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John Snow
(15 Mar 1813 - 16 Jun 1858)
Science Quotes by John Snow (3 quotes)
John Snow (1856) (source)
All that would be required to prevent the disease [cholera] would be such a close attention to cleanliness in cooking and eating, and to drainage and water supply, as is desirable at all times.
— John Snow
I arrived at the conclusion in the latter part of 1848, that cholera is communicated by the evacuations from the alimentary canal.
— John Snow
In my opinion, the cholera poison only produces its effects through the air when carried by insects, or when the evacuations become dry, and are wafted as a fine dust.
— John Snow
See also:
- 15 Mar - short biography, births, deaths and events on date of Snow's birth.
- On the Mode of Communication of Cholera - John Snow, Edinburgh Medical Journal (1856)
- Cholera, Chloroform and the Science of Medicine: A Life of John Snow, by Peter Vinten-Johansen. - book suggestion.