (473)  |  Show (353)  |  Skill (116)  |  Skillful (17)  |  Spin (26)  |  Sufficient (133)  |  System (545)  |  Tangent (6)  |  Treasure (59)  |  Trigonometry (7)  |  True (239)  |  Wherever (51)  |  Witness (57)

Mathematics will not be properly esteemed in wider circles until more than the a b c of it is taught in the schools, and until the unfortunate impression is gotten rid of that mathematics serves no other purpose in instruction than the formal training of the mind. The aim of mathematics is its content, its form is a secondary consideration and need not necessarily be that historic form which is due to the circumstance that mathematics took permanent shape under the influence of Greek logic.
In Die Entivickelung der Mathematik in den letzten Jahrhunderten (1884), 6.
Science quotes on:  |  Aim (175)  |  Circumstance (139)  |  Consideration (143)  |  Content (75)  |  Due (143)  |  Esteem (18)  |  Form (976)  |  Formal (37)  |  Greek (109)  |  Historic (7)  |  Impression (118)  |  Influence (231)  |  Instruction (101)  |  Logic (311)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Mind (1377)  |  More (2558)  |  Necessarily (137)  |  Need (320)  |  Other (2233)  |  Permanent (67)  |  Properly (21)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Rid (14)  |  School (227)  |  Secondary (15)  |  Serve (64)  |  Shape (77)  |  Teach (299)  |  Teaching of Mathematics (39)  |  Training (92)  |  Unfortunate (19)  |  Wide (97)  |  Will (2350)

Mathematics, indeed, is the very example of brevity, whether it be in the shorthand rule of the circle, c = πd, or in that fruitful formula of analysis, e = -1, —a formula which fuses together four of the most important concepts of the science,—the logarithmic base, the transcendental ratio π, and the imaginary and negative units.
In 'The Poetry of Mathematics', The Mathematics Teacher (May 1926), 19, No. 5, 293.
Science quotes on:  |  Analysis (244)  |  Base (120)  |  Brevity (8)  |  Circumference (23)  |  Concept (242)  |  Example (98)  |  Formula (102)  |  Fruitful (61)  |  Fuse (5)  |  Imaginary (16)  |  Important (229)  |  Indeed (323)  |  Logarithm (12)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Most (1728)  |  Negative (66)  |  Pi (14)  |  Ratio (41)  |  Rule (307)  |  Shorthand (5)  |  Together (392)  |  Transcendental (11)  |  Unit (36)

Medicine is a science which hath been (as we have said) more professed than laboured, and yet more laboured than advanced: the labour having been, in my judgment, rather in circle than in progression. For I find much iteration, but small addition. It considereth causes of diseases, with the occasions or impulsions; the diseases themselves, with the accidents; and the cures, with the preservation.
The Advancement of Learning (1605) in James Spedding, Robert Ellis and Douglas Heath (eds.), The Works of Francis Bacon (1887-1901), Vol. 3, 373.
Science quotes on:  |  Accident (92)  |  Addition (70)  |  Cause (561)  |  Cure (124)  |  Disease (340)  |  Find (1014)  |  Judgment (140)  |  Labor (200)  |  Medicine (392)  |  More (2558)  |  Occasion (87)  |  Profess (21)  |  Progression (23)  |  Small (489)  |  Themselves (433)

Medicine, likewise, because it deals with things, has always been for our serener circles a Cinderella, blooming maid as happily as she has grown nevertheless.
In Fielding Hudson Garrison, An Introduction to the History of Medicine (1929), 16.
Science quotes on:  |  Deal (192)  |  Medicine (392)  |  Nevertheless (90)  |  Thing (1914)

Meton: With the straight ruler I set to work
To make the circle four-cornered.
First(?) allusion to the problem of squaring the circle. As quoted in B. L. Van Der Waerden, Science Awakening (1954, 2012), Vol. 1, 130, Aristophanes writes this as a joke in his The Birds, which implies the scholarly problem of the quadrature of the circle was known to his audience in ancient Athens.
Science quotes on:  |  Corner (59)  |  Ruler (21)  |  Set (400)  |  Square (73)  |  Straight (75)  |  Work (1402)

My dear nephew was only in his sixth year when I came to be detached from the family circle. But this did not hinder John and I from remaining the most affectionate friends, and many a half or whole holiday he was allowed to spend with me, was dedicated to making experiments in chemistry, where generally all boxes, tops of tea-canisters, pepper-boxes, teacups, &c., served for the necessary vessels, and the sand-tub furnished the matter to be analysed. I only had to take care to exclude water, which would have produced havoc on my carpet.
Letter to Lady Herschel, 6 Sep 1833. Quoted in Memoir and Correspondence of Caroline Herschel (1876), 259.
Science quotes on:  |  Biography (254)  |  Care (203)  |  Chemistry (376)  |  Dedicated (19)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Family (101)  |  Friend (180)  |  Furnish (97)  |  Havoc (7)  |  Hinder (12)  |  Holiday (12)  |  Making (300)  |  Matter (821)  |  Most (1728)  |  Necessary (370)  |  Produced (187)  |  Remaining (45)  |  Sand (63)  |  Spend (97)  |  Tea (13)  |  Top (100)  |  Vessel (63)  |  Water (503)  |  Whole (756)  |  Year (963)

Nevertheless if any skillful Servant of Nature shall bring force to bear on matter, and shall vex it and drive it to extremities as if with the purpose of reducing it to nothing, then will matter (since annihilation or true destruction is not possible except by the omnipotence of God) finding itself in these straits, turn and transform itself into strange shapes, passing from one change to another till it has gone through the whole circle and finished the period.
From 'Proteus; or Matter', De Sapientia Veterum (1609), Sec. 13. As translated in James Spedding, Robert Ellis and Douglas Heath (eds.), The Works of Francis Bacon (1857), Vol. 6, 726.
Science quotes on:  |  Annihilation (15)  |  Bear (162)  |  Change (639)  |  Destruction (135)  |  Finish (62)  |  Force (497)  |  God (776)  |  Matter (821)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Nevertheless (90)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Omnipotence (4)  |  Passing (76)  |  Period (200)  |  Possible (560)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Servant (40)  |  Skillful (17)  |  Strange (160)  |  Through (846)  |  Transform (74)  |  Turn (454)  |  Vex (10)  |  Whole (756)  |  Will (2350)

Newton’s theory is the circle of generalization which includes all the others [as Kepler’s laws, Ptolemy’s theory, etc.];—the highest point of the inductive ascent;—the catastrophe of the philosophic drama to which Plato had prologized;— the point to which men’s minds had been journeying for two thousand years.
In History of the Inductive Sciences, Bk. 7, chap. 2, sect. 5.
Science quotes on:  |  Ascent (7)  |  Catastrophe (35)  |  Drama (24)  |  Generalization (61)  |  High (370)  |  Include (93)  |  Inductive (20)  |  Journey (48)  |  Kepler (4)  |  Law (913)  |  Mathematicians and Anecdotes (141)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Sir Isaac Newton (363)  |  Other (2233)  |  Philosophic (6)  |  Plato (80)  |  Point (584)  |  Ptolemy (19)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thousand (340)  |  Two (936)  |  Year (963)

No sector of a circle is so small that two such [bodies bodies moving with uniform but incommensurable velocities] could not conjunct in it at some future time, and could not have conjuncted in it sometime [in the past].
In Tractatus de commensurabilitate vel incommensurabilitate motuum cell.
Science quotes on:  |  Future (467)  |  Incommensurable (4)  |  Motion (320)  |  Past (355)  |  Sector (7)  |  Uniform (20)  |  Velocity (51)

