Sir Henry Howarth Bashford
(1880 - 1961)
English physician and writer who became Chief Medical Officer to the Post Office and Honorary Physician to King George VI. He authored many book on varied topics, including Augustus Carp, Esq., by Himself: Being the Autobiography of a Really Good Man (1924), in which Carp is an amusing parody of middle-class British gentility.
Science Quotes by Sir Henry Howarth Bashford (3 quotes)
After all we are merely the servants of the public, in spite of our M.D.’s and our hospital appointments.
— Sir Henry Howarth Bashford
The Corner of Harley Street: Being Some Familiar Correspondence of Peter Harding, M. D., Ch.8.
General practice is at least as difficult, if it is to be carried on well and successfully, as any special practice can be, and probably more so; for the G.P. has to live continually, as it were, with the results of his handiwork.
— Sir Henry Howarth Bashford
The Corner of Harley Street: Being Some Familiar Correspondence of Peter Harding, M. D., Ch. 26.
If your news must be bad, tell it soberly and promptly.
— Sir Henry Howarth Bashford
The Corner of Harley Street: Being Some Familiar Correspondence of Peter Harding, M. D., Ch. 26.