Richard Dedekind
(6 Oct 1831 - 12 Feb 1916)
German mathematician.
Science Quotes by Richard Dedekind (2 quotes)
At that point, my sense of dissatisfaction was so strong that I firmly resolved to start thinking until I should find a purely arithmetic and absolutely rigorous foundation of the principles of infinitesimal analysis. … I achieved this goal on November 24th, 1858, … but I could not really decide upon a proper publication, because, firstly, the subject is not easy to present, and, secondly, the material is not very fruitful.
— Richard Dedekind
(1872). As quoted in Ernst Hairer and Gerhard Wanner, Analysis by Its History (2008), 177.
That which is provable, ought not to be believed in science without proof.
— Richard Dedekind
Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? (1888), Preface, trans. Ivor Grattan-Guinness.
See also:
- 6 Oct - short biography, births, deaths and events on date of Dedekind's birth.
- Essays on the Theory of Numbers, by Richard Dedekind, Wooster W. Beman (trans.). - book suggestion.