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Formal Quotes (37 quotes)
Formally Quotes

… the definition of irrational numbers, on which geometric representations have often had a confusing influence. … I take in my definition a purely formal point of view, calling some given symbols numbers, so that the existence of these numbers is beyond doubt.
(1872). As quoted in Ernst Hairer and Gerhard Wanner, Analysis by Its History (2008), 177.
Science quotes on:  |  Confuse (22)  |  Definition (238)  |  Doubt (314)  |  Existence (481)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Irrational Number (4)  |  Number (710)  |  Point Of View (85)  |  Representation (55)  |  Symbol (100)

[Aristotle formal logic thus far (1787)] has not been able to advance a single step, and hence is to all appearances closed and completed.
In Preface to second edition (1787) of Critique Of Pure Reason (1781) as translated by Werner Pluhar (1996), 15. An earlier translation by N. Kemp-Smith (1933) is similar, but ends with “appearance a closed and completed body of doctrine.”
Science quotes on:  |  Advance (298)  |  Appearance (145)  |  Aristotle (179)  |  Closed (38)  |  Completed (30)  |  Logic (311)  |  Single (365)  |  Step (234)

A formal manipulator in mathematics often experiences the discomforting feeling that his pencil surpasses him in intelligence.
In An Introduction to the History of Mathematics (1953, 1976), 354. This same idea was said much earlier by Ernst Mach (1893). See the quote that begins, “The mathematician who pursues his studies,” on the Ernst Mach Quotes page on this website.
Science quotes on:  |  Discomfort (4)  |  Experience (494)  |  Feeling (259)  |  Intelligence (218)  |  Manipulator (5)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Pencil (20)  |  Surpass (33)

A mathematical science is any body of propositions which is capable of an abstract formulation and arrangement in such a way that every proposition of the set after a certain one is a formal logical consequence of some or all the preceding propositions. Mathematics consists of all such mathematical sciences.
In Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry (1911), 222.
Science quotes on:  |  Abstract (141)  |  Arrangement (93)  |  Body (557)  |  Capable (174)  |  Certain (557)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Consist (223)  |  Definitions and Objects of Mathematics (33)  |  Formulation (37)  |  Logic (311)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Precede (23)  |  Proposition (126)  |  Set (400)  |  Way (1214)

A research laboratory jealous of its reputation has to develop less formal, more intimate ways of forming a corporate judgment of the work its people do. The best laboratories in university departments are well known for their searching, mutual questioning.
In Editorial, 'Is Science Really a Pack of Lies', Nature (1983), 303, 1257. As quoted and cited in Bradley P. Fuhrman, Jerry J. Zimmerman, Pediatric Critical Care (2011).
Science quotes on:  |  Best (467)  |  Corporate (4)  |  Department (93)  |  Develop (278)  |  Do (1905)  |  Forming (42)  |  Intimate (21)  |  Jealous (3)  |  Judgment (140)  |  Known (453)  |  Laboratory (214)  |  More (2558)  |  Mutual (54)  |  People (1031)  |  Person (366)  |  Question (649)  |  Reputation (33)  |  Research (753)  |  Searching (7)  |  University (130)  |  Way (1214)  |  Work (1402)

Art matures. It is the formal elaboration of activity, complete in its own pattern. It is a cosmos of its own.
In Art Is Action: A Discussion of Nine Arts in a Modern World (1939), 29.
Science quotes on:  |  Activity (218)  |  Art (680)  |  Complete (209)  |  Cosmos (64)  |  Elaboration (11)  |  Mature (17)  |  Pattern (116)

Every mathematical discipline goes through three periods of development: the naive, the formal, and the critical.
Quoted in R Remmert, Theory of complex functions (New York, 1989).
Science quotes on:  |  Critical (73)  |  Development (441)  |  Discipline (85)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Naive (13)  |  Period (200)  |  Through (846)

Formal symbolic representation of qualitative entities is doomed to its rightful place of minor significance in a world where flowers and beautiful women abound.
Science quotes on:  |  Abound (17)  |  Beautiful (271)  |  Doom (34)  |  Entity (37)  |  Flower (112)  |  Minor (12)  |  Place (192)  |  Qualitative (15)  |  Representation (55)  |  Rightful (3)  |  Significance (114)  |  Symbolic (16)  |  Woman (160)  |  World (1850)