October 9, 1863
Always, however great the height of the balloon, when I have seen the horizon it has roughly appeared to be on the level of the car though of course the dip of the horizon is a very appreciable quantity or the same height as the eye. From this one might infer that, could the earth be seen without a cloud or anything to obscure it, and the boundary line of the plane approximately the same height as the eye, the general appearance would be that of a slight concavity; but I have never seen any part of the surface of the earth other than as a plane.
Towns and cities, when viewed from the balloon are like models in motion. I shall always remember the ascent of 9th October, 1863, when we passed over London about sunset. At the time when we were 7,000 feet high, and directly over London Bridge, the scene around was one that cannot probably be equalled in the world. We were still so low as not to have lost sight of the details of the spectacle which presented itself to our eyes; and with one glance the homes of 3,000,000 people could be seen, and so distinct was the view, that every large building was easily distinguishable. In fact, the whole of London was visible, and some parts most clearly. All round, the suburbs were also very distinct, with their lines of detached villas, imbedded as it were in a mass of shrubs; beyond, the country was like a garden, its fields, well marked, becoming smaller and smaller as the eye wandered farther and farther away.
Again looking down, there was the Thames, throughout its whole length, without the slightest mist, dotted over its winding course with innumerable ships and steamboats, like moving toys. Gravesend was visible, also the mouth of the Thames, and the coast around as far as Norfolk. The southern shore of the mouth of the Thames was not so clear, but the sea beyond was seen for many miles; when at a higher elevation, I looked for the coast of France, but was unable to see it. On looking round, the eye was arrested by the garden-like appearance of the county of Kent, till again London claimed yet more careful attention.
Smoke, thin and blue, was curling from it, and slowly moving away in beautiful curves, from all except one part, south of the Thames, where it was less blue and seemed more dense, till the cause became evident; it was mixed with mist rising from the ground, the southern limit of which was bounded by an even line, doubtless indicating the meeting of the subsoils of gravel and clay. The whole scene was surmounted by a canopy of blue, everywhere free from cloud, except near the horizon, where a band of cumulus and stratus extended all round, forming a fitting boundary to such a glorious view.
As seen from the earth, the sunset this evening was described as fine, the air being clear and the shadows well defined; but, as we rose to view it and its effects, the golden hues increased in intensity; their richness decreased as the distance from the sun increased, both right and left; but still as far as 90º from the sun, rose-coloured clouds extended. The remainder of the circle was completed, for the most part, by pure white cumulus of well-rounded and symmetrical forms.
I have seen London by night. I have crossed it during the day at the height of four miles. I have often admired the splendour of sky scenery, but never have I seen anything which surpassed this spectacle. The roar of the town heard at this elevation was a deep, rich, continuous sound the voice of labour. At four miles above London, all was hushed; no sound reached our ears.
Travels in the Air (1871), 99-100.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Appearance (145)  |  Attention (196)  |  Balloon (16)  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Becoming (96)  |  Being (1276)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Both (496)  |  Bound (120)  |  Boundary (55)  |  Bridge (49)  |  Building (158)  |  Canopy (8)  |  Car (75)  |  Cause (561)  |  Claim (154)  |  Cloud (111)  |  Completed (30)  |  Continuous (83)  |  Country (269)  |  Course (413)  |  Curve (49)  |  Deep (241)  |  Detail (150)  |  Distance (171)  |  Distinct (98)  |  Down (455)  |  Ear (69)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Effect (414)  |  Elevation (13)  |  Everywhere (98)  |  Evident (92)  |  Extend (129)  |  Eye (440)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Farther (51)  |  Field (378)  |  Flight (101)  |  Form (976)  |  Forming (42)  |  Free (239)  |  Garden (64)  |  General (521)  |  Glance (36)  |  Glorious (49)  |  Golden (47)  |  Great (1610)  |  Ground (222)  |  High (370)  |  Home (184)  |  Horizon (47)  |  Innumerable (56)  |  Intensity (34)  |  Labor (200)  |  Large (398)  |  Limit (294)  |  Look (584)  |  Looking (191)  |  Low (86)  |  Marked (55)  |  Mass (160)  |  Mist (17)  |  Model (106)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Motion (320)  |  Mouth (54)  |  Never (1089)  |  Obscure (66)  |  Other (2233)  |  Pass (241)  |  People (1031)  |  Present (630)  |  Pure (299)  |  Quantity (136)  |  Reach (286)  |  Remainder (7)  |  Remember (189)  |  Right (473)  |  Rising (44)  |  Rose (36)  |  Scene (36)  |  Sea (326)  |  See (1094)  |  Shadow (73)  |  Ship (69)  |  Shrub (5)  |  Sight (135)  |  Sky (174)  |  Smoke (32)  |  Sound (187)  |  South (39)  |  Spectacle (35)  |  Splendour (8)  |  Steamboat (7)  |  Still (614)  |  Suburb (7)  |  Sun (407)  |  Sunset (27)  |  Surface (223)  |  Surface Of The Earth (36)  |  Surpass (33)  |  Thames (6)  |  Throughout (98)  |  Time (1911)  |  Toy (22)  |  View (496)  |  Visible (87)  |  Wander (44)  |  White (132)  |  Whole (756)  |  Winding (8)  |  World (1850)

One morning a great noise proceeded from one of the classrooms [of the Braunsberger gymnasium] and on investigation it was found that Weierstrass, who was to give the recitation, had not appeared. The director went in person to Weierstrass’ dwelling and on knocking was told to come in. There sat Weierstrass by a glimmering lamp in a darkened room though it was daylight outside. He had worked the night through and had not noticed the approach of daylight. When the director reminded him of the noisy throng of students who were waiting for him, his only reply was that he could impossibly interrupt his work; that he was about to make an important discovery which would attract attention in scientific circles.
In Karl Weierstrass: Jahrbuch der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung (1897), 6), 88-89. As quoted, cited and translated in Robert Édouard Moritz, Memorabilia Mathematica; Or, The Philomath’s Quotation-Book (1914), 180.
Science quotes on:  |  Approach (112)  |  Attention (196)  |  Attract (25)  |  Classroom (11)  |  Daylight (23)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Glimmer (5)  |  Glimmering (2)  |  Great (1610)  |  Home (184)  |  Important (229)  |  Impossible (263)  |  Interrupt (6)  |  Investigation (250)  |  Lamp (37)  |  Mathematicians and Anecdotes (141)  |  Morning (98)  |  Night (133)  |  Noise (40)  |  Notice (81)  |  Outside (141)  |  Person (366)  |  Proceed (134)  |  Reply (58)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Student (317)  |  Through (846)  |  Wait (66)  |  Waiting (42)  |   Karl Weierstrass, (10)  |  Work (1402)

Philosophy is written in this grand book, the universe, which stands continually open to our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and read the letters in which it is composed. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these, one wanders about in a dark labyrinth.
In 'The Assayer' (1623), trans. Stillman Drake, Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo (1957), 237-8.
Science quotes on:  |  Astronomy (251)  |  Book (413)  |  Character (259)  |  Dark (145)  |  Figure (162)  |  First (1302)  |  Gaze (23)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Impossible (263)  |  Labyrinth (12)  |  Language (308)  |  Learn (672)  |  Letter (117)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Open (277)  |  Other (2233)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Read (308)  |  Single (365)  |  Stand (284)  |  Triangle (20)  |  Understand (648)  |  Understood (155)  |  Universe (900)  |  Wander (44)  |  Word (650)

Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. One seeks the most general ideas of operation which will bring together in simple, logical and unified form the largest possible circle of formal relationships. In this effort toward logical beauty spiritual formulas are discovered necessary for the deeper penetration into the laws of nature.
In letter (1 May 1935), Letters to the Editor, 'The Late Emmy Noether: Professor Einstein Writes in Appreciation of a Fellow-Mathematician', New York Times (4 May 1935), 12.
Science quotes on:  |  Beauty (313)  |  Deep (241)  |  Discover (571)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Effort (243)  |  Form (976)  |  Formula (102)  |  General (521)  |  Idea (881)  |  Largest (39)  |  Law (913)  |  Law Of Nature (80)  |  Logic (311)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Most (1728)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Necessary (370)  |  Necessity (197)  |  Operation (221)  |  Penetration (18)  |  Poetry (150)  |  Possible (560)  |  Pure (299)  |  Pure Mathematics (72)  |  Relationship (114)  |  Seek (218)  |  Seeking (31)  |  Simple (426)  |  Spirit (278)  |  Spiritual (94)  |  Together (392)  |  Way (1214)  |  Will (2350)

