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Albert Einstein
(14 Mar 1879 - 18 Apr 1955)
German-American physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. He was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.
Albert Einstein Quotes on Problem (15 quotes)
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>> Click for 532 Science Quotes by Albert Einstein
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~~[Reinterpretation]~~ The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.
— Albert Einstein
Yet another of the Einstein-like quotes in common circulation for which there appears to be no known source in the given wording. There are also a number of variations on the the theme. It resembles an authentic quote, “A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels,” from a longer discussion, in 'Atomic Education Urged by Einstein', New York Times (25 May 1946), 13. Other reinterpretations, not in exactly Einstein’s wording, include: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” “The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation.” “The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” “The world we have made, as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far, creates problems we cannot solve at the same level of thinking at which we created them.” For more context, see the authentic quote that begins, “Our world faces a crisis as yet unperceived…,” on the Albert Einstein Quotes page on this website.
Clarity about the aims and problems of socialism is of greatest significance in our age of transition. Since, under present circumstances, free and unhindered discussion of these problems has come under a powerful taboo, I consider the foundation of this magazine to be an important public service.
— Albert Einstein
Do not worry about your problems in mathematics. I assure you, my problems with mathematics are much greater than yours.
— Albert Einstein
I do not think words alone will solve humanity’s present problems. The sound of bombs drowns out
men’s voices. In times of peace I have great faith in the communication of ideas among thinking men, but today, with brute force dominating so many millions of lives, I fear that the appeal to
man’s intellect is fast becoming virtually meaningless.
— Albert Einstein
In 'I Am an American' (22 Jun 1940), Einstein Archives 29-092. Excerpted in David E. Rowe and Robert J. Schulmann, Einstein on Politics: His Private Thoughts and Public Stands on Nationalism, Zionism, War, Peace, and the Bomb (2007), 470. It was during a radio broadcast for the Immigration and Naturalization Service, interviewed by a State Department Official. Einstein spoke following an examination on his application for American citizenship in Trenton, New Jersey. The attack on Pearl Harbor and America’s declaration of war on Japan was still over a year in the future.
I sometimes ask myself how it came about that I was the one to develop the theory of relativity. The reason, I think, is that a normal adult never stops to think about the problem of space and time. These are things which he has thought of as a child. But my intellectual development was retarded, as a result of which I began to wonder about space and time only when I had already grown up.
— Albert Einstein
In Ronald W. Clark, Einstein: The Life and Times (1971), 10.
If we consider that part of the theory of relativity which may nowadays in a sense be regarded as bone fide scientific knowledge, we note two aspects which have a major bearing on this theory. The whole development of the theory turns on the question of whether there are physically preferred states of motion in Nature (physical relativity problem). Also, concepts and distinctions are only admissible to the extent that observable facts can be assigned to them without ambiguity (stipulation that concepts and distinctions should have meaning). This postulate, pertaining to epistemology, proves to be of fundamental importance.
— Albert Einstein
'Fundamental ideas and problems of the theory of relativity', Lecture delivered to the Nordic Assembly of Naturalists at Gothenburg, 11 Jul 1923. In Nobel Physics 1901-1921 (1998), 482.
It has often been said, and certainly not without justification, that the man of science is a poor philosopher. Why then should it not be the right thing for the physicist to let the philosopher do the philosophising? Such might indeed be the right thing to do a time when the physicist believes he has at his disposal a rigid system of fundamental laws which are so well that waves of doubt can't reach them; but it cannot be right at a time when the very foundations of physics itself have become problematic as they are now … when experience forces us to seek a newer and more solid foundation.
— Albert Einstein
‘Physics and Reality’, Franklin Institute Journal (Mar 1936). Collected in Out of My Later Years (1950), 58.
It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.
— Albert Einstein
Nevertheless, it is necessary to remember that a planned economy is not yet socialism. A planned economy as such may be accompanied by the complete enslavement of the individual. The achievement of socialism requires the solution of some extremely difficult socio-political problems: how is it possible, in view of the far-reaching centralisation of political and economic power, to prevent bureaucracy from becoming all-powerful and overweening? How can the rights of the individual be protected and therewith a democratic counterweight to the power of bureaucracy be assured?
— Albert Einstein
The formulation of a problem is often more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science.
— Albert Einstein
In Albert Einstein and Léopold Infeld, The Evolution of Physics: The Growth of Ideas from Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta (1938, 1966), 92.
The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know why or how.
— Albert Einstein
Quoted in Forbes (15 Sep 1974). In Larry Chang, Wisdom for the Soul (2006), 179.
The physicist cannot simply surrender to the philosopher the critical contemplation of the theoretical foundations for he himself knows best and feels most surely where the shoe pinches. … he must try to make clear in his own mind just how far the concepts which he uses are justified … The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking. It is for this reason that the critical thinking of the physicist cannot possibly be restricted by the examination of the concepts of his own specific field. He cannot proceed without considering critically a much more difficult problem, the problem of analyzing the nature of everyday thinking.
— Albert Einstein
‘Physics and Reality’, Franklin Institute Journal (Mar 1936). Collected in Out of My Later Years (1950), 59.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one … I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two thirds of the people of the Earth would be killed.
— Albert Einstein
In interview with Raymond Swing, 'Einstein on the Atomic Bomb' Atlantic Monthly, (Nov 1945), 176, No. 5, 43.
The United States is the most powerful technically advanced country in the world to-day. Its influence on the shaping of international relations is absolutely incalculable. But America is a large country and its people have so far not shown much interest in great international problems, among which the problem of disarmament occupies first place today. This must be changed, if only in the essential interests of the Americans. The last war has shown that there are no longer any barriers between the continents and that the destinies of all countries are closely interwoven. The people of this country must realize that they have a great responsibility in the sphere of international politics. The part of passive spectator is unworthy of this country and is bound in the end to lead to disaster all round.
— Albert Einstein
We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
— Albert Einstein
See also:
- 14 Mar - short biography, births, deaths and events on date of Einstein's birth.
- Albert Einstein - Context of “God … integrates empirically” quote - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - Context of “Laws of mathematics refer to reality” quote
- Albert Einstein - Context of “Laws of mathematics refer to reality” quote - with Large image (800 x 600 px).
- Albert Einstein - Context of “God … integrates empirically” quote - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote Mathematics…a product of human thought - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote Mathematics…a product of human thought - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Large color picture of Albert Einstein (850 x 1000 px).
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “Politics is more difficult than physics” - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “Politics is more difficult than physics” - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.” - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.” - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - My Theory - The Times (1919).
- Geometry and Experience - Address by Albert Einstein to the Prussian Academy of Sciences (27 Jan 1921).
- Even Einstein's Little Universe Is Big Enough - New York Times article (2 Feb 1921).
- Albert Einstein - context of quote The Lord God is subtle - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote The Lord God is subtle - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote Imagination is more important than knowledge - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote Imagination is more important than knowledge - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote A theory can be proved by experiment - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote A theory can be proved by experiment - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote That is relativity - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote That is relativity - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “One thing I have learned in a long life” - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote One thing I have learned in a long life - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “Why is the electron negative?” - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “Why is the electron negative?” - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “The formulation of a problem is often far more essential than its solution” - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “The formulation of a problem is often far more essential than its solution” - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “Our exalted technological progress” - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “Our exalted technological progress” - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “There exists a passion for comprehension” - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “There exists a passion for comprehension” - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “An equation is for eternity” - Medium image (500 x 350 px)
- Albert Einstein - context of quote “An equation is for eternity” - Large image (800 x 600 px)
- Subtle Is the Lord: The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein, by Abraham Pais. - book suggestion.
- Booklist for Albert Einstein.