Formal thought, consciously recognized as such, is the means of all exact knowledge; and a correct understanding of the main formal sciences, Logic and Mathematics, is the proper and only safe foundation for a scientific education.
In Number and its Algebra (1896), 134.
Science quotes on:  |  Conscious (46)  |  Correct (95)  |  Education (423)  |  Exact (75)  |  Foundation (177)  |  Knowledge (1647)  |  Logic (311)  |  Main (29)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Mathematics And Logic (27)  |  Mean (810)  |  Means (587)  |  Proper (150)  |  Recognize (136)  |  Safe (61)  |  Science Education (16)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Thought (995)  |  Understand (648)  |  Understanding (527)

Hubris is the greatest danger that accompanies formal data analysis, including formalized statistical analysis. The feeling of “Give me (or more likely even, give my assistant) the data, and I will tell you what the real answer is!” is one we must all fight against again and again, and yet again.
In 'Sunset Salvo', The American Statistician (Feb 1986), 40, No. 1, 75.
Science quotes on:  |  Accompany (22)  |  Against (332)  |  Analysis (244)  |  Answer (389)  |  Assistant (6)  |  Danger (127)  |  Data (162)  |  Feeling (259)  |  Fight (49)  |  Greatest (330)  |  Hubris (4)  |  More (2558)  |  Must (1525)  |  Real (159)  |  Statistics (170)  |  Tell (344)  |  Will (2350)

In a training period I continue to believe that the best start is with the experimentally prepared situation. Principally because it is in this that it is easiest to illustrate controlled variability, but there is no compelling reason why all experiments should be shaped to the conventional forms of the psychophysical methods. In any case the psychologist must refuse to be limited by those formalised statements of scientific experiment, which grew up with the logical methodologists of the mid-19th century. There are no psychological experiments in which the conditions are all under control; in which one condition can be varied independently of the rest, or even in which the concomitant variation of two specified conditions alone can be arranged and considered.
From archive recording (3 Jun 1959) with to John C. Kenna, giving his recollection of his farewell speech to Cambridge Psychological Society (4 Mar 1952), in which he gave a summary of points he considered to be basic requirements for a good experimental psychologist. Part of point 3 of 7, from transcription of recording held at British Psychological Society History of Psychology Centre, London, as abridged on website.
Science quotes on:  |  19th Century (41)  |  Control (182)  |  Convention (16)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Logic (311)  |  Methodology (14)  |  Psychology (166)  |  Variable (37)

It is an open secret to the few who know it, but a mystery and stumbling block to the many, that Science and Poetry are own sisters; insomuch that in those branches of scientific inquiry which are most abstract, most formal, and most remote from the grasp of the ordinary sensible imagination, a higher power of imagination akin to the creative insight of the poet is most needed and most fruitful of lasting work.
From Introduction written for William Kingdon Clifford, Clifford’s Lectures and Essays (1879), Vol. 1, 1.
Science quotes on:  |  Abstract (141)  |  Branch (155)  |  Creative (144)  |  Fruitful (61)  |  Grasp (65)  |  Imagination (349)  |  Inquiry (88)  |  Insight (107)  |  Know (1538)  |  Mathematics As A Fine Art (23)  |  Most (1728)  |  Mystery (188)  |  Need (320)  |  Open (277)  |  Ordinary (167)  |  Poet (97)  |  Poetry (150)  |  Power (771)  |  Remote (86)  |  Science And Poetry (17)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Secret (216)  |  Sensible (28)  |  Sister (8)  |  Stumbling Block (6)  |  Work (1402)

It is commonly considered that mathematics owes its certainty to its reliance on the immutable principles of formal logic. This … is only half the truth imperfectly expressed. The other half would be that the principles of formal logic owe such a degree of permanence as they have largely to the fact that they have been tempered by long and varied use by mathematicians. “A vicious circle!” you will perhaps say. I should rather describe it as an example of the process known by mathematicians as the method of successive approximation.
In 'The Fundamental Conceptions And Methods Of Mathematics', Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (3 Nov 1904), 11, No. 3, 120.
Science quotes on:  |  Certainty (180)  |  Consider (428)  |  Example (98)  |  Express (192)  |  Immutable (26)  |  Imperfect (46)  |  Logic (311)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Mathematics And Logic (27)  |  Method (531)  |  Permanence (26)  |  Principle (530)  |  Process (439)  |  Reliance (11)  |  Truth (1109)  |  Vicious Circle (4)

