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Robert Ernest House
(3 Aug 1875 - 15 Jul 1930)
Science Quotes by Robert Ernest House (4 quotes)
Dr Robert House, administering his “truth serum” drug to an arrested man in a Texas jail. (source)
[Society's rights to employ the scopolamine (“truth serum”) drug supersede those of a criminal.] It therefore stands to reason, that where there is a safe and humane method existing to evoke the truth from the consciousness of a suspect society is entitled to have that truth.
— Robert Ernest House
[On the use of scopolamine in criminology], If it is permissible for a state to take life, liberty and property because of crime, it can be made legal to obtain information from a suspected criminal by the use of a drug. If the use of bloodhounds is legal, the use of scopolamine can be made legal.
— Robert Ernest House
By what process of reasoning should the State of Texas be more concerned in the conviction of the guilty than in the acquittal of the innocent? [Urging the use of scopolamine “truth serum” to determine innocence.]
— Robert Ernest House
The suppression of crime is not entirely a legal question. It is a problem for the physician, the economist and the lawyer. We, as physicians, should encourage the criminologist by lending to him the surgeon, the internist and all of the rest of the resources of medicine, just as we have done in the case of the flea man, the fly man, the mosquito man, the bed-bug man and all the other ologists.
— Robert Ernest House
See also:
- 3 Aug - short biography, births, deaths and events on date of House's birth.
- Robert House, The Use Of Scopolamine In Criminology - Paper published in 1922.
- 'Truth Serum' Involves Five in Axe Murders, Birmingham, Ala. - reported in New York Times (8 Jan 1924).
- 'Truth Serum' Test Proves Its Power - reported in New York Times (22 Oct 1924).