Henry James
(15 Apr 1843 - 28 Feb 1916)
American-British author whose popular novel, the short ghost story, The Turn of the Screw was the basis of the opera by Benjamin Britten.
Science Quotes by Henry James (3 quotes)
[Thomas Henry] Huxley is a very genial, comfortable being—yet with none of the noisy and windy geniality of some folks here, whom you find with their backs turned when you are responding to the remarks that they have made you.
— Henry James
Letter to William James (29 Mar 1877). In Percy Lubbock (ed.), The Letters of Henry James (1920), Vol. 1, 52. Also in Justin Wintle and Richard Kenin (eds.), The Dictionary of Biographical Quotation of British and American Subjects (1978), 402.
Cats and monkeys, monkeys and cats—all human life is there.
— Henry James
In The Atlantic Monthly (Mar 1873), 31, No. 185, 292. Collected in The Madonna of the Future (1883), 38.
The fatal futility of Fact.
— Henry James
In Preface, The Spoils of Poynton, in The Novels and Tales of Henry James (1908), Vol. 10, vii.
Quotes by others about Henry James (1)
In Heaven there'll be no algebra,
No learning dates or names,
But only playing golden harps
And reading Henry James.
No learning dates or names,
But only playing golden harps
And reading Henry James.
Displayed at James’s home, Lambs House in Rye. Said to have been written by Henry James’s nephew in the guest book there, as stated in J.D. McClatchy, Sweet Theft: A Poet's Commonplace Book (2016), 212.
J.D. McClatchy - 2016