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Net Quotes (12 quotes)

[Overfishing—] it’s not just that we’re taking too many out, it’s how we’re doing it. We are wiping out their nurseries, … [because some huge boats] … bottom trawl … [with] nets that 50 years ago you’d have to lift when you came to coral reefs or rocks or nooks and crannies. Now they’re so sophisticated and so heavy, the equipment, and the boat’s so powerful they can just drag right over the coral reefs and the rocks and the nooks and crannies, and turn them into a gravel pit. … The trouble is those are the nurseries. That’s where the little fish hide and get bigger and get big enough for us to eat.
From transcript of PBS TV interview by Tavis Smiley (28 Mar 2011).
Science quotes on:  |  Bigger (5)  |  Boat (17)  |  Bottom (36)  |  Coral Reef (15)  |  Cranny (2)  |  Destroy (189)  |  Doing (277)  |  Drag (8)  |  Eat (108)  |  Enough (341)  |  Equipment (45)  |  Fish (130)  |  Gravel (3)  |  Grow (247)  |  Heavy (24)  |  Hide (70)  |  Huge (30)  |  Lift (57)  |  Little (717)  |  Overfishing (27)  |  Pit (20)  |  Powerful (145)  |  Right (473)  |  Rock (176)  |  Sophisticated (16)  |  Trawling (6)  |  Trouble (117)  |  Turn (454)  |  Wipe Out (3)  |  Year (963)

Jobs: I look at myself as an artist if anything. Sort of a trapeze artist.
Levy: With or without a net?
Jobs: Without.
Expressing the driving force behind his passion. Interview with Rolling Stone writer, Steven Levy (late Nov 1983). As quoted in Nick Bilton, 'The 30-Year-Old Macintosh and a Lost Conversation With Steve Jobs' (24 Jan 2014), on New York Times blog web page. Levy appended a transcript of the interview to an updated Kindle version of his book, Insanely Great: The Life and Times of Macintosh, the Computer that Changed Everything.
Science quotes on:  |  Artist (97)  |  Autobiography (58)  |  Job (86)  |  Look (584)  |  Myself (211)

As a net is made up of a series of ties, so everything in this world is connected by a series of ties. If anyone thinks that the mesh of a net is an independent, isolated thing, he is mistaken. It is called a net because it is made up of a series of a interconnected meshes, and each mesh has its place and responsibility in relation to other meshes.
In Gary William Flake, The Computational Beauty of Nature (2000), 383.
Science quotes on:  |  Call (781)  |  Connect (126)  |  Connection (171)  |  Everything (489)  |  Independence (37)  |  Isolation (32)  |  Mesh (3)  |  Other (2233)  |  Responsibility (71)  |  Series (153)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Think (1122)  |  Tie (42)  |  Web Of Life (9)  |  World (1850)

