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Richard Darwin Keynes
(14 Aug 1919 - 12 Jun 2010)
Science Quotes by Richard Darwin Keynes (1 quote)
The achievements of the Beagle did not just depend on FitzRoy’s skill as a hydrographer, nor on Darwin’s skill as a natural scientist, but on the thoroughly effective fashion in which everyone on board pulled together. Of course Darwin and FitzRoy had their quarrels, but all things considered, they were remarkably infrequent. To have shared such cramped quarters for nearly five years with a man often suffering from serious depression, prostrate part of the time with sea sickness, with so little friction, Darwin must have been one of the best-natured
people ever! This is, indeed, apparent in his letters. And anyone who has participated in a scientific expedition will agree that when he wrote from Valparaiso in July 1834 that ‘The Captain keeps all smooth by rowing everyone in turn, which of course he has as much right to do as a gamekeeper to shoot partridges on the first of September’, he was putting a finger on an important ingredient in the Beagle’s success.
— Richard Darwin Keynes
See also:
- 14 Aug - short biography, births, deaths and events on date of Keynes's birth.
- Nerve and Muscle, by Richard Darwin Keynes, David John Aidley. - book suggestion.