Science … is perpetually advancing. It is like a torch in the sombre forest of mystery. Man enlarges every day the circle of light which spreads round him, but at the same time, and in virtue of his very advance, he finds himself confronting, at an increasing number of points, the darkness of the Unknown.
In Einstein and the Universe; A Popular Exposition of the Famous Theory (1922), xvi.
Science quotes on:  |  Advance (298)  |  Confront (18)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Enlarge (37)  |  Find (1014)  |  Forest (161)  |  Himself (461)  |  Increase (225)  |  Light (635)  |  Man (2252)  |  Mystery (188)  |  Number (710)  |  Perpetual (59)  |  Perpetually (20)  |  Point (584)  |  Round (26)  |  Same (166)  |  Sombre (2)  |  Spread (86)  |  Time (1911)  |  Torch (13)  |  Unknown (195)  |  Virtue (117)

Since, then, there is no objection to the mobility of the Earth, I think it must now be considered whether several motions are appropriate for it, so that it can be regarded as one of the wandering stars. For the fact that it is not the centre of all revolutions is made clear by the apparent irregular motion of the wandering stars, and their variable distances from the Earth, which cannot be understood in a circle having the same centre as the Earth.
'Book One. Chapter IX. Whether several motions can be attributed to the Earth, and on the centre of the universe', in Copernicus: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543), trans. A. M. Duncan (1976), 46.
Science quotes on:  |  Apparent (85)  |  Appropriate (61)  |  Consider (428)  |  Distance (171)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Mobility (11)  |  Motion (320)  |  Must (1525)  |  Objection (34)  |  Regard (312)  |  Revolution (133)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Think (1122)  |  Understood (155)  |  Variable (37)

Some think that the earth remains at rest. But Philolaus the Pythagorean believes that, like the sun and moon, it revolves around the fire in an oblique circle. Heraclides of Pontus, and Ephantus the Pythagorean make the earth move, not in a progressive motion, but like a wheel in a rotation from west to east about its own center.
From Preface to Book on the Revolutions.
Science quotes on:  |  Belief (615)  |  Center (35)  |  Earth (1076)  |  East (18)  |  Fire (203)  |  Moon (252)  |  Motion (320)  |  Move (223)  |  Progressive (21)  |  Pythagoras (38)  |  Remain (355)  |  Rest (287)  |  Revolve (26)  |  Rotation (13)  |  Sun (407)  |  Think (1122)  |  West (21)  |  Wheel (51)

Specialized meaninglessness has come to be regarded, in certain circles, as a kind of hallmark of true science.
Science quotes on:  |  Certain (557)  |  Hallmark (6)  |  Kind (564)  |  Regard (312)  |  Specialize (4)  |  True Science (25)

Starres by the Sun are not inlarg’d but showne.
Gentle love deeds, as blossomes on a bough,
From loves awaken’d root doe bud out now.
If, as in water stir’d more circles bee
Produc’d by one, love such additions take,
Those like to many spheares, but one heaven make,
For, they are all concentrique unto thee.
From poem 'Loves Growth'in Poems on Several Occasions (1719), 23-24.
Science quotes on:  |  Addition (70)  |  Awakened (2)  |  Bee (44)  |  Blossom (22)  |  Bough (10)  |  Bud (6)  |  Deed (34)  |  Enlarge (37)  |  Gentle (9)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Love (328)  |  More (2558)  |  Produced (187)  |  Root (121)  |  Shine (49)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Star (460)  |  Stir (23)  |  Stirred (3)  |  Sun (407)  |  Water (503)

Stay your rude steps, or e’er your feet invade
The Muses’ haunts,ye sons of War and Trade!
Nor you, ye legion fiends of Church and Law,
Pollute these pages with unhallow’d paw!
Debased, corrupted, grovelling, and confin’d,
No definitions touch your senseless mind;
To you no Postulates prefer their claim,
No ardent Axioms your dull souls inflame;
For you no Tangents touch, no Angles meet,
No Circles join in osculation sweet!
From poem, with co-authors John Hookham Frere, George Canning and George Ellis, The Loves of the Triangles: A Mathematical and Philosophical Poem, Canto I, collected in Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin (1854), 124.
Science quotes on:  |  Angle (25)  |  Axiom (65)  |  Church (64)  |  Claim (154)  |  Definition (238)  |  Dull (58)  |  Law (913)  |  Legion (4)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Muse (10)  |  Postulate (42)  |  Soul (235)  |  Step (234)  |  Sweet (40)  |  Tangent (6)  |  Touch (146)  |  War (233)

The blood in the animal body is impelled in a circle and is in a state of ceaseless motion … and that it is the sole and only end of the motion and contraction of the heart.
In On the Motion of the Heart and Blood (1628) as in edition based on the translation by Willis, Alex. Bowie (ed.), (1889), 71.
Science quotes on:  |  Animal (651)  |  Blood (144)  |  Body (557)  |  Ceaseless (6)  |  Contraction (18)  |  End (603)  |  Heart (243)  |  Impel (5)  |  Motion (320)  |  Sole (50)  |  State (505)

The chemist works along his own brilliant line of discovery and exposition; the astronomer has his special field to explore; the geologist has a well-defined sphere to occupy. It is manifest, however, that not one of these men can tell the whole tale, and make a complete story of creation. Another man is wanted. A man who, though not necessarily going into formal science, sees the whole idea, and speaks of it in its unity. This man is the theologian. He is not a chemist, an astronomer, a geologist, a botanist——he is more: he speaks of circles, not of segments; of principles, not of facts; of causes and purposes rather than of effects and appearances. Not that the latter are excluded from his study, but that they are so wisely included in it as to be put in their proper places.
In The People's Bible: Discourses Upon Holy Scripture: Vol. 1. Genesis (1885), 120.
Science quotes on:  |  Appearance (145)  |  Astronomer (97)  |  Botanist (25)  |  Brilliant (57)  |  Cause (561)  |  Chemist (169)  |  Complete (209)  |  Creation (350)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Effect (414)  |  Exclusion (16)  |  Exploration (161)  |  Exposition (16)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Facts (553)  |  Field (378)  |  Geologist (82)  |  Idea (881)  |  Inclusion (5)  |  Line (100)  |  Man (2252)  |  More (2558)  |  Necessarily (137)  |  Necessary (370)  |  Place (192)  |  Principle (530)  |  Proper (150)  |  Purpose (336)  |  See (1094)  |  Segment (6)  |  Speak (240)  |  Speaking (118)  |  Special (188)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Story (122)  |  Study (701)  |  Tale (17)  |  Tell (344)  |  Telling (24)  |  Theologian (23)  |  Unity (81)  |  Want (504)  |  Well-Defined (9)  |  Whole (756)  |  Wisedom (2)  |  Work (1402)

The description of right lines and circles, upon which geometry is founded, belongs to mechanics. Geometry does not teach us to draw these lines, but requires them to be drawn.
From Principia Mathematica, Book 1, in Author’s Preface to the translation from the Latin by ‎Andrew Motte, as The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1729), Vol. 1, second unpaginated page of the Preface.
Science quotes on:  |  Belong (168)  |  Description (89)  |  Draw (140)  |  Founded (22)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Line (100)  |  Mechanic (120)  |  Mechanics (137)  |  Require (229)  |  Right (473)  |  Teach (299)