It was his [Leibnitz’s] love of method and order, and the conviction that such order and harmony existed in the real world, and that our success in understanding it depended upon the degree and order which we could attain in our own thoughts, that originally was probably nothing more than a habit which by degrees grew into a formal rule. This habit was acquired by early occupation with legal and mathematical questions. We have seen how the theory of combinations and arrangements of elements had a special interest for him. We also saw how mathematical calculations served him as a type and model of clear and orderly reasoning, and how he tried to introduce method and system into logical discussions, by reducing to a small number of terms the multitude of compound notions he had to deal with. This tendency increased in strength, and even in those early years he elaborated the idea of a general arithmetic, with a universal language of symbols, or a characteristic which would be applicable to all reasoning processes, and reduce philosophical investigations to that simplicity and certainty which the use of algebraic symbols had introduced into mathematics.
A mental attitude such as this is always highly favorable for mathematical as well as for philosophical investigations. Wherever progress depends upon precision and clearness of thought, and wherever such can be gained by reducing a variety of investigations to a general method, by bringing a multitude of notions under a common term or symbol, it proves inestimable. It necessarily imports the special qualities of number—viz., their continuity, infinity and infinite divisibility—like mathematical quantities—and destroys the notion that irreconcilable contrasts exist in nature, or gaps which cannot be bridged over. Thus, in his letter to Arnaud, Leibnitz expresses it as his opinion that geometry, or the philosophy of space, forms a step to the philosophy of motion—i.e., of corporeal things—and the philosophy of motion a step to the philosophy of mind.
In Leibnitz (1884), 44-45. [The first sentence is reworded to better introduce the quotation. —Webmaster]
Science quotes on:  |  Acquire (46)  |  Acquired (77)  |  Algebraic (5)  |  Applicable (31)  |  Arithmetic (144)  |  Arrangement (93)  |  Attain (126)  |  Attitude (84)  |  Bridge (49)  |  Bring (95)  |  Calculation (134)  |  Certainty (180)  |  Characteristic (154)  |  Clear (111)  |  Clearness (11)  |  Combination (150)  |  Common (447)  |  Compound (117)  |  Continuity (39)  |  Contrast (45)  |  Conviction (100)  |  Corporeal (5)  |  Deal (192)  |  Degree (277)  |  Depend (238)  |  Destroy (189)  |  Discussion (78)  |  Early (196)  |  Elaborate (31)  |  Elaborated (7)  |  Element (322)  |  Exist (458)  |  Express (192)  |  Favorable (24)  |  Form (976)  |  Gain (146)  |  Gap (36)  |  General (521)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Grow (247)  |  Habit (174)  |  Harmony (105)  |  Highly (16)  |  Idea (881)  |  Import (5)  |  Increase (225)  |  Inestimable (4)  |  Infinite (243)  |  Infinity (96)  |  Interest (416)  |  Introduce (63)  |  Investigation (250)  |  Language (308)  |  Lecture (111)  |  Legal (9)  |  Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (51)  |  Letter (117)  |  Logical (57)  |  Love (328)  |  Mathematicians and Anecdotes (141)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Mental (179)  |  Method (531)  |  Mind (1377)  |  Model (106)  |  More (2558)  |  Motion (320)  |  Multitude (50)  |  Nature (2017)  |  Necessarily (137)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Notion (120)  |  Number (710)  |  Occupation (51)  |  Opinion (291)  |  Order (638)  |  Orderly (38)  |  Original (61)  |  Philosophical (24)  |  Philosophy (409)  |  Precision (72)  |  Probable (24)  |  Process (439)  |  Progress (492)  |  Prove (261)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Quality (139)  |  Quantity (136)  |  Question (649)  |  Quotation (19)  |  Real World (15)  |  Reason (766)  |  Reasoning (212)  |  Reduce (100)  |  Rule (307)  |  Saw (160)  |  See (1094)  |  Sentence (35)  |  Serve (64)  |  Simplicity (175)  |  Small (489)  |  Space (523)  |  Special (188)  |  Special Interest (2)  |  Step (234)  |  Strength (139)  |  Success (327)  |  Symbol (100)  |  System (545)  |  Tendency (110)  |  Term (357)  |  Terms (184)  |  Theory (1015)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Thought (995)  |  Try (296)  |  Type (171)  |  Understand (648)  |  Understanding (527)  |  Universal (198)  |  Use (771)  |  Variety (138)  |  Wherever (51)  |  World (1850)  |  Year (963)

