Nicolas D. Goodman
( - )
mathematician who spent most of his life at the State University of New York at Buffalo, doing research in mathematical logic, particularly combinatory logic and intuitionism.
Science Quotes by Nicolas D. Goodman (2 quotes)
Mathematics is a public activity. It occurs in a social context and has social consequences. Posing a problem, formulating a definition, proving a theorem are none of them private acts. They are all part of that larger social process we call science.
— Nicolas D. Goodman
In 'Mathematics as an Objective Science', The American Mathematical Monthly (Aug-Sep 1979), 86, No. 7, 542. Reprinted in The Mathematical Intelligencer (1983), 5, No. 3.
There are no deep theorems—only theorems that we have not understood very well.
— Nicolas D. Goodman
In 'Reflections on Bishops Philosophy of Mathematics', Constructive Mathematics: Proceedings of the New Mexico State University Conference Held at Las Cruces, New Mexico, August 11-15, 1980 (1981), 137.