Garg G. Tibbetts
(12 Oct 1939 - )
American physicist whose research included aspects of surface physics, plasma-surface interactions, and the adsorption of gases on surfaces. From 1969 until retirement he worked at General Motors Research Laboratories.
Science Quotes by Garg G. Tibbetts (1 quote)
In the beginning was the book of Nature. For eon after eon, the pages of the book turned with no human to read them. No eye wondered at the ignition of the sun, the coagulation of the earth, the birth of the moon, the solidification of a terrestrial continent, or the filling of the seas. Yet when the first primitive algae evolved to float on the waters of this ocean, a promise was born—a hope that someday all the richness and variety of the phenomena of the universe would be read with appreciative eyes.
— Garg G. Tibbetts
Opening paragraph in Gary G. Tibbetts, How the Great Scientists Reasoned: The Scientific Method in Action (2012), 1.