Mathematical proofs are essentially of three different types: pre-formal; formal; post-formal. Roughly the first and third prove something about that sometimes clear and empirical, sometimes vague and ‘quasi-empirical’ stuff, which is the real though rather evasive subject of mathematics.
In Mathematics, Science and Epistemology (1980), Vol. 2, 69.
Science quotes on:  |  Clear (111)  |  Different (595)  |  Empirical (58)  |  Essential (210)  |  First (1302)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Proof (304)  |  Prove (261)  |  Real (159)  |  Something (718)  |  Subject (543)  |  Type (171)  |  Vague (50)

Mathematicians can and do fill in gaps, correct errors, and supply more detail and more careful scholarship when they are called on or motivated to do so. Our system is quite good at producing reliable theorems that can be backed up. It’s just that the reliability does not primarily come from mathematicians checking formal arguments; it come from mathematicians thinking carefully and critically about mathematical ideas.
Concerning revision of proofs. In 'On Proof and Progress in Mathematics', For the Learning of Mathematics (Feb 1995), 15, No. 1, 33. Reprinted from Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (1994), 30, No. 2, 170.
Science quotes on:  |  Argument (145)  |  Back (395)  |  Call (781)  |  Careful (28)  |  Carefully (65)  |  Checking (3)  |  Correct (95)  |  Critical (73)  |  Detail (150)  |  Do (1905)  |  Error (339)  |  Gap (36)  |  Good (906)  |  Idea (881)  |  Mathematician (407)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  More (2558)  |  Motivate (8)  |  Motivated (14)  |  Primarily (12)  |  Reliability (18)  |  Reliable (13)  |  Scholarship (22)  |  Supply (100)  |  System (545)  |  Theorem (116)  |  Thinking (425)

Mathematics as we practice it is much more formally complete and precise than other sciences, but it is much less formally complete and precise for its content than computer programs.
In 'On Proof and Progress in Mathematics', For the Learning of Mathematics (Feb 1995), 15, No. 1, 33. Reprinted from Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (1994), 30, No. 2, 170.
Science quotes on:  |  Complete (209)  |  Computer (131)  |  Content (75)  |  Less (105)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  More (2558)  |  Other (2233)  |  Practice (212)  |  Precise (71)  |  Program (57)

Mathematics in its widest signification is the development of all types of formal, necessary, deductive reasoning.
In Universal Algebra (1898), Preface, vi.
Science quotes on:  |  Deductive (13)  |  Definitions and Objects of Mathematics (33)  |  Development (441)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Necessary (370)  |  Reason (766)  |  Reasoning (212)  |  Signification (2)  |  Type (171)  |  Wide (97)

Mathematics will not be properly esteemed in wider circles until more than the a b c of it is taught in the schools, and until the unfortunate impression is gotten rid of that mathematics serves no other purpose in instruction than the formal training of the mind. The aim of mathematics is its content, its form is a secondary consideration and need not necessarily be that historic form which is due to the circumstance that mathematics took permanent shape under the influence of Greek logic.
In Die Entivickelung der Mathematik in den letzten Jahrhunderten (1884), 6.
Science quotes on:  |  Aim (175)  |  Circle (117)  |  Circumstance (139)  |  Consideration (143)  |  Content (75)  |  Due (143)  |  Esteem (18)  |  Form (976)  |  Greek (109)  |  Historic (7)  |  Impression (118)  |  Influence (231)  |  Instruction (101)  |  Logic (311)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Mind (1377)  |  More (2558)  |  Necessarily (137)  |  Need (320)  |  Other (2233)  |  Permanent (67)  |  Properly (21)  |  Purpose (336)  |  Rid (14)  |  School (227)  |  Secondary (15)  |  Serve (64)  |  Shape (77)  |  Teach (299)  |  Teaching of Mathematics (39)  |  Training (92)  |  Unfortunate (19)  |  Wide (97)  |  Will (2350)