Bradley is one of the few basketball players who have ever been appreciatively cheered by a disinterested away-from-home crowd while warming up. This curious event occurred last March, just before Princeton eliminated the Virginia Military Institute, the year’s Southern Conference champion, from the NCAA championships. The game was played in Philadelphia and was the last of a tripleheader. The people there were worn out, because most of them were emotionally committed to either Villanova or Temple-two local teams that had just been involved in enervating battles with Providence and Connecticut, respectively, scrambling for a chance at the rest of the country. A group of Princeton players shooting basketballs miscellaneously in preparation for still another game hardly promised to be a high point of the evening, but Bradley, whose routine in the warmup time is a gradual crescendo of activity, is more interesting to watch before a game than most players are in play. In Philadelphia that night, what he did was, for him, anything but unusual. As he does before all games, he began by shooting set shots close to the basket, gradually moving back until he was shooting long sets from 20 feet out, and nearly all of them dropped into the net with an almost mechanical rhythm of accuracy. Then he began a series of expandingly difficult jump shots, and one jumper after another went cleanly through the basket with so few exceptions that the crowd began to murmur. Then he started to perform whirling reverse moves before another cadence of almost steadily accurate jump shots, and the murmur increased. Then he began to sweep hook shots into the air. He moved in a semicircle around the court. First with his right hand, then with his left, he tried seven of these long, graceful shots-the most difficult ones in the orthodoxy of basketball-and ambidextrously made them all. The game had not even begun, but the presumably unimpressible Philadelphians were applauding like an audience at an opera.
A Sense of Where You Are: Bill Bradley at Princeton
Science quotes on:  |  Accuracy (81)  |  Accurate (88)  |  Activity (218)  |  Air (366)  |  Appreciatively (2)  |  Audience (28)  |  Back (395)  |  Basket (8)  |  Basketball (4)  |  Battle (36)  |  Begin (275)  |  Bradley (2)  |  Cadence (2)  |  Champion (6)  |  Championship (2)  |  Chance (244)  |  Cheer (7)  |  Close (77)  |  Commit (43)  |  Conference (18)  |  Country (269)  |  Court (35)  |  Crescendo (3)  |  Crowd (25)  |  Curious (95)  |  Difficult (263)  |  Disinterest (8)  |  Drop (77)  |  Dropped (17)  |  Eliminate (25)  |  Emotionally (3)  |  Event (222)  |  Exception (74)  |  First (1302)  |  Foot (65)  |  Game (104)  |  Graceful (3)  |  Gradual (30)  |  Gradually (102)  |  Group (83)  |  Hand (149)  |  Hardly (19)  |  High (370)  |  Home (184)  |  Hook (7)  |  Increase (225)  |  Institute (8)  |  Interest (416)  |  Interesting (153)  |  Involve (93)  |  Involved (90)  |  Jump (31)  |  Last (425)  |  Leave (138)  |  Local (25)  |  Long (778)  |  March (48)  |  Mechanical (145)  |  Military (45)  |  More (2558)  |  Most (1728)  |  Move (223)  |  Murmur (4)  |  Nearly (137)  |  Night (133)  |  Occur (151)  |  Opera (3)  |  Orthodoxy (11)  |  People (1031)  |  Perform (123)  |  Philadelphia (3)  |  Play (116)  |  Player (9)  |  Point (584)  |  Preparation (60)  |  Presumably (3)  |  Princeton (4)  |  Promise (72)  |  Providence (19)  |  Respectively (13)  |  Rest (287)  |  Reverse (33)  |  Rhythm (21)  |  Right (473)  |  Routine (26)  |  Series (153)  |  Set (400)  |  Shoot (21)  |  Southern (3)  |  Start (237)  |  Steadily (7)  |  Still (614)  |  Sweep (22)  |  Team (17)  |  Temple (45)  |  Through (846)  |  Time (1911)  |  Try (296)  |  Two (936)  |  Unusual (37)  |  Virginia (2)  |  Warm (74)  |  Warming (24)  |  Watch (118)  |  Whirl (10)  |  Worn Out (2)  |  Year (963)

Guide to understanding a net.addict’s day:
Slow day: didn’t have much to do, so spent three hours on usenet.
Busy day: managed to work in three hours of usenet.
Bad day: barely squeezed in three hours of usenet.
Probably originated earlier, but Webmaster found it posted, cited as Anonymous, in the alt.quotations discussion group, at least as early as 2009.
Science quotes on:  |  Addict (4)  |  Bad (185)  |  Barely (5)  |  Busy (32)  |  Do (1905)  |  Guide (107)  |  Hour (192)  |  Manage (26)  |  Slow (108)  |  Spend (97)  |  Spent (85)  |  Squeeze (7)  |  Understand (648)  |  Understanding (527)  |  Work (1402)

He who would lead a Christ-like life is he who is perfectly and absolutely himself. He may be a great poet, or a great man of science, or a young student at the University, or one who watches sheep upon a moor, or a maker of dramas like Shakespeare, or a thinker about God, like Spinoza. or a child who plays in a garden, or a fisherman who throws his nets into the sea. It does not matter what he is as long as he realises the perfection of the soul that is within him.
In 'The Critic As Artist', Oscariana: Epigrams (1907), 27-28
Science quotes on:  |  Absolute (153)  |  Child (333)  |  Christ (17)  |  Drama (24)  |  Dramatist (2)  |  Fisherman (9)  |  Garden (64)  |  God (776)  |  Great (1610)  |  Himself (461)  |  Lead (391)  |  Life (1870)  |  Long (778)  |  Maker (34)  |  Man (2252)  |  Matter (821)  |  Moor (2)  |  Perfection (131)  |  Play (116)  |  Poet (97)  |  Realize (157)  |  Sea (326)  |  Shakespeare (6)  |  Shepherd (6)  |  Soul (235)  |  Spinoza (11)  |  Baruch Spinoza (7)  |  Student (317)  |  Thinker (41)  |  University (130)  |  Young (253)

