Samuel Train Dutton
(16 Oct 1849 - 28 Mar 1919)
American administrator who graduated from Yale (1873) and the same year took charge of, and the schools in South Norwalk, Conn. By 1900 he became superintendent of the Horace Mann Schools and professor of school administration in Teachers College, Columbia University. Throughout his career, he improved education and secured cooperation between parents, teachers and the community.
Science Quotes by Samuel Train Dutton (1 quote)
Mathematics, while giving no quick remuneration, like the art of stenography or the craft of bricklaying, does furnish the power for deliberate thought and accurate statement, and to speak the truth is one of the most social qualities a person can possess. Gossip, flattery, slander, deceit, all spring from a slovenly mind that has not been trained in the power of truthful statement, which is one of the highest utilities.
— Samuel Train Dutton
In Social Phases of Education in the School and the Home (1900), 30.