Moving parts in rubbing contact require lubrication to avoid excessive wear. Honorifics and formal politeness provide lubrication where people rub together.
In Time Enough for Love: The Lives of Lazarus Long (1973), 265.
Science quotes on:  |  Avoid (123)  |  Contact (66)  |  Excessive (24)  |  Move (223)  |  Part (235)  |  People (1031)  |  Politeness (4)  |  Provide (79)  |  Require (229)  |  Rub (4)  |  Sociology (46)  |  Together (392)  |  Wear (20)

No substantial part of the universe is so simple that it can be grasped and controlled without abstraction. Abstraction consists in replacing the part of the universe under consideration by a model of similar but simpler structure. Models, formal and intellectual on the one hand, or material on the other, are thus a central necessity of scientific procedure.
As coauthor with Norbert Wiener in 'The Role of Models in Science', Philosophy of Science (Oct 1945), 12, No. 4, 316.
Science quotes on:  |  Abstraction (48)  |  Central (81)  |  Consideration (143)  |  Consist (223)  |  Control (182)  |  Grasp (65)  |  Intellectual (258)  |  Material (366)  |  Model (106)  |  Necessity (197)  |  Other (2233)  |  Part (235)  |  Procedure (48)  |  Replace (32)  |  Scientific (955)  |  Similar (36)  |  Simple (426)  |  Structure (365)  |  Substantial (24)  |  Universe (900)

People are usually not very good in checking formal correctness of proofs, but they are quite good at detecting potential weaknesses or flaws in proofs.
In 'On Proof and Progress in Mathematics', For the Learning of Mathematics (Feb 1995), 15, No. 1, 33. Reprinted from Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (1994), 30, No. 2, 170.
Science quotes on:  |  Checking (3)  |  Correct (95)  |  Detect (45)  |  Flaw (18)  |  Good (906)  |  People (1031)  |  Potential (75)  |  Proof (304)  |  Usually (176)  |  Weakness (50)

Pure mathematics … reveals itself as nothing but symbolic or formal logic. It is concerned with implications, not applications. On the other hand, natural science, which is empirical and ultimately dependent upon observation and experiment, and therefore incapable of absolute exactness, cannot become strictly mathematical. The certainty of geometry is thus merely the certainty with which conclusions follow from non-contradictory premises. As to whether these conclusions are true of the material world or not, pure mathematics is indifferent.
In 'Non-Euclidian Geometry of the Fourth Dimension', collected in Henry Parker Manning (ed.), The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained (1910), 58.
Science quotes on:  |  Absolute (153)  |  Application (257)  |  Become (821)  |  Certainty (180)  |  Concern (239)  |  Conclusion (266)  |  Contradictory (8)  |  Dependent (26)  |  Empirical (58)  |  Exactness (29)  |  Experiment (736)  |  Follow (389)  |  Geometry (271)  |  Implication (25)  |  Incapable (41)  |  Indifferent (17)  |  Logic (311)  |  Material (366)  |  Material World (8)  |  Mathematics (1395)  |  Mere (86)  |  Merely (315)  |  Natural (810)  |  Natural Science (133)  |  Nothing (1000)  |  Observation (593)  |  On The Other Hand (40)  |  Other (2233)  |  Premise (40)  |  Pure (299)  |  Pure Mathematics (72)  |  Reveal (152)  |  Strictly (13)  |  Symbolic (16)  |  True (239)  |  Ultimately (56)  |  World (1850)

Pure mathematics was discovered by Boole in a work which he called “The Laws of Thought” (1854).… His book was in fact concerned with formal logic, and this is the same thing as mathematics.
In 'Recent Work on the Principles of Mathematics', The International Monthly (Jul-Dec 1901), 4, 83. Relevant context appears in a footnote in William Bragg Ewald, From Kant to Hilbert: A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics (1996), Vol. 1, 442, which gives: “Russell’s essay was written for a popular audience, and (as he notes) for an editor who asked him to make the essay ‘as romantic as possible’. Russell’s considered appraisal of Boole was more sober. For instance, in Our Knowledge of the External World, Lecture II, he says of Boole: ‘But in him and his successors, before Peano and Frege, the only thing really achieved, apart from certain details, was the invention of a mathematical symbolism for deducing consequences from the premises which the newer methods shared with Aristotle.’”
Science quotes on:  |  Book (413)  |  George Boole (12)  |  Discover (571)  |  Law (913)  |  Logic (311)  |  Mathematics And Logic (27)  |  Pure Mathematics (72)  |  Thought (995)