The equation of animal and vegetable life is too complicated a problem for human intelligence to solve, and we can never know how wide a circle of disturbance we produce in the harmonies of nature when we throw the smallest pebble into the ocean of organic life.
Man and Nature, (1864), 103.
Science quotes on:  |  Animal (651)  |  Complicated (117)  |  Disturbance (34)  |  Equation (138)  |  Harmony (105)  |  Human (1512)  |  Intelligence (218)  |  Know (1538)  |  Life (1870)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Never (1089)  |  Ocean (216)  |  Organic (161)  |  Organic Life (2)  |  Pebble (27)  |  Problem (731)  |  Solution (282)  |  Solve (145)  |  Vegetable (49)  |  Wide (97)

The future generation of scientists will be a sorry lot if the best teachers leave the academic circles for more lucrative positions in military or industrial laboratories.
In 'The Physicist Returns from the War', The Atlantic Monthly (Oct 1945), 176, No. 4, 108. Collected in 'Physics: A Physicist Surveys the Scene', American Thought 1947 (1947), 326.
Science quotes on:  |  Academic (20)  |  Best (467)  |  Future (467)  |  Generation (256)  |  Industrial (15)  |  Laboratory (214)  |  Leave (138)  |  Lot (151)  |  Military (45)  |  More (2558)  |  Position (83)  |  Scientist (881)  |  Sorry (31)  |  Teacher (154)  |  Will (2350)

The gambling reasoner is incorrigible; if he would but take to the squaring of the circle, what a load of misery would be saved.
Quoted in D. MacHale, Comic Sections (1993).
Science quotes on:  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Misery (31)

The generalizations of science sweep on in ever-widening circles, and more aspiring flights, through a limitless creation.
In 'The Darwinian Hypothesis: Darwin on the Origin of Species', Man's Place in Nature and Other Essays (1910), 337.
Science quotes on:  |  Aspire (15)  |  Creation (350)  |  Flight (101)  |  Generalization (61)  |  Limitless (14)  |  More (2558)  |  Sweep (22)  |  Through (846)

The greater is the circle of light, the greater is the boundary of the darkness by which it is confined. But, notwithstanding this, the more light we get, the more thankful we ought to be, for by this means we have the greater range for satisfactory contemplation. In time the bounds of light will be still farther extended; and from the infinity of the divine nature, and the divine works, we may promise ourselves an endless progress in our investigation of them: a prospect truly sublime and glorious.
In Experiments and Observations with a Continuation of the Observations on Air (1781), Vol. 2, Preface, ix.
Science quotes on:  |  Bound (120)  |  Boundary (55)  |  Bounds (8)  |  Confinement (4)  |  Contemplation (75)  |  Darkness (72)  |  Divine (112)  |  Divinity (23)  |  Endless (60)  |  Extend (129)  |  Extension (60)  |  Farther (51)  |  Glorious (49)  |  Greater (288)  |  Infinity (96)  |  Investigation (250)  |  Light (635)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  More (2558)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Ourselves (247)  |  Progress (492)  |  Promise (72)  |  Prospect (31)  |  Range (104)  |  Still (614)  |  Sublime (50)  |  Thankful (4)  |  Thankfulness (2)  |  Time (1911)  |  Truly (118)  |  Will (2350)  |  Work (1402)

The heavens call to you, and circle about you, displaying to you their eternal splendors and your eye gazes only to earth.
Science quotes on:  |  Admit (49)  |  Call (781)  |  Defeat (31)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Eternal (113)  |  Eye (440)  |  Gaze (23)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Heavens (125)  |  Splendor (20)

The human understanding is of its own nature prone to suppose the existence of more order and regularity in the world than it finds. And though there be many things in nature which are singular and unmatched, yet it devises for them parallels and conjugates and relatives which do not exist. Hence the fiction that all celestial bodies move in perfect circles, spirals and dragons being (except in name) utterly rejected.
From Aphorism 45, Novum Organum, Book I (1620). Collected in James Spedding (ed.), The Works of Francis Bacon (1858), Vol. 4, 55.
Science quotes on:  |  Being (1276)  |  Celestial (53)  |  Do (1905)  |  Exist (458)  |  Existence (481)  |  Find (1014)  |  Human (1512)  |  More (2558)  |  Move (223)  |  Name (359)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Order (638)  |  Parallel (46)  |  Perfect (223)  |  Regularity (40)  |  Reject (67)  |  Rejected (26)  |  Singular (24)  |  Spiral (19)  |  Suppose (158)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Understanding (527)  |  World (1850)

The inner circle of creative mathematicians have the well-kept trade secret that in a great many cases theorems come first and axioms second.
In 'The Narrow Mathematician', The American Mathematical Monthly (Jun-Jul 1962), 69, No. 6, 464.
Science quotes on:  |  Axiom (65)  |  Case (102)  |  Creative (144)  |  First (1302)  |  Great (1610)  |  Inner (72)  |  Many (4)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Second (66)  |  Secret (216)  |  Theorem (116)  |  Trade (34)

The mathematician of to-day admits that he can neither square the circle, duplicate the cube or trisect the angle. May not our mechanicians, in like manner, be ultimately forced to admit that aerial flight is one of that great class of problems with which men can never cope… I do not claim that this is a necessary conclusion from any past experience. But I do think that success must await progress of a different kind from that of invention.
[Written following Samuel Pierpoint Langley's failed attempt to launch his flying machine from a catapult device mounted on a barge in Oct 1903. The Wright Brother's success came on 17 Dec 1903.]
'The Outlook for the Flying Machine'. The Independent: A Weekly Magazine (22 Oct 1903), 2509.
Science quotes on:  |  Aerial (11)  |  Airplane (43)  |  Attempt (266)  |  Aviation (8)  |  Brother (47)  |  Claim (154)  |  Class (168)  |  Conclusion (266)  |  Cube (14)  |  Device (71)  |  Different (595)  |  Do (1905)  |  Duplicate (9)  |  Engineer (136)  |  Experience (494)  |  Fail (191)  |  Flight (101)  |  Flying (74)  |  Flying Machine (13)  |  Great (1610)  |  Invention (400)  |  Kind (564)  |  Launch (21)  |  Machine (271)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Mechanics (137)  |  Mount (43)  |  Must (1525)  |  Necessary (370)  |  Never (1089)  |  Past (355)  |  Problem (731)  |  Progress (492)  |  Square (73)  |  Success (327)  |  Think (1122)  |  Ultimately (56)

The sciences are like a beautiful river, of which the course is easy to follow, when it has acquired a certain regularity; but if one wants to go back to the source, one will find it nowhere, because it is everywhere; it is spread so much [as to be] over all the surface of the earth; it is the same if one wants to go back to the origin of the sciences, one will find only obscurity, vague ideas, vicious circles; and one loses oneself in the primitive ideas.
In Essai sur les machines en général (1783), conclusion, as translated in Ivor Grattan-Guinness, Convolutions in French Mathematics, 1800-1840 (1990), Vol. 1, 32.
Science quotes on:  |  Acquired (77)  |  Back (395)  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Certain (557)  |  Course (413)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Easy (213)  |  Everywhere (98)  |  Find (1014)  |  Follow (389)  |  Idea (881)  |  Lose (165)  |  Nowhere (28)  |  Obscurity (28)  |  Oneself (33)  |  Origin (250)  |  Primitive (79)  |  Regularity (40)  |  River (140)  |  Source (101)  |  Spread (86)  |  Surface (223)  |  Surface Of The Earth (36)  |  Vague (50)  |  Vicious Circle (4)  |  Want (504)  |  Will (2350)

