Ludwig von Bertalanffy
(19 Sep 1901 - 12 Jun 1972)
Austrian biologist who developed the idea of General Systems Theory.
Science Quotes by Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1 quote)
Life spirals laboriously upward to higher and even higher levels, paying for every step.
— Ludwig von Bertalanffy
As quoted in Mark Davidson, Uncommon Sense: The Life and Thought of Ludwig Von Bertalanffy (1901-1972), Father of General Systems Theory (1983), 220. Robert G.B. Reid follow this with an explanatory comment—Death was the price of the multicellular condition; pain the price of nervous integration; anxiety the price of consciousness—in Evolutionary Theory: The Unfinished Synthesis (1985), 236. Reid’s comment was not made in quotation marks. However, Bertanffy’s actually quote was concatenated with Reid's comment and attributed only to Bertanffy, in Michael Dowd, Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion (2008), 93, and subsequently requoted thusly by later authors.