Roberto Bellarmino
(4 Oct 1542 - 17 Sep 1621)
Italian theologian who as Cardinal Inquisitor served as one of the judges at the trial of Giordano Bruno. Later, he warned Galileo Galilei that by decree the Copernican doctrine (that the Earth revolved around the Sun) must not be 'defended or held.'
Science Quotes by Roberto Bellarmino (1 quote)
It seems to me that your Reverence and Signor Galileo act prudently when you content yourselves with speaking hypothetically and not absolutely, as I have always understood that Copernicus spoke. To say that on the supposition of the Earth’s movement and the Sun's quiescence all the celestial appearances are explained better than by the theory of eccentrics and epicycles is to speak with excellent good sense and to run no risk whatsoever. Such a manner of speaking is enough for a mathematician. But to want to affirm that the Sun, in very truth, is at the center of the universe and only rotates on its axis without going from east to west, is a very dangerous attitude and one calculated not only to arouse all Scholastic philosophers and theologians but also to injure our holy faith by contradicting the Scriptures.
— Roberto Bellarmino
Letter to Paolo Antonio Foscarini, 12 April 1615. Quoted in Giorgio De Santillana, The Crime of Galileo (1955), 99.