Kennewick Man Quotes (3 quotes)
For those who have devoted their lives to better understanding the peopling of the New World, the Kennewick find is a rare opportunity for a significant increase in knowledge about who the early Americans were and how they relate to living tribes.
From 'Mystery of the First Americans: Claims for the Remains: C. Vance Haynes, Jr.', web page on website.
Geological strata are like pages in the book of time and need to be read by qualified experts to learn what happened at the Kennewick find site.
From 'Mystery of the First Americans: Claims for the Remains: C. Vance Haynes, Jr.', web page on website.
Our knowledge regarding this important and fascinating question [about Kennewick Man] is based upon the scientific study of less than a dozen specimens found over the last 100 years. Furthermore, most of the specimens over 8,000 years old are either poorly preserved or are subadults and, therefore, much less informative than well preserved specimens.
From 'Mystery of the First Americans: Claims for the Remains: C. Vance Haynes, Jr.', web page on website.