It is hardly possible to maintain seriously that the evil done by science is not altogether outweighed by the good. For example, if ten million lives were lost in every war, the net effect of science would still have been to increase the average length of life.
In A Mathematician's Apology (1940, 2012), 65.
Science quotes on:  |  Average (89)  |  Effect (414)  |  Evil (122)  |  Good (906)  |  Increase (225)  |  Life (1870)  |  Lifespan (9)  |  Live (650)  |  Maintain (105)  |  Million (124)  |  Possible (560)  |  Still (614)  |  War (233)

Junior high school seemed like a fine idea when we invented it but it turned out to be an invention of the devil. We’re catching our boys in a net in which they’re socially unprepared. We put them in junior high school with girls who are two years ahead of them. There isn’t a thing they should have to do with girls at this age except growl at them.
As quoted in interview with Frances Glennon, 'Student and Teacher of Human Ways', Life (14 Sep 1959), 147.
Science quotes on:  |  Age (509)  |  Ahead (21)  |  Boy (100)  |  Catch (34)  |  Devil (34)  |  Do (1905)  |  Fine (37)  |  Girl (38)  |  Growl (3)  |  High (370)  |  High School (15)  |  Idea (881)  |  Invent (57)  |  Invention (400)  |  Junior (6)  |  School (227)  |  Social (261)  |  Thing (1914)  |  Turn (454)  |  Turn Out (9)  |  Two (936)  |  Unprepared (2)  |  Year (963)

Our current estimates are that in January ’98, there were 30 million computers on the Net, and about 70 million users. I’m projecting somewhere between 100 million and 200 million computers by the end of December 2000, and about 300 million users by that same time.
From interview with Jonathan Yenkin, 'An Internet Pioneer Finds The View Amazing As More Trails Are Cleared', Chicago Tribune (22 Apr 1998)
Science quotes on:  |  2000 (15)  |  Computer (131)  |  Current (122)  |  End (603)  |  Estimate (59)  |  Million (124)  |  Time (1911)  |  User (5)

The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.
In Life and Death in a Coral Sea (1971), 13.
Science quotes on:  |  Cast (69)  |  Forever (111)  |  Hold (96)  |  Sea (326)  |  Spell (9)  |  Wonder (251)

The state must increasingly and earnestly concern itself with the care of the sick and the aged, and above all, the children. … I look forward to the universal establishment of minimum standards of life and labor. … I do not want to see impaired the vigour of competition, but we can do much to mitigate the consequences of failure. We can draw a line below which we will not allow persons to live and labour yet above which they may compete with all the strength of their manhood. We want to have free competition upwards; we decline to allow free competition to run downwards. … We do not want to pull down the structure of science and civilization — but to spread a net over the abyss.
In The People's Rights (1909, 1971), 154-155.
Science quotes on:  |  Abyss (30)  |  Civilization (220)  |  Competition (45)  |  Consequence (220)  |  Failure (176)  |  Labor (200)  |  Manhood (3)  |  Mitigate (5)  |  Society (350)  |  Strength (139)  |  Structure (365)  |  Vigor (12)

We need another, wiser, and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. For the animal shall not be measured by man....They are not underlings. They are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of Earth.
The Outermost House: A Year of Life On The Great Beach of Cape Cod (2003), 24-25.
Science quotes on:  |  Animal (651)  |  Catch (34)  |  Concept (242)  |  Earth (1076)  |  Fellow (88)  |  Life (1870)  |  Man (2252)  |  Measure (241)  |  More (2558)  |  Mystic (23)  |  Mystical (9)  |  Nation (208)  |  Need (320)  |  Other (2233)  |  Ourselves (247)  |  Prisoner (8)  |  Splendor (20)  |  Time (1911)  |  Travail (5)  |  Wisdom (235)  |  Wise (143)

Carl Sagan Thumbnail In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion. (1987) -- Carl Sagan
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