The skein of human continuity must often become this tenuous across the centuries (hanging by a thread, in the old cliché), but the circle remains unbroken if I can touch the ink of Lavoisier’s own name, written by his own hand. A candle of light, nurtured by the oxygen of his greatest discovery, never burns out if we cherish the intellectual heritage of such unfractured filiation across the ages. We may also wish to contemplate the genuine physical thread of nucleic acid that ties each of us to the common bacterial ancestor of all living creatures, born on Lavoisier’s ancienne terre more than 3.5 billion years ago—and never since disrupted, not for one moment, not for one generation. Such a legacy must be worth preserving from all the guillotines of our folly.
From The Lying Stones of Marrakech (2000, 2011), 114, previously published in an article in Natural History Magazine. Gould was writing about tangibly having Lavoisier’s signature on proof plates bought at an auction. (The plates were made to accompany Lavoisier’s sole geological article of 1789.)
Science quotes on:  |  Acid (83)  |  Across (32)  |  Age (509)  |  Ancestor (63)  |  Bacteria (50)  |  Bear (162)  |  Become (821)  |  Billion (104)  |  Burn (99)  |  Candle (32)  |  Century (319)  |  Cherish (25)  |  Cliche (8)  |  Common (447)  |  Contemplate (29)  |  Continuity (39)  |  Creature (242)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Disrupt (2)  |  Folly (44)  |  Generation (256)  |  Genuine (54)  |  Great (1610)  |  Greatest (330)  |  Guillotine (5)  |  Hand (149)  |  Hang (46)  |  Heritage (22)  |  Human (1512)  |  Ink (11)  |  Intellectual (258)  |  Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (41)  |  Legacy (14)  |  Light (635)  |  Live (650)  |  Living (492)  |  Moment (260)  |  More (2558)  |  Must (1525)  |  Name (359)  |  Never (1089)  |  Nucleic Acid (23)  |  Nurture (17)  |  Often (109)  |  Old (499)  |  Oxygen (77)  |  Physical (518)  |  Preserve (91)  |  Preserving (18)  |  Remain (355)  |  Skein (2)  |  Tenuous (3)  |  Thread (36)  |  Tie (42)  |  Touch (146)  |  Unbroken (10)  |  Wish (216)  |  Worth (172)  |  Write (250)  |  Year (963)

The study of mathematics—from ordinary reckoning up to the higher processes—must be connected with knowledge of nature, and at the same time with experience, that it may enter the pupil’s circle of thought.
In Johann Friedrich Herbart, Henry M. Felkin (trans.) and Emmie Felkin (trans.), Letters and Lectures on Education [Felkin] (1898), 117.
Science quotes on:  |  Connect (126)  |  Enter (145)  |  Experience (494)  |  Higher (37)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Must (1525)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Ordinary (167)  |  Process (439)  |  Pupil (62)  |  Reckon (31)  |  Reckoning (19)  |  Study (701)  |  Teaching of Mathematics (39)  |  Thought (995)  |  Time (1911)

The sublime discoveries of Newton, and, together with these, his not less fruitful than wonderful application, of the higher mathesis to the movement of the celestial bodies, and to the laws of light, gave almost religious sanction to the corpuscular system and mechanical theory. It became synonymous with philosophy itself. It was the sole portal at which truth was permitted to enter. The human body was treated an hydraulic machine... In short, from the time of Kepler to that of Newton, and from Newton to Hartley, not only all things in external nature, but the subtlest mysteries of life, organization, and even of the intellect and moral being, were conjured within the magic circle of mathematical formulae.
Hints Towards the Formation of a more Comprehensive Theory of Life (1848). In The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Shorter Works and Fragments (1995), H. J. Jackson and J. R. de J. Jackson (eds.), Vol. 11, 1, 498.
Science quotes on:  |  Application (257)  |  Being (1276)  |  Body (557)  |  Celestial (53)  |  Enter (145)  |  Fruitful (61)  |  David Hartley (5)  |  Human (1512)  |  Hydraulic (5)  |  Intellect (251)  |  Johannes Kepler (95)  |  Law (913)  |  Life (1870)  |  Light (635)  |  Machine (271)  |  Magic (92)  |  Mechanical (145)  |  Moral (203)  |  Movement (162)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Sir Isaac Newton (363)  |  Organization (120)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Portal (9)  |  Religious (134)  |  Sanction (8)  |  Short (200)  |  Sole (50)  |  Sublime (50)  |  System (545)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Time (1911)  |  Together (392)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Wonderful (155)

The sun’s rays proceed from the sun along straight lines and are reflected from every polished object at equal angles, i.e. the reflected ray subtends, together with the line tangential to the polished object which is in the plane of the reflected ray, two equal angles. Hence it follows that the ray reflected from the spherical surface, together with the circumference of the circle which is in the plane of the ray, subtends two equal angles. From this it also follows that the reflected ray, together with the diameter of the circle, subtends two equal angles. And every ray which is reflected from a polished object to a point produces a certain heating at that point, so that if numerous rays are collected at one point, the heating at that point is multiplied: and if the number of rays increases, the effect of the heat increases accordingly.
In H.J.J. Winter, 'A Discourse of the Concave Spherical Mirror by Ibn Al-Haitham', Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1950, 16, 2.
Science quotes on:  |  Certain (557)  |  Circumference (23)  |  Diameter (28)  |  Effect (414)  |  Eye (440)  |  Follow (389)  |  Heat (180)  |  Increase (225)  |  Light (635)  |  Mirror (43)  |  Number (710)  |  Numerous (70)  |  Object (438)  |  Optics (24)  |  Point (584)  |  Polish (17)  |  Proceed (134)  |  Ray (115)  |  Reflection (93)  |  Straight (75)  |  Straight Line (34)  |  Sun (407)  |  Surface (223)  |  Together (392)  |  Two (936)

The two revolutions, I mean the annual revolutions of the declination and of the centre of the Earth, are not completely equal; that is the return of the declination to its original value is slightly ahead of the period of the centre. Hence it necessarily follows that the equinoxes and solstices seem to anticipate their timing, not because the sphere of the fixed stars moves to the east, but rather the equatorial circle moves to the west, being at an angle to the plane of the ecliptic in proportion to the declination of the axis of the terrestrial globe.
'Book Three. Chapter I. The Precession of the equinoxes and solstices', in Copernicus: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543), trans. A. M. Duncan (1976), 141.
Science quotes on:  |  Anticipate (20)  |  Being (1276)  |  Completely (137)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Equinox (5)  |  Follow (389)  |  Mean (810)  |  Move (223)  |  Necessarily (137)  |  Period (200)  |  Proportion (140)  |  Return (133)  |  Revolution (133)  |  Solstice (2)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Terrestrial (62)  |  Two (936)  |  Value (393)

The universe…cannot be read until we have learnt the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word.
From Opere Il Saggiatore (1623), Sec. 6. (Title in English, The Assayer.) As translated in D. D. Raphael, Hobbes: Morals and Politics (2014), Vol. 6, 19.
Science quotes on:  |  Character (259)  |  Comprehend (44)  |  Familiar (47)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Impossible (263)  |  Language (308)  |  Learn (672)  |  Letter (117)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Read (308)  |  Single (365)  |  Triangle (20)  |  Universe (900)  |  Word (650)  |  Writing (192)

Then if the first argument remains secure (for nobody will produce a neater one, than the length of the periodic time is a measure of the size of the spheres), the order of the orbits follows this sequence, beginning from the highest: The first and highest of all is the sphere of the fixed stars, which contains itself and all things, and is therefore motionless. It is the location of the universe, to which the motion and position of all the remaining stars is referred. For though some consider that it also changes in some respect, we shall assign another cause for its appearing to do so in our deduction of the Earth’s motion. There follows Saturn, the first of the wandering stars, which completes its circuit in thirty years. After it comes Jupiter which moves in a twelve-year long revolution. Next is Mars, which goes round biennially. An annual revolution holds the fourth place, in which as we have said is contained the Earth along with the lunar sphere which is like an epicycle. In fifth place Venus returns every nine months. Lastly, Mercury holds the sixth place, making a circuit in the space of eighty days. In the middle of all is the seat of the Sun. For who in this most beautiful of temples would put this lamp in any other or better place than the one from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? Aptly indeed is he named by some the lantern of the universe, by others the mind, by others the ruler. Trismegistus called him the visible God, Sophocles' Electra, the watcher over all things. Thus indeed the Sun as if seated on a royal throne governs his household of Stars as they circle around him. Earth also is by no means cheated of the Moon’s attendance, but as Aristotle says in his book On Animals the Moon has the closest affinity with the Earth. Meanwhile the Earth conceives from the Sun, and is made pregnant with annual offspring. We find, then, in this arrangement the marvellous symmetry of the universe, and a sure linking together in harmony of the motion and size of the spheres, such as could be perceived in no other way. For here one may understand, by attentive observation, why Jupiter appears to have a larger progression and retrogression than Saturn, and smaller than Mars, and again why Venus has larger ones than Mercury; why such a doubling back appears more frequently in Saturn than in Jupiter, and still more rarely in Mars and Venus than in Mercury; and furthermore why Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are nearer to the Earth when in opposition than in the region of their occultation by the Sun and re-appearance. Indeed Mars in particular at the time when it is visible throughout the night seems to equal Jupiter in size, though marked out by its reddish colour; yet it is scarcely distinguishable among stars of the second magnitude, though recognized by those who track it with careful attention. All these phenomena proceed from the same course, which lies in the motion of the Earth. But the fact that none of these phenomena appears in the fixed stars shows their immense elevation, which makes even the circle of their annual motion, or apparent motion, vanish from our eyes.
'Book One. Chapter X. The Order of the Heavenly Spheres', in Copernicus: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543), trans. A. M. Duncan (1976), 49-51.
Science quotes on:  |  Affinity (27)  |  Animal (651)  |  Apparent (85)  |  Appearance (145)  |  Argument (145)  |  Arrangement (93)  |  Attention (196)  |  Attentive (15)  |  Back (395)  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Better (493)  |  Book (413)  |  Call (781)  |  Cause (561)  |  Change (639)  |  Cheat (13)  |  Circuit (29)  |  Complete (209)  |  Conceive (100)  |  Consider (428)  |  Course (413)  |  Deduction (90)  |  Do (1905)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Elevation (13)  |  Everything (489)  |  Eye (440)  |  Fact (1257)  |  Find (1014)  |  First (1302)  |  Follow (389)  |  God (776)  |  Govern (66)  |  Harmony (105)  |  Immense (89)  |  Indeed (323)  |  Jupiter (28)  |  Lamp (37)  |  Lantern (8)  |  Lie (370)  |  Linking (8)  |  Location (15)  |  Long (778)  |  Magnitude (88)  |  Making (300)  |  Marked (55)  |  Mars (47)  |  Marvellous (25)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Measure (241)  |  Mercury (54)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Month (91)  |  Moon (252)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Motion (320)  |  Move (223)  |  Nearer (45)  |  Next (238)  |  Nobody (103)  |  Observation (593)  |  Offspring (27)  |  Opposition (49)  |  Orbit (85)  |  Order (638)  |  Other (2233)  |  Proceed (134)  |  Progression (23)  |  Remain (355)  |  Remaining (45)  |  Respect (212)  |  Retrogression (6)  |  Return (133)  |  Revolution (133)  |  Royal (56)  |  Ruler (21)  |  Saturn (15)  |  Say (989)  |  Scarcely (75)  |  Sequence (68)  |  Show (353)  |  Solar System (81)  |  Space (523)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Still (614)  |  Sun (407)  |  Symmetry (44)  |  Temple (45)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Throughout (98)  |  Time (1911)  |  Together (392)  |  Track (42)  |  Understand (648)  |  Universe (900)  |  Venus (21)  |  Visible (87)  |  Way (1214)  |  Why (491)  |  Will (2350)  |  Year (963)

Theorem I. The first and most simple manifestation and representation of things, non-existent as well as latent in the folds of Nature, happened by means of straight line and circle.
Theorem II. Yet the circle cannot be artificially produced without the straight line, or the straight line without the point. Hence, things first began to be by way of a point, and a monad. And things related to the periphery (however big they may be) can in no way exist without the aid of the central point.
John Dee
From Monas Hierogyphica: Ioannia Dee, Londinensis (The Hieroglyphic Monad of John Dee, of London) translated by C. H.Josten, in Ambix, vol. 12 (1964). As quoted and cited in Philip Davis with Reuben Hersh, in The Mathematical Experience (1981), 103.
Science quotes on:  |  Aid (101)  |  Artificial (38)  |  Beginning (312)  |  Central (81)  |  Existence (481)  |  First (1302)  |  Fold (9)  |  Latent (13)  |  Manifestation (61)  |  Monad (2)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Periphery (3)  |  Point (584)  |  Produce (117)  |  Relate (26)  |  Representation (55)  |  Simple (426)  |  Straight Line (34)  |  Theorem (116)

Time has a different quality in a forest, a different kind of flow. Time moves in circles, and events are linked, even if it’s not obvious that they are linked. Events in a forest occur with precision in the flow of tree time, like the motions of an endless dance.
The Wild Trees: A Story of Passion and Daring
Science quotes on:  |  Dance (35)  |  Different (595)  |  Endless (60)  |  Event (222)  |  Flow (89)  |  Forest (161)  |  Kind (564)  |  Link (48)  |  Motion (320)  |  Move (223)  |  Obvious (128)  |  Occur (151)  |  Precision (72)  |  Quality (139)  |  Time (1911)  |  Tree (269)

To a body of infinite size there can be ascribed neither center nor boundary ... Just as we regard ourselves as at the center of that universally equidistant circle, which is the great horizon and the limit of our own encircling ethereal region, so doubtless the inhabitants of the moon believe themselves to be at the center (of a great horizon) that embraces this earth, the sun, and the stars, and is the boundary of the radii of their own horizon. Thus the earth no more than any other world is at the center; moreover no points constitute determined celestial poles for our earth, just as she herself is not a definite and determined pole to any other point of the ether, or of the world-space; and the same is true for all other bodies. From various points of view these may all be regarded either as centers, or as points on the circumference, as poles, or zeniths and so forth. Thus the earth is not in the center of the universe; it is central only to our own surrounding space.
Irving Louis Horowitz, The Renaissance Philosophy of Giordano Bruno (1952), 60.
Science quotes on:  |  Body (557)  |  Boundary (55)  |  Celestial (53)  |  Central (81)  |  Circumference (23)  |  Constitute (99)  |  Definite (114)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Embrace (47)  |  Ether (37)  |  Ethereal (9)  |  Great (1610)  |  Horizon (47)  |  Infinite (243)  |  Infinity (96)  |  Inhabitant (50)  |  Limit (294)  |  Moon (252)  |  More (2558)  |  Other (2233)  |  Ourselves (247)  |  Point (584)  |  Pole (49)  |  Regard (312)  |  Space (523)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Sun (407)  |  Themselves (433)  |  Universe (900)  |  Various (205)  |  View (496)  |  World (1850)

