Unprofitable Quotes (7 quotes)
…this discussion would be unprofitable if it did not lead us to appreciate the wisdom of our Creator, and the wondrous knowledge of the Author of the world, Who in the beginning created the world out of nothing, and set everything in number, measure and weight, and then, in time and the age of man, formulated a science which reveals fresh wonders the more we study it.
— Hrosvita
Be very vigilent over thy Childe … If he chuse the profession of a Scholler, advise him to study the most profitable Arts: Poetry, and the Mathematichs, take up too great a latitude of the Soule, and moderately used, are good Recreations, but bad Callings, bring nothing but their owne Reward.
Dreaming over a subject is simply … allowing the will to focus the mind passively on the subject so that it follows the trains of thought as they arise, stopping them only when unprofitable but in general allowing them to form and branch naturally until some useful and interesting results occur.
It may not always be profitable at first for businesses to be online, but it is certainly going to be unprofitable not to be online.
The discovery of the conic sections, attributed to Plato, first threw open the higher species of form to the contemplation of geometers. But for this discovery, which was probably regarded in Plato’s tune and long after him, as the unprofitable amusement of a speculative brain, the whole course of practical philosophy of the present day, of the science of astronomy, of the theory of projectiles, of the art of navigation, might have run in a different channel; and the greatest discovery that has ever been made in the history of the world, the law of universal gravitation, with its innumerable direct and indirect consequences and applications to every department of human research and industry, might never to this hour have been elicited.
The mathematic, then, is an art. As such it has its styles and style periods. It is not, as the layman and the philosopher (who is in this matter a layman too) imagine, substantially unalterable, but subject like every art to unnoticed changes form epoch to epoch. The development of the great arts ought never to be treated without an (assuredly not unprofitable) side-glance at contemporary mathematics.
The study of mathematics is, if an unprofitable, a perfectly harmless and innocent occupation.