Since my first discussions of ecological problems with Professor John Day around 1950 and since reading Konrad Lorenz's “King Solomon's Ring,” I have become increasingly interested in the study of animals for what they might teach us about man, and the study of man as an animal. I have become increasingly disenchanted with what the thinkers of the so-called Age of Enlightenment tell us about the nature of man, and with what the formal religions and doctrinaire political theorists tell us about the same subject.
'Autobiography of Allan M. Cormack,' Les Prix Nobel/Nobel Lectures 1979, editted by Wilhelm Odelberg.
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The focal points of our different reflections have been called “science”’ or “art” according to the nature of their “formal” objects, to use the language of logic. If the object leads to action, we give the name of “art” to the compendium of rules governing its use and to their technical order. If the object is merely contemplated under different aspects, the compendium and technical order of the observations concerning this object are called “science.” Thus metaphysics is a science and ethics is an art. The same is true of theology and pyrotechnics.
Definition of 'Art', Encyclopédie (1751). Translated by Nelly S. Hoyt and Thomas Cassirer (1965), 4.
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The mathematician, carried along on his flood of symbols, dealing apparently with purely formal truths, may still reach results of endless importance for our description of the physical universe.
In The Grammar of Science (1900), 505.
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The opinion appears to be gaining ground that this very general conception of functionality, born on mathematical ground, is destined to supersede the narrower notion of causation, traditional in connection with the natural sciences. As an abstract formulation of the idea of determination in its most general sense, the notion of functionality includes and transcends the more special notion of causation as a one-sided determination of future phenomena by means of present conditions; it can be used to express the fact of the subsumption under a general law of past, present, and future alike, in a sequence of phenomena. From this point of view the remark of Huxley that Mathematics “knows nothing of causation” could only be taken to express the whole truth, if by the term “causation” is understood “efficient causation.” The latter notion has, however, in recent times been to an increasing extent regarded as just as irrelevant in the natural sciences as it is in Mathematics; the idea of thorough-going determinancy, in accordance with formal law, being thought to be alone significant in either domain.
In Presidential Address British Association for the Advancement of Science, Sheffield, Section A, Nature (1 Sep 1910), 84, 290.
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The purely formal sciences, logic and mathematics, deal with such relations which are independent of the definite content, or the substance of the objects, or at least can be. In particular, mathematics involves those relations of objects to each other that involve the concept of size, measure, number.
In Theorie der Complexen Zahlensysteme, (1867), 1. Translated by Webmaster using Google Translate from the original German, “Die rein formalen Wissenschaften, Logik und Mathematik, haben solche Relationen zu behandeln, welche unabhängig von dem bestimmten Inhalte, der Substanz der Objecte sind oder es wenigstens sein können.”
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The purely formal Sciences, logic and mathematics, deal with those relations which are, or can be, independent of the particular content or the substance of objects. To mathematics in particular fall those relations between objects which involve the concepts of magnitude, of measure and of number.
In Theorie der Complexen Zahlensysteme (1867), 1. As translated in Robert Édouard Moritz, Memorabilia Mathematica; Or, The Philomath’s Quotation-book (1914), 4. From the original German, “Die rein formalen Wissenschaften, Logik und Mathematik, haben solche Relationen zu behandeln, welche unabhängig von dem bestimmten Inhalte, der Substanz der Objecte sind oder es wenigstens sein können. Der Mathematik fallen ins Besondere diejenigen Beziehungen der Objecte zu einander zu, die den Begriff der Grösse, des Maasses, der Zahl involviren.”
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The required techniques of effective reasoning are pretty formal, but as long as programming is done by people that don’t master them, the software crisis will remain with us and will be considered an incurable disease. And you know what incurable diseases do: they invite the quacks and charlatans in, who in this case take the form of Software Engineering gurus.
Science quotes on:  |  Case (102)  |  Charlatan (8)  |  Consider (428)  |  Crisis (25)  |  Disease (340)  |  Do (1905)  |  Effective (68)  |  Engineering (188)  |  Form (976)  |  Incurable (10)  |  Invite (10)  |  Know (1538)  |  Long (778)  |  Master (182)  |  People (1031)  |  Pretty (21)  |  Program (57)  |  Quack (18)  |  Reason (766)  |  Reasoning (212)  |  Remain (355)  |  Require (229)  |  Required (108)  |  Software (14)  |  Technique (84)  |  Will (2350)

Thought-economy is most highly developed in mathematics, that science which has reached the highest formal development, and on which natural science so frequently calls for assistance. Strange as it may seem, the strength of mathematics lies in the avoidance of all unnecessary thoughts, in the utmost economy of thought-operations. The symbols of order, which we call numbers, form already a system of wonderful simplicity and economy. When in the multiplication of a number with several digits we employ the multiplication table and thus make use of previously accomplished results rather than to repeat them each time, when by the use of tables of logarithms we avoid new numerical calculations by replacing them by others long since performed, when we employ determinants instead of carrying through from the beginning the solution of a system of equations, when we decompose new integral expressions into others that are familiar,—we see in all this but a faint reflection of the intellectual activity of a Lagrange or Cauchy, who with the keen discernment of a military commander marshalls a whole troop of completed operations in the execution of a new one.
In Populär-wissenschafliche Vorlesungen (1903), 224-225.
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To the average mathematician who merely wants to know his work is securely based, the most appealing choice is to avoid difficulties by means of Hilbert's program. Here one regards mathematics as a formal game and one is only concerned with the question of consistency ... . The Realist position is probably the one which most mathematicians would prefer to take. It is not until he becomes aware of some of the difficulties in set theory that he would even begin to question it. If these difficulties particularly upset him, he will rush to the shelter of Formalism, while his normal position will be somewhere between the two, trying to enjoy the best of two worlds.
In Axiomatic Set Theory (1971), 9-15. In Thomas Tymoczko, New Directions in the Philosophy of Mathematics: an Anthology (), 11-12.
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True rigor is productive, being distinguished in this from another rigor which is purely formal and tiresome, casting a shadow over the problems it touches.
From address to the section of Algebra and Analysis, International Congress of Arts and Sciences, St. Louis (22 Sep 1904), 'On the Development of Mathematical Analysis and its Relation to Certain Other Sciences,' as translated by M.W. Haskell in Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (May 1905), 11, 417.
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We are not very pleased when we are forced to accept a mathematical truth by virtue of a complicated chain of formal conclusions and computations, which we traverse blindly, link by link, feeling our way by touch. We want first an overview of the aim and of the road; we want to understand the idea of the proof, the deeper context.
Unterrichtsblätter für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften (1932), 38, 177-188. As translated by Abe Shenitzer, in 'Part I. Topology and Abstract Algebra as Two Roads of Mathematical Comprehension', The American Mathematical Monthly (May 1995), 102, No. 7, 453.
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What is this subject, which may be called indifferently either mathematics or logic? Is there any way in which we can define it? Certain characteristics of the subject are clear. To begin with, we do not, in this subject, deal with particular things or particular properties: we deal formally with what can be said about any thing or any property. We are prepared to say that one and one are two, but not that Socrates and Plato are two, because, in our capacity of logicians or pure mathematicians, we have never heard of Socrates or Plato. A world in which there were no such individuals would still be a world in which one and one are two. It is not open to us, as pure mathematicians or logicians, to mention anything at all, because, if we do so we introduce something irrelevant and not formal.
In Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (1920), 196-197.
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When one considers how hard it is to write a computer program even approaching the intellectual scope of a good paper, and how much greater time and effort have to be put in to make it “almost” formally correct, it is preposterous to claim that mathematics as we practice it is anywhere near formally correct.
In 'On Proof and Progress in Mathematics', For the Learning of Mathematics (Feb 1995), 15, No. 1, 33. Reprinted from Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (1994), 30, No. 2, 170-171.
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Carl Sagan Thumbnail In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion. (1987) -- Carl Sagan
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