Truth travels down from the heights of philosophy to the humblest walks of life, and up from the simplest perceptions of an awakened intellect to the discoveries which almost change the face of the world. At every stage of its progress it is genial, luminous, creative. When first struck out by some distinguished and fortunate genius, it may address itself only to a few minds of kindred power. It exists then only in the highest forms of science; it corrects former systems, and authorizes new generalizations. Discussion, controversy begins; more truth is elicited, more errors exploded, more doubts cleared up, more phenomena drawn into the circle, unexpected connexions of kindred sciences are traced, and in each step of the progress, the number rapidly grows of those who are prepared to comprehend and carry on some branches of the investigation,— till, in the lapse of time, every order of intellect has been kindled, from that of the sublime discoverer to the practical machinist; and every department of knowledge been enlarged, from the most abstruse and transcendental theory to the daily arts of life.
In An Address Delivered Before the Literary Societies of Amherst College (25 Aug 1835), 16-17.
Science quotes on:  |  Abstruse (12)  |  Art (680)  |  Authorize (5)  |  Awakened (2)  |  Begin (275)  |  Carry (130)  |  Change (639)  |  Comprehension (69)  |  Connection (171)  |  Controversy (30)  |  Creative (144)  |  Daily (91)  |  Department (93)  |  Discoverer (43)  |  Discovery (837)  |  Discussion (78)  |  Distinguish (168)  |  Distinguished (84)  |  Doubt (314)  |  Down (455)  |  Error (339)  |  Exist (458)  |  Exploded (11)  |  Face (214)  |  First (1302)  |  Form (976)  |  Former (138)  |  Fortunate (31)  |  Generalization (61)  |  Genial (3)  |  Genius (301)  |  Grow (247)  |  Height (33)  |  Humblest (4)  |  Intellect (251)  |  Investigation (250)  |  Kindred (12)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Life (1870)  |  Luminous (19)  |  Mind (1377)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  New (1273)  |  Number (710)  |  Order (638)  |  Perception (97)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Power (771)  |  Practical (225)  |  Progress (492)  |  Rapidly (67)  |  Simplest (10)  |  Stage (152)  |  Step (234)  |  Sublime (50)  |  System (545)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Time (1911)  |  Transcendental (11)  |  Travel (125)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Unexpected (55)  |  Walk (138)  |  Walk Of Life (2)  |  World (1850)

Very old and wide-spread is the opinion that forests have an important impact on rainfall. ... If forests enhance the amount and frequency of precipitation simply by being there, deforestation as part of agricultural expansion everywhere, must necessarily result in less rainfall and more frequent droughts. This view is most poignantly expressed by the saying: Man walks the earth and desert follows his steps! ... It is not surprising that under such circumstances the issue of a link between forests and climate has ... been addressed by governments. Lately, the Italian government has been paying special attention to reforestation in Italy and its expected improvement of the climate. ... It must be prevented that periods of heavy rainfall alternate with droughts. ...In the Unites States deforestation plays an important role as well and is seen as the cause for a reduction in rainfall. ... committee chairman of the American Association for Advancement of Science demands decisive steps to extend woodland in order to counteract the increasing drought. ... some serious concerns. In 1873, in Vienna, the congress for agriculture and forestry discussed the problem in detail; and when the Prussian house of representatives ordered a special commission to examine a proposed law pertaining to the preservation and implementation of forests for safeguarding, it pointed out that the steady decrease in the water levels of Prussian rivers was one of the most serious consequences of deforestation only to be rectified by reforestation programs. It is worth mentioning that ... the same concerns were raised in Russia as well and governmental circles reconsidered the issue of deforestation.
as quoted in Eduard Brückner - The Sources and Consequences of Climate Change and Climate Variability in Historical Times editted by N. Stehr and H. von Storch (2000)
Science quotes on:  |  Advancement (63)  |  Agriculture (78)  |  Amount (153)  |  Association (49)  |  Attention (196)  |  Being (1276)  |  Cause (561)  |  Circumstance (139)  |  Circumstances (108)  |  Climate (102)  |  Concern (239)  |  Congress (20)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Decisive (25)  |  Deforestation (50)  |  Demand (131)  |  Desert (59)  |  Detail (150)  |  Drought (14)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Enhance (17)  |  Environment (239)  |  Everywhere (98)  |  Examine (84)  |  Expansion (43)  |  Expect (203)  |  Express (192)  |  Extend (129)  |  Follow (389)  |  Forest (161)  |  Forestry (17)  |  Frequency (25)  |  Government (116)  |  House (143)  |  Impact (45)  |  Improvement (117)  |  Italian (13)  |  Law (913)  |  Man (2252)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Must (1525)  |  Necessarily (137)  |  Old (499)  |  Opinion (291)  |  Order (638)  |  Period (200)  |  Point (584)  |  Precipitation (7)  |  Prevent (98)  |  Problem (731)  |  Rectified (4)  |  Reduction (52)  |  Reforestation (6)  |  Result (700)  |  River (140)  |  Role (86)  |  Serious (98)  |  Special (188)  |  Spread (86)  |  State (505)  |  Steady (45)  |  Step (234)  |  Unite (43)  |  View (496)  |  Walk (138)  |  Water (503)  |  Wide (97)  |  Worth (172)

Vision, in my view, is the cause of the greatest benefit to us, inasmuch as none of the accounts now given concerning the Universe would ever have been given if men had not seen the stars or the sun or the heavens. But as it is, the vision of day and night and of months and circling years has created the art of number and has given us not only the notion of Time but also means of research into the nature of the Universe. From these we have procured Philosophy in all its range, than which no greater boon ever has come or will come, by divine bestowal, unto the race of mortals.
Science quotes on:  |  Account (195)  |  Art (680)  |  Benefit (123)  |  Boon (7)  |  Cause (561)  |  Concern (239)  |  Create (245)  |  Day And Night (3)  |  Divine (112)  |  Give (208)  |  Great (1610)  |  Greater (288)  |  Greatest (330)  |  Heaven (266)  |  Heavens (125)  |  Inasmuch (5)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Month (91)  |  Mortal (55)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Notion (120)  |  Number (710)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Procure (6)  |  Race (278)  |  Range (104)  |  Research (753)  |  See (1094)  |  Star (460)  |  Stars (304)  |  Sun (407)  |  Time (1911)  |  Universe (900)  |  Unto (8)  |  View (496)  |  Vision (127)  |  Will (2350)  |  Year (963)

Voice is a flowing breath of air, perceptible to the hearing by contact. It moves in an endless number of circular rounds, like the innumerably increasing circular waves which appear when a stone is thrown into smooth water, and which keep on spreading indefinitely from the centre.
In De Architectura, Book 5, Chap 1, Sec. 6. As translated in Morris Hicky Morgan (trans.), Vitruvius: The Ten Books on Architecture (1914), 138.
Science quotes on:  |  Air (366)  |  Breath (61)  |  Centre (31)  |  Circular (19)  |  Contact (66)  |  Endless (60)  |  Flow (89)  |  Hearing (50)  |  Indefinitely (10)  |  Move (223)  |  Number (710)  |  Smooth (34)  |  Sound (187)  |  Spread (86)  |  Stone (168)  |  Throw (45)  |  Voice (54)  |  Water (503)  |  Wave (112)

We have now got what seems to be definite proof that an X ray which spreads out in a spherical form from a source as a wave through the aether can when it meets an atom collect up all its energy from all round and concentrate it on the atom. It is as if when a circular wave on water met an obstacle, the wave were all suddenly to travel round the circle and disappear all round and concentrate its energy on attacking the obstacle. Mechanically of course this is absurd, but mechanics have in this direction been for some time a broken reed.
Letter to Margery Moseley (2 Feb 1913). In J. L. Heilbron (ed.), H. G. J. Moseley: The Life and Letters of an English Physicist 1887-1915 (1974), 201.
Science quotes on:  |  Absurd (60)  |  Aether (13)  |  Atom (381)  |  Broken (56)  |  Circular (19)  |  Concentrate (28)  |  Course (413)  |  Definite (114)  |  Direction (185)  |  Disappear (84)  |  Energy (373)  |  Form (976)  |  Mechanic (120)  |  Mechanics (137)  |  Obstacle (42)  |  Proof (304)  |  Ray (115)  |  Spread (86)  |  Suddenly (91)  |  Through (846)  |  Time (1911)  |  Travel (125)  |  Water (503)  |  Wave (112)  |  X-ray (43)

We might expect … in the summer of the “great year,” which we are now considering, that there would be a great predominance of tree-ferns and plants allied to the palms and arborescent grasses in the isles of the wide ocean, while the dicotyledenous plants and other forms now most common in temperate regions would almost disappear from the earth. Then might these genera of animals return, of which the memorials are preserved in the ancient rocks of our continents. The huge iguanodon might reappear in the woods, and the ichthyosaur in the sea, while the pterodactyle might flit again through umbrageous groves of tree-ferns. Coral reefs might be prolonged beyond the arctic circle, where the whale and narwal [sic] now abound. Turtles might deposit their eggs in the sand of the sea beach, where now the walrus sleeps, and where the seal is drifted on the ice-floe.
In Principles of Geology (1830-3), Vol. 1, 123.
Science quotes on:  |  Abound (17)  |  Ancient (198)  |  Animal (651)  |  Arctic (10)  |  Beach (23)  |  Beyond (316)  |  Common (447)  |  Continent (79)  |  Coral Reef (15)  |  Disappear (84)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Egg (71)  |  Expect (203)  |  Fern (10)  |  Floe (3)  |  Form (976)  |  Fossil (143)  |  Great (1610)  |  Ice (58)  |  Iceberg (4)  |  Most (1728)  |  Ocean (216)  |  Other (2233)  |  Palm (5)  |  Plant (320)  |  Prolong (29)  |  Pterodactyl (2)  |  Return (133)  |  Rock (176)  |  Sand (63)  |  Sea (326)  |  Seal (19)  |  Sleep (81)  |  Summer (56)  |  Through (846)  |  Tree (269)  |  Turtle (8)  |  Walrus (4)  |  Whale (45)  |  Wide (97)  |  Wood (97)  |  Year (963)

What distinguishes the straight line and circle more than anything else, and properly separates them for the purpose of elementary geometry? Their self-similarity. Every inch of a straight line coincides with every other inch, and of a circle with every other of the same circle. Where, then, did Euclid fail? In not introducing the third curve, which has the same property—the screw. The right line, the circle, the screw—the representations of translation, rotation, and the two combined—ought to have been the instruments of geometry. With a screw we should never have heard of the impossibility of trisecting an angle, squaring the circle, etc.
From Letter (15 Feb 1852) to W.R. Hamilton, collected in Robert Perceval Graves, Life of W.R. Hamilton (1889), Vol. 3, 343.
Science quotes on:  |  Angle (25)  |  Coincide (6)  |  Combine (58)  |  Curve (49)  |  Distinguish (168)  |  Elementary (98)  |  Euclid (60)  |  Fail (191)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Impossibility (60)  |  Impossible (263)  |  Instrument (158)  |  Introduce (63)  |  Line (100)  |  More (2558)  |  Never (1089)  |  Other (2233)  |  Property (177)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Representation (55)  |  Right (473)  |  Rotation (13)  |  Screw (17)  |  Self (268)  |  Separate (151)  |  Similar (36)  |  Similarity (32)  |  Square (73)  |  Straight (75)  |  Straight Line (34)  |  Translation (21)  |  Trisect (2)  |  Two (936)

What shall we say of the intelligence, not to say religion, of those who are so particular to distinguish between fishes and reptiles and birds, but put a man with an immortal soul in the same circle with the wolf, the hyena, and the skunk? What must be the impression made upon children by such a degradation of man?
Science quotes on:  |  Bird (163)  |  Child (333)  |  Children (201)  |  Degradation (18)  |  Distinguish (168)  |  Evolution (635)  |  Fish (130)  |  Hyena (2)  |  Immortal (35)  |  Impression (118)  |  Intelligence (218)  |  Man (2252)  |  Must (1525)  |  Religion (369)  |  Reptile (33)  |  Same (166)  |  Say (989)  |  Skunk (4)  |  Soul (235)  |  Wolf (11)

When intersected by a plane, the sphere displays in this section the circle, the genuine image of the created mind, placed in command of the body which it is appointed to rule; and this circle is to the sphere as the human mind is to the Mind Divine.
As quoted in Wolfgang Pauli, 'The Influence of Archetypal Ideas on the Scientific Theories of Kepler', as translated and collected in Writings on Physics and Philosophy (1994), 225. With Latin from Harmonia Mundi, Liber IV, Caput 1, collected in Christian Frisch (ed.), Opera Omnia (1864), Vol. 5, 223: “ plano vero sectum sphaericum circulum sectione repraesentat, mentis creatae, quae corpori regendo sit praefecta, genuinam imaginem, quae in ea proportione sit ad sphaericum, ut est mens humana ad divinam,”
Science quotes on:  |  Appoint (3)  |  Body (557)  |  Command (60)  |  Create (245)  |  Display (59)  |  Divine (112)  |  Genuine (54)  |  Human (1512)  |  Human Mind (133)  |  Image (97)  |  Intersect (5)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Place (192)  |  Plane (22)  |  Rule (307)  |  Section (11)  |  Sphere (118)

When the child outgrows the narrow circle of family life … then comes the period of the school, whose object is to initiate him into the technicalities of intercommunication with his fellow-men, and to familiarize him with the ideas that underlie his civilization, and which he must use as tools of thought if he would observe and understand the phases of human life around him; for these … are invisible to the human being who has not the aid of elementary ideas with which to see them.
In Psychologic Foundations of Education: An Attempt to Show the Genesis of the Higher Faculties of the Mind (1907), 265.
Science quotes on:  |  Aid (101)  |  Being (1276)  |  Child (333)  |  Civilization (220)  |  Education (423)  |  Elementary (98)  |  Familiarize (5)  |  Family (101)  |  Fellow (88)  |  Human (1512)  |  Human Being (185)  |  Idea (881)  |  Initiate (13)  |  Invisible (66)  |  Life (1870)  |  Must (1525)  |  Narrow (85)  |  Object (438)  |  Observe (179)  |  Outgrow (4)  |  Period (200)  |  Phase (37)  |  School (227)  |  See (1094)  |  Technicality (5)  |  Thought (995)  |  Tool (129)  |  Underlie (19)  |  Understand (648)  |  Use (771)

Why is geometry often described as “cold” and “dry?” One reason lies in its inability to describe the shape of a cloud, a mountain, a coastline, or a tree. Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line… Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity.
From The Fractal Geometry of Nature (1977, 1983), Introduction, xiii.
Science quotes on:  |  Bark (19)  |  Cloud (111)  |  Coast (13)  |  Cold (115)  |  Complexity (121)  |  Cone (8)  |  Degree (277)  |  Describe (132)  |  Different (595)  |  Dry (65)  |  Fractal (11)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Inability (11)  |  Lie (370)  |  Lightning (49)  |  Line (100)  |  Mountain (202)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Reason (766)  |  Shape (77)  |  Smooth (34)  |  Sphere (118)  |  Straight (75)  |  Straight Line (34)  |  Travel (125)  |  Tree (269)  |  Why (491)

Yet the widespread [planetary theories], advanced by Ptolemy and most other [astronomers], although consistent with the numerical [data], seemed likewise to present no small difficulty. For these theories were not adequate unless they also conceived certain equalizing circles, which made the planet appear to move at all times with uniform velocity neither on its deferent sphere nor about its own [epicycle's] center … Therefore, having become aware of these [defects], I often considered whether there could perhaps be found a more reasonable arrangement of circles, from which every apparent irregularity would be derived while everything in itself would move uniformly, as is required by the rule of perfect motion.
From Nicholaus Copernicus, Edward Rosen (trans.), Pawel Czartoryski (ed.) 'Commentariolus', in Nicholas Copernicus: Minor Works (1985), 81-83. Excerpted in Lisa M. Dolling, Arthur F. Gianelli and Glenn N. Statile (eds.) The Tests of Time: Readings in the Development of Physical Theory (2003), 40.
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Carl Sagan Thumbnail In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion. (1987) -- Carl Sagan
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