Jules Bordet
(13 Jun 1870 - 6 Apr 1961)
Science Quotes by Jules Bordet (3 quotes)
Bacteria are highly adaptable. They frequently change both morphologically and functionally. Their virulence is also an essentially fluctuating property, that increases or diminishes according to the conditions to which the pathogenic organism is subjected.
— Jules Bordet
It is probable that serum acts on bacteria by changing the relations of molecular attraction between the bacteria and the surrounding fluid.
— Jules Bordet
The study of the serum of immunized animals forms a new chapter in the history of the struggle between the animal and infective agents, under which heading practical results of the highest importance are already inscribed. Any explanation of the phenomena is, however, still far from complete.
— Jules Bordet
See also:
- 13 Jun - short biography, births, deaths and events on date of